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《句型转换教程文件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《句型转换教程文件.ppt(49页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、句型转换句型转换题型(一)题型(一)变一般疑问句变一般疑问句一般疑问句概念一般疑问句概念用用Yes/No回答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。回答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。一般疑问句的特点一般疑问句的特点1)由)由be动词动词(is,am,are)来开头来开头eg:Issheyourteacher?2)由情态动词)由情态动词(如:canwill)来开头来开头eg:Canyougivemeahand?3)由助动词(如:)由助动词(如:do,does)来开头来开头eg:Doesheplaysportseveryday?be动词有三种形式,他们分别是:isamarebe动词BeBe动词的用法口诀动词的用法口诀 I(


3、何将一个肯定的陈述句改为一般疑问句一般疑问句秘诀一:找秘诀一:找bebe动词或情态动词动词或情态动词看句中有无be动词或情态动词,如有,把be动词或情态动词提到句首即可。1.WecanspeakEnglishCanyouspeakEnglish?2.The singing contest is in May.Is the singing contest in May?3.IamanEnglishteacher.AreyouanEnglishteacher?如果原句子没有be动词也没有情态动词,怎么办?助动词(do/does)+主语+动词原形原形+其它?不管用哪种秘诀,都不要忘记在句子最后打上哦

4、!秘诀二:请助动词来帮忙即即在句子前加助动词在句子前加助动词dodo或或doesdoes来构成一般疑问句来构成一般疑问句例:John likes summer best.John like summer best?打回原形打回原形Does1.They come from Shanghai.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)2.Miss Xiong lives in Huizhou.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)Do they come from Shanghai?Does Miss Xiong live in Huizhou?加点难度试试?3.Daniel enjoys playing com

5、puter games.(改为一般疑问句并分别做肯定、否定回答改为一般疑问句并分别做肯定、否定回答)Does Daniel enjoy playing computer games?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.ExerciseNow,you try!牛刀小试-将下列句子改为一般疑问句1.I often get up at 7 oclock.2.We finish class at 1 oclock.3.Friday is good at sports.4.I can sleep all day.5.The colours are very pretty.Do you of

6、ten get up at 7 oclock?Do you finish class at 1 oclock?Is Friday good at sports?Can you sleep all day?Are the colours very pretty?6.There are beautiful flowers everywhere.7.Robin likes them all.8.We ll go to the Great Wall.9.The party will start at 7 p.m.10.There will be a maths test next Monday.Are

7、 there beautiful flowers everywhere?Does Robin like them all?Will you go to the Great Wall?Will the party start at 7 p.m?Will there be a maths test next Monday?题型(二)题型(二)改为否定句改为否定句否定句:表示否定的意思否定句:表示否定的意思如:如:我我不不是一个医生。是一个医生。Iamnotadoctor.他他不不去上学。去上学。Hedoesnotgotoschool如何将一个肯定句改为否定句句秘诀一:找be动词或情态动词如果句子里

8、有如果句子里有be动词动词(is/am/are)或者情态动词(如)或者情态动词(如can/will),就在这些词后加就在这些词后加not 构成否定句构成否定句缩写形式:缩写形式:is not=isnt are not=arent can not=cant will not=wont am not不能缩写不能缩写 You can not pick apples.例句:He is Tom.(改为否定句)He is not Tom.You can pick apples.isnt cant如果原句子没有be动词也没有情态动词,怎么办?秘诀二:找助动词的否定形式(dont/doesnt/didnt)帮

9、忙如果句子里的谓语动词不是be动词也不是情态动词,就在主语后面加 dont/doesnt/didnt。注意:主语是第三人称单数用 doesnt,其余用dont 用了doesnt后,原句子的动词要打回原形。He doesnt swim every day.例句:I like autumn.(改为否定句)I dont like autumn.He swims every day.(改为否定句改为否定句)打回原形打回原形第三人称单数ExerciseNow,you try!1.WecanspeakEnglishCanyouspeakEnglish?2.The singing contest is in

10、 May.Is the singing contest in May?3.IamanEnglishteacher.AreyouanEnglishteacher?牛刀小试-将下列句子改为一般疑问句1.I often get up at 7 oclock.2.We finish class at 1 oclock.3.Friday is good at sports.4.I can sleep all day.5.The colours are very pretty.Do you often get up at 7 oclock?Do you finish class at 1 oclock?I

11、s Friday good at sports?Can you sleep all day?Are the colours very pretty?6.There are beautiful flowers everywhere.7.Robin likes them all.8.We ll go to the Great Wall.9.The party will start at 7 p.m.10.There will be a maths test next Monday.Are there beautiful flowers everywhere?Does Robin like them

12、 all?Will you go to the Great Wall?Will the party start at 7 p.m?Will there be a maths test next Monday?牛刀小试-将下列句子改为否定句1.I often get up at 7 oclock.2.We finish class at 1 oclock.3.Friday is good at sports.4.I can sleep all day.5.The colours are very pretty.I don t often get up at 7 oclock.We don t f

13、inish class at 1 oclock?Friday is not good at sports.I can not sleep all day.The colours are not very pretty.6.There are beautiful flowers everywhere.7.Robin likes them all.8.We ll go to the Great Wall.9.The party will start at 7 p.m.10.There will be a maths test next Monday.There are not beautiful

14、flowers everywhere.Robin doesnt like them all.We will not go to the Great Wall.The party will not start at 7 p.m.There wont be a maths test next Monday.arentwontwont1.That is a bike.2.Tree Plant Day is in March.3.He is Robin.4.We eat lunch at home.5.The bike is black.6.We finish class at 1 oclock.Wh

15、at is that?When is Tree Planting Day?Who is he?Whats his name?Where do youeatlunch?What color is the bike?When do you finish class?Whats that?7.The book is in the bag.8.He gets up at 6 oclock.9.I will visit my grandparents next weekend.10.He will go on a pick at the park.11.I like fall because I can

16、 pick apples.12.Miss Yang is 25 years old.When does he get up?What will you do next weekend?Where will he go on a pinic?Why do you like fall?How old is Miss Yang?Wheres the book?题型(三)题型(三)就划线部分提问就划线部分提问特殊疑问句特殊疑问句特点:用疑问词开头,常用来对句子的某一成分进行提问特点:用疑问词开头,常用来对句子的某一成分进行提问因为是提问具体的人或事、时间、地点、原因等,因此因为是提问具体的人或事、时间

17、、地点、原因等,因此不能用不能用yesyes或或nono来进行简单回答。来进行简单回答。例如:例如:What class are you in?(你在哪个班?你在哪个班?)Im in Class Four,Grade Five.(我在五年级四班。我在五年级四班。)特殊疑问句其实就是用疑问词引导的疑问句特殊疑问句其实就是用疑问词引导的疑问句它的结构就是:它的结构就是:特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 =特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+一般疑问句!一般疑问句!常用的常用的特殊疑问词特殊疑问词:What-问问“什么什么”When-问问“什么时候什么时候”Where-问地点问地点“哪里哪里”Which-问问“哪一个哪一个W

18、hy-问问“原因原因”Who-问人物问人物“谁?谁?”Whatcolour-问问“颜色颜色How-问问“怎样怎样”How old-问问“年龄年龄”Howmany-问问“多少多少”如何对划线部分进行提问一变一变:先将句子变为一般疑问句;:先将句子变为一般疑问句;二找二找:审句意,找出特殊疑问词;:审句意,找出特殊疑问词;三换三换:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分;:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分;四移四移:把特殊疑问词移到句首。:把特殊疑问词移到句首。做做道道题题试试试试吧吧!We have a few fun things in spring.一变一变:先将原句子变为一般问句:先将原句子变为一般问句二找二找

19、:提问什么事情或事物用:提问什么事情或事物用what三换:用用 what 代替划线部分代替划线部分四移:将特殊疑问词what 放在句首放在句首Do you have a few fun things in spring?Doyou have what in spring?What do you have in spring?再再来来一一道道简简单单的的!She is my sister.一变一变:先将原句子变为一般问句:先将原句子变为一般问句二找:提问人用疑问词提问人用疑问词who三换:用who 代替划线部分代替划线部分She is who.四移:把把who移到句子开头移到句子开头(大写大写I

20、s she your sister?Is she who?Who is she?再再来来一一道道难难点点的的!一变:将原句子变为一般疑问句将原句子变为一般疑问句二找:问颜色用用what color三换:用用what color代替划线部分代替划线部分The jacket is red.四移:把把what color移到句子开头移到句子开头(注意大写)(注意大写)Is the jacket red?Is the jacket what color?What color is the jacket?再再来来一一道道更更难难的的!The books are under the bed.一变:将原句变

21、为一般疑问句将原句变为一般疑问句二找二找:问地点用:问地点用where三换:用用where 代替划线部分代替划线部分四移:把把where 移到句子开头移到句子开头(注意大写)注意大写)Are the books under the bed?Are the books where?Wherere the books?再再来来一一道道更更难难的的!The boy is 10 years old.一变:将原句变为一般疑问句二找二找:对年龄提问用:对年龄提问用how old三换:用用how old 代替划线部分代替划线部分四移:把把how old移到句子开头,移到句子开头,大写大写Is the boy

22、 10 years old?Is the boy how old?How old is the boy?再再来来一一道道更更难难的的!They often go shopping on the weekend.一变:将原句子变为一般疑问句二找:提问做什么事情用What do三换:用what do 代替划线部分代替划线部分四移:把把what移到句子开头,移到句子开头,do 不动。不动。Do they often go shopping on the weekend?Do they often what do on the weekend?What do they often do on the

23、weekend?ExerciseNow,you try!1.That is a bike.2.Tree Plant Day is in March.3.He is Robin.4.We eat lunch at home.5.The bike is black.6.We finish class at 1 oclock.What is that?When is Tree Planting Day?Who is he?Whats his name?Where do youeatlunch?What color is the bike?When do you finish class?Whats

24、that?7.The book is in the bag.8.He gets up at 6 oclock.9.I will visit my grandparents next weekend.10.He will go on a pick at the park.11.I like fall because I can pick apples.12.Miss Yang is 25 years old.When does he get up?What will you do next weekend?Where will he go on a pinic?Why do you like fall?How old is Miss Yang?Wheres the book?完成小组合作任务表完成小组合作任务表要求:每个同学必须出一道题,要求:每个同学必须出一道题,并解答一道题。出题与解题都会并解答一道题。出题与解题都会根据题目质量给个人打分。最后根据题目质量给个人打分。最后取前三名进行奖励。取前三名进行奖励。结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!49


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