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《国际商法考点期末考试.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际商法考点期末考试.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、商法考点Chapter 1 1.International law is not really law since there is no worldwide legislature to enact it.F 2.Comity is not law because countries do not regard it as something they are required to respect.T 3.International law exists when there is a consensus of the international community.T 4.To esta

2、blish the existence of a customary rule of international law,one must show that the international community has observed the rule for a long period of time.F 5.General principles of international law are based on legal rules that are common to both(or all)the state parties to a dispute.T 6.Internati

3、onal tribunals generally regard states as having an obligation to bring their municipal law into compliance with international norms.T 7.A self-executing treaty is one that contains a provision that says the treaty will apply in the parties municipal courts once the parties have adopted domestic ena

4、bling legislation.F 8.Recognition of a government is usually made in a bilateral agreement.F 9.When a part of the territory of State X shifts and becomes part of the territory of State Y,the treaties made by State X continue to apply to that territory.F 10.An intergovernmental organization is a perm

5、anent organization set up by two or more states to carry on activities of common interest.T 11.State A disintegrates into States B and State C.The public property of State A located in State D becomes the property of D.F 12.Territorial sovereignty is the absolute and unqualified right of a state to

6、exercise its functions within a territory.F 13.The phrase“United Nations System”refers to the rules of international law enacted by the General Assembly of the United Nations.F 14.The European Parliament must approve all of the international treaties that the European Union enters into.T 15.Traditio

7、nally,an individual s rights under international law are only protected by his state of nationality.T 16.The Roman law was first codified in the Corpus Juris Civilis around the year 534 A.D.F 17.The name“common law”(as it is used in England)is derived from the theory that the king s courts represent

8、ed the common custom of the realm,as opposed to the local customary law practiced in the county and manorial courts.F 18.The Shari a is primarily a moral and ethical code.F 19.Equitable remedies are available only when legal remedies are unavailable or inadequate.T 20.The German Civil Code of 1896 i

9、s noted for being precise and technical.T Chapter 3 Diplomacy is the process of reconciling the parties to a disagreement by negotiation,mediation,or inquiry.T Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement by discussion.T Mediation is the use of a third party who transmits and interprets the p

10、roposals of the principal parties,and sometimes,advances independent proposals.T Inquiries are a popular way to resolve disputes between states,with many thousands of international inquiries having been made in the last 50 years.F A decision of the International Court of Justice has no binding force

11、 except between the parties and only in respect of the particular case.T Panelists who serve on a WTO dispute settlement panel serve as representatives of their member states.F The International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes(ICSID)was created to encourage private investment in und

12、erdeveloped countries.T Under international law,the jurisdiction of a municipal court to try an international dispute is essentially unlimited.F A municipal court has in personam jurisdiction when an individual or juridical person is physically present within the forum state.T Sovereign or state imm

13、unity is a doctrine that says that domestic courts must decline to hear cases against foreign sovereigns out of deference to their roles as sovereigns.T Choice of law clauses are valid and enforceable in all municipal courts so long as they were freely entered into.T According to the doctrine of for

14、um non conveniens,a court is required to dismiss a case when it would be either unfair to one of the parties to go ahead and hear the case or it would be a burden on the court if it were to go ahead.F An antisuit injunction forbids a litigant from bringing a suit within the litigants home state.F Ac

15、cording to the vesting of rights doctrine,a court is to apply the law of the state where the rights of the parties to a suit legally became effective.T Chapter 4 In civil law countries,a company can be an association of persons or of capital.T None of the partners in a civil law limited partnership

16、have no personal liability for the debts of the business.F In a civil law country,a person may be both a limited partner and a general partner in the same limited partnership.F A civil law stock corporation can raise money in the public marketplace through the sale of freely transferable shares.T Th

17、e limited partners in a common law limited partnership can openly participate in the management of the business without incurring liability for the debts of the business.F Civil law limited liability companies are a popular business form widely used when setting up subsidiaries.T All of the partners

18、 in a common law secret partnership have unlimited personal liability for the debts of the business.T In common law countries,more shares may be authorized for issuance by a public corporation than are required to get a business started.T The owners of a company(or corporation)may act on its behalf

19、both as agents and as representatives.F A nonmultinational is a domestic firm functioning in the international marketplace through a foreign agent.T A national multinational is a firm in one country that operates in other countries through branches and subsidiaries.T An international multinational i

20、s a business organization with two or more parent 文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码

21、:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9

22、HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 Z

23、P10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档

24、编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B

25、9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2

26、 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5companies located in different states operating through jointly owned subsidiaries

27、.T A joint venture is a subsidiary company that in turn owns other subsidiaries.F Host states may regulate foreign firms in the same way that they regulate local firms.T Negligence and Strict liability may be used in Japan to impose product liability on a manufacturer of a defective product.F Chapte

28、r 7 1.The World Trade Organization is a new supranational organization with the power to usurp sovereignty from its member states.T 2.The membership of the WTO is limited to states.Colonies,territories,provinces,and so forth,are not eligible for membership,even if they are responsible for conducting

29、 their own trade policies.F 3.The WTO Ministerial Council meets at least every other year to oversee the operation of the WTO.T 4.Consensus is the making of a decision by a super-majority vote,such as by two-thirds or three-quarters of the representatives present.F 5.The WTO s Understanding on Rules

30、 and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputesestablishes a unified system for settling disputes that arise under the WTO Agreement and its annexes.T 6.the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was substantially rewritten in 1994,and the provisions of GATT 1994 differ dramatically from those

31、of GATT 1947.F 7.None of the provisions of GATT 1994 are directly effective;that is,a private person in a suit may invoke none of them.F 8.GATT 1994 s“Most Favored Nation Rule”requires a country to treat products equally with its own domestic products once they are inside that border.F 9.GATT 1994 s

32、“South-South Preferences”allows developi ng countries to exchange tariff preferences among themselves without extending the same preferences to developed countries.T10.GATT 1994 forbids(with few exceptions)member states from protecting their domestic industries by any means other than tariffs.T 11.G

33、ATT 1994 requires member states to disclose to other member states and the public the rules,regulations,and practices that they follow in their domestic trade systems.T 12.Once a free trade agreement or customs union is established,The GATT rules apply to the union or area as a whole and not to its

34、constituent states.T Chapter 7-Case Analysis Country A,a WTO member state,imposes a 25 percent tax on sales of“cola”soft drinks.All other soft drinks are taxed at a 5 percent rate.Cola soft drinks make up 70 percent of the soft drink market in Country A,and all of the cola soft drinks are imported.T

35、he non-cola soft drinks are all manufactured locally.Country B,another WTO member state,complained to Country A that its tax on cola soft drinks violates the GATT s national treatment rule.Country A disagreed.Country B has now asked the WTO to establish a panel to resolve this dispute.How should the

36、 panel rule?文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文

37、档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3

38、B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T

39、2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K

40、5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5

41、S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O

42、7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5文档编码:CP7Q4J5S3B9 HS3F5Q7O7T2 ZP10O3N9G3K5Chapter 7-Case Analysis GATT Art.III(1)says that taxes should not be imposed so as“to afford protection to domestic prod

43、uction.”The meaning of the phrase“like products”must be determined on a case-by-case basis.In particular,the products need to share common end-users and have essentially the same physical characteristics.Here cola and non-cola soft drinks seem to share the same end users and have the same basic phys

44、ical characteristics.They are like products.GATT Art.III(2)requires that taxes on imported products not exceed those of domestic products,so the tax on the cola soft drinks must be reduced to 5 percent.Chapter 10-Q2 No.The retailer made an invitation to treat,then there is no contract in this case.U

45、nder Article 14,an offer must be“addressed to one or more specific persons ”In this case,the catalogue was addressed to the public,because the retailer ordinarily intend for their catalogues to have as wide a circulation as possible,and they would be happy to have them passed on to others.The phrase

46、“offers addressed to specific persons”actually means“offers restricted to the particular addressees.”To conclude,the catalogue does not meet the requirements of an offer under Art.14 of CISG,then there is no contract in this case.Chapter 10-Q3 There is no contract under CISG,because the withdrawal w

47、as effective.CISG Article 15(2)states that firm offers may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeree“before or at the same time”as the offer.In this case,the withdrawal reached the offeree before the offer,since the recorded withdrawal message was delivered to Buyer s place of business prio

48、r to Buyer s receipt of the offer.Therefore,there is no contract in this case.Chapter 10-Q4 There is no contract under CISG,because buyer rejected the offer.CISG Article 17 clearly states that“an offer,even if it is irrevocable,is terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror.”Because the rejectio

49、n reached the Seller before the acceptance,the offer is rejected.Therefore,there is no contract in this case.Chapter 10-Q5 Buyer need do nothing.Under CISG Article 18,an offeror cannot make silence or inactivity grounds for acceptance of his offer.Only if the offeree had agreed in advance that his s

50、ilence or inactivity would constitute acceptance would there be a contract in this situation.Therefore,the buyer has not responsibility to accept the offer.Chapter 10-Q6 Buyer breach the contract.Article 29(2)says that“a contract in writing which contains a provision requiring any modification or te


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