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《Joinin五年级-上册期中考-试~题.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Joinin五年级-上册期中考-试~题.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、|五年级期中测试卷姓名:_ 分数:_1单项选择。(15 分)( ) 1. -Is Susan your best friend?-_.A. Yes, she is B. Yes, he is C. Yes, I am( ) 2. -Whos that old man in the picture?-_.A. She is my grandmother B. They are my parents C. He is my grandfather( ) 3.-_ can you jump in a minute?-36 times.A. How many B. How many times C.

2、How much( ) 4. My room _ silver bells.A. Is B. full of C. is full of( ) 5. I like_.A. Playing basketball B. play basketball C. plays basketball( ) 6. _ those your grandparents? A. Is B. Are C. Be ( ) 7. We are _ the same class. A. at B. in C. with ( ) 8. Im eleven years old and I live _ Wuhan.A. at

3、B. in C. on( ) 9. I get up _ seven oclock.A. at B. in C. about|( ) 10. Please write _ me soon.A. to B. in C. with( )11. Is _ a doctor?No, she is a nurse.A. he B. she C. it( ) 12. My mother is a _. She teaches Chinese.A. worker B. doctor C. teacher( ) 13. My sister has got many _.A. pet B. silver bel

4、ls C. dog( ) 14. We _ a big party at our school next weekend.A. have B. has C. are going to have( )15. Tom_ collect stickers. And he _ like sticking anything on his schoolbag.A. dont;doesnt B. doesnt; dont C. doesnt; doesnt2连词成句。(20 分)1. can, write, in, a minute, Emma, ten, English words (.)_2. I se

5、ll want this to necklace_.3. my is full mascots room of_.4. has, a, soft, toy, got, Tim (.) _|5. Have mascot got you a _?6. Girl pink in who is the _?7.Uncle driver a is my taxi _.8. Shells are twenty-two there wardrobe the in_.9. To school go I at eight quarter to_.10. In basket what the is_.3选出每组不

6、同类单词。(10 分)( )1. A. shell B. ring C. soft toy D. cousin( ) 2. A. pear B. necklace C. apple D. banana( ) 3. A. mouth B. monster C. leg D. nose( ) 4. A. pink B. yellow C. collect D. blue( )5. A. warm B. athlete C. hungry D. hot( ) 6. A.Chinese B. Maths C. Science D. Canada( )7. A. September B. Monday

7、C. Thursday D. Friday( ) 8. A. chair B. socks C. table D. wardrobe( ) 9. A. beautiful B. listen C. swim D. play( )10. A. shoes B. bike C. shorts D. jeans4将下列对话搭配。(5 分)( )1. how many girls are there in your class? A. He is a taxi driver ( ) 2. when does Linda get up? B. Yes, he is.( ) 3. Is Tim Emmas

8、 brother? C. At half past seven( ) 4. What does your father do? D. Yes, I have. ( ) 5. have you got a mascot? E. There are twenty-two |5 单词分类。(10 分)farmer daughter cornflakes cousin Science egg Friday necklace cake banana history worker brown Art black nurse grey P.E policeman pizza green uncle driv

9、er sonColors:_Families:_Foods:_Jobs:_Subjects:_6单词的正确形式填空。(10 分)1. Mary and Tom _(have) got football pictures.2. Stop_(cry), and give _ (I) a pen.3. Rose likes_(take) pictures.4. We _(do not) collect erasers or pencils.5. _ ( do) she collect stickers?6. What are_(that)?7. How much_(be) it?8. He is _

10、(listen) to the English.9. I _(do not) like uniform.10. I have got many_(apple).7阅读理解。(10 分)Barbara is my cousin. She is 11 years old. We are in the same school and same class. Her father is a doctor, her mother is a nurse. They work in the same hospital. Barbaras brother is Mike. They are twins. Mi

11、ke is in our school, but he is not in our class. He likes playing basketball.I often go to Barbaras home. She is my best friend, and she is my cousin, too.( ) 1. There are _ people in Barbaras family.A. Three B. four C. five|( ) 2. My uncle is a _.A. Student B. nurse C. doctor( ) 3. Barbaras mother

12、is my _.A. Aunt B. mother C. cousin( ) 4. Mike is _years old.A. 10 B. 11 C. 12.( ) 5. My cousin Mike likes _A. English B. playing football C. playing basketball8读对话,选择相应的单词,补全句子。(10 分)Mike: Hi, I am Mike. Whats your name?Mary: Im Mary.Mike: _1_ you got a mascot?Mary: Yes, I have. Its a toy animal.Mi

13、ke: Oh, what is it?Mary: Its _2_. What about you?Mike: I have got a _3_. Look, its around my neck. Can you _4_ me your mascot?Mary:_5_. Look, here it is.Mike: How lovely!( ) 1. A. Do B. Have C. Are( ) 2. A. an answer B. eleven C. a toy elephant( ) 3. A. necklace B. shell C. friendship band( ) 4. A. give B. bring C. show( ) 5. A. Great idea B. Sure C. Sorry|9以“My family”为题,写一篇五句话以上的小短文。要求结构完整,语句通顺,正确。字迹工整。(10 分)_


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