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《高考英语书面表达常用模板句型.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语书面表达常用模板句型.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语书面表达常用模板句型一:对比观点题型(1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1有一些人认为 2 另一些人认为 3 我的看法 The topic of -(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two kinds of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of -(支持A的理由一)What is more, -理由二). Moreover, -(理由三). How

2、ever, others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),-(理由二). Thirdly (finally),-(理由三).From my point of view/In my opinion/Personally speaking/As far as I am concerned/As for me, I think -(我的观点). The reason is that -(原因). As a matter of f

3、act/In fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice.All in all/In one word/In a word/To sum up, the former/latter is surely a wise choice .(2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Nowadays, some people believe that -(观点一). For example, they think -(举例说明)And it will bring them -(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I n

4、ever think this reason can be the point. For one thing,-(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, -(反对的理由之二)From all what I have said, I agree to the idea that -(我对文章所讨论主题的看法)二:阐述主题题型要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述1阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义2分析并举例使其更充实 The good old proverb -(名言或谚语)reminds us that -(释义)./ As a saying goes, -(名

5、言或格言警句) Indeed, we can learn many things form it. Firstly/First of all,-(理由一). For example/For instance,-(举例说明)./We can take -for example. Secondly,-(理由二). Another case is that -(举例说明). Furthermore/Whats more/Moreover/Last but not least/Above all, -(理由三) Personally/In my opinion/As far as I can see,

6、 -(我的观点). In short/All in all/On the whole/Briefly speaking, whatever you do, please remember the saying-. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, youll necessarily benefit a lot from it三:解决方法题型要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1问题现状2怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days/Recently/Nowadays, we have to face a

7、 problem-, which is becoming more and more serious. Firstly, -(说明问题的现状)Secondly, -(举例进一步说明现状)Facing the problem/Faced with the new problem, we should take a series of effective measures to deal with the situation. For one thing, -(解决方法一). For another thing-(解决方法二). Finally/Lastly, -(解决方法三). Personal

8、ly/Personally speaking, I believe that -(我的解决方法). Consequently/As a consequence/As a result/Therefore, Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us/waiting for us because -(带来的好处).四:说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)1说明事物现状 2事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3你对现状(或前景)的

9、看法 Nowadays, many people prefer A because it is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. Generally/Generally speaking/On the whole, its advantages can be seen as follows./it has the following advantages. First of all, -(A的优点之一). Besides,/Whats more, -(A的优点之二). However, every coin ha

10、s two sides./Everything has both advantages and disadvantages. The negative aspects are also apparent./Its disadvantages are also obvious. One of the important disadvantages is that -(A的第一个缺点)To make matters worse,/To make the matter worse,/To make things worse/Whats worse,-(A的第二个缺点) Through the abo

11、ve analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones./The above analysis shows us that it has more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, I would like to -(我的看法) (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it a

12、ccording to the circumstances we are in. Only in this way can we-(对前景的预测)五:图表式书面表达的框架(要注意数据的变化和时间的关系,要有重点,抓关键的大趋势) As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/data/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), _作文题目的议题_ has been increasing /rising/ going up/dropping/decreasing, significantly

13、/dramatically /steadily from_ in _ to _ in _. From the rise/decrease in the chart, it goes without saying that _.There are at least two good reasons accounting for _./Reasons for this are various/The following reasons can explain/account for this situation/phenomenon. In the first place/Firstly/firs

14、t of all, _. Secondly/Whats more, _ is due to the fact that _./_ lead to/has caused the situation. In addition, _ is responsible for _. Maybe there are some other reasons to show _. But it is generally believed that thereasons mentioned above are commonly convincing/considerable.As far as I am conce

15、rned, I hold the point of view that _. I am sure my opinion is both reasonable and understandable.六:图画作文 要求考生根据一幅图画(一般是一个或是两个,很少出现三副图的时候),首先描述图画的大致情况,然后要求考生对图画进行适当的阐释(解释、说明和分析),最后要求考生给出自己的建议、观点、原因等等。一般写三段。第一段:描述图画1、 As is vividly shown in the picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如

16、果是图表则用table/form,两个图表则用 tables/forms) above, 图画的内容。The picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用 tables) tells ( 注意,如果是前面的图画是复数,则用tell) us that 这个图片的大致反映的意思。2、 Recent years people in 地名(比如中国、北京、美国等等) have witnessed the fact that 描述图片里的现象 , And it is very common/usua

17、l to see that in recent years.第二段:解释,说明和分析图片1、 The implied meaning of the picture(注意,同上进行单复数的处理) should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with, 揭示涵义/原因/结果1,Second/Whats more, 揭示涵义/原因/结果2。 Last but not least/Finally, 揭示涵义/愿意/结果3(如果有的话)。And the social problem(如果是现象的话可以用phenomenon) has ar

18、isen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people.2、 There may/might be three( 也可以是两个哦,那就是two啦) factors which contribute to/are responsible for/explain/can make clear the 图片解释的现象。 First of all, 原因1。And then the second reason is that 原因2。The last reason,I think,is that 原因3。第三段:给出自

19、己的看法和想法以及解决问题的办法1, In my view / point of view (or As for me), We should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should 具体的措施1. And then we have to / must 具体的措施2. Only in these ways, can weSolve the problem of 具体的问题.2, It is true that these unique /

20、social points can / could together remind us that we should take some measures to solve it. 采取的措施1和2. Only in this way can we 实现的目标!必背模版句型As is described in the picture.The purpose of the picture is to show us that.We can see from this picture that.The picture indicates / conveys the meaning thatMor

21、e and more people have come to realize.Now it is commonly held that. but I doubt whether.As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship between. and .Anyone with the least common sense knows that.There is much discussion today about.Thanks to., more and more.As more and more people.

22、, much attention should be placed on.If such measures were not taken, the problem of. would have been more serious.Another reason why I object to the above statement is that .Unless there is a common realization of ., it is very likely that .No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of ., b

23、ut the common recognition of the necessity of . might be the first step towards change in the right direction.七:书信作文模板 I am extremely pleased to hear from you. And I would like to write a letter to tell you that_.(正文内容)I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/I am l

24、ooking f0rward to your replies at your earliest convenience.Best regards for your health and success.Sincerely yours,八:广播稿题型Boys and girls,May I have your attention, please? At the end of 2004, a strong earthquake hit the west part of Indonesia, which brought on a terrible tsunami to some areas of w

25、estern Asia. This disaster has caused millions of deaths and destroyed many beautiful cities. How terrible things are! Besides, millions more who have become homeless are in great need of help now. At present many countries all over the world including China have sent rescue teams there and thousand

26、s of people in every corner of the world are donating money to show their concern for them. It is true that many natural disasters cant be avoided sometimes. But at least we can do something to help the people in the tsunami-hit areas. So lets offer our pocket money to them! Thank you.九:通知题型Dec. 19t

27、h, 2004NOTICE To help students learn more about computers, we have invited Professor Wang from the Computer Department of Qinghua University to give us a lecture on Saturday, December 22nd. Professor will talk about the use of computer and how to learn through the Internet. The lecture begins at 2;0

28、0pm in Room 204 of the Library Building. Any computer-lover is welcome to attend the lecture. Please bring your questions in computer learning. Professor Wang will leave you time for questions. Dont forget to be on time. the Students Union十:欢迎辞题型Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our school! Now let me

29、 introduce something about the changes that have taken place in our class.We used to listen and take notes in class, but had no time to think for ourselves. Because we were not interested in the lessons, we often felt sleepy while listening. After school we had to finish much homework, unable to hav

30、e some sports.However, things are different now. With the help of computers, the lessons are so lively and interesting that the students are active to answer the questions instead of falling asleep. As a result, we have made greater progress than before, though we spend less time doing our homework.

31、 And we can enjoy ourselves after class.The good teaching method is popular with all of us. We will try our best to study even harder.Thats all. Thank you!十一:求职信题型Dear sir, The other day from China daily I know that your company need a travel guide. Im writing to apply for the job. Im Chinese, femal

32、e. I was born on March 25,1983 in Zhuzhou, Hunan province. I graduated from Hunan University last month. I enjoy working with people. Im young and healthy, delightful, helpful. I can speak standard Chinese and Im good at English. I once won the first prize of English competition in our college. Im v

33、ery interested in traveling and know many places of interest in China.I think Im suited for the job. If you can let me have this chance I will try my best to do it well.Expecting you answer. You can connect me by posting a letter to No 4 Middle School of Zhuzhou or dial this number:0733-8483628. Yours sincerely, Zhoulan 第5页


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