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《牛津高一英语模块一unit1语言点复习.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津高一英语模块一unit1语言点复习.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Module 1 Unit 1 School lifeWords and expressions:at (ones) ease 形副轻松,舒适,自由自在Set your mind (heart) at ease. 请你放心。We were sitting on the sofa at our ease.我们坐在沙发上轻松惬意。ease vt. 减轻(痛苦、负担等),使舒适,使安心,放宽()衣服、绳索等His words eased me of my anxiety. 他的话解除了我的忧虑。He passed the examination with ease. 她轻松地通过了考试。attend

2、 vt.出席,参加 attend a meeting/a lecture/a wedding(婚礼)/ a funeral(葬礼)attend school/class/assembly/churchearn vt.获得,赚,earn money/earn a(ones) living(谋生)respect vt.&n. 尊敬,敬重 have/ show respect for sb. 尊敬某人/lose the respect of失去对的/ earn /win respect from sb. 受到尊敬respect sb. for sth./respect oneself自重achiev

3、e vt.赢得,取得,实现,成就 achieve ones goal/aims/successI achieved all I had hoped to do today. 今天我已完成我想做的事。No one can achieve anything without effort. 没有人能够不努力就有所成就。average a. 一般的,普通的:平均的the average age平均年龄on (the/an) average平均地 /above (the) average/below (the) average平均水平以上/下n.平均,平均数Do you know how to work

4、 out anaverage? 你知道如何计算平均数吗?prepare vt.&vi. 准备prepare sth 准备Im preparing my speech for the meeting.我正在准备会议演讲稿。prepare for sth. 为做准备The students are preparing for the final exam. 学生们正为期末考试做准备。prepare to do sth准备做Have you prepared to go on a trip? 你已准备好去旅行了吗?prepare sb.(oneself) to do sth. 使某人做准备去做Ill

5、 prepare her to face the difficulty. 我要教她准备面对困难。get sb.prepared使某人做准备去做be prepared for为做好了准备We are well prepared for the exam now. 现在我们已为考试做了充分的准备。be prepared to do sth. 准备好要做We are prepared to give up the chance. 我们已准备放弃这个机会。make preparations for/ (be) in preparation formiss vt. 思念,miss sb. 想念某人想念;

6、错过miss doing 错过做某事miss the target没打中目标miss the ball没接住球/miss the bus没赶上公共汽车/miss the meeting没参加会议experience vt. 经历,体验;n.经历;经验Un. 经验,从经验中获得的知识和技能 (后面常接介词in或of短语)have much experience in teaching English Cn. 经历The car accident was a terrible experience to him. vt体验,经历 experience real hunger 体验真正饥饿exper

7、ience great changes 经历巨大变化experienced adj有经验的,经验丰富的 an experienced manlearn how to buy为动词+疑问词+不定式的结构有些动词如:learn,expect,decide,know,wonder,ask,tell,explain,show,find out,understand, consider, teach,promise等后面可连接代词或副词+不定式。这种连接代词或副词+不定式的结构在语法上起名词作用,作宾语时常可以替换成宾语从句。注意:if 后不可以跟不定式,故上述情况中whether 不能改为if。疑问词

8、+不定式还可以用作主语、表语。When to go camping depends on the weather. 什么时候去露营要视天气而定。What we are discussing is what to do next我们正在讨论的是下一步该干什么。Where to spend the weekend is still a problem.到哪儿去度周末现在还是个问题。introduce vt.介绍 introduce sb. to sb.向某人介绍某人/ introduce oneself to sb. 向某人作自我介绍 introduce sb. to sth. 向某人介绍什么My

9、 brother introduced me to the American country music.though虽然, 尽管, 纵然, 即使 conj.Ill call to see you this evening though I can stay only a few minutes. 今晚我一定去看你, 即使我只能停一会儿。 可是, 然而, 不过; 话虽这样说 adv.Its hard work, I enjoy it, though. 这是件艰难的工作, 可是我还是喜欢它。 develop vt.培养,养成(1)养成;培养,产生 He has developed the hab

10、it of making notes while reading.他养成了读书时记笔记的习惯。I have developed an interest in history我对历史产生了兴趣。(2)发展,发扬We are developing nuclear weapons to do away with nuclear weapons我们发展核武器是为了消灭核武器。We should develop our good points and overcome our shortcomings.我们要发扬优点,克服缺点。(3)开发,培育China is developing the west.

11、中国在开发西部。The agricultural scientist developed a heavier rice. 那位农业科学家培育了一种高产水稻。(4)冲洗(胶卷Id like to have these films developed here.我想在这儿冲洗胶卷。developing发展中的 developed发达的 development发展donate vt.捐赠,捐献;赠予 donate sth to sb. 向某人捐赠什么regret vt.&vi.遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜regret doing sth./having done sth. 表示对已做过的事后悔He reg

12、rets having refused her invitation.他后悔拒绝了她的邀请。 regret to do sth. 表示对将要做的事后悔I regret to have to do this.我很遗憾我必须这样做。regret to say =be sorry to say I regret to say that I can not come. 很抱歉,我不能来。need用法归纳(1)用作情态动词,只用于疑问句或否定句,没有时态变化,后接动词原形。一Need he go at once?一Yes,he must(No,he neednt)“他马上就得走吗?”“是的,他必须马上走

13、。(不,他不必马上走。)” You neednt hand in your homework now.你不需要现在就交作业。(2)用作实义动词,可用于各种句型,有时态变化,后接动词时用to do形式。Animals like cats and dogs dont need to sleep in winter.像猫和狗这样的动物冬天不需要冬眠。(3)表达“不需要做某事”时,可用三种形式,如: You neednt borrow money from him You dont need to borrow money from him You dont have to borrow money

14、from him 你不需要向他借钱。(4)need用作及物动词,后跟动名词,表示被动含义。Whose chair needs fixing?(needs to be fixed) 谁的椅子需要修?Then I should see the canteen next to the swimming pool. ( 6 )然后我就该看到紧挨游泳池的餐厅了。should此处表示推测,估计可能性较大,意为“可能”“该”“按理应当”。They should be there by now,I think我想他们现在该到那儿了。You should be able to see the Alps from

15、 here;theyre only a few miles away.从这里应该能看到阿尔卑斯山脉;因为它们仅距几英里远。inform vt.通知,inform sb. of sth. 通知某人什么 inform that接从句require(1)require 十 n. require十n= need十n.=callfor十n. 需要 They require our help. 他们需要我们的帮助。(2)require 十 doing require doing= need doing= need to be done(某事)需要做The wall requires repairing.

16、这墙需要修。(3)require 十 sb. + to do All the members are required to attend the meeting. 全部会员均应出席会议。(4)require 十 that(从句中用虚拟语气,即 should d()。should可以省略)The court required that he (should)pay the fine 法院下令他缴付罚款。What do you require of me? 你要求我做什么?required subjects必修课程 requirement n. 必需(品),要求(物)Upon finishing

17、 his studies,he started travelling in China( 9 ) 一完成学业,他就开始在中国旅行。Upon finishingAs soon as he finished,upon也可换成on,意为“一就”,表示动作刚一发生或完成。on或upon后也可接动作名词,表示上述意义。after+doing只表示“在之后”,而不表示另一动作紧接其后发生。On reaching the city,he called up Lester他一到达那个城市,就给莱斯特打了电话。I shall write to APWatt on hearing from you.我一收到你的来

18、信,将立即给A. P瓦特写信。On his arrival he went straight to the headmaster.他一到达就直接到校长那儿去了。Upon his return to his hometown,he went to work in the fields一回到故乡他就去地里干活了。After sending you that letter I recollected how stupid I was当我把那封信寄给你后,我才想到自己有多傻。I do like eating desserts after meals so you mentioned in your a

19、rticle,but unlike many of my classmates,I like eating fruit toodo like是强调结构,强调谓语动词时,在动词原形前加do,does或did。注意:do 的这种用法只用于肯定句,且只有现在时和过去时两种时态。Do be careful! 千万要小心!I do hope you have a merry Christmas! 衷心祝福你圣诞节快乐!He does speak English well.他英语说得确实好。He did read the letter just now.他刚才的确读过那封信。as在本句中表示方式,意为“正

20、如”。When at Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。I want you to tell my friend your very interesting experience exactly as you have told it to me. 我想让你像给我讲述过的那样。给我的朋友讲一讲你那段非常有趣的经历。表示时间,意为“一边一边”“随着”。As we walked,we talked我们边走边淡。We get wiser as we get older.我们随着年龄的增长变得更聪明。表示原因,意为“因为”。As Im leaving tomorrow,Ive

21、 bought you a present因为明天我要走,我给你买了件礼物。(3)表示让步,意为“尽管,虽然”。Angry as he was,he managed to speak calmly.虽然他很生气,但是他讲话很平静。Hard as he tried,he did not pass the exam.他虽然很努力,但这次考试没及格。improve vt,vi改进, 提高, 改善(1)vi. (become better) (2)vt. (make better)His health is improving.He is improving in health他的健康状况正在好转。I

22、 want to improve my English. 我想提高英语水平。entrance n. 进入, 入口, 入场; 入学 at the entrance to 在。 入口处available adj. 可利用的, 可得到的,有效的Chinese commodities available for export are varied.中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。Im sorry, those overcoats are not available in your colour and size.对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。Attention, please. These tic

23、kets are available on (the) day of issue only.请注意,这种车票仅在发售当天有效。graduate vi.毕业graduate from, graduationrefer (to) (1)指,说到,谈到,提及Are you referring to me?你是说我吗?In his speech,he didnt refer to the problem at all.在他的演说中,丝毫未触及那个问题。(2)参考,参照,参阅If you have some questions,refer to the guide book如果有问题,请参阅旅游指南。r

24、efer to a dictionary查字典 prefer vt.宁可, 更喜欢(1)prefer sth喜欢,更Which do you prefer,rice or bread?米饭和面包你更喜欢哪一样?(2)prefer sthto sth喜欢甚于喜欢She seems to prefer cats to dogs. 她似乎较喜欢猫而不喜欢狗。(3)prefer doing to doing喜欢干 而不喜欢干I would prefer playing outdoors to watching TV我宁愿在外面玩而不愿意看电视。(4)prefer to do rather than d

25、oprefer doing to doing would rather do than doI prefer to go to the movies rather than stay at homeI prefer goingto staying 我宁愿去看电影而不愿待在家里。(5)preferdoingto do sth.喜欢干I would prefer not to go out today (prefer not going out)我今天不愿出去。(6)prefer sbto do sth 宁愿某人做某事They preferred their son to go to colleg

26、e.他们宁可让儿子上大学。(7)prefer+that从句 (从句中用should do,should可以省略)Would you prefer that he (should) stay with you?你愿意让他和你待在一起吗?present (1)vt提出;present sth. to sb.交出;显示,表示,表露I presented the letter of introduction to the man我把介绍信交给了那个人。(2)n礼物a birthday present生日礼物(3)adj出席的,在场的;现在的;目前的A 1ot of students were pres

27、ent at the meeting.许多学生出席了那个会议。compare vt. &vi.比较,对照(1)compare A with B 把A和B作比较Compare this one with that,youll see the difference.把这一个和那个比较下,你就会看小差别。(2)compare A to B 把A 比作BPeople compare boys to tigers; while girls to flowers.人们把男孩比作老虎;女孩比作花朵。注意:compared with 和compared to 作为固定短语作状语时,可以互换。Compared

28、withto many people,she was indeed lucky.和许多人相比,她确实幸运。comparison n.比较 make a comparison ofThe more choices you have,the better your final decisions will be. ( 14 ) 你的选择越多,你的最后决定就越好。“The十比较级,the+比较级”为固定句式,前部分为条件状语从句,后部分为句。注意:以上句式经常采用省略结构。The more I think about it,the 1ess I like it.我越考虑这个事,我越不喜欢它。The

29、harder you practise, the greater progress youll make.你练得越用功,你的进步就越大。The more the better.越多越好。The sooner the better.越早越好。allow vt. 允许(1)allow+nYour plan allows only five minutes for preparation.你的计划上只容许我们5分钟的准备时间。(2)allow+doing They dont allow smoking here. 他们不允许在这儿抽烟。(3)allow sb. to do My parents do

30、nt allow me to stay out 1ate. 父母不让我在外面待得很晚。注意:allow后不接to do作宾语。Our club is much more than just music( 18 )我们的广播电台决不仅仅是音乐。more than此处葸为“不仅仅”,much与just皆用于加强语气。more than用法归纳(1)修饰名词,意为“不仅”She is more than a teacher to the children, she loves them as if they were her own children对孩子们来说,她不止是一位老师,她爱孩子们,好像他们是她自己的孩子一样。(2)用在数词前,相当于over,意为“超过,多于”。仅”,“不止于”。A library is more than just a place where books are stored. 图书馆不仅仅是贮存书的地方。(3)more than sb. cancould某人不能Thats more than I can tell you,sir. 这点我是不能告诉您的,先生。The cold was more than the children could bear.寒冷是孩子们忍受不了的。


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