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《世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit7.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit7.ppt(110页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit7 Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life,there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望Unit 7 T大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社In working units,a positive relationship with colleagues is essential to your success.Text A in this unit will give you some suggestions on how to

2、establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss,which means more advancement opportunities for you.Moreover,Text B gives suggestions on maintaining a strong team sense among co-workers,but before that,you may have to accept the competition among employees,which is more prevalent now.In Pr

3、actical Reading you will read eight practical tips on team building,which is very thoughtful.Besides,you will continue to learn how to scan read passages further.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusWords and ExpressionsPractical ReadingComprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Scanning(2)The method of

4、 efficient scanning may be briefly summarized as follows:1.Keep it in your mind that you are after specific information,so begin with a very clear understanding of what you are looking for.Limit your search to one or,at most,two items of information at a time.2.Decide in advance what form the inform

5、ation is likely to take in order to locate it very quickly,and then move your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases related to the information.If it is a persons name,you will want to look forinitial capital letters.Reading Skill Focus大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社If it is the title of a

6、 book,you will be looking for italics.If it is a date,you will look for figures.And if it is the description of an event,the discussion of an idea,the definition of a term,or the like,you should be looking for key words whichcould be likely to occur in such a description or discussion.For example,if

7、 you are reading a biography to find someones occupation,you should look for words like occupation,work employment,livelihood,and so forth.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社3.Pass quickly over all material that is not directly related to the information you seek.Donot allow your attention to be diverted from your s

8、pecific task,for otherwise you will slow down your speed and are even apt to forget your original purpose.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社AGuided PracticeThe following two questions are based on the passage that follow.Readthe questions first and then find the answers in the passage.1.Whats the mean annual temper

9、ature in Louisiana?2.At what time of year does Louisiana have its minimum rainfall?Sample 1大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社The entire state of Louisiana is within a damp,subtropical zone.The average annual temperature of the state is 67 degrees Fahrenheit,and monthly mean temperatures vary from 52 degrees in Janu

10、ary and December to 82 degrees in July and August.The length of the growing season is usually between 220 and 250 days in the northern half of the state,and between 250 and 275 days in the southern half.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社The annual rainfall of the state averages about fifty-five inches,with a minimu

11、m in autumn.In the southern half the maximum is in summer,with frequent heavy thunderstorms,in the northern half the winter and spring rains exceed those of summer.Cane sugar is the principal product of the delta region,and rice is grown in the prairies of southwestern Louisiana,and near the coast s

12、uch subtropical fruits as oranges,olives,figs and grapefruit are grown.Outside of these areas,cotton is the principal crop.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社当我们试图找到某个具体信息时,通常不需要通篇仔细阅当我们试图找到某个具体信息时,通常不需要通篇仔细阅读。要做的只是快速找到这个信息在文中所处的位置。找读。要做的只是快速找到这个信息在文中所处的位置。找到具体位置之后,再集中精力仔细阅读此处。到具体位置之后,再集中精力仔细阅读此处。由于本文一开头便说明了文章讲的是由于本

13、文一开头便说明了文章讲的是state ofLouisianastate ofLouisiana,因此要回答第,因此要回答第1 1 题,我们只题,我们只 要找到要找到mean annual mean annual temperature temperature 就会找到答案。注意问题中的就会找到答案。注意问题中的mean mean 和和average average 同义,都表示同义,都表示“平均的平均的”,因此第,因此第1 1题的答案是题的答案是67 degrees Fahrenheit67 degrees Fahrenheit。回答第回答第2 2 题时,应快速查找到关键信息题时,应快速查找到

14、关键信息minimum rainfall minimum rainfall 所处的大致位置。仔细阅所处的大致位置。仔细阅 读这一部分内容后得知答案为读这一部分内容后得知答案为in autumnin autumn。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社AGuided PracticeQuestions 1-4 are based on the passage that follow.Read the questions first and then find the answers in the passage.1.What were the two problems in adding voic

15、es to films?大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社2.What was the first film made with actorsvoices?3.What did Walt Disney create?4.How many people went to the cinema every week in the 1930s?大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社The Silver ScreenThe earliest films copied the techniques of the stage.It was not until 1908 that thefamous Amer

16、ican director,D.W.Griffiths,showed that the cinema was very different from the theatrefilms could move quickly from place to place,and could show actors close up.Between 1900 and 1930,going to the“pictures”(GB)or“movies”(US)became more and more popular.At first,films were shown in small public halls

17、;but soon specially-built cinemas began to open.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社By 1915,serials had begun to appear:each episode had an exciting ending,which encouraged the audience to come back the following week.It was at this time that Hollywood became the capital of the film world,and began to make its famous

18、comedies,with actors like Charlie Chaplin.Until the late 1920s,films were silent.The words spoken by the characters were shownon cards on the screen.Many cinemas had a pianist who played music to accompany the film.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社There were two problems which had to be overcome before voices coul

19、d be added.Onewas to make the sound loud enough for everybody in a cinema to hear,and the other was synchronizationmatching the sound to the lips of the speakers.In 1926,Warner Brothers,an American film company,decided to add record music totheir films;and in 1927 they included some speech in their

20、film The Jazz Singer.In the same year,1927,the first news film with sound was made.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社The Jazz Singer was very successful;but film companies found it difficult to changefrom silent films to“talkies”.With silent films,they had been able to make several scenes atonce in one studio.Now,t

21、hey had to build soundproof studios and films only one scene at a time.They could not move the cameras freely,as they had to build glass screens round them to quieten the noise they made.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社A director called Walt Disney realized that these problems did not affect cartoon films;so many

22、 of the first films with sound were cartoons.It was Disney who,in the late 1920s,created Mickey Mouse.The studios gradually learnt new techniques,and the 1930s became the golden age of Hollywood.At this time,the cinema audience was estimated at 75 million people a week;and the two biggest American c

23、ompanies,Paramount and MGM,were making over 500 films a year between them.Many new kinds of films developedmusicals,Westerns,thrillersnow that sound was possible.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社选择题目中具有明显标志或明确意义的词作为关键词有利选择题目中具有明显标志或明确意义的词作为关键词有利于定位信息以快速找到于定位信息以快速找到答案。答案。第第1 题关键词是题关键词是two problems,即答案在第,即答案在第4 段。从段

24、。从第第2 题的问题可得知,答案应该题的问题可得知,答案应该是一个电影的名字,而电影名在文章中应以斜体字形式表是一个电影的名字,而电影名在文章中应以斜体字形式表示,因此可快速找到答案,即示,因此可快速找到答案,即The Jazz Singer。第。第3 题关键词是题关键词是Walt Disney,可,可快速定位在倒数第快速定位在倒数第2 段,即答案为段,即答案为Mickey Mouse。第。第4题关键词是题关键词是1930s,可快速定位,可快速定位在最后一段,即答案为在最后一段,即答案为75 million。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社The following two questio

25、ns are based on the passage that follow.Read the questions first and then find the answers in the passage.1.What is the purpose of this letter to Bentley employees?A.To inform them that accounts have been opened in their names.B.To persuade them to start retirement plans.C.To offer them the opportun

26、ity to join the Credit Union.D.To advise them of which services they should use.D_B.Challenge Yourself大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社2.The Credit Union provides all of the following services EXCEPT_.A.savings accounts B.B.stocks and bondsC.home loans D.credit cardsB_大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Bentley International Servic

27、e Group,Inc.September 16Welcome:As an employee of Bentley International Service Group,Inc.,you and your family areeligible for participation in the Bentley Employees Federal Credit Union.The Credit Union advised that currently only a$10.00 minimum savings account balance is required to become a life

28、time member of the Credit Union.The Credit Union has also advised that they offer a full range of products and services,outlined below:大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 Consumer loansNew and used autos,credit cards,signature loans,and other loantypes.All with low rates and competitive terms.A choice of four checki

29、ng account plans.Real estate loanshome equity and first mortgage loans.ATM cards that allow you to access your account through the STAR and PLUSATM networks and explore point-of-sale terminals.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 Full range of savings accounts and Individual Retirement Accounts(IRAs).Many more servic

30、es will be added in the future,including insurance and investments.To ask any question on their products or services,please stop by one of their branchfacilities or call their Telephone Service Center at 555-3457.Sincerely,Lisa WongBranch Manager大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading Getting Along

31、with the Boss 1 You know that a positive relationship with your work superiors is essential to your success.But how do you ensure you stay on their right side?2 Some Bosses are hard to please and get along with.Some have excellent qualifications but no idea when it comes to dealing with people.Text

32、A译文译文1 1 大家都知道,与上司相处得好,对于个人的成功至关重要。然而,大家都知道,与上司相处得好,对于个人的成功至关重要。然而,怎样做才能保证上司满意呢?怎样做才能保证上司满意呢?2 2 有些上司很难取悦,也很难相处。有些人具备良好的任职条件,但有些上司很难取悦,也很难相处。有些人具备良好的任职条件,但对于如何与人相处却一窍不通。对于如何与人相处却一窍不通。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Of course,not all bosses are like that.A bad relationship with the Boss means more than missed adva

33、ncement opportunities;it is one of the majorreasons for high staff turnover.If you resign because of the Boss,you may also expect a dent in your professional reputation.译文译文当然,并非所有上司都是这样。与上司相处不好,不仅仅意味着失当然,并非所有上司都是这样。与上司相处不好,不仅仅意味着失去晋升的机会,它也是造成员工跳槽的一个重要原因。如果因为上去晋升的机会,它也是造成员工跳槽的一个重要原因。如果因为上司的原因而辞职,你自己

34、的职业声誉也会受影响。司的原因而辞职,你自己的职业声誉也会受影响。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社3 The relationship you have with your Boss can be a major factor in determining your rising up the ladder.Your Boss isnt only your supervisor.He or she is(or should be)also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do.译文译文3 3 你

35、和上司的关系,对于你是否能得到提拔,是一个决定你和上司的关系,对于你是否能得到提拔,是一个决定性的因素。你的上司不仅仅对你进行管理和指导,他也是性的因素。你的上司不仅仅对你进行管理和指导,他也是最有能力帮助你做好工作的人。最有能力帮助你做好工作的人。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社4 He/she is privy to the companys goals and knows what the company is looking for in future executives.He/she can inform you ofcompany direction that may aff

36、ect your future aspirations.译文译文4 4 你的上司知道公司的目标,了解公司对将来的高层你的上司知道公司的目标,了解公司对将来的高层主管有着什么样的期望。他主管有着什么样的期望。他/她能让你知道公司的发展她能让你知道公司的发展方向,对你做好个人远期目标有一定影响。方向,对你做好个人远期目标有一定影响。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社5 Your Boss also needs you,performing at your best,in order to accomplish his/her objectives.He/she needs your feedba

37、ck in order to provide realistic and useful reports to upper management.6 But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your Boss?The key is communication.译文译文你的上司也需要你竭尽全力帮助他你的上司也需要你竭尽全力帮助他/她完成目标。他她完成目标。他/她也需要你她也需要你的反馈意见,以便向高层管理者提供切实有用的报告。的反馈意见,以便向高层管理者提供切实有用的报告。你要了解并懂得

38、他你要了解并懂得他/她的目标和当务之急。她的目标和当务之急。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社7 Learn and understand his/her goals and priorities.What is required of him/her and how can you help him/her achieve that?Observe and understand your Bosss work style.If he/she has not been clear withhis expectations,then ask!译文译文了解他了解他/她需要做什么,以及你如何能帮助

39、他她需要做什么,以及你如何能帮助他/她完成这些她完成这些事情。观察并掌握你的上司的工作风格。如果他事情。观察并掌握你的上司的工作风格。如果他/她对你的她对你的期望没有表达清楚,你就该去问他期望没有表达清楚,你就该去问他/她!她!大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社8 Know your Bosss priorities and try to anticipate his/her needs before he/she asks.Dont think narrowly in terms of your own immediate position.Try to understand where

40、you do ties in with the bigger picture.译文译文你要了解你的上司最关注的事情,并争取在他你要了解你的上司最关注的事情,并争取在他/她提出她提出要求前就预知他要求前就预知他/她的需求。不要很狭隘地只考虑自己她的需求。不要很狭隘地只考虑自己眼前所处的地位。要弄懂你所做的事情在哪些方面与公眼前所处的地位。要弄懂你所做的事情在哪些方面与公司远景目标有联系。司远景目标有联系。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社9 What other things can you discover about your Boss?Is he/she conservative or

41、informal?Is his/hers an“open door”policy or does he/she prefer you to set appointments with them?Respect your Bosss time.Neverbarge into his/her office expecting or demanding a hearing immediately.译文译文9 9 你能发现你的上司有其他什么特点吗?他你能发现你的上司有其他什么特点吗?他/她为人保守,还是不拘礼她为人保守,还是不拘礼节呢?他节呢?他/她的办公室实行她的办公室实行“门户开放门户开放”政策,

42、还是喜欢事先预约?你政策,还是喜欢事先预约?你要尊重上司的时间,绝不要随意闯进他要尊重上司的时间,绝不要随意闯进他/她的办公室,指望或要求他她的办公室,指望或要求他/她她立刻听你作陈述。立刻听你作陈述。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Discover and eliminate behaviors that would annoy your Boss,and neverbad-mouth him/her to others.It always gets back via office grapevines.10 Dont be a“yes man”and dont use flattery

43、 in the hope of getting somewhere.译文译文你要发现并改掉那些会让你上司生气的行为,永远你要发现并改掉那些会让你上司生气的行为,永远不要在他人面前说上司的坏话,这些话总会通过小不要在他人面前说上司的坏话,这些话总会通过小道消息传到他道消息传到他/她耳中。她耳中。10 10 不要以唯唯诺诺或阿谀奉承的方式以求达到某不要以唯唯诺诺或阿谀奉承的方式以求达到某种目的。种目的。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社And dont aim for“closeness”in the workingrelationship because this can also backf

44、ire.If your Boss depends upon you too much,he/she wont recommend you for promotions because you are needed too much where you are.译文译文不要在工作关系上不要在工作关系上“套近乎套近乎”,它会起反作用。如果,它会起反作用。如果你的上司对你过于依赖,他你的上司对你过于依赖,他/她便不会推荐你升职,她便不会推荐你升职,因为你目前的职位对他因为你目前的职位对他/她非常重要。她非常重要。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社11 Another possibility is

45、that if he/she is not a good manager,he/she may be given his/her marching orders.If you are seen to be a part of his/her management mishaps,you may be marching out the door with him/her!译文译文11 11 另一种可能性是如果他另一种可能性是如果他/她不是个好的经理,因此她不是个好的经理,因此他他/她也可能会被她也可能会被“炒掉炒掉”。如果他。如果他/她管理不当,你也她管理不当,你也难逃其咎,那么你也会被一起炒掉

46、!难逃其咎,那么你也会被一起炒掉!大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社12 Do what you can to stay in his/her good books.Dont take“sickies”unless you ARE sick.Be an effective,cooperative,responsible and courteous employee and team player.译文译文12 12 尽可能给上司以好印象。除非你真的生病,否则不尽可能给上司以好印象。除非你真的生病,否则不要请病假!做一个高效、合作、负责、礼貌的员工和团要请病假!做一个高效、合作、负责、礼貌的员

47、工和团队成员。队成员。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Maybe friction cannot be avoided.So you need to decide just how important your career path in that particular company is,because if you cant adjust and work with it,youmay be better off looking for a new job.译文译文也许你和上司之间难免发生冲突,遇到这一情况,你得认清你在该公司的工也许你和上司之间难免发生冲突,遇到这一情况,你得认清

48、你在该公司的工作前程有何等重要,因为如果你无法调整自己,不能够继续工作下去,那么作前程有何等重要,因为如果你无法调整自己,不能够继续工作下去,那么寻找一份新的工作也许对你更好寻找一份新的工作也许对你更好 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社13 In short,getting along with your Boss entails getting to know his/her likes and dislikes and learning to work with his/her personality and management style.And the upside about

49、mastering communication and people skills with your own Boss is that one day those skills will pay off in your own management role with your own team.译文译文13 13 总而言之,与上司相处必须了解他总而言之,与上司相处必须了解他/她的好恶,以及学会适应他她的好恶,以及学会适应他/她的个她的个性和管理风格。学会与上司沟通和相处的技巧的好处就是:将来这些技巧在性和管理风格。学会与上司沟通和相处的技巧的好处就是:将来这些技巧在你管理自己的团队时会让你

50、得到回报。你管理自己的团队时会让你得到回报。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Language Points You know that a positive relationship with your work superiors is essential to your success.essential a.n.absolutely necessary;vitally necessary 必要的,必需的;要素,要点必要的,必需的;要素,要点e.g.Her most essential quality is kindness.她最主要的品质是善良。她最主要的品质是善良。e.g.In c


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