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1、绝密本科目考试启用向2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷英语本试卷共12贝,共120分考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效.考试结束 后,将隼试卷和答题卡并交向笫一局部知识运用(共两节, 45分)第一节语法填空(共Ie)小题:每题1.5分,共15分)阅读以下短文,根据短文内容填空。在束给提示词的空口处 仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出握示词的空口处用招号内所给词 的正确形茨填空OliVCr is a host Of a TV PrOgramme on fbod. HC SNyS food (Play) a big role in bis IifCMy rnum

2、 WaS a great cook, anc Sh(Td Xometimcslct me have a try, he said. The first dish Oliver PrCPared f%r his family WaS fried ChiCken wings. He Ina (Ie it With his InUnl*s help.0IiVeTSay5 if youwre 2 (lUCk) enough to have SOmeOne ClOSe to you WhO enjoys cooking, ask them 3 you CanljOin in WhCn its POSSi

3、bIC-uTOnl built UP a PaSSiOn for CnVirOnmCntal PrOleCtiOn at a VCry Carly age/* Matt added- He became VCry interested in gadgets (小装置)- AbOUt One year ago, he got this new PieCe Of tech WhiCh is like a test tube. One SUnday afternoon, We Went OUt to do SOme monitoring, and he said, 1 why dont We PUt

4、 it On Baggy5s COlIar and let her monitor the POllUtion?* SO We did it. ”TOm said, “Most Of the time, Baggy is just like any Other dog. BUt for the rest Of Ihe time She is a SUPer dog, and We are all really PrOUd Ofherr. With a monitor On her COnarJ Baggy Can -A take POllUtant readingsrecord POlIUta

5、ntleVelSC ProCeSS COlleCted data D reduce air POlIUtion- Wrhat Can We learn from the Baggy data?A, High PlaCCS are free Of air PollUtiOn.B Higher PUShChairS are more risky for kids.C- COnVentiOnal monitors are more reliable-D- Air is more Polluted ClOSer to the ground-36 What is TOmt PUrPoSC Ordoing

6、 IhC research?A- TO Warn Of a health risk. B. TO find OUt POlIUtiOn SOUrCeS-C. TO test his new monitor. D TO ProVe Baggys abilities-37 ACCOrding to the passage, WhiCh WOrd Call best describe TOm Hunt?A, Modest. B. GenerOUS- C. Creative. D OUtgOing-CFOr the PaSt five years, Paula Smith, a historian O

7、f science, has devoted herself to re-creating long- forgotten techniques. While doing research for her new book, She Came across a 16th-centu i y FrenCh manuscript (手稿)COnSiSting Of nearly 1, 000 SetS Of instructions, COVering SUbjeCtS from tool Tnaking to finding the best sand.ThC author1 s intenti

8、on remains as mysterious G 申秘) as his name; he may have been SimPly taking notes for his OWn records. BUt Smith WaS StrUCk mainly by the fact that She didnt truly grasp any Of the SkillS the authordescribed. Hou SimPly cant get an Understanding Of that handwork by reading about it / 1 She says.ThOUg

9、h Smith did get her hands On the best sand, doing things the Old-fashioned Way isn,t just about Playing around With FrenCh mud. ReCOnStrUCting the WOrk Of the CraftSmen (lEPr) WhO liVed CentUrieS ago Can reveal how they VieWed the world, What ObjeCtS filled their homes, and What Went On in the WOrkS

10、hOPS that PrOdUCed them. 1 ( Cail even help SOIVe present- day problems: In 2015, SCientiStS discovered that a 1 Oth- CentUry English medicine for eye PrOblemS COUld kill a drug-resistantVirUS-The WOrk has also brought insights for museums, Smith SayS OnC must know how an ObjeCt WaS made in Order to

11、 PrCSCrVC it. Whdll more, reconslructions might be the Only Way to know Whal treasures looked likC before time WOre IhCm down. SChOIarS have SCen this idea in PraCtiCC With ancient Greek and Roman StatUeS- TheSC SCUIPtUrCS WerC Painted a rainbow Of Striking COIOUrS WC can t appreciate these kinds Of

12、 details WithOUt SCCing WorkS Of art 合 S they Originally appeared一Something Smith believes you Can do Only When you have a road map.Smith has PUt the manuscripts ideas into PraCtiCe- HeT final goal is to link the WOrldS Of art and SCienCeback together. She believes that bringing the Old recipes to l

13、ife Can help develop a kind Oflearning that highlights experimentation, teamwork, and PrOblem solving.BaCk When SCienCe一then Called the new philosophy” 一 took shape, academics lOoked to CraftSmen for help in Understanding the natural world. MiCrOS0pes and telescopes Were invented by Way Of artistic

14、tinkering (修补) ,as CraftSmen CXPerimented With glass to better bend light.If We Can rediscover the ValUeS 0fhandS-0n experience and CrafhVork, Sinith SaySt We Can marry the best Of OUr modem insights With the handiness Of OUr ancestors- 38 HOW did Sinith feel after reading the FrenCh manuscript?A. C

15、OnftlSed about the technical terms.B ImPrCSSCd Wilh its detailed instructions.C DiSCOUraged by its COmPieX structure-D ShOCked for her OWn laCk Of hand skills.39- ACCOrding to Smith, IhC reconstruction WOrk is done mainly to -A restore Old WOrkShOPS B. UndCrStand the CraftSmCnC improve ViSUal effect

16、s D inspire the PhilOSOPherSWhy does the author mention museums?A TO reveal the beauty Of ancient ObjCCtS-B - TO PrCSCnt the findings Of Old SCiCnCeC- TO highlight the importance Of antiques.D TO emphasise the ValUeS Of hand skills.41 WhiCh WOUld be the best title for this passage?A. CraftSmell Set

17、the Trends for AltiStSB - CraftSmanShiP LCadS to NCW ThCOriCSC CraftSmanShiP MakeS Better SCientiStSD, CraftSnlCn ReShaPe the FUhlre Of SCiCnCeDCCrtain forms Of AI arc indeed becoming UbiaUilOus. FOr example, algorithms (算法)Carry OUt huge VOlUnICS Of Trading On OUr financial markets, Self-driving Ca

18、rS are appearing On City streets and OUr SmartPhoneS are translating from OnC langUagC into another- ThCSe SyStemS arc SOmCtimCS fastw and more PCrCCPtiVC than We humans arc. BUt SO far that is Only IrUC for IhC SPCCifiC laSkS for WhiCh IhC SySICmS have been designed- That is SOmCthing Ihat SOmC AI

19、developers arc now CagCr t u Change -SOraC Of today*s Al PiOnCCrS Want to move On from todays WOrld Of uWCakM Or narrow Al, to CrCatC Strong、 Or uf u 1 r, A I. Or What is Often Called artificial general intelligence (AGI). In SOme respects, today9s POWerftd COmPUting machines already Inake Ollr brai

20、ns 100k weak. AGI could, its advocates say, WOrk for US around the clock, and drawing On all available datai CoUld SUggCSt SOJUtiOnS to many Problems. DM, a COmPany focused On the development Of AGI, has an ambition to SOIVe Intelligence,Tf we*re SUCCeSSfUItM their mission Statement reads, we believ

21、e this Will be One Of the most important and WidCly beneficial SCiCntifiC advances CVCr made. SinCe the early days Of A I, imagination has OUtPaCed What is POSSible Or even PrObable In 1965, an imaginative mathematician Called Ining Good PrCdiCted the CVentUal CreatiOn Ofan MUltraintelligent machine

22、 that Can far SUrPaSS all the intellectual (智力的)activities Of any man, however CleVerr Good Went On to SUggeSt that “the first Ultra-intelligent machine 0uld be *the laSt invention that man need ever make.nFearS about the appearance Ofbact powerful, Inan- Inade intelligent InaChineS have ben reinfor

23、ced (强 It) by many WOrkS Of fiction一Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and the TerminatOr film series, for example. BUt if AI docs CVCntUally PrOVC to be OUr downfall, it is Unlikely to be at IhC hands OfhUtnan-ShaPed forms like these. With recognisably human motivations SUCh as aggression (敌对 彳亍为).InSteadj

24、 I agree With OXfbrd UniVerSity PhiloSOPhCr NiCk Bostrom, WhO believes that the heaviest risks from AGI do not COme from a decision to turn against mankind but rather from a dogged PUrSUit Of Set ObjeCtiVeS at the expense Of everything else.ThC PrOmiSe and clanger OftrUe AGI arc great. BUt all OftOd

25、ays CXCited discussion about these POSSibilitiCS PrcSUPPOSeS the feet that We Will be able to build these systems. Andj having SPOken to many Of the worlds foremost AI researchers, I believe there is good reason to doubt that We Will See AGI any time soon, if ever.42a What does the Underlined WOrd l

26、qubiquitousn in ParagraPh 1 PrObably mean?A- EnOnnOUS in quantity-Changeable dailyC Stable in quality D PreSent everywhere-43 - What COUId AGI do for us, according to its supporters?A HelP to tackle problems. B Make brains more active.C BCnefit ambitious PCOPIC- D, Set UP POWerfUI databases.44 . AS

27、for IrVing Goods OPiniOn On Ultra-intelligent machines, the author is -A SUPPOrtiVedisapprovingC fearful D UnCertain- What Can be interred about AGI from the passage?A. It may be Only a dream.B It Will COme into being soon.C It Will be COntrOlled by humans-D It may be more dangerous than CVeT- 第二节(共

28、 5 小 题;每题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的 最正确选项.选项中有两项为多余选项。Many PeOPle think that POSitiVe thinking is InOStly about keeping ones head in theSand and ignoring daily problems, trying to I00k OPtimiStiC- In reality it has more to do With the Way an individual talks to himself. SCIf-talk is a COnSta

29、nt StrCara Of IhoUghtS Of a PCrSoni who is OftCn UnaWarC and UDCcrtain Qf SonW CVCntSt phenomena, people, Or even the PerSOn himself. 46 Meanwhile, POSitiVe thinking Can help to StOP negative self-talks and Start to form a PoSitiVe VieW On an issue* PeOPle WhO regularly PraCtiSe PoSitiVe Thinking te

30、nd to SOIVe PrOblemS more effectively. They arc ICSS CXPOSCd to StrcSS CaUSCd by external factors. ThCy tend to believe in IhCmSelVeS and in What Ihey do.47 PeOPle WhO Ihink POSitiVely demonstrate increased life SPanS (卷命),lOWer rates Of depression and anxiety, better PhySiCal and PSyChOlOgiCal heal

31、th, reduced risks Of death from heart PrOblenis. POSitiVC thinking also COntribUteS to ones ability to deal With PrObICnIS and hardships- 48 FOr example, researchers have R) Und that in IhC CaSe Of a CriSiS accompanied by Strong CmOtiOnSi SUCh as a natural disaster, POSitiVC Ihinking Can PrOVidC a S

32、Ort Of bullcr (缓? If 乍用)against depression and anxiety. RCSiliCnt (适应性强的)PeoPIC WhO think POSitiVely tend to treat CVery PrOblCm as a challenge, a ChanCe tor improvement Of any kind, Or as an OPPOrtUnity for PerSOnal growth- Pessimists, On the contrary, tend to PerCeiVe PrOblemS as a SOUrCe Of addit

33、ional stress. 49In COnCIUSion, POSitiVe thinking is a POWerfUI and CfieCtiVe tool for dealing With hard times and improving the quality Of one*s lif%. It doesnt have anything to do With ignorant optimism When an individual refuses lo notice a Problem- 50 Thinking in a positive, SCIf- CnCOUraging Way

34、 brings about many benefits to ones PhySLCal and mental health-A.It doesnt CaUSC any SCVCrC CmOtiOnal discomfort, CithCr-B. Negative Self-talk damages self-confidence and decreases Self-respect.C- it helps One to remain Clear-headed and Confident in difficult Situations.D POSitiVC thinking has SCVCr

35、al beneficial CfiCCtS On the body and the mind.E- AS thinking ChangeSf an individua T s behaviour and habits Change as WelLF- ThCy OftCn OnCr a real alternative to the COmlnon and regular Way Of thinking.G They Often feel discouraged IOng before trying to SOlVe the problem, even if SmalLSinglC*usc P

36、laStiC bags are used at most a few timebefore they 4 (throw) away It takes them hundreds Of years 5_ (break) down. . Many Of IheSC bags Cnd UP in the GCCan WherC larger ones Can IraP Sea creatures, SUCh as lUrtles and dolphins. OVer time, the bags fall apart 6 COUntICSS tiny pieces, and fish CajI ac

37、cidentally eat SOme OftilCm- NOWIOtS Of 7 (COUntry) and regions are taking action to ban the Sale of SUCh bags to stop PeOPle USing them.A PiCCe Of Stolle 8 (find On a Dutch beach suggests that -our extinct human relatives, known as NCanderthalSw Were clcv%rcr I han PTCVielUSIy thought. The Nwiidtrt

38、hals 9 (livt) alongOlc human anc i sto i 飞 in EUrdPe for tens of th5u%and% Of years, %ef5re dying Ollt about 40, 000 years ago. ThCy Were IllUeh SlrOngCrlhan modem humans9 but its long been assumed that human ancestors Were 10 (Snlart) than the Neanderthals. However, the Stoile tool made by Neandert

39、hals SUggeStS OlheTWiSe 第二节完形境空C共20小题;每题M分,共30分阅读下面短文,家握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个 选项中,选出址佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑My laiCh in human InatlJrC has never been so great as it WaS laSl weekend aCl cr OUr family get-together in the town Of Vail.第三局部:书面表达(共两节,35分)第节(15分)假设你魁红星中学高三学生李华。你们学校英语戏剧俱乐部 外籍指导教师Jim因疫情滞留英国。复学在即,作为俱

40、乐部负责 人,你给Jim写一封电子邮件,诸他推存一名外籍指导教师,内 容包括:1 .条件及要求;.表示感谢并提醒注意防护.注意:1 词数不少T50:2 .开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。DearjimtYOUrSfLi HUa(请务必将作文写在答题卡指定区域内)7/10第二节(20分)假设你是红星中学高三(1)班班长李华。居家学习期间,你 们班开展了一次以“自律”为主题的调研活动。请 根据以下四购 图的先后顺序,写篇英文稿件,给你们学校英文网站投稿,记 述你在本次活动中发现问题并解决问题的过程。注意:词数不少于60。提示词:自律 self-discipline(请务必将作文写在答题R指定区域内

41、)2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷)英 语参考答案第一局部:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节语法填空(共10小题;每题1.5分,共15分)I . PiayS/has PlayediS Playing/has been Playing 2lUCky 3* if7whert i er4- are thrown 5- to break 6- into/to7 COUntrieS 8 found 9 , liVCd/had lived/had beenliving 10- Smarter第二节完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,共30分)C 12, B 13, C 14. A 15. D

42、 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. C20- A2b D 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. DB 27. D 28. A 29. B 30- C26- 分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分,共30分)31- C 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D36. A 37- C 3& D 39. B40. D4L C 42. D 43. A 44- B 45- A第二节(共5小题;每题2分,共10分)46. B 47. D 48- C 49- G 50. A第三局部:书面表达(共两节,35分)第一节(15分)One POSSible version:

43、Dear JimfHOW are you doing? I hope everythings OK With you-OUr SChOOrS drama ClUb PlanS to Start practising. SinCe you re away in Britain, We Heed a drama teacher to be in your PlaCe. WOUld you PleaSC recommend OnC for us?He Or She ShOUId be a native English speaker, Currently in Beijing, and experi

44、enced in both directing and teaching-Thank you for your help PleaSe take Care Of yourself. Remember to Wear a XnaSk When necessaryBeSt WiSheSiY0UrStLi HUa第二节(20分)一.内容要点1.发现问题2征求总见3线匕讨论4汇报成果二、范文One POSSible version:Whik StUdyillg at home, I SUrVeyed my ClaSS On uSelfdisciplineu. The findings WOmed me

45、 a lot.TO SOIVC the problem, I asked my ParCntS for help, and they OffCrCd SOmC PraCtiCal advice ThCn I held an OnlinC discussion With Iny CJaSSmaleS On how to Wdl (liSCiPline OUreelVeS- After that, We all knew belter What to do.Three months later, I did a SeCOnd survey, WhiCh ShOWed great improveme

46、nts in self-discipline* I PhOned my teacher about it, and We both felt Very PleaSed.On Saturday, WC all Went to the market right in the Iniddle Of the town. Near Ihe end, We all A at the ibuntain near the bridger 八nd the kids Wiaded XK) around in the fountain Until We 12 . ThiS is One Of the busiest

47、 Walking streets-After We returned to the hotel latC in. the afternoon, my 7-year-old SOn Ponder 1_3 that nowhere COUld he find his backpack, WhiCh _14_ his GamCboy and hi watch. After a thorough 15 . we determined that he must have left it at Ihe fountain -POnCkT has never 芯 anything- SO WCjUSt lak

48、C for granted that he IICCd5 no SUPCTViSioll (捋导)for managing his1/1017-He WaS upset, not about the Gameboy, but about the WatCh-Z/But Dad, he Saidv through massive 18 , “they dont make that kind Of WatCh anymore.M We Were all VeTy 19 OUr dinner reservation WaS at a restaurant just On the Other Side Of the bridge, SO I 20 him Ihat We WOUld not Only SearCh the area around the fountain When We Went back for dinner, but We WOUld also find the POliCe and ask them if the backpack bad been 21 AS We exited from the Parking garage, We COUId See the fountain


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