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《【原创】小升初英语模拟试卷20【小学毕业小升初英语含答案可编辑】.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【原创】小升初英语模拟试卷20【小学毕业小升初英语含答案可编辑】.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【原创】小升初英语模拟试卷20【附答案、详细解释、排版清晰可直接使用、可随意编辑】一、把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里.(10分)1. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.springB.summ2. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.juiceB.milk3. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.treeB.desk4. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.sunnyB.rain5. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.theB.near6. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.singingB.speak7. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.handB.ear8. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.sevenB.six9. 把不同类的单词找出来,A.b

2、lackB.Ameri将其序号填在括号里()2rC.weather将其序号填在括号里()C.book将其序号填在括号里()C.window将其序号填在括号里()C.cloudy将其序号填在括号里()C.behind将其序号填在括号里()C.playing将其序号填在括号里()C.cold将其序号填在括号里()C.eighth将其序号填在括号里():aC.red10. 把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里()A.goodbyeB.teacherC.cook二、选择正确的选项,填写在前面的括号内.(20分)- - is his football ? - - Its under the bed.

3、()A.WhereB.WhoC.What- Thank you very much.()A.Youre rightB.AII rightC.You are welcome11. Which season do you like?()A.betterB.goodC.best12. The red car is than the black one.()A.niceB.nicerC.very nice13. Its very hot summer in Beijing.()A.onB.atC.in14. Can you sing the song in English? - - No, I.()A

4、.cantB.mustntC.neednt15. - - What did you do last weekend? - - I did my homework and TV.()A.watchB.watchedC.am watching16. I like drawing pictures and she.()A.like to singB.likes singingC.like singing17. Wu Ming is a girl, she long hair.()A.hasB.wasC.have18. He is going artist in the future.()A.to a

5、nB.to be anC.an19. She is than me.()A.strongB.strongerC.strongest20. I usually get up seven oclock in the morning.()A.atB.onC.of21. - - is the coat? - - Thirty - five yuan, please.()A.HowB.How much C.How old22. - - Excuse me can you tell me the way to the Cinema ?-Let me see. You can No. 5bus.()A. b

6、yB.takeC.go23. - - Mike is playing basketball in the playground.()A.aB.theC.24. - - Its time lunch.()A.toB.haveC.for25. -you watch TV last night? - Yes, I watched TV.()A.DidB.DoC.Does26. - Whats the you, Mike? - I have a cold.()A.matter onB.match withC.matter with27. John got a nice present yesterda

7、y, he looked.()A.sadB.happyC.tired28. - - Are there any students in the classroom?-Yes, there are students in the classroom.()A.someB.anyC.a三、根据问句,选择正确的答句(20分)(1)weekend?What do you usually do on theA.Its in front of the cinema.(2) How tall is that tree ?B.meSun Hui is younger than(3) Whos younger,

8、you or Sun Hui?c.1 usually play football.(4) Wheres the bus stop ?D.Its about 12 meters.(5) What did you do yesterday ?E.This is Mike speaking.(6) How can 1 get there?F.You can take No.8bus.(7) When did you get up ?G.Yes, they do.(8) pandas ?_. Do the tigers run faster than theH.1 got up at 7: 30.(9

9、) _. May 1 come in?1.1 cleaned the living room.(10) _. Whos that?J.Just a minute.32.(1) _. What did your father do yesterday?A.1 am going to Harbin.(2) _. How was your weekend?B.She feels better now.(3) _. Where are you going on your holiday?C.Last year.(4) _. Is Amy stronger than me?D.He watched TV

10、.(5). How does your mother feel now?E.Yes, he is(6) . When did you go to Shanghai?F.It was a busy one.(7) _. What day is it today?G.No, she isnt.(8) _. Is John dancing?H.Its Monday.(9) . How did you go to Beijing?1. By plane.(10) _. Can you water the flowers?J.Yes, 1 can.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空.(10分)The girl

11、 can (sing) English songs.33. Lets (go) and join them.34. - - What is on the table? There (be) some apples on it.35. Helen (take) many pictures last week.36. My sister likes (draw) pictures very much.37. Marys eyes are (big ) than Lucys.38. Amy want to (visit) her grandparents.39. My father (buy) a

12、new car last month.40. It is Sports Day, all the (student) are very excited.41. I will (give) her a book about panda.五、按要求写单词.(10分)let us (缩写形式)(62) .上个周末(汉译英)(63) . have (过去式)(64) . heavy (比拟级)(65).foot (复数)(66).make (现在分词)(67).bigger (反义词)(68).teach (单三形式)(69).sing (过去式)(70).thin (比拟级)六、按要求完成以下句子.

13、(10分)42. They are making kites. (变一般疑问句)the like whats weather Beijing in ( ? ) (连词成句)43. I like the small apple. (变否认句)I went to Holiday hotel.(对画线局部提问)44. Did Mike go to Kunming with his mom last holiday?(做否认回答)七、阅读短文,判断,对的选“T”,错的选“F” .(10分)45. Mr. Green is an Englishman. He is a teacher. He teach

14、es English in No.lSMiddle School in Beijing. He likes teaching very much. He goes to work by school bus every morning.There are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. He plays games with them after class. He likes them very much. And his students love him, too. They are g

15、ood friends.(76) . Mr. Green is a Canadian. (77) . He likes teaching very much. (78) . He goes to work by bike every morning. (79) . He speaks Chinese in class. (80) . He likes his students very much. 八、阅读理解.(10分)This is a picture of a family. The grandmothers name is Harry Smith. The grandfathers n

16、ame is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans. The fathers name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The mothers name is Kate Smith. She is 40.They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen. The sons name is John Smith and the daughters mane is Mary Smith. They are students of No.l2Middle School. K

17、ate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. Its a very good family.(1).The grandparents areA. AmericansB. AmericanC. America.(2).Johns father is.A. 44B.40C. very old.(3).Marys mother is aA. teacherB. policemanC. doctor.(4).They are in the schoolA. someB. middleC. any.(5).The family has

18、 children_A. sixB. twoC. four.参考答案与试题解析一、把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里.(10分).【答案】C【解答】此题考杳类别分类.A. spring春天;B. summer夏天;C. weather天气.spring和 summer是季打名词,weather是天气的总称.应选:C.1 .【答案】C【解答】此题考查类别分类.A. juice果汁:B. milk牛奶:C. book书.juice和milk是饮品类名词,book是书籍类名词.应选:C.3答案工A【解答】此题考查类别分类.A. tree树木:B. desk书桌:C. window窗户.desk

19、和window 属于物品类名词,tree指树木.应选:A.4【答案】B【解答】此题考查词性分类.A. sunny晴朗的;B. rain下雨;C. cloudy多云的.sunny和 cloudy是形容词,rain是动词.应选:B.5 .【答案】A【解答】此题考查词性分类.A. the定冠词;B. near靠近;C. behind在后面.near和behind是介词,the是定冠词.应选:A.6 .【答案】B【解答】此题考查类别分类.A. singing 唱歌;B. speak 说:C. playing 玩.singing 和 playing 是动词的现在分词,speak是动词原形.应选:B.7

20、.JLMLc【解答】此题考查词性分类.A. hand手;B. ear耳朵;C. cold寒冷的.hand和ear是名词, cold是形容词.应选:C.8 .【答案】C【解答】此题考查类别分类.A. seven七:B. six六:C. eighth第八.seven和six是基数词, eighth是序数词.应选:C.9 .【答案】B【解答】此题考查词性分类.A. black黑色的;B. America美国;C. red红色的.black和red 是颜色类形容词,America是国家名词.应选:B.10 .【答案】A【解答】此题考杳词性分类.A. goodbye再见;B. teacher教师;C.

21、cook厨师.teacher和 cook是职业名词,goodbye是问候语.应选:A.二、选择正确的选项,填写在前面的括号内.(20分).【答案】A【解答】此题考查疑问词的选择.A. Where在哪;B. Who谁:C. What什么.结合答语“代为 under the bed (它在床下)”可知问句询问他的足球在哪里,询问位置,用Where询 问.应选:A.11 .【答案】C【解答】考资日常交际用语.当别人说Thank you very much (多谢)时,我们应说不客气,BP Youre welcome. Youre right 你是对的/All right 好吧.不符合题意.应选:C.

22、12 .【答案】C【解答】考查比拟级与最高级,句子表示“你最喜欢哪个季节”,根据常识,一年有四个季节, 要用最高级形式,C best最好的,构成搭配,符合题意.应选:C.13 .【答案】B【解答】考查形容词比拟级,句了表示“红车比黑车更好看“,is”表示句子是一般现在时, than”表示“比起来”,用于比拟级,A. nice好的,不符合题意,B. nicer更好的,符 合题意,C. very nice很好,不符合题意.应选:B.14 .【答案】C【解答】考查时间介词.on表示具体到某一天,at表示具体到某个时刻,in表示在某段时间 里.句意表示“在夏天”.夏天是一段时间.应选:C.15 .【答

23、案】A【解答】考查一般疑问句回答.句子表示“你会用英语唱歌吗?不,我不会,can”情态动词, 表示“能,能够”,放在句首引导一般疑问句,肯定回答“Yes, lean,否认回答“No, I cant. A项符合题意.应选:A.16 .【答案】B【解答】考查动词过去式.根据last weekend可知句子时态是一般过去时,看电视是watch TV, watch的过去式是watched. A是原形.C是现在分词.应选:B.18答案工, B【解答】考查动名词和动词第三人称单数形式.题干时态是一般现在时,she是第三人称单数, 因而谓语动词111 like也应为单三形式,排除AC. like doing

24、 sth表示喜欢做某事.应选:B.19 .【答案】A【解答】考查动词第三人称单数.句意“吴铭是个女孩,她有一头长发.”由句子可知用一般现 在时.有实意动词have、主语是she,用第三人称单数has应选:A.2o.JMLB【解答】此题考杳动词不定式.结合题干可知句意为他未来打算成为一名艺术家”,句子陈述 将来的打算,用一般将来时,结构:be going to+动词原形.an用于元音因素开头前, artist是元音因素开头,其前用an修饰.应选:B.21 .【答案】B【解答】考查形容词的比拟级和最高级.观察可知句子的时态是一般现在时,句意为:她比我 更题干关键词为than,结合选项,可知此处填比

25、拟级更强的,stronger,最符合语 境.A选项是原形,C选项是最高级,不符合题意.应选:B.22聋塞LA【解答】考查时间介词.at表示具体到某个时刻,on表示具体到某天,of 一般不与时间搭配.句意表示在7点钟at seven oclock.应选:A.23 .【答案】B【解答】该题考查购物用语.How怎样;How much多少,询问价格;How old询问年龄;根 据答语Thirty - five yuan可知,问句询问价格,故用How much询问.应选:B.24 .【答案】B【解答】考查常用动词辨析.根据题干信息可知句子时态是一般现在时,take.bus相当于by bus,译为乘坐公共

26、汽车.A选项by bus中间不加任何词,C选项没有这种用法. 应选:B.25聋塞LC【解答】考查零冠词.冠词a/an/the一般用在名词前修饰名词,但是球类前不用冠词修饰. 应选:C.26.JSBLc【解答】考查习惯用语.句意“到了吃午饭的时间了”.心timefor+名词,意思是”到了.的时间II应选:C.27 .【答案】A【解答】答案:A.考查一般过去时,last night昨天晚上,表示句子是一般过去时,谓语动词是watch观 看,实意动词,所以用助动词Did提问,应选A.284缸C【解答】答案:C.该题考杳交际用语.根据答语“I have a cold推知问句是询问病情的,常用的问候语:

27、 Whats the matter with you?应选 C.29 .【答案】B【解答】答案:B.该题考查形容词辨析.sad伤心的,happy高兴的,tired劳累的,got a nice present 是个好消息,他应该高兴.应选:B.30 .【答案】A【解答】考查形容词辨析.句子表示“教室里有学生吗?是的,教室里有一些学生,students 表示名词复数,A. some一些,符合题意,B. any任何,一些,用于否认句或疑问句, 不符合题意,C. a一个,不符合题意.应选:A.三、根据问句,选择正确的答句(20分).【答案】C,D,B,A,I,F,H,G,J,E【解答】考查对话搭配.(

28、1) C 根据 What do you usually do on the weekend?在周末你通常做什么?由 usually, 时态为一般现在时,可知回答经常做的事情,根据选项答:I usually play football:故 选:C.(2) D根据How tall is that tree ?那棵树有多高?可知回答高度,根据选项答:It,s about 12 meters;应选:D.(3) B根据Who! younger, you or Sun Hui?谁更年轻,你还是孙慧?可知回答谁更 年轻,根据选项答:Sun Hui is younger than me;应选:B.(4) A根

29、据Wheres the bus stop ?公共汽车站在哪儿?可知回答公共汽车站所在地 点,根据选项答:Its in front of the cinema;应选:A.(5) I根据What did you do yesterday?你昨天做了什么?可知回答昨天做的事 情.时态为一般过去时,根据选项答:leaned the living room;应选:I.(6) F根据How can I get there?我要如何才能到达餐厅?可知回答去餐厅的方式, 根据选项答:You can take No.8 bus:应选:F.(7) H根据When did you get up ?你什么时候起床?由

30、did,时态为一般过去时,可 知回答我起床的时间,根据选项答:I got up at 7: 30;应选:H.(8) G Do the tigers run faster than the pandas ?老虎跑得快比熊猫吗?可知回答 是或不是.根据选项答:Yes, they do:应选:G.(9)J根据May I come in?我可以进来吗?根据选项答:Just a minute稍等一会;故 选:J.(10) E根据Who! that?你是谁?( 中)一般 通话.根据选项答:This is Mike speaking;应选:E.32.【答案】D,F,A,G,B,C,H,E,I,J【解答】考查

31、对话搭配.(1) D根据What did your father do yesterday?你父亲昨天做了什么?可知回答我父 亲昨天做了什么,根据选项答:He watched TV.故答:D.(1) ) F根据How was your weekend?你周末过得怎么样?可知回答周末的状态,根据 选项答:It was a busy one.这是一个忙碌的周末.故答:F.(3) A根据Where are you going on your holiday?你要去哪里过你的假期吗?可知回 答将去的地点,根据选项答:lam going to Harbin;故答:A.(4) G根据IsAmystrong

32、erthanme?艾米比我强壮吗?可知回答是或不是,由主语 Amy是女性,所以回答的主语是she,根据选项答:No. she isnt:故答:G.(5) B根据How does your mother feel now?你妈妈现在感觉如何?可知回答我妈妈 现在的感觉.根据选项答:She feels better now;故答:B.(6) C根据When did you go to Shanghai?你什么时候去上海的?可知回答去上海的 时间,由did,时态为一般过去时,所以是过去的时间,根据选项答:Last year;故 答:C.(7) H根据What day is it today?今天是什

33、么星期几?可知回答今天是星期几,根据 选项答:Its Monday.;故答:H.(8) E根据Is John dancing?是约翰在跳舞?可知回答回答是或不是,由主语John是 男性,所以回答的主语是he.根据选项答:Yes, he is:故答:E.(9) I根据How did you go to Beijing?你怎么去北京的?可知回答交通方式,根据选 项答:By plane:故答:I.(10) J根据Can you water the flowers?你能浇花吗?可知回答是,我能或不,我不 能.根据选项答:Yes, lean;故答:J.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空.(10分).【答案】s

34、ing【解答】考查单词填空.根据题干信息可知句了时态是一般现在时,can是情态动词,后跟动 词原形.故填:sing.33 . Qgo【解答】考查单词填空.观察可知句子时态是一般现在时,句式为祈使句,let后跟动词原形. 故填:go.34 .【答案】are【解答】此题考查单词填空.由题干得知句子时态是一般现在时.some apples译为一些苹果.是复数形式.故be动词为are.故填:are.35 .【答案】took【解答】考查单词填空,根据last week可知句了时态是般过去时.take pictures译为照相, take的过去式是took.故填:took.36 .【答案rdrawing【

35、解答】此题考查单词填空.由题卜信息得知句子时态是一般现在时.句意为:我姐姐非常喜 欢画画.like doing sth表示喜欢做某事,draw的现在分词是drawing.故填:drawing.37 .【答案】bigger【解答】此题考查单词填空.从than判断句子使用比拟级形式,big的比拟级是bigger.故填 bigger.38 .【答案】visit【解答】此题考查单词填空.根据Amy want to,可知这里放在to后面跟动词原形.故填visit.39 .JLbought【解答】此题考查单词填空.从last month判断句子使用一般过去时,buy的过去式是bought. 故填 boug

36、ht.40 .【答案】students【解答】此题考查单词填空.根据all the - - (student) are very excited,可知这里放在all后 面跟可数名词复数形式,student的复数是students.故填 students.41 .【答案】give【解答】此题考查单词填空.根据I will - - (give) her a book about panda,可知这里放在will后面跟动词原形.故填give.五、按要求写单词.(10分).【答案】Lets,last weekend,had,heavier,feet,making,smalleGteaches,sang

37、zthinner【解答】(61)考查全写和缩写.let us”让我们缩写对应“Lets”.(62)考查短语翻译上个周末对应英语“last weekend.(63)考查动词的过去式.have有,对应过去式had.(64)考查形容词的比拟级.heavy重,比拟级含义比拟重对应heavier.(65)考查可数名词的复数.foot脚.复数”很多脚对应feet.(66)考查动词的现在分词.make使得.现在分词含义,正使得对应making”.(67)考查反义词.bigger比拟大,反义词比拟小”对应“smaller,(68)考查动词的第三人称单数.teach教.第三人称单数对应teaches.(69)考

38、查动词的过去式.sing唱.过去式对应sang.(70)考查形容词的比拟级.this瘦.比拟级含义比拟瘦”对应thinner.六、按要求完成以下句子,(10分).【答案】Aretheymakingkites?【解答】此题考查肯定句转一般疑问句.结合题干中are making可知句子的时态为现在进行 时.转一般疑问句时将be动词are提到句首,首字母大写.主语后跟making.转为 的一般疑问句为:Are they making kites?故答:Are they making kites?42 .【答案rWhatstheweatherlikeinBeijing?【解答】考查连词成句,句子表示“

39、北京的天气怎么样”,问号表示句子是疑问句式,天气怎么 样固定表达whats the weather like, in Beijing表示在北京,按要求组织句子. 故填:Whats the weather like in Beijing?43 .【答案rI dont like the small apple.【解答】此题考杳肯定句转否认句.由实义动词like可知句子的时态为般现在时.like是动 词原形,转否认句时借助动词donk后跟动词原形like.故转为的否认句为:I dont like the small apple.44 .【答案】last Monday,When did you go

40、to Holiday hotel?【解答】考查划线局部提问,句子表示“我上周一去了假日酒店”,went to”表示句子时态是一 般过去时,last Monday”表示“上周一”,对其划线提问,用疑问词when,后面跟一 股疑问句,助动词did”引导一-般疑问句,后面跟动词原形g。,结合要求,完成题目. 故填:When did you go to Holiday hotel?45 .【答案】No, he didnt【解答】考查般疑问句.由助动词开头的般疑问句,I可答用Yes he does/No he doesrVt.由 Did Mike?”可知用一般过去式.回答时也用一般过去时态,否认助动词.

41、故答:No , he didnt.七、阅读短文,判断,对的选“T”,错的选.(10分)49筌案【解答】考查细节理解题(76) F.根据文中Mr. Green is an Englishman可知格林先生是一个英国人,而不是 加拿大人,应选:F.(77) T.根据文中He likes teaching very much可知他非常喜欢教学,应选:T.(78) F.根据文中 He goes to work by school bus every morning.可知他每天早上乘校 车去上班,而不是骑自行车,应选:F.(79) F.根据文中He speaks English with them in

42、 class.可知他在课堂上和学生们说 英语,应选:F.(80) T. 根据文中 He likes them very much. And his students love him, too.可知 他非常喜欢他的学生们,应选:T.八、阅读理解.(10分) so.jLAAABB【解答】A.根据文中They are very old. They are Americans,可知祖父母年龄大了, 他们是美国人,应选:A.(1) A.根据文中The fathers name is Lake Smith. He is 44,可知班的名字是雷 克.史密斯,他44岁了”,应选:A.(2) A.根据文中Kate is a teacher of the same school. ,可知凯特是同一所学校的 教师,应选;A.(3) B.根据文中They are students of No.12Middle School,可知他们是 T2 中的学 生,应选:B.(4) B.根据文中They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen,可知”他们有一个 儿子和一个女儿”,应选;B.


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