人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10 综合素质评价附答案 (2).docx

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1、人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10综合素质评价限时:120分钟总分值:120分第一局部(听力共30分)L听对话,选答案(共15小题,计20分)第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的 内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10 分)1. A. She needs to brush her teeth.B. She needs to wear braces.C. She needs to wear glasses.2. A. He fell off his bike.B. He had an accident (事故).C. He

2、was in the hospital.3. A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.4. A. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to go shopping on school days.B. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to go to the movies on school days.C. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to make friends.5. A. To the hospital.B. To the bank.C. To the library.6. A. H

3、is friend.B. His cousin.C. His sister.7. A. An engineer.8. An actor.C. A doctor.8. A. His neighbor has a party.B. His neighbor watches TV.C. His neighbor plays the piano.9. A. At the hospital.B. At home.C. At school.10. A. Have a talk with his mum.B. Manage his time better.C. Listen to his mum.第二节:听

4、下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容,从 所给的问题和三个选项中选出最恰当的一项,每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计10 分)听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。11. What is Pennys problem?A. She thinks she is fat.English exams.66 problem is that he is crazy about new technology. I just dont have enough money to buy him all the things he 67.These days, I find that he is

5、 68 alone. I never see him talk to his friendson the phone or go out with anyone on 69.What should I do to help him? Please give me some 70.A helpless mother vn.任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成以下各题。(共5小题,计 10分)Everyone worries. But how do you deal with your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you

6、can take these three steps to deal with your worries:1. Try to find out what youre worried about.Sometimes, you will know what youre worried about. At other times, you might not. Try to find it out first; if you cant, you can ask for help.2. Think of ways to make it better.There is always something

7、you can do to help you feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no use and it wont solve your problem.Grades at school are often the top worries for kids. If youre worried about grades, ask yourself these questions: Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me? How do I get ready for clas

8、s? Do I go over my notes even when there isnt a test? Do I have a good place to do my homework? Have I tried different ways of studying?If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball

9、 game, say sorry to him or her, etc. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.3. Ask for help.When youre worried, it can help to find someone to talk to. You can ask your parents, friends or teachers for help.71. How many steps of dealing with yo

10、ur worries are mentioned (5步及)in the passage?steps of dealing with our worries are mentioned.72. What will you do if you dont know what youre worried about?We can.73. What will you do if you have a fight with your friend?I will.74. What are often the top worries for kids?are often the top worries fo

11、r kids.75. Who can you ask for help when youre worried?Ask for help.VIII .补全对话(共5小题,计5分)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个恰当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Hi, Lucy. Will you go to the English party this evening?B: 76A: Why? Youll regret(后悔)not going there.B: 1 know. But Mary and Jack wont go.A: Well, Til go. Why dont you come w

12、ith me?B:77 . Lets take the bus to the party.A: Take the bus? If we do so, well be late.B: Well,78?A: By taxi.A: You and I can take a taxi together. Thatll be cheaper.B:8。Lets go.IX .书面表达(共1题,计15分)假如你的名字叫李华,每个学期伊始,班级都要竞选班长,你希望下学期成 为班长,为班级贡献自己的力量。请你写一篇竞选宣言,让班级同学支持你。内容需涵盖以下要点:1 .如果我成为班长,我会每周召开一次学生会议,交

13、流想法,解决问题;2 .如果我成为班长,我会在班级里放一块留言板,让同学们写出自己的感想, 增进彼此理解;3 .如果我成为班长,我会制作班级报纸,发挥同学们的特长;4 .如果我成为班长,我会更加外向积极,组织各种有意义的活动,使我们的 班级生活丰富多彩。提示词语:run for monitor(竞选班长);student meeting; exchange ideas; solve the problems; a message board(板);helpful; understand each other; do something for it; organize more meaning

14、ful activities; colorful要求:1 .要点完整,表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯。2 .不少于70词,开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hello, boys and girls.Thats all. Thank you for your support.Unit 10综合素质评价听力材料.听对话,选答案第一节:听下面io段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的 内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。1. M: You look unhappy, Susan. Do you have a problem?W: Yes. My mum says I

15、need braces to keep my teeth straight, but I dont want to wear them, because my friends will laugh at me. What should I do?Q:Whats wrong with Susan?2. W: Look! The boy is falling off his bike. I think he hurts badly.M: Lets help him. Take him to the hospital.Q:What happened to the boy?3. W: How abou

16、t going for a picnic this afternoon, Mike?M: Tm sorry. Im going to clean my room this afternoon. I have to clean it every Wednesday and Saturday.Q:How many times does Mike clean his room every week?4. M: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to go to the movies with their friends on school days?W

17、: No, I dont agree with this.Q:What are the speakers talking about?5. W: Can I go to the library to do volunteer work this Saturday, Dad?M: Of course. Be careful and dont come back too late.Q:Where is the girl going this Saturday?6. W: Alan, you were late this morning. What happened?M: I had to take

18、 the bus to school today, but it was so slow because of the heavy traffic.W: I remember you usually ride your bike. Is there anything wrong with it?M: No. My friend borrowed it yesterday, but he didnt give it back in time.W: That sounds bad.Q:Who borrowed Alans bike yesterday?7. W: Hi, Tom. You look

19、 unhappy. Whats the matter?M: I want to be an actor, but my parents disagree with me.W: Have you talked with them?M: Yes, I have. They want me to be an engineer. But I don5t like it. What should I do?W: I think you can ask your teacher for some advice.Q:What does Tom want to be?8. W: Are you playing

20、 games online, John?M: No, Im looking for a flat.W: But you just moved here not long ago.M: Right. I moved here two months ago.W: So why are you going to move away?M: My neighbor often plays the piano in the evening. I cant have a good sleep.Q:What does Johns neighbor often do in the evening?9. W: T

21、om, you look pale. Whaf s wrong with you?M: Mum, Fm feeling cold, and I have a headache. I was caught in the rain yesterday afternoon.W: Oh, I think youve got a bad cold. We should go to the doctor.M: But I have to take an English test today.W: Dont worry. Ill call your English teacher to ask fbr a

22、day off. Put on a warm coat and lets go to the hospital right away.Q:Where are the speakers probably now?10. M: Mrs. Brown, many of my classmates have problems.W: Really? How about you, Jack? Do you have any problems?M: Yes, I do. Sometimes I quarrel with my mum.W: Oh, dear. Why?M: She doesnt allow

23、me to do many things, such as doing volunteer work or learning an instrument.W: What does she ask you to do?M: She always asks me to finish my homework first. What should I do, Mrs.Brown?W: Perhaps you should manage your time better and show her that.Q:What is Mrs. Browns suggestion?第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话

24、后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容,从 所给的问题和三个选项中选出最恰当的一项,每段对话读两遍。听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。M: What are you doing, Penny?W: Im writing a letter to Aunt Jessica.M: Who is Aunt Jessica?W: Shes a writer who knows how to deal with teenagers5 problems well.M: Are you facing any problems? Maybe I can help you.W: Its about my clas

25、smate Tony. He usually says I am fat. I feel upset every time I hear that.M: Oh, my dear. I dont think you are fat. You are not thin because you are growing up.W: Should I go on a diet, Dad?M: No, you neednt. Just have more vegetables and milk and fewer snacks. Being healthy is more important.W: Tha

26、nk you, Dad.听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。M: The May Day holiday is coming. Do you have any plan, Susie?W: I havent decided yet. How about you, Eddie?M: My cousins and I plan to take a three-day trip to Guilin.W: Oh, I went there with my parents last year. Guilin is famous for its beautifulscenery.M: Great! I

27、have never been there before. Could you give me some suggestions?W: Of course. It is usually a little hot in May. You can take some T-shirts with you.But there can be a chilly rain, so youd better prepare a long-sleeved shirt.M: OK. Then what do you think is the best way to get there?W: I think its

28、better to take the high-speed train from Guangzhou.M: OK. Anything else?W: Youd better book your rooms first.n.听独白,填信息此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成 以下各题。(每空限填一个单词)If you follow me, we will begin our tour of the school library. As you can see, our library has five floors, which makes it the lar

29、gest school library in the city. The first and second floors hold all our books. Maths and science books are on the first floor, while the second floor has all of our English and Chinese books. To borrow a book, youll need a library card. You can get your library cards from the Student Center. Its o

30、n the fourth floor. Each student can borrow up to four books. And they can be kept for two weeks. If a book is returned late, you will be charged one dollar per book per day. Now lets go to the third floor and see the computer rooms.I . 1-5 BABBC6-10 ABCBB11-15 BACAB16. five 17. English and Chinese1

31、8. the computer rooms 19. the Student Centertwo weeksIII.第一节:【主旨大意】本文介绍了我们得到了想要的,仍然不开心。因为总是有新的愿望 很难满足,所以我们无法找到快乐。文中建议多想想我们拥有什么,而不是我们 想要什么。我们越感到满足,我们的生活就会越幸福。20. C提示:句意为“如果你穿着一件新的耐克T恤衫,你会感到高兴吗?if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,应选C。21. A提示:句意为“但是倘假设你看见一个朋友穿了一件更时髦、更漂亮的呢? see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事,应选A。22. B提

32、示:句意为“你可能不会像你期望的那样感到满足,幸福的感觉可能会在一分钟内消失。as+形容词/副词+as,表示“和一样”,应选B。23. A提示:句意为“为什么我们不像应有的那么幸福呢?根据后文的“Thesecret is: we focus on (专注于)what we want instead of what we have.“可知, 此 处询问原因。应选A。24. A提示:句意为“结果,我们对已有的东西不满意了”。根据前文的“we focus on (专注于)what we want instead of what we have”可知,我们只关注我们想要 的,而不是我们所拥有的。所以此

33、处表示对已经拥有的不满意,应选A。25. B提示:句意为“我们对自己说:当这个愿望得到满足时,我就会幸福。 根据句意可知,此处无比拟,且系动词be后跟形容词,故用形容词原级,故 选B。26. A提示:句意为“当我们总是有很难满足的新愿望时,我们不可能找到快 乐“。cant不能;不可能;can能;mustnt禁止;must必须。应选A。27. D提示:句意为“多想想我们拥有什么,而不是我们想要什么。根据后文的 “think of what fun you have had near home”可知,要多想想自己拥有的东西, 应选D。28. A提示:句意为“每当你发现自己陷入,我希望生活有所不同的

34、陷阱时,深 吸一口气,想想自己曾经拥有的一切”。根据前文的“Think . about what we havethan what we want.”可知,此处表示想想自己拥有的一切,应选A。29. D提示:句意为“例如,你对做作业的良好态度可以带来考试中的好成绩,因 为熟能生巧”。for example例如,应选D。EH-弟一P:【主旨大意】本文讲述作者因贪玩错过暑假工的招聘机会,导致暑期碌碌无为; 聪明的Sara阿姨以三条鱼的故事教育作者凡事要早做计划 付诸行动。30. B提示:句意为“如果你有问题,你可以随时向她寻求建议。money金钱; advice 建议;news 新闻;inform

35、ation 信息;根据下文“she tells a story to show her idea”可知此处指“向她寻求建议”。应选B。31. D提示:句意为“今年夏天,我想找份工作,这样我就可以赚点钱为下一学年 买东西”。“找份工作”是为了“赚点钱为下一学年买东西”,表目的。应选D。32. A提示:句意为“然而,由于和朋友们在外面玩了很长时间,当我开始找工作 时,它们都被抢走了”。由上文可知作者想找份工作;与下文“they were all taken存在转折关系。应选A。33. B提示:give up放弃;look for寻找;take off起飞;take away拿走;由上文 可知作者想

36、找份工作;根据However的转折关系可知此处指“当我开始找工 作时,它们都被抢走了。应选B。34. A提示:句意为“我的夏天最终变得漫长而无聊。boring无聊的;busy忙碌 的;exciting令人兴奋的;enjoyable愉快的;由上文作者找不到工作可知此处 指“夏天漫长而无聊”。应选A。35. D提示:句意为“河里住着三条鱼。根据By this time, Make Plans was far away, but the other two fish were caught.”可知此处指“鱼应选D。36. A提示:句意为“一天,他们听到一个渔夫说第二天早上他要在河里撒网”。 根据下文

37、“The next morning.”可知,此处指“第二天早上”。应选A。37. C提示:句意为“他说:当那个人撒网的时候,我会有一个计划的。party 派对;class 班级;plan 计划;picnic 野餐;根据下文“Fast Thinker pretended (假装)to be”可知此处指“计划”。应选C。38. C提示:句意为“Fast Thinker假装死了。strong强壮的;small小的;dead死 的;rude 粗鲁的;根据下文“Of course, the fisherman did not want a dead fish” 可知此处指“FastThinker假装死了

38、二应选C。39. D提示:句意为“所以他把他(Fast Thinker)扔回了河里”。由上文可知Fast Thinker假装死了;渔夫不会要死鱼,所以把他丢回了河里;上下文之间表 因果关系。应选D。IV.第一节:A【主旨大意】本文介绍了女生们谈论在学校聚会穿什么衣服。去年男生不会 跳舞,只是站在那里看。今年,在学校的聚会上,跳舞的人比看热闹的人多。40. C 提示:细节理解题。根据“Tm going to wear a black dress, so everybody will notice(注意)me, said Emily.”可知,埃米莉打算穿一条黑色的裙子,应选C。41. B提示:细节

39、理解题。根据“The party is only for two hours.”可知,学校聚会持续两个小时,应选B。42. B 提示:推理判断题。根据“Soon there were more dancers than watchers.”可知, 这次的学校聚会上,跳舞的人比看热闹的人多,应选B。B【主旨大意】本文就一个人如果得到五百万会怎么花的话题展开,每个人都有 自己的想法。43. D 提示:细节理解题。根据“Jack: I will buy an island(岛)if I have 5 million75 可知,Jack要用五百万买一座岛。应选D。44. C 提示:细节理解题。根据“A

40、nna: if I have 5 million.I will visit Paris, London and New York.”可知,如果安娜有五百万,她要去游览巴黎 伦敦和纽约,故 选C。45. C 提示:主旨大意题。根据What will you do if you get 5 million(百万)? Some people give some different answers.”可知,短文是围绕“如果你有五百万,你会 做什么”的话题来展开的。应选C。C【主旨大意】本文是一篇应用文,主要是一封求助信及针对求助内容给出相应 的解决方法。46. A提示:推理判断题。根据第一封信中“Ho

41、w can I solve these problems?”可判 断,刘亚给Merry写信的目的是为了寻求帮助。应选A。47. B提示:细节理解题。根据第一封信中I dont spend time with friends after class either, because I think its a waste(浪费)of time.”可知,刘亚下课后不喜欢 和朋友待在一起,是因为她认为那是浪费时间。应选B。48. A提示:细节理解题。根据第二封信中You must take a break if you dont feel well.”可知,Merry认为休息是必要的。应选A。49.

42、B提示:推理判断题。根据第二封信中“When you have problems listening to teachers carefully in class, you can ask your teachers or deskmate to remind you often.”可知,认真听讲有困难时可以让老师和同桌提醒。由此判断老师可能 会说“Listen Carefiilly.。应选B。第二节:【主旨大意】本文讲述了斑马、鹿、狐狸之间的故事,狐狸不遵守诺言,失去了 他们之间的友谊,最终狐狸意识到保持别人的信任是非常重要的,他们又成B. Her classmate says she is

43、 fat.C. She doesnt know how to go on a diet.12. What is Pennys fathers suggestion?A. To have more vegetables and milk.B. To have more fruits and vegetables.C. To have more vegetables and less meat.听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。13. Whom did Susie go to Guilin with last year?A. Her cousins.B. Her friends.C. Her

44、parents.14. What does Susie advise Eddie to do first?A. Book the rooms.B. Book the train tickets.C. Pack up his clothes.15. How will Eddie go to Guilin?A. By plane.B. By high-speed train. C. By bus.IL听独白,填信息(共5小题,计10分)此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成 以下各题。(每空限填一个单词)16. Our library has floors, whi

45、ch makes it the largest school library in thecity.17. The first floor holds maths and science books. The second floor holdsbooks.18. The third floor is.19. You can get your library cards from. Its on the fourth floor.20. Each student can borrow at most four books. And they can be kept for第二局部(笔试共90分

46、)III.完形填空(共20小题,计20分)第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从所给的了朋友。51. C 提示:根据下文“They told him they couldnt say, because it was a secret”可 知“他们决定保密。应选C。52. G提示:根据下文“He told the secret to everyone”可知“狐狸很快就忘记了他 的诺言”。应选G。53. A提示:根据下文“Zebra and Deer were very angry”可知“同样的事情再次发 生了。应选A。54. D 提示:根据下文“They ran to

47、the lake, but found there was no fish at all.可 知“很快所有的动物都知道了应选D。55. F提示:根据下文“And they became friends again”可知“他对斑马和鹿说了抱 歉”。应选F。V. 56. be angry with 57. gave; some pieces of good advice58. keeps; to himself 59. in/into half 60. Anything elseVL【主旨大意】本文是一位妈妈写给格林先生的求助信。信中提到儿子越大,和 她的沟通越少,并且总是玩游戏,希望格林先生能够

48、给一些建议。61. older提示:句意为“我发现他越大,我们就越少说话”。根据语境可知,句子 是“the+比拟级the+比拟级结构。故填older。62. upset提示:句意为“我感到很难过,我真的需要你的帮助。根据and I really need your help”和选项可知,空处应是upset,难过的。故填upset。63. spends提示:句意为“他几乎把所有的空闲时间都花在电脑游戏上”。 spend.on.:在上花费时间(金钱),固定短语;句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,故填spends。64. When提示:句意为“当他到家时总是先翻开电脑”。根据“he always t


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