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《广东省广州市天河区2022年中考英语一模试题含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省广州市天河区2022年中考英语一模试题含解析.docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年广东省广州市天河区中考一模英语试题英语(本试卷共四大题,8页,总分值90分,考试时间为100分钟)考前须知:1 .答卷前,考生必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答题卡相的位置上。2 .选择题每题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干 净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上。3 .非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔或涂改液。不按以 上要求作答的答案无效。4 .考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。一、语法选择(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,按照句

2、子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出 最正确选项。Once upon a time, there lived a tricky fox. He used to speak to 1 animals sweetly and gain their trust before playing tricks on them.One day the fox met 2 easy-going stork on his way home. He acted 3 her good friend. He wanted to play a trick on the stork,

3、 so he asked her to have dinner with him later. The stork accepted the invitation 4 .The day of the dinner came, and the stork went to the fox s house with 5 , She thought it was a delicious feast. But to her surprise, there 6 only some soup in a plate! Come and have a taste! 7 took me the whole aft

4、ernoon to cook the soup “ The fox smiled. Because of her long beak, the stork had difficulty having the soup. But the fox licked the soup up in no time. After finishing the dinner, the fox asked the stork, “Does it taste 8 ?”The hungry stork replied, “Oh, it is wonderful. Thanks for your dinner. She

5、 added, “Butin Texas in order to help more people like Rowan. It is a school that teaches people how to use horses for healing.”可知,表现了父亲对他人和世界的关心,故猜想出,鲁伯特将挑战转化为成就的秘 密,不包括有着迷人回忆的家庭。应选A。OPINIONTexting while driving is illegal (违法的)in 47 states in mobile device in the US. But what about texting while w

6、alking? A study reported that using a mobile device while walking resulted in more than 2000 accidents in 2011, and more than 2,500 people ending up in hospitals in the US.Hawaii passed a new law making it illegal to text or look down at a mobile device while crossing the street. It is the first sta

7、te to make this kind of law. Do people think more places should accept such a law? The LA Times did a survey. Here are some replies they received.Rena, 26, New YorkWhich is more important, texting or safety? If you are looking at your phone while walking, you might not see a car coming or traffic li

8、ghts turn red. It can be very dangerous. For example, in Japan, one person fell into a lake and another got her leg stuck in a hole, because both had their mind on their phones. We should stop people from texting while crossing the street by law in more cities.Andy, 55, CaliforniaPeople do many thin

9、gs that cause accidents to themselves but are not illegal, such as climbing mountains, driving cars, swimming and so on. People might get hurt10 from texting while walking if they,re not paying attention. But I still think they should have a choice.Bob, 45, OregonAs humans, we can make our own decis

10、ions. I m not saying it s safe, but we don t need the government to take care of everything for us. If we want to learn to make smart decisions, the government needs to stop telling us what to do. After all, this is a free country.Andrew, 34, AlaskaThis law is a good idea. I know some people may be

11、worried about getting punished if this law is passed all over the USA. But laws would not be for fun. Anyway, it would be safe and good for all Americans.30. How does the writer show the danger of texting while walking in Paragraph 1?A. By listing numbers.B. By giving examples.C. By asking a questio

12、n.D. By telling a story.31. The LA Times did the survey most probably to .A. get enough support from more readersencourage more states to pass the new lawB. advise people to stop texting while walkinglearn about people? s opinions on the new law32. Among the four replies, who supports the new law in

13、 Hawaii?A. Rena and Andy.B. Andy and Bob.C Rena and Andrew.D. Andy and Andrew.【30、32题答案】【答案】30. A 31. D 32. C【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了开车时候发短信或走路时候看手机设备是违法的法律,并对这个法律接受情况进 行了问卷调查。30题详解】11 细节理解题。根据A study reported that using a mobile device while walking resulted in more than 2000 accidents in 2011, and more tha

14、n 2, 500 people ending up in hospitals in the US. ” 可矢口, 作者通过列举数字来讲述边走边发短信是危险的。应选A。【31题详解】推理判断题。根据“Do people think more places should accept such a law?”可知,可以推断出洛 杉矶时报是想调查大家对过马路时发短信或看手机是否违法的看法。应选D。【32题详解】细节理解题。根据表格 Rena, 26, New York “We should stop people from texting while crossing the street by l

15、aw in more cities. 以及 Andrew, 34, Alaska “This law is a good idea. ” 可知,丽娜和 安德鲁支持夏威夷的新法律。应选C。CDo all vegetables need lots of sunshine?Mark Hoffmann and his wife own a bed-and-breakfast guesthouse, and they often serve their guests fresh food from the garden. They have been growing food and flowers f

16、or over twenty years. For almost ten of those years, Mr. Hoffmann has been experimenting and working with shade (阴 凉)planting. He says, “As is known to all, most plants will produce more in full sun. But if you do not have full sun, here is a new way. ”For example, he grows tomatoes near oak trees.

17、Oak trees can produce a lot of shade. But Mr. Hoffmann says his tomato plants grow as long as they get five hours a day of direct sunshine, especially the morning sun. Not only does this go against the traditional advice that tomatoes need six, eight, even twelve hours a day of full sun, it also sho

18、ws how plants and tree roots can share nutrients (营养素)and water.Mr. Hoffman says only plants with wider leaves do better in shady environments. He also found that his potatoes did better partly in shade than in full sun. Moving them out of the sun helped control an insect problem, so Mr. Hoffmann do

19、es not have to use pesticides. He planted the potatoes in the shade, especially on the east side of the tree. The potatoes get the morning sun, but they are shaded during the hottest part of the day. Some insects dislike shade, and the hottest part of the day is when they do the worst of their damag

20、e to the plants.Time of day, brightness of the sun, shadows from trees, walls and buildings一these all influence how much sunlight falls on plants. And people interested in shade planting should also remember something else. The term “shade” can be different amounts of darkness and different12 things

21、 in different places.33. For tomatoes and potatoes, what helps them grow better in shade?A. 12 hours full sun and sharing nutrients. B. Smaller leaves and insect control.C. Sharing nutrients and smaller leaves.D. Sharing nutrients and insect control.34. The underlined word “pesticides” probably mean

22、s chemicals that can .A. offer lightB. avoid lightC. kill insectsD. feed insectsWhat is the main purpose of this passage?A. To show the process of shade planting.B. To explain the reasons for shade planting.C. To introduce an unusual way of planting.D. To give advice on different kinds of planting.3

23、5. We may read the passage in a magazine on .A. natureB. environmentC. travellingD. lifestyle【3336题答案】【答案】33. D 34. C 35. C 36. A【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了大多数植物在阳光充足的情况下产量会更高,但并不是所有植物 都需要大量的阳光。霍夫曼先生就试验和研究了阴凉种植。【33题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句 it also shows how plants and tree roots can share nutrients (营 养素)and w

24、ater. 以及第四段第三句 Moving them out of the sun helped control an insect problem, ” 可知,西红柿种在橡树的阴凉下,它们根系内营养成分互相提供,可以让西红柿长得更好;土豆种在阴凉 地,可以较少昆虫的危害。应选D。【34题详解】词句猜想题。根据第四段第三句 Moving them out of the sun helped control an insect problem, so Mr. Hoffmann does not have to use pesticides. 可知,这个词是用来帮助控制昆虫的一种东西。应选 Co【

25、35题详解】主旨大意题。根据第二段最后一句But if you do not have full sun, here is a new way.”可知,本 篇主要讲述了霍夫曼先生的阴凉种植。应选c。【36题详解】13推理判断题。根据文意可知,这篇短文介绍了霍夫曼先生的阴凉种植,文章内容和自然nature有关。应选 AoDDo you wonder why schools take a break during summer for more than two months, while your parents still work hard? Well, it seems to start

26、in the early 19th century. In the late 18th century, school calendars (日历)were different between cities and countries.City schools were open all the year with just a few short breaks. However, experts began to wonder: was a long school calendar good enough? Some experts felt that too much school tim

27、e could make teachers and students tired. Meanwhile, sickness and poor health used to be common in the 18th century because of poorly ventilated (通风的)classrooms.City officials cared about the warning of the experts and shortened the school year by a quarter. Summer was picked over other seasons beca

28、use diseases would spread easily during the hot months. Besides, rich people in cities traditionally went away on vacations during summer.On the other hand, country schools had quite different school calendars. In the 19th century, country kids spent just five or six months in school two to three mo

29、nths in summer and the same in winter 一 and the rest of the year working on farms. So while city educators worried that children were too busy, officials in the country thought their students were too free.It was in the early 20th century that public-school officials in many farm states made their s

30、chool year longer, and introduced the same summer break to country schools as city schools.But do you know that summer vacation is the time when you can lose what you have learned? According to Johns Hopkins Center, children score worse on tests in early September than in late June. Their research a

31、lso shows that longer breaks from school can stop the learning process for children. Students can lose about 2. 6 months of grade level equivalency (等值)in Maths and reading skills over the summer months. Every year teachers in the new school year have to spend some weeks helping kids catch up with t

32、he materials they have forgotten over summer vacation.36. When did schools probably begin to take a summer break for over two months?A. In the late 18th century.B. In the early 19th century.C. In the late 19th century.D. In the early 20th century.37. How many disadvantages of a long school calendar

33、are mentioned in Paragraph 2?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4Why did country kids spend just about half a year at school?14Because they had to help with the farm work.A. Because they had to avoid diseases in schools.C Because their family took them away for vacations.D. Because educators suggested more free time fo

34、r them.40. According totheir research, John Hopkins Center probably agrees thatA.A.longersummervacationis good for school calendarsB.longersummervacationis bad for students and should be cancelledC.longersummervacationhas a bad effect on students? studyD.longersummervacationresults in students falli

35、ng behind others【3740题答案】【答案】37. B【答案】37. B38. B39. A 40. C【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要关于学生们的暑假,暑假一方面是为了让孩子们能够得到适当休息, 富人们会在暑假期间带着他们的孩子去度假;另一方面是为了防止疾病的传播。城市里的暑假较短,专家 们比拟担忧孩子们的健康问题而乡下的假期较长,官员们又比拟担忧孩子们的学业问题。虽然长假惬意, 但孩子们却会在假期遗忘不少功课。【37题详解】 细节理解题。根据 “Do you wonder it seems to start in the early 19th century. 可知

36、,学校开始 放两个多月的暑假是从十九世纪早期开始的。应选B。【38题详解】细节理解题。 根据 “Some experts felt that too much school time could make teachers and students tired. uMeanwhile, sickness and poor health used to be common in the 18th century because of poorly ventilated (通风的)classrooms. n可知,较长的学校日历带来的缺点一个是会让学生和老师都 感到疲惫,另一个那么是因为通风条件差的

37、教室更容易传播疾病,因此一共有两个缺点。应选B。【39题详解】细节理解题。根据“and the rest of the year working on farms”可知,乡下的孩子们其余的时间要帮 忙做农活。应选A。【40题详解】推理判断题。根据 aStudents can lose about 2. 6 months of grade level equivalency in Maths and reading skills over the summer months. v可知,孩子们的数学水平和阅读技能都下降了,所以较长的暑假会给15孩子们的学业带来不好的影响。应选C。第二节阅读填空(共

38、5小题;每题1分,总分值5分)阅读短文及文后AE选项,选出可以填入15各题空白处的最正确选项。Kelly and Maria are best friends with a lot in common. 41 They also take a lot of the same subjects, so they would love to study together. But they find impossible.42Kelly would like to study in a clean, open space, while Maria works best with books, pa

39、pers and pens around her. 43 Kelly can sit for hours without moving, and often gets all her homework done in one sitting. Maria, however, is always getting up, and says that she thinks best when she s on the move.44 Many people believe that a silent tidy setting is the way to go, but that doesn, t s

40、eem necessarily true. Some research has even shown that noise or untidiness helps some people fix their attention on what they are doing, because it makes them form a “wall” in their mind and stay focused.So, if you choose to study at a table in a busy shopping center, don t worry about it. 45 From

41、Kelly s and Maria s stories, the best way to study is the way that works for you. In their very different ways, both do well in school, and both finish their work within the required time as well.A. If you work in total silence, that will be OK, too.B. You might be asking yourself: which way of stud

42、ying gets better results?C. They have completely different study habits and they can t study in the same room.D. They are both fond of going to movies, shopping, or just sitting at a cafe.E. Kelly prefers to study in a totally silent room, but Maria loves to play music or even have the TV on.【4广45题答

43、案】【答案】41. D 42. C 43. E 44. B 45. A【解析】【导语】本文通过讲述凯莉和玛丽亚截然不同的学习习惯,得出结论 学习的最正确方式是适合你的方式。 安静、整洁的环境是最好的选择,但也有研究说明噪音或不整洁有助于一些人保持专注,只要适合自己的 就是最正确的。【41题详解】16 根据Kelly and Maria are best friends with a lot in common”可知此处陈述她们的共同之处,选项 D “他们都喜欢看电影、购物或就坐在咖啡馆里”符合语境。应选I)。【42题详解】根据 They also take a lot of the same

44、subjects, so they would love to study together. But they find impossible可知此处讲述不能在一起学习的原因,选项C “他们有完全不同的学习习惯,不能在同 一个房间学习”符合语境。应选C。【43题详解】根据 uKelly would like to study in a clean, open space, while Maria works best with books, papers and pens around her” 以及 “Kelly can sit for hours without moving, and

45、often gets all her homework done in one sitting. Maria, however, is always getting up, and says that she thinks best when she? s on the move可知此处讲述凯利喜欢的学习环境,选项E “凯利更喜欢在一个完全安静的房间里学 习,但玛丽亚喜欢放着音乐,甚至开着电视”符合语境。应选E。【44题详解】根据 Many people believe that a silent, tidy setting is the way to go, but that doesn t

46、 seem necessarily true. Some research has even shown that noise or untidiness helps some people fix their attention.可知,此处引出下文比拟两种学习方式,选项B “你可能会问自己:哪种学习方式效 果更好”符合语境。应选B。【45题详解】根据 “So, if you choose to study at a table in a busy shopping center, don t worry about it. ” 可知,此处与上文的热闹的环境相反,指在安静的环境学习,选项A “

47、如果你在完全安静的环境下学习,那 也没关系”符合语境。应选A。四、写作(共三节,总分值30分)第一节语篇填词(共5小题;每题1分,总分值5分)根据短文的内容及首字母提示写出文中所缺单词。In recent years, some Chinese cities have been working hard on rubbish sorting.Guangzhou has called on people to sort their rubbish into different groups. Wet waste, also called household waste, is food wast

48、e that pigs can eat. Things like paper boxes and plastic bottles can be r 46 and turned into new products. It s helpful to our environment. H 47 waste includes things like medicine, batteries, make-up and light bulbs. The chemicals inside these can b 48 pollute the water and soil and even kill animals and plants.China is now i 49 its waste-sorting work and more and more people have learned how to17 sort rubbish. Although there is still a long way to go, the most important thing for everyone is to take a 50 in our daily life. Let? s work together!【4650题


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