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《考研英语常用词组大全4249个(详细版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《考研英语常用词组大全4249个(详细版).docx(82页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、英语常用词组4249个(详细版)一局部焦点 歹j (顾会任、义务等)抛弃,离弃不得已而放弃放弃义务,信念,责任一局部焦点 歹j (顾会任、义务等)抛弃,离弃不得已而放弃放弃义务,信念,责任1. a fraction ofa matter of concern2. a series ofabandon sb to sth3. abandon sth to sb辨析abandon:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);stop:停止某行为give up doing:放弃做某种行为有能力做某事 尽其所能有能力做某事 尽其所能4. ability to do sth (注:不力口 of doing)to t

2、he best of one s ability辨析ability:具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth (注:不加of doing) capability:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/也可加of doing) 8. be able to do sth能够 辨析able:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth) can:表示本身具有的一般能力capable:(用法:capable of doing)9. be about to do when-abound with/in10. above all

3、的11. be absent fromabsence of mind12. absent oneself from sthabsolve sb from13. be absorbed in近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt打算富于、充满近义词:especially尤其是,最重要缺席近义词:being absent-minded心不在焉不在赦免某人全神贯注于n;be concentrated on ; be focused on;be centeredon17. abstain from避开(免)18.be abundant in富于,富有近义词:be

4、rich in;be well supplied with19. abundant in富于20.accept21.accept22.accept23.accesssthsb into sth/ accept sb as sth that to同意某事接纳某人相信/认为(不可数名词)能接近,进入辨析 _accept:表示主观意愿receive:表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth)24. by accident偶然辨析accident通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。incident通常指大事件中较小的事件,小插曲或人生中所碰到

5、的虽小但留下较深印象的平 凡事件。它还用来指政治上具有一定影响的事态,如战争,叛乱25. without accident平安地between:用于两者之间或两者以上的之间 用)among;用于三者或三者以上57 .beyond one, s ability.beyond question58 .bid on/for sth.bid to do59 .bid sb sth =bid sth to sb.at birth60 .by birth.give birth to61 .be to blame for. blame sth on sb = blame sb for sth62 .blaz

6、e with sthin blossom69. be in blossomcome into blossom70. blow awayblow down71. blow off气等放掉72. blow over(用法:between应与and连用,不与or连超越某人的能力毫无疑问对出价企图做向某人问候在出生时在出生上,论出身,按血统出生应负责任把归咎于某人燃烧;闪耀着;激发开花(指树木)开花(强调状态)开花(强调动作)刮走,吹走(风)吹倒吹掉;将热水、蒸75 . boast of/about.boil over(风) 吹嘘发怒、激动借 了 人 完定往某 订注开向为烦扰为做某事操心、烦恼逃走;断

7、裂77. book upbe bound to78. bound forborrow sth from sb79. bother about sbbother about doing sth /to do sth重点词组break away80. break away from例如:He broke away from all his old friends.断绝来往She should break away from such habi ts.改掉(习惯)break down例如:With our plans broken down, The peace talks have broken

8、down.(计划/谈判)失 败Her health broke down under the pressure of work.(身体健康)垮掉了 Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substance.分解.The telephone system has broken down.(机器或车辆)出故障break in训练;破门而入;插嘴;开始使用break into 强行进入;突然发出或开始81. break off sth with sb,中断;突然停止讲话break out(战争、火灾等)爆发82. break th

9、rough突破break up例如:After midnight, the party broke up.散会She broke up the candy and give each child a small piece.分开91. break up with和某人分手92.hold one,s breath93.out of breath94 . breathe in.breathe out96.in brief重点词组屏住呼吸 上气不接下气 呼入 呼出 简言之97. bring about例如:He brought about a quarrel between his parents.

10、引起She msde every effort to bring about a peaceful solution to the problems.实现bring along98. bring back(风)刮倒99. bring sb back tobring down捎来归还;使想起;恢复;把带回;使某人恢复到例如:Electricity lines were brought down by falling trees or brabches.使倒下 bring down prices.降低价格102. bring forth生产,产生103. bring forward例如:Pleas

11、e bring forward the matter at the next meeting.提出,意见 They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday.提前104. bring inbring off105. bring on端上(食物)赚取;吸引使成功;完成使长得更好;引起(火灾或疾病);bring107. bringbring108. bring 例如:She Shebuild109. buildout through toup解释清明;出版(书、唱片等) 救活,使渡过难关使恢复知觉was born in TaiWan but b

12、rought up in Japan.抚养was so ill that she brought up everything that she ate at noon. 呕吐onup113.in bulk114 . burn down.burn off115 .burn out 出故障;耗尽体力.burn up116 .burst into.burst on/upon117 .burst out.bury in sth依赖、依靠;把建立于加大;增强(体质);建立,开发成批地,不散装的(火势)减弱;(被)焚毁烧掉烧尽,熄灭;(因过热或使用过多)on122. be 事bebusinessbusy

13、with sthbusy doing sth.but for125 .but then/again. last but not least126 . buy sb sth =buy sth for sb被烧毁;发烧;(火)烧得更旺;激怒闯入;突然发作突然来到突然起来专心致志于某事;隐居出差忙于某忙于做某事要不是然而,另一方面最后一点但也是最重要的一点 给某人买某物偶然通过航空途径 尽一切方法,务必 不久,迟早 总体来说 偶然 最,得多 用手,用体力 单独地 依靠 错误地,无意地 决不 单独地 由于 顺便说说 借助,由于.by accident129 .by air.by all means13

14、0 .by and by.by and large131 . by chance.by far132 .by hand.by itself133 .by means of.by mistake134 . by no means. by oneself135 . by reason of. by the way136 . by virtue of145. by way of经由,通过方法补充笔记(自己整理)calculate on/upon 重点词组1. call after指望,期待着3. call at以命名拜访(某地)例如:I formed the habi t of calling in

15、 on him/calling in at his office in the afternoon. 顺便来访call away叫走4. call back回 ;收回(说错的话)call for例如:The trouble calls for quick action by the government.要求I will call for you at five o clock.来找(某人)We called for the packages at the post off ice .来取(某物)call in例如:Your father is ill. You should call in

16、a doctor at once.找来(医生)The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads. 召集call off取消;把(狗)叫开(不让它咬人);例如:They ve called off the game because of the thick fog.取消call on拜访(某人);号召例如:I formed the habi t of calling in on him/calling in at his office in the afternoon.顺便来访call o

17、ut5. call out to sbcall up 给a campaign against6. a campaign forbe capable of doing7. be capable of being + 过去分词be care about8. be care forin the care of sb/in one s care 20.take care 21.take care of22 . care nothing about.be careful about/with23 . can t be too careful.can but do24 . can not but do.

18、can nottoo25 .can only do.be capable of26 .be capable for.capitalize on 重点词组 32. care about例如:He cared about money.喜欢下令罢工;要求某人出动叫喊某人近义词:remind of使人回忆起;打反对的运动赞成的运动能够是能够被的关心喜欢由照顾小心;走好负责,处理;照顾对漠不关心;对毫不介意对小心在小心也不过分只能罢了不得不越越好只能有能力做有资格做利用about his students.关心 33. care 34. care 35. take 36. takeforofcareca

19、re ofThe professor said that he was interested only in research;he didn t care照顾关心;喜欢;烦劳转交(某物)保重;留神照顾重点词组 37. carry away运走;变得很激动;一般用被动态使着迷,失去理智;(风暴)刮断水冲走;赢得(奖品)使颜倒carry back38. carry forwardcarry off使回忆起;拿回推进;白吸扬抢走42. carry out43. carry through44. in case45. in case of 万一46. in the case of47.in any

20、case48.in no case49.in that case50. in any case cost 无论carry on例如:He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation.进行One person should carry on where the other had left off.继续进行下去开展;实现;贯彻;进行到底例如was chosen to carry out our experiment.进行He didn t carry out his promise to us.履行顺利实现;帮助渡难关近义词:for

21、fear that以防万一近义词:in the event of 如果发生就而言,至于无论如何决不,在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)假如那样的话,既然那样近义词:at any rate, at any price, at any如何51. cast about forcast away52. cast downcast off55.catch attention.catch at56 .catch on.catch sb57 .catch sb.catch upoutred-handed with61. catch a chance62. catch a cold寻觅,想方设法丢掉、抛弃使沮丧

22、抛弃;使自由引起注意抓住;渴望取得受欢迎,流行起来;理解;勾住,绊倒使突陷困境;抓住某人的短处当场抓住,现场捕获追上;赶上;碰上抓住机会感冒63 . be caught in被困于辨析catch:通过侦察、追踪等,以突然袭击的方式把某人或某物“抓获”grasp:掌握seize:突然而有力地抓住,也可指“抓住”时间、机会等抽象的事物64 . have caution sb against doing sth.cause sb to do65 .cause sb sth.be cautious about/of66 . cease from doing sth.center one s atten

23、tion on意力集中在上.be certain of/about67 .be certain to.for a certain reason68 .for certain警告某人不要做某事使某人做某事给某人带来谨防停止做某事近义词:focus one s attention on 把注近义词:be sure of 确信必然,一定由于某种原因确定的是74 . for certain of75 . make certain of (doing) sth76 . make certain that-77 .centreon/upon78 .chair a meeting79 .challenge

24、sb to sth80 . accept one t challenge to do sth81 .chance doing82 .chance to dosb of sth in out of outupup onup withsth from sb into outupup on.by chance83 . on chance.take a chance84 . give sb/sth half a chance. change*for*85 .changeinto.change hands86 . change ones mind to do.for a change87 .charge

25、 sb for sth.charge sb with sth88 . charge sth upon sb.on the charge of89 .in charge ofin the charge of97. take charge ofchat with sb about sth98. cheatcheat99. cheatcheck100. checkcheck101. checkchew over/pon102. have on choice but to dochoose to do103. choose*efrom/mong/ut ofchoose between-and104.

26、claimclash105. cleanclean106. clean 重点词组近义词:for sure肯定地确保做某事弄清楚,弄明白 (把)集中于 主持会议向某人提出对某事的挑战 接受某人的挑战去做某事 冒险做碰巧做 碰巧 不可能 冒险 给一些机会 用代替 把变成 换主人;转手 改变主意换换环境(花样等)为某事向某人索要(费用) 控告某人做了某事 把归咎于某人 对某人的控告由主管 被主管 照管,掌管 g某i关于某事进行聊天 骗取某人的 登记,报到;托运结账离开;查证,核实;查看 查明;结账检查查证,核实 与相符合 深思,细想 除了做,别无选择 选择做从中挑选 在中挑选 要求某人 猛撞在 (把

27、)清扫干净、清除出去 (把)收拾整洁,清扫干净 击败,胜过107. clear away例如:The waitress will clear away these dishes in a moment.收走How can we clear away these doubts?清除clear of没有,不接触108. clear off离开,走开;逃离;清除;摆脱烦恼109. clear up(天)放晴;整理12L make it clear thatclever at122. climb downclose down123. close inclose on124. close toclose

28、 with125. close your mind to sthcome close126. cohere withcombinewith重点词组come about127. come acrosscome along128. come atcome back129. come bycome close130. come downcome down in131. come down on (for)come down to132. come down withcome from133. come income in contact with134. come in forcome into13

29、5. come into beingcome into power136. come off展137. come on得了吧138. come on tocome out开花(污渍)洗come out first139. come out ofcome out with140. come over .拜访come short of141. come throughcome to142. come to oneselfcome to an end143. come true说明善于最从爬下;退让,服输、屈服工厂倒闭;(电台)停止播音包围,迫近接近接近;在很近处靠近;接受对拒不考虑差不多连贯、符合

30、把与结合发生;造成(偶然)碰至U;理解快点,快点说;一起来袭击;到达、得到回来;顶嘴短暂的拜访;努力获得差不多坍塌;降落,下降;着陆降下;败落,没落(为)向某人索要流传到捐多少钱来自进来;取得名次与取得联系接受遗产等;受到处分等开始(活动)开始存在开始执政脱落;脱开;结果是;别离;进登台,出场;改进,改善;加油;开始出版;(消息)传开;考第名;掉或颜色被洗褪色获得第一由产生,是结果发表、公布;说出、提出占据;发生;从远处过来;顺便缺乏经历困难等;经历而活着渐渐地;总计;谈及(昏迷后)苏醒结束(梦想)实现come under144. come upcome145. comecomeup up u

31、pagainst to with找到僧衰give comfort to146. take comfort inin command of147. take command of176 mand177 mend178 mend179 ment176 mand177 mend178 mend179 ment148. under command of sb to do sth sth to sb . sb upon his+n oncommit sb for180. commit oneself to183. in184. in 辨析185. in186. in 辨析commoncommon wit

32、h181. commit sb to prison common ordinary usualcommunicate sth to sb185. communicate with sb bykeep company with186. comparecompare within187. compensate sb for*complain of/about188. complain to sb of sthcompliment sb on his + 名词189. in company with sb/sthkeep sb company重点词组compare to 编入;受到支配发足被提及;举

33、行;走过来;(太阳)升起;(植物)长出地面碰到困难、反对等到达;符合(愿望)赶上;提出(意见);拿出一笔钱;抚慰以自慰指挥;控制指挥;控制在指挥下命令某人做某事把交托给某人表扬某人的评论把某人押交使自己承当把某人送进监狱;共同与样把通知给某人 用和某人通讯 和要好 把和比拟 在和相比拟 因为向某人赔偿 抱怨;抗议 向某人控诉 夸奖某人的 与起;与同时陪伴把比作例如:Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.把比作,190. comparewith例如:Compared to/wi th many girl, she indeed191. compare

34、 notes with sbby comparison192. in comparison withcompete against/with sb for sth193. be competent at/in/to docomplain about/of194. complain to sb about sthcomply with195. compromise with sb on sthconceal sth from sb196. concede to sbconceive of把与作比拟very fortunate.和相比与某人交换意见比拟起来近义词:in contrast to 和比

35、起来与某人为了某物而竞争能够做抱怨;控告向某人抱怨;遵守,依从在和某人妥协对某人隐瞒对某人让步近义词:think of想象,设想210. concentrate on sth211. concur with sb 212. show/express concern about/for213. have concern with214. with concern215. as far as be concerned216. condemn sb to217. at the conclusion of218. in condition219. in good (bad) condition220.

36、 on condition221. on condition that =only if 扩展:in that = because 因为;now that = since 既然 for all that = although 尽管222. out of condition223. under condition224. under on condition225. condemn sb to226. conduct to227. confer sth on/upon sb228. confer with sb on/about sth229. confess to (a crime)230.

37、confide sth to sb231. confide in232. in confidence233. with confidence234. have confidence in235. confidence in236. be confident of237. confineto238. confirm sb in239. confirm sb in his + 名词240. conflict with241. conform to遵by242. confoundwith243. be confronted with244. congratulate sb on sth245. co

38、nnect with246. in connection with247. be conscious of248. consent to249. in consequence250. in consequence of251. consequent on252. consider + 名词/doing/wh- to do253. consider* (to be/as)(注意力)集中在 同意某人的 对表示担忧 与有关 关切着 就而言 判某人刑罚 当结束时 最后一点处于良好(坏)状态 在条件下,倘假设 如果(身体)状态不好处于状态下决不判决道路通向授予某人称号、学位等与某人协商成认(罪行)向某人

39、吐露信任,对讲真心话推心置腹地满怀信心地对有信心对的信赖有信心把限制在某范围内使某人更坚定(信念等)(在信念等方面)使更坚定与斗争近义词:be in agreement with, comply with 符合,守;服从;comply with 照办;keep to 遵循;aside服从;stick to按做使与混淆面临为某事祝贺某人与相连、连接、衔接近义词:with regard to 关于近义词:be aware of 发觉到容许因此、结果由于的缘故随之而来仔细考虑将视为256.consist257.consist258.consult259.consultallallany costco

40、sts cost of costthe cost of297.count298.count299. count300. count301. countconsiderate towards254. consign inofsb about sth with sbcontemporary with260. content withcontrary to261. contrast withcontribute to/towards262. count downcount on263. contrary to反264. on the contraryto the contrary265. contr

41、astwith.in contrast to/with272 .by contrast.contribute to doing sth273 . make contribution to.beyond control274 . have/hold the control of.keep control of275 .lost control of.out of control of280. under the control ofat one s convenience281. It is convenient for sb to do.convert sth into sth283 . co

42、nvey sth to sb.convict sb of284 .convince sb of.cooperate with sb285 .cope with.correlate to/with286 .correspond with.correspond to287 . at. at288 . at. at289 . atdown fromto on/upon up to the day302 .counter to.be course of体谅,体贴把委托给、交付给存在于由构成向某人咨询某事同某人商量与同时代满足于违反使与对照对起作用倒计时依靠近义词:in opposition to .与

43、相与此相反相反的把与相对(对照)和形成比照比照之下贡献;投稿;在中起一定作用贡献无法控制控制着控制着失去控制失去控制在控制之下在方便的时间或地点方便做把转换成向某人传达感情等宣判某人有罪使某人确信与某人合作妥善处理使相互关联通信;符合相当于不惜任何代价以牺牲某物为代价无论如何,在任何情况下按本钱价来算以为代价倒计时从数到依赖,指望,确信共计期待与相反在过程中actual:真的,强调事实上已经发生或存在,而不是理论上可发生或存在real:真的,真正的,指客观上存在,并非想象和虚拟,与“无”相对,反义词为unreal true:真实的,强调事实的实际情况相符,与“假”相对,反义词为false56.

44、 adapt to.近义词:adjust oneself to .适应于57. adapt from改编自(剧本)辨析accommodate sb with26. accommodate oneself toof one s own accord29. in accord with致.30.out of one s accord with31. with one accord32. in accordance with33.account for34.on one s own account35.on account36.on account of37.on no account38. of accounttakeinto account/consider39. give sb an


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