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《2022年面向对象程序设计教学大纲.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年面向对象程序设计教学大纲.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 面对对象程序设计( C+) 双语 课程教案大纲课程编号: 03874 制定单位:信息治理学院执笔人:杨巨成审 核 人:方志军修订时间: 2022 年 8 月 30 日江西财经高校教务处1 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 面对对象程序设计( C+) 双语课程教案大纲一、课程总述课程名称 课程性质 总学时数 开课院系 编写人 课程负责人 使用教材教案参考资 料面对对象程序设计课程代码03874 (C+)双语 专业必修课先修课程C 语言64(含上机 32 学时)周

2、学时数4(2+2)信息治理学院任课老师面对对象程序设计(C+)课程组杨巨成编写时间2022年 8 月方志军大纲主审人方志军Bjarne StroustrupThe C+ Programming LanguageSpecial Edition Higher Education Press (2003 年 7 月出版)1 裘宗燕译 C+程序设计(特殊版)机械工业出版社 2002年 7 月出版 2 裘宗燕译 C+语言的设计与演化机械工业出版社 2002年 1月出版 3 钱能主编 C+程序设计教程清华高校出版社2005年 9 月出版 4 刘宗田译 C+编程思想(第 2 版)机械工业出版社 2002年

3、9 月出版 5 郑莉主编 C+语言程序设计清华高校出版社2003年 12月出版 课程教案目 的课程教案要 求The objective of this course is to help the student grasp the basic idea, knowledge and technique of the object oriented programmingOOP language. After learning the course, the student can solve the practical problems appearedin their work with t

4、his advanced language and its software technique. The main content of this course is C+ programming language and the kernel characteristics of this language are abstract, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, which can be regarded as the base of the OOP programming. This course is practical,

5、 which means we should combine the learning and practice. During the course, the conception and the programming technique as well as many typical examples are included. In the experimental course, the student should finish the task assigned to them with the C+ language they have learned from the cou

6、rse. Through this way, the student can deeply understand the C+ language and can master the compiling, linking and runningprocedures of the language. In a word, many exercises and practicesare very important for the student to learn and understand the language well. 2 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共

7、 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 本课程的重 点和难点课程考试The emphasesof this course are to help the student grasp the core idea of the OOP language, which includes the above mentioned four aspects. Therefore, chapters about these aspects the most important parts of the course. The difficulties of this course aret

8、he class designing,inheritance and polymorphism. The student will feel some trouble in solving the practical problem with the data abstraction mechanisms especially with the pure virtual functions. The final mark of every student includes three parts: experimental reportstake 20 percent, large scale

9、 homework takes 20 percent, and the final examination takes 60 percent. The paper examination is closed which consists of full English and the student should answer all the questions with only English. 二、教案时数安排章目教案内容教案时数安排一Overview of the book and OOP 课堂讲授试验(上机)2 2 二A tour of C+ 2 2 三A tour of the s

10、tandard library 2 2 四Functions 2 2 五Pointer to Function, Macros, Namespace 2 2 六Classes 2 2 七Constructor & Destructor 2 2 八Pointers and class supplement 2 2 九Operator overloading 4 4 十Derived classes 4 4 十一Virtual base class 2 2 十二virtual functions 2 2 十三Templates 2 2 十四IO Stream 2 2 合计32 32 3 / 9 名

11、师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 三、单元教案目的、教案重难点和内容设置Chapter 1Overview of the book and OOP 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter, the student will know the structure of the book, the advice of how to use C+ and some background information about C+. In addition, the studen

12、t should learn the main characteristics of OOP language. Finally, the student should grasp how to design a C+ program in VC+.【Emphases】 Four main characteristics of C+, the difference between C and C+. 【Main contents】1 Contents of this book 2 Material and reference books 3 Main characteristics of OO

13、P 4 Design C+ program in VC+ Chapter 2 A tour of C+ 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter, the student will know the history of C+ and what is C+. The student will know the conventional procedural program and modular program. Then, the student will learn what the data abstraction is in C+ and

14、 some examples of how to define class by the OOP language.【Emphases】 What is modular program, how to define data abstraction and its usage. 【Main contents】1 What is C+ 2 Procedural programming 3 Modular programming 4 Data abstraction 5 Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 3A tour of the standard libr

15、ary 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter, the student will know the principal of standard library and its main function. When designing the C+ program, the student can use the standard library in the program, which can help to improve the efficiency of the program. 4 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

16、第 4 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 【Emphases】 Grasp some typical standard library functions, such as string, vector, list and map. 【Main contents】1 Output and input in C+ 2 Strings in C+ 3 The containers of standard library 4 Algorithms and math of standard library 5 Standard Library Facilities Cha

17、pter 4 Functions 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter,the student will know the declaration and definition of the function, the action scope of the function and its returning type as well as inline functions and static variables. Finally, the student will know the call of the function, the r

18、ecursive function as well as the function overloading. 【Emphases】 Grasp what is static variables and function overloading and know how to use them. 【Main contents】1 Function declarations and definitions 2 Inline function 3 Static variables 4 Argument passing in the function 5 Function overloading 6

19、Default argument Chapter 5 Pointer to Function, Macros, Namespace 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter, the student will know the pointer to function and its difference to pointer function, the macros and its correct use in the program, as well as the definition and use of namespace. Finally

20、, the student will know how to use declarations and directives for namespace in the program. 【Emphases】 Function pointer and namespace. 【Main contents】1 Concept of Pointer to Function, and its use in C+ 2 Macros in C+ 5 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 3 The definition of

21、namespace 4 Using declarations and directives for namespace Chapter 6 Classes 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter, the student will know the role of class and the definition of class. The student will also know what the object is and its difference to class. 【Emphases】The difference of publ

22、ic members and private members of a class. The threedifferent access control methods. 【Main contents】1 Characteristics of OOP 2 The definition and declaration of Class 3 Accessing Manners 4 Member of class Chapter 7 Constructor & Destructor 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter, the student w

23、ill know constructors and destructors ofa class, the combination of class as well as the static members of the class. 【Emphases】How to define class with constructors and destructors. Understanding the mechanism of class combination and static members. 【Main contents】1 Constructor 2 Copy-constructor

24、3 Destructor 4 Class combination 5 Static members Chapter 8Pointers and Class Supplement 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter, the student will know the definition and usage of pointers in C+. The student will also know how to use pointers for class and object, the mechanism of constant memb

25、er functions and default constructors as well as multi-objects as members for a class. 6 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 【Emphases】The usage of pointers in class for constructors and destructors as well as for objects. Understanding the mechanism of class with multi-objec

26、ts as members in the class. 【Main contents】1 Pointers 2 Pointers in class 3 Objects and Pointers 4 Constant Member Functions 5 Default constructors 6 Multi-Objects as Members Chapter 9Operator overloading 【Teaching Target】This chapter is given to show:1 the characteristics of friend function and how

27、 to define and use it. 2 how to define operator overloading functions by member functions and nonmember functions or friend functions. 3 several typical definitions of operator overloading functions. 4 the mechanism of constructing a string class by using operator overloading. 【 Emphases】 The differ

28、ence of member functions and friend functions. How to define operator loading in case of member functions and nonmember functions. Understanding the definition of a string class by operator overloading. 【Main contents】1 Friend 2 The requirement of operator overloading 3 Operator function 4 How to ov

29、erload operator 5 Members and friends 6 Conversion operator 7 Overloading for other operators 8 A string class Chapter 10Derived classes 【Teaching Target】This chapter is given to show:1how to define derived class and its member functions in the situation of single-inherit and multi-inherit ;2three t

30、ypical modes of inherit and their characteristics; 3the mechanism of constructors and destructors in the 7 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - derived classes as well as how to avoid ambiguity when using derived classes in the program. 【Emphases】 The difference of public inhe

31、rit and public inherit. How to define derived classes with constructors and destructors. Understanding the characteristic of derived class with member object in the case of multi-inherit. 【Main contents】1 Introduction 2 Single-inherit 3 Mode of inherit 4 Multi-inherit 5 Constructor and Destructor in

32、 derived classes 6 Multi-inherit with member objects 7 Ambiguity Chapter 11Virtual base class 【Teaching Target】This chapter is given to show:how to define virtual base class in the situation of multi-inherit 【Emphases】The difference of static binding and dynamic binding. 【Main contents】1 Virtual bas

33、e class 2 Rules of assignment in inherit Chapter 12Virtual functions 【Teaching Target】This chapter is given to show: 1 the role of virtual functions and their definitions in the base classes and derived classes as well as its characteristics in the class themechanism of pure virtual functions and ho

34、w to define abstract class in the program. 【Emphases】How to define virtual functions in the derived classes. Understanding the characteristics of pure virtual functions and abstract class in case of multi-inherit. 【Main contents】1 Virtual functions 2 Important notes 8 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共

35、 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 3 Pure virtual functions and Abstract Classes Chapter 13Templates 【Teaching Target】After learning this chapter, the student will know the role and definition of templates. The student will grasp the function templates and class templates. Finally, the student will know w

36、hat generic programming in C+ language is. 【Emphases】 The purpose of use of templates, function templates and class templates definitions. 【Main contents】1 Introduction 2 Function Templates 3 Class Templates 4 Class Templates and Non-type Parameters 5 Templates and Inheritance 6 Templates and friend

37、s 7 Templates and static Members Chapter 14IO Stream 【Teaching Target】In theses two courses, we will learn how to use string and iostream. Especially learn how to access files on hard drive by using iostream and iofstream. 【Emphases】 The purpose of use of iostream, how to use iostream and iofstream to access the files on hard drives. 【Main contents】1 Introduction to string 2 The usage of string 3 Introduction to iostream 4 The usage of iofstream 5 Accessing files by using iofstream 9 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页


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