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《【原创】小升初英语模拟试卷6【小学毕业小升初英语含答案可编辑】.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【原创】小升初英语模拟试卷6【小学毕业小升初英语含答案可编辑】.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【原创】小升初英语模拟试卷6【附答案、详细解释、排版清晰可直接使用、可随意编辑】一、在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中.(20分)1.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.basketballB.footballC.runners2.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.rideB.lunchC.walk3.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.fishB.chickenC.banana4.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.cakeB.ice creamC. party5.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.flowerB.swimC.ru

2、n6.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.summerB.cloudC.winter7.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.heavyB.lightC.win8.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.cabbageB.potatoC.body9.在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.swimming poolB.gymCleaves10 .在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中A.birdB.flyC.walk二、情景选择.(8分).当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问()A.Where is the eraser?B.Where is the pen?C.Wh

3、ere is it from?11 .当你想知道商店有多远时问()A.How long is the store?B.How far is the store?C.How much is the store?12 .当你想知道这个周六的天气如何时问()A.What is the Saturday?13 What is the weather like this Saturday?C.lts Saturday today?14 .当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,问()A.What are you looking for?B.What do you like best?C.Would you li

4、ke a glass of tea?15 .当你想了解别人多长时间去一次肯德基时问()A.How do you go to the KFC?B.How long do you go to the KFC?C.How often do you go to the KFC?16 .当你想告诉别人你不会游泳时你会说()A.I dont swimB.l cant swimC.l dont like to swim.当你想知道对方的爸爸是做什么的问()A.Who is your father?B.What is your father?C.What does your father like?17 .当

5、你想知道这些苹果多少钱时问()A.How much are these apples?B.lts so cheap.C.How many apples are there?三、选择合适的词完成句子.(12分).选择合适的词完成句子 season swim ski fly why sweater(1) My favorite is fall.(2) Its cool. I wear my(3)1 can in the lake in summer.(4) In spring, we can kites.(5) - -do you like winter?-Because I can四、阅读理解并

6、选择正确答案.(10分)20. One day after school, the teacher says to his students: Tomorrow morning if anyone of you can answer my first question (问题)he or she can go home early The next day, when the teacher comes into the classroom finds blackboard very dirty, he is very angry (生气),Who did it? Please stand u

7、p! Its me. says Tom Now I can go home. Goodbye.(1) Tom is the teachers.A.friendB.studentC.son.(2) Tom makes dirty.A.the deskB.the chairC.the blackboard.(3) The teacher is very angry because.A.Tom can answer (回答)his first questionB.Tom doesnt stand upC.the blackboard is very dirty.(4) The teacher ask

8、s the student to.A.stand upB.sit downC.go home.(5) Which is true?A.lt is good for Tom to do it.B.Tom is a naughty (淘气的)student.C.Tom goes home early every day.参考答案与试题解析一、在每组中找出不同类的一个.并把它写在括号中.(20分)1.【答案】C【解答】此题考查类别分类.A. basketball篮球.B. football足球.C. runners跑步者,赛跑 者,是名词runner的复数.选项A, B都是体行运动的球类,C是指做体

9、育运动的人, 可知C与其他几个不同类.应选:C.B【解答】此题考查词性分类.A. ride骑;B. lunch午餐;C. walk步行.ride和walk是动词, lunch是名词.应选:B.3 .【答案】 C【解答】此题考查类别分类.A. fish鱼,鱼肉.B. chicken鸡肉.C. banana香蕉.选项A, B 都是肉类,C是水果,可知C与其他几个单词不是同类.应选:C.4 .【答案】C【解答】此题考查类别分类.A. cake,表示:蛋糕.B. ice cream,表示:冰淇淋.C. party, 表示:聚会.选项A, B都是食品,C是活动,可知C与其他几个不同类.应选:C.5 .【

10、答案】A【解答】此题考查词性分类.A. flower花:B. swim游泳:C. run跑.swim和run是动词, flower是植物名词.应选:A.6 .JLOJLB【解答】此题考查类别分类.A. summer夏天:B. cloud云;C. winter冬天.summer和 winter是季节名词,cloud是名词,是-种自然现象.应选:B.7【答案】C【解答】此题考查词性分类. 词,win是动词. 应选:C.C【解答】此题考查类别分类. potato是蔬菜名词, 应选:C.9.【答案】C【解答】此题考杳类别分类.A. heavy 重的:B. light 轻的:C. win 嬴.heavy

11、 和 light 是形容A. cabbage 廿蓝:B. potato 土豆:C. body 身体.cabbage 和 body指身体.A. swimming pool 游泳池;B. gym 体育馆;C. leaves 树叶.swimming pool和gym是场所名词,leaves是植物名词.应选:C.10.【答案】A【解答】此题考查词性分类.A. bird鸟;B. fly飞;C. walk步行.fly和walk是动词,bird 是动物名词.应选:A.二、情景选择.(8分)A【解答】考查情景询问.A. Where is the eraser?橡皮在哪儿? B. Where is the pe

12、n?钢笔在哪 儿? C. Where is it from?它来自哪儿?当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:Where is the eraser?应选:A.12.【答案】B【解答】考查情景询问.A. How long is the store?商店有多长? B. How far is the store?商店 有多远? C. How much is the store?商店要多少钱?当你想知道商店有多远时间: How far is the store?应选:B.B【解答】考查情景询问.A. What is the Saturday?星期六是什么? B. What is the weather li

13、ke this Saturday?这个星期六的天气如何? C. Its Saturday today.今天是星期六.当你想 知道这个周六的天气如何时问:What is the weather like this Saturday?应选;B.14答案Lc【解答】考查情景询问.当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,应该问:你想要一杯茶吗?即: Would you like a glass of tea? A译为:你正在找什么? B译为:你最喜欢什么? 应选:C.15 .【答案】C【解答】考查情景询问.A. How do you go to KFC?你怎样去肯德基? B. How long do you

14、go to the KFC?表达有误.C. How often do you go to the KFC?你多久去一次肯德基?当你 想了解别人多长时间去一次肯德基时间:How often do you go to the KFC?应选:C.16 .【答案】B【解答】此题考查情景交际.A. I dont swim.表示:我不游泳(表示习惯).B. I cant swim.表示:我不会游泳(我没有游泳的能力).C. I dont like to swim.表示:我 不喜欢游泳.当你想告诉别人你不会游泳时,表示:你想别人表达你没有游泳的能力, 应该说:I cant swim.应选:B.17 .【答案

15、】B【解答】考查情景询问.A. Who is your father?你的爸爸是谁? B. What is your father?你的 爸爸是做什么的? C. What does your father like?你的爸爸喜欢什么?当你想知道对方 的爸爸是做什么的问:What is your father?应选:B.18J餐案LA【解答】考查情景询问.A. How much are there apples?这些苹果多少钱? B. Its socheap.它真廉价.C. How many apples are there?有多少个苹果?当你想知道这些苹 果多少钱时间:How much are

16、 there apples?应选:A.三、选择合适的词完成句子.(12分).【答案】season,sweater. ,swim,fly,Why,ski.【解答】此题考查选词填空.(1) season.木句为陈述句.根据fall,可知本句中fall为名词,意思是秋天,前面 缺少的词语应该是季节.故答案为:season.(2) sweater.本句为陈述句.根据cool,可知本句中cool表示天气很凉爽:根据 wear表示穿着,可知后面缺少衣服.故答案为:sweater.(3) swim.本句为陈述句.本句缺少行为动词.根据inthelake,可知动作在湖里进 行;根据summer,可知本句情景为

17、夏天在湖里游泳.故答案为:swim.(4) fly.本句为陈述句.本句缺少行为动词.根据in spring,可知动作发生在春天: 根据kites,可联想固定结构fly kites放风筝.春天为放风筝的季节.故答案为:fly.(5) Why, ski.本句为特殊疑问句及其答句.根据答句Because,可知问句以Why 开头,提问原因,注意开头字母w要大写.问句意思为:你为什么喜欢冬天?冬天为 滑雪的季节,故回答为:因为我能够滑雪.故答案为:Why, ski.四、阅读理解并选择正确答案.(10分).【答案】BCCAB【解答】(1) B.根据文中关键句when the teacher comes i

18、nto the classroom finds blackboard very dirty, he is very angry, Who did it? Please stand up! Its me. says Tom 可知汤 姆是老师的学生.选项B. student学生.应选:B.(2) C.根据文中关键句when the teacher comes into the classroom finds blackboard very dirty, he is very angry, Who did it? Please stand up! Its me. says Tom 可知汤 姆把黑板弄

19、脏了.选项C. the blackboard (黑板).应选:C.(3) C.根据文中关键句The next day, when the teacher comes into the classroom finds blackboard very dirty, he is very angry可知老师非常生气是因为他发现黑板很 脏.选项 C. the blackboard is very dirty (黑板很脏.).应选:C.(4) A.根据文中关键句Who did it? Please stand up”可知老师让学生站起来.选项 A. stand up.(站起来).应选:A.(5) B. 文中“the teacher says to his students: Tomorrow morning if anyone of you can answer my first question he or she can go home early,汤姆为了能早点回家,故意弄脏 黑板,让老师问是谁干的,汤姆主动成认错误,答出了老师的第一个问题,就能到达 他的目的,可知汤姆是一个淘气的孩子.选项B. Tom is a naughty student.是真实的.应选:B.


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