人教版八年级英语上册Unit 9 综合素质评价附答案.docx

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1、人教版八年级英语上册Unit 9综合素质评价限时:120分钟总分值:120分第一局部(听力共30分)L听对话,选答案(共15小题,计20分)第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的 内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10 分)1. A. At eight oclock.B. In August.C. March 13th.2. A. The boys teacher.B. Some of the boys friends.C. The boys grandparents.3. A. Sure, Id love to.B. Ye

2、s, she can.C. No, she cant.4. A. He is nice.B. He has to take the English lesson.C. He will have a birthday party.B. For the vacation.B. Study for a test.B. To the countryside.C. For a month.C. Stay at home.C. To the hospital.5. A. Tomorrow morning.6. A. Go to the zoo.7. A. To his home.8. A. Because

3、 he has the fluB. Because he has to meet his friends.C. Because he has to help his parents.9. A. The day before yesterday.B. Tomorrow.C. The day after tomorrow.10. A. Watch TV.B. Go for a walk.C. Play tennis.第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容,从 所给的问题和三个选项中选出最恰当的一项,每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计10分)听第11段对话,回答第11、12小

4、题。11. When is the birthday party?A. At 7: 30 p. m. next Sunday.C. At 6:30 p. m. next Saturday.B. At 6: 30 p. m. next Sunday.They can to Angelica* house.74. Where does Angelica live, at Pl, P2 or P3?Angelica lives at.75. How will the kids feel at the party on Saturday?They will feel at the party on S

5、aturday.VIII.补全对话(共5小题,计5分)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个恰当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 【2021宝鸡一中期末】A: Hi, Lily!76 ?B: I am planning to have a birthday party.77 ?A: Sure, rd love to.78 ?B: At seven oclock on Sunday evening.A: Well, I have to study for my English test. It is on next Monday morning. You know, I am not good at

6、 English. So I have to prepare for it.C: I have a good idea.A: Really? Can you help me?B: Yes. English is my favorite subject and I am good at it.79 .A: That would be nice. Then I can go to your party on Sunday evening. Thank you very much.B:80 . See you then.A: See you!IX.书面表达(共1题,计15分)Mike邀请Jenny下

7、周到他家共进晚餐,但Jenny下周日程已排满,不能前往。请 你根据表格信息以Jenny的口吻回信婉拒,并表示谢意。不少于70词。Sun.Dinner with my cousin and uncleMon.ClassTue.Join the jazz club with AliceWed.Need to work lateThur.Need to work lateFri.Office partySat.Party at Amys homeUnit 9综合素质评价听力材料.听对话,选答案第一节:听下面io段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的 内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项

8、中选出最恰当的一项。1. W: Wendys birthday is on March 16th . Whats the date today?M:Ifs March 13th.Q:Whafs the date today?2. M: I want to have a surprise party for my best friend Cindy.And some of my friends will come,too.W:That sounds great.Q:Who will come to the surprise party?3. M: Today is Halloween.Can y

9、ou come to my house to celebrate it with me tonight, Alice?W:Td love to, Matt. But I have to take the piano lesson tonight.Q:Can Alice come over to Matts house this evening?4. M: Im sorry, Lily. I have to take my English lesson this Saturday, so I cant go to the museum with you.W:What a pity!Q:Why c

10、ant the boy go to the museum?5. W:My train to Nanjing is leaving tomorrow morning.M:Well, have a nice trip!Q:When is the woman leaving for Nanjing?6. W: Mike, can you go to the zoo this Sunday morning?M: Sorry, I have to stay at school and study for my English test.Q:What is Mike going to do this Su

11、nday morning?7. W: Are you available tomorrow, Bob?M: No, my grandpa is ill. I am going to look after him in the hospital.Q:Where is Bob going tomorrow?8. W: Can you go to the park with us tomorrow, Tony?M: I am sorry I cant. I have the flu.Q:Why cant Tony go to the park?9. W: Do you want to come to

12、 my party the day after tomorrow?M: Yes, Td love to.Q:When is the party?10. M: Hi, Jenny. Ifs bad for your eyes to watch TV for a long time. How about taking a walk?W: Oh, no. Lets play tennis instead.M: All right.Q:What are they going to do?第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容,从 所给的问题和三个选项中选出最恰当的一项,每段

13、对话读两遍。听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。W: Hi, Jack! Can you come to my birthday party?M: Yes, rd love to. When is your birthday party?W: Next Sunday. The party will begin at half past six in the evening.M: Fm sorry I cant. I have a piano lesson.W: Oh, what a pity! Maybe next time.听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。M: Can you com

14、e to Tinas party, Lily?W: Yes, Id love to. When is the party?M: At eight oclock on Saturday evening.W: Well, I have to study for my math test.M: Study on Saturday evening?W: Yeah. Im not good at math, you know. I want to get a good grade.M: Well, cant you study on Sunday?W: Oh, I have to visit my gr

15、andparents on Sunday. My grandmother has the flu.n.听独白,填信息此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成 以下各题。(每空限填一个单词)Dear Simon,Thank you fbr your invitation to visit your home next week. Im sorry, but Im not available. I will have a really busy week.On Monday, I will have to finish my science project. Then

16、 Im going fishing with my grandpa. On Tuesday, I will have to attend the culture club. On Wednesday, I will have to go to the dentist. On Thursday, Im going to watch a basketball match. On Friday, I will have to go to the mall with my mom. On Saturday, I will have to babysit my brother.Yours,PeterI

17、. 1-5 CBCBA6-10 BCACC11-15BABAC16. visit his home 17. finish his science18. culture club 19. Wednesdaygo to the mallIII.第一节:【主旨大意】本文介绍了作者为了举行聚会,自己做了很多事,虽然感到累,但 是非常高兴。20. B提示:句意为“我告诉我的母亲她不必为我做任何事。something某事; anything任何事;nothing没什么;everything 一切。此处是否认句,故用 anything,应选B。21. C提示:句意为“我的朋友简想要帮助我,但是她帮不了。so

18、所以;although 尽管;but但是;because因为。前后表示转折关系,故用连词but,应选C。22. C提示:句意为“我努力让这次聚会成为一个很好的聚会。a/an 一个,表泛 指;the表特指;/为零冠词。此处代指前文的聚会,故用定冠词the,应选C。23. A提示:句意为“昨天我给朋友寄了请柬”。根据“sent”可知,此处是一般过去时,表示昨天,应选A。24. C提示:句意为“我将要在超市里买一些食物,饮料和一些水果。be going to do sth.将要做某事,应选C。25. D提示:句意为“在去之前,我将要列一个购物单”。根据“make a shopping list”可知

19、,列购物单,应是在去超市购物之前,应选D。26. C提示:根据“I need to do so many things”可知,作者需要做太多的事,因此 没有时间看电影,修饰名词time,用no,应选C。27. A提示:句意为“聚会将在明天晚上8点开始”。表示在几点钟,用介词at,故 选A。28. A提示:句意为“我非常累,但是我感觉非常高兴”。根据前文的“I need to do so many things”可知,作者需要做很多事,因此作者感到累,应选A。29. B 提示:go swimming 去游泳;go to bed 去睡觉;go out for a walk 出去散步; go sho

20、pping去购物。根据I am very sleepy”可知,作者非常困倦,因此想要 去睡觉,应选B。必H-第一P:【主旨大意】本文是说明文,作者就如何举办一个成功的家庭聚会提出了建议: 准备足够的受欢迎的食物;玩一些有趣的游戏;放松,享受派对。30. C提示:句意为“但是大多数家庭聚会都失败了,因为它们没有被计划周全”。 根据句意可知,空前空后在句意上是因果关系,用because引导原因状语从 句,应选C。31. B提示:句意为“举行一次盛大的聚会足够的食物是必要的。delicious美味 的; necessary必要的;terrible可怕的;traditional传统的。根据本段内容及该

21、 句句意可知选B。32. A提示:句意为“然而,你需要考虑你的客人。guests客人;cooks厨师; hobbies爱好;jobs工作。根据下文并结合常识可知选A。33. D提示:句意为“如果你打算让孩子们参加派对,一定要准备一些符合孩子 口味的食物accept接受;invite邀请;refuse拒绝;prepare准备。根据句意 可知选D。34. A提示:句意为“三明治和面包通常很受孩子们的欢迎“。popular受欢迎的;possible可能的;similar相似的;comfortable舒服的。根据上文及句意可知 选A。35. B提示:句意为“在外面放一张桌子,上面放些零食”。结合语境可

22、知此处应用 with,表示伴随。应选B。36. D 提示:根据下文“This is important if you have guests who dont know each other”可知,该游戏是为了让互不了解的客人交流。应选D。37. A提示:句意为“如果你的客人彼此不太了解,这一点很重要二结合语境可 知,此处用“know.well”表示让客人互相了解。应选A。38. C提示:句意为“成功的派对可能有瑕疵”。succeed成功,动词;success成功, 名词;successful成功的,形容词;successfully成功地,副词。分析句子成分 可知,此处应填形容词作定语修饰名词

23、party,应选C。39. B提示:句意为“放松并尽情地玩”。catch赶上;enjoy享受;show展示; discuss讨论。句意上是顺承关系,enjoy yoursef尽情地玩”符合句意。应选B。IV.第一节:A【主旨大意】本文是Dave写给Jane的一封信,邀请Jane来参加Dave奶奶的 六十大寿。40. D 提示:细节理解题。根据“At around eight oclock, we are starting our dinner.” 可知,大约八点开始晚餐。应选D。41. D 提示:推理判断题。can talk and laugh during the dinner. And t

24、hen we are taking some photos together.”可知,晚餐后照相。应选D。42. B 提示:词句猜想题。根据“I know youre always busy these days”可知,but 前 表示Jane最近很忙,but后表示Dave还是希望Jane能准时参加,应选B。B【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述英国的做客礼仪,特别讲到了哪些 是礼貌的和哪些是不礼貌的礼仪。43. A 提示:细节理解题。根据You should not be sad . doesnt mean they dont like you!”可知,你的英国朋友不邀请你到他们家,并不意

25、味着他们不喜欢 你!应选A。44. A 提示:细节理解题。根据But rememberits not polite to ask how much things cost.”可知,问东西多少钱是不礼貌的。应选A。45. A 提示:细节理解题。根据“Dinner parties usually . the hosts(主人)what time you should arrive.可知,当你被邀请参加聚会时,你最好问一下到达时间。故 选A。C【主旨大意】这篇短文主要讲述了西方人邀请做客时的一些考前须知。46. C提示:标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍西方国家的邀请做客的 事情。应选C。47.

26、 B 提示:细节理解题。根据文中“When you hear Westerners say . wise to telephone before visiting someone.”可知,西方人欢迎你去拜访他们,但你仍 然需要在去他们家之前给他们打 。应选B。48. D 提示:细节理解题。根据文中“When you have . bring small gifts with you, such as bottles of drink, flowers and some others.“可知,去别人家带一些小礼 物是礼貌的。应选D。49. B 提示:词句猜想题。根据下文“which means

27、each person pays his own 可知,个人要付自己的账单,“go Dutch”的意思是“实行AA制”。应选B。小H-第一P:【主旨大意】这篇短文主要讲述人们对快乐的理解。指出快乐不在于贫穷或富有, 而在于人的心理感觉。如果把握住每一次机会,你就会成为一个快乐且幸运 的人。50. C提示:“and so on”是列举事例,故答案为C。51. A提示:结合语境可知,在遇到困难时能得到朋友的帮助,是一件幸福的事 情,答案为A。52. D 提示:“All of these are your happiness. If you notice them, you can see that

28、 happiness is always around you.”是对幸福与快乐的总结。因此结合语境,答案 为D。53. G 提示:根据“because you have more chances to challenge yourself,”可知遇至lj 困难时也要开心,因为你有更多的机会挑战自己。故答案为G。54. B 提示:根据“As the saying goes, life is like a revolving (旋转的)door. When it closes, it also opens.”可知只要抓住生活中的每一个机会,就可以成为一个幸 运且快乐的人,也是对本文的总结,故答案

29、为B。V. 56. wont; until 57. turn down58. heard from 59. take a trip60. look after yourself/take care of yourself; keep healthy/keep fitVI.【主旨大意】本文主要讲述了作者13岁的生日马上就要到了,作者打算在这 个周六的下午举办一个小型的聚会,并邀请了一些朋友。有3位朋友不能来, 作者分别说明了原因。作者和妈妈为了这次聚会,将会做一些准备工作。61. birthday提示:句意为“我的13岁生日很快就要来了。序数词thirteenth(第十 三)后跟名词,且结合语境

30、可知,填birthday。62. before提示:the day before yesterday意为“前天”,为固定表达。故此处为 before。63. countryside提示:in the countryside意为“在乡村”,为固定短语。故此处为 countryside ountil提示:not.untiL.意为“直到才”,为固定搭配。故此处为until。64. prepare提示:prepare for意为为做准备”,为固定搭配;have to意为“不得不”,其后跟动词原形。故此处为prepare。65. lose提示:句意为“那是他最喜欢的运动,而且他不想输掉这次比赛”。结合句

31、 意及want to do sth.可知,故填lose。66. from提示:句意为“Judy可能必须接两个来自成都的朋友”。结合句意可知, 应选介词from,表示“来自成都”。67. interesting提示:句意为“她将领他们去一些有趣的地方”。修饰places用形 容词,且结合语境可知,填interesting。68. shopping提示:句意为“明天我们将去购物,买我们需要的东西”。由“and”后 面的“buy the things”可推知,将会去购物,go shopping,固定搭配。故填 shoppingoseeing提示:句意为“我盼望在聚会上看到我的朋友“。结合语境可知,用

32、动词 see的适当形式;look forward to意为“期待”,后跟动词的-ing形式,故填 seeing oVIL【主旨大意】本文是一封Angelica写给朋友参加乔迁派对的邀请信,信里附 上了一张如何到她新房子的地图,并且具体说明了家庭地址。69. give a party at her new houseat 11:00 a.m. on Saturday 73. take a train74. Pl 75. happyVIII. 76. What are you doing77. Would you love/like to come to my birthday partyWhen

33、 will it start79.1 can help you with your English80. You are welcomeIX.范文:Dear Mike,Thank you very much for your invitation. Id love to, but I am not available. On Sunday, I will have dinner with my cousin and uncle. I have classes on Monday. On Tuesday Im going to join the jazz club with Alice. On

34、Wednesday and Thursday I need to work late. We are going to have an office party on Friday. And Amy has asked me to go to her party at her home on Saturday. So Im sorry I cant have dinner with you.Yours,Jenny12. What is Jack going to do next Sunday?B. Have an English class.A. Have a piano lesson.C.

35、Buy a birthday cake.听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。13. When is Tinas party?A. At 8:00 on Saturday morning.B. At 8:00 on Saturday evening.C. At 8:15 on Sunday morning.14. What subject is Lily going to study?A. Math.B. History.C. Science.15. Who has the flu?A. Lily.B. Lilys mother.C. Lilys grandmother.II.听独白,填信息(

36、共5小题,计10分)此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成 以下各题。(每空限填一个单词)16. Simon invited Peter to.17. Peter will have to project on Monday.18. Peter will have to attend the on Tuesday.19. Peter will have to go to the dentist on.20. Peter will have towith his motheron Friday.第二局部(笔试共90分)III.完形填空(共20小题,计20分)第一节

37、:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从所给的 四个选项中选出一个最正确答案,使短文连贯完整。I am going to have a party tomorrow night I tell my mother that she neednt doI sent invitations to my friends 24. Now I am thinking about what I need to do tomorrow. Yes! I have to clean the room and do some shopping. I am going25 some food, dr

38、inks and some fruit in the supermarket. I am going to make a shopping list 26 I go. I also have to decorate (装t市)the room. I need to do so many things, so I have 27 time to see a movie.The party will begin 28 8:00 p. m. tomorrow. We will have fun at theparty. I am very30*21. A. something22. A. so23.

39、 A. a24. A. yesterdayC. tomorrow morning25. A. buy26. A. after27. A. a little28. A. at29. A. tired30. A. go swimmingC. go out for a walkparty. I am very30*31. A. something32. A. so33. A. a34. A. yesterdayC. tomorrow morning35. A. buy36. A. after37. A. a little38. A. at39. A. tired40. A. go swimmingC

40、. go out for a walk29 but I feel very happy. I am very sleepy and I really want toB. anythingB. althoughB. anB. buysB. whenB. notB. inB. interestedC. nothingC. butC. theB. tomorrowD. everythingD. becauseD./D. the day after tomorrowC. to buyC. howC. noC. onC. excitedB. go to bedD. go shoppingD. buyin

41、gD. beforeD. muchD. withD. angry第二节:阅读下面短文,理解大意,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最正确答案,使 短文连贯完整。A great family party is a fantastic way to have fun with those you love. But most family parties fail(失败)31 they are not planned enough. So, what can you do to make your family party a great success?Enough food is 32 to have

42、 a great party. However, you need to thinkabout your 33 . If you plan to have kids join the party, make sure youPrepare some snacks(点心).People like to have snacks such as cakes, cookies and popcorn after the meal. Put a table outside 36 snacks on it.Have some fun games. You can plan group games that

43、 will make people 37 one another. This is important if you have guests who dont know each other 38. Some fun outdoor group games are volleyball and tennis.A 39 party can have flaws (瑕疵).They help it to be a great event. Relaxand 40 yourself. If you have enough food and fun games, your party will be

44、asuccess!31. A. until32. A. delicious33. A. guests34. A. accept35. A. popular36. A. of37. A. wait for38. A. well39. A. succeed40. A. catchIV.阅读理解(共15B. howeverB. necessaryB.cooksB. inviteB. possibleB. withB. look forB. clearlyB. successB. enjoy 小题,计20分)C. becauseC. terribleC. hobbiesC. refuseC. simi

45、larC. fromC. agree withC. carefullyC. successfulC. showD. althoughD. traditionalD. jobsD. prepareD. comfortableD. forD. talk toD. loudlyD. successfullyD. discuss第一节:阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题 或完成所给句子的一个最正确答案。(共10小题,计15分)ADear Jane,I am going to have a dinner party at Garden Restaurant on Decem

46、ber 3rd to celebrate my grandmothers 60-year-old birthday. It is a great thing for our family, and as you are a good friend of ours, my parents and I hope you can come.The party is starting at half past six in the evening. There is a small concert. A band(乐队)is performing(表演)some popular and classic

47、al(古典的)songs at first. Then two 11 -year-old boys are having a talent show. Theyre playing a special kind of dance. At around eight oclock, we are starting our dinner. We can talk and laugh during the dinner. And then we are taking some photos together. Every friend can get a red hat before leaving.I know youre always busy these days, but I hope you can make it.Yours,Dave41. The dinner is starting at around.A. 6:00B.6:30C. 7:00D.8:00They are taking p


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