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《SA8000新版标准培训.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SA8000新版标准培训.pptx(59页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、l The nine social accountability requirements remain the same 九大章全部保留l No additional sections have been added. 没有新篇章增加l No existing ones have been removed. 现有篇章没有取消。l Retains the spirit and intent of 2001 version, but adds more clarity, strength, and flexibility. 保持2001版的精神和内容,但是更加清晰、有力和适用。l Do not

2、weaken SA8000, mainly clarify 条款说明更清楚l Better align SA8000 to ILO conventions 更好的与国际公约接轨l Draw on ISO principles , but clearly set minimums for labor rights as defined by international norms. 坚持ISO的原则,清楚界定国际公约中对劳动者权利的最低要求。l Provide clarification of SA8000 standard clause 澄清SA8000标准条款l Provide common

3、 reference for SA8000 standard compliance 提供SA8000标准符合性的一般参考l Facilitates SA8000 standard interpretation for auditors and clients intent on accreditation and certification 使得审核员和意图取得认证的客户在SA8000标准解释上取得一致。1. Increase “.to protect and empower all personnel within a companys scope of control and influe

4、nce ”. 增加了“保保护护和授和授权权公司控制和影响范围内的所有所有员员工工”的定义。2. Clarify everyone employed by the company- within their scope of control and influence. - Direct-hires, suppliers & subcontractors, sub-suppliers, and home workers, are covered by the standard. 清楚定义了所有所有员员工工的概念,包括:直接雇用的人员、供应商、分包商、次供应商和家庭工人。- 明确了雇主的明确了雇主

5、的责责任任- 为为工人申述的工人申述的权权利提供工具利提供工具1. Definition of Personnel 员工定义The term personnel is used throughout the standard, and therefore warrants a definition. 员工的定义贯穿整个标准,包括:Personnel covers all employees and contract workers of a company, including: All levels of management, directly-hired workers, home wo

6、rkers, and workers hired through employment agencies. 各级管理人员、直接雇用的工人、家庭工人和经过中介雇用的员工。2. Definition of Worker 工人定义It refers to all non-management personnel. 所有非管理人员01版版08版版3. Definition of Corrective and preventive action 纠正和预防行动定义The 2001 standards definition of remedial action has been deleted. Now,

7、 the revised standard requires that a company identify and assess the basis for the nonconformance as the first step. The intention here is to treat the past and present problem as opportunities to change the workplace to prevent reoccurrence of the same in the further. 删除01版的补救行动的定义。修订后的标准要求公司首先识别并

8、评估不符合。其旨在对过去和现在的不符合进行及时和持续的补救,避免问题重复发生。4. Definition of Human trafficking 贩卖人口定义SA8000:2008 adds a prohibition on human trafficking to the standard. It clarifies that human trafficking is included as a form of forced labor, and its definition should be read in conjunction with paragraph 2.4, under t

9、he Forced and Compulsory Labor clause.08版新增定义。 基于剥削的目的,通过威胁、武力和其他形式的强迫或欺骗进行人员的雇佣、调动、窝藏或接受。见第二章强迫和强制劳动规定。5. Definition of SA8000 worker representative SA8000工人代表A worker chosen to facilitate communication with senior management on matters related to SA8000, undertaken by the recognized trade unions i

10、n unionized facilities and, elsewhere, by a worker elected by non-management personnel for that purpose. 由工人选举的或由工会任命,就SA8000相关事宜与管理层进行沟通的非管理层人员。6. Definition of Worker organization 工人组织Worker organizations are voluntary associations of workers organized in order to maintain and improve their terms

11、of employment and workplace conditions. 为维护和改善受雇条款和工作条件,由工人组成持续的志愿性协会。7. Definition of Collective Bargaining Agreement 集体谈判协议A definition for collective bargaining agreements is newly included in the revised standard because the term is used as an auditing criterion in severalclauses of the new stan

12、dard. 由一个或多个雇主与一个或多个工人组织签订的有关劳工谈判的合约,规定雇佣的条件和条款。No Children to work in hazardous conditions没有儿童在危险条件下工作If children work, then remediate and recruit no more如发现儿童工作,则补偿并不再录用儿童Age of Child 儿童的年龄Unacceptable for children to work 儿童工作不可接受儿童工作不可接受p 1.1 The company shall not engage in or support the use of

13、 child labor as defined above. 公司不应使用或支持使用符合上述定义的童工。p 1.2 The company shall establish, document, maintain, and effectively communicate to personnel and other interested parties policies and procedures for remediation of children found to be working in situations which fit the definition of child lab

14、or above, and shall provide adequate support to enable such children to attend and remain in school until no longer a child as defined above. 如果发现儿童从事符合上述童工定义的工作,公司应建立、建立、记录记录、保留、保留旨在救济这些儿童的政策和措施,并将其向员工及利益相关方有效传达。公司还应给这些儿童提供足够支持以使之接受学校教育直到超过上述定义下儿童年龄为止。p 1.3 The company may employ young workers, but

15、 where such young workers are subject to compulsory education laws, they may work only outside of school hours. Under no circumstances shall any young workers school, work and transportation time exceed a combined total of 10 hours per day, and in no case shall young workers work more than 8 hours a

16、 day. Young workers may not work during night hours.公司可以聘用未成年工,但如果受强制教育法规的限制,他们只可以在上课时间以外的时间工作。在任何情况下,未成年工每天的上课、工作和交通所有时间不可以超过10小时,且每天工作时间不能超过8小时,同时未成年工不可以安排在晚上上班。1.4 The company shall not expose children or young workers to any situation in or outside the workplace that are hazardous or unsafe to t

17、heir physical and mental health and development. 无论工作地点内外,公司不得将儿童或青少年工人置于对他们身心健康和发展不安全或危险的环境中。p Unlike the 2001 standard, SA8000:2008 requires companies to have written procedures for the remediation of child laborers.08版要求必须有书面的关于童工拯救措施。p Now explicit: Companies must provide “adequate finical and o

18、ther support” to enable children to attend and remain in school.必须提供合理的经济和其它支持使儿童上学。p SA8000:2008 is clearer that young workers may be employed, but only outside school hours when subject to compulsory education laws.08版更为清晰地说明了可以雇佣未成年工,但必须是在其义务教育之外的时间。p Young worker cannot work more than 8 hours a

19、day, and never during night hours.未成年工不可以工作超过8小时,不可以上晚班。p Light work for children no longer permitted.儿童不可以参加工作,即使是轻体力劳动。p SA8000:2008 adds further detail to the situations a company cannot expose children or young worker to a situation that are hazardous or unsafe to their physical and mental healt

20、h and development.儿童和未成年工不可参加对其身体健康、思想健康和成长有危害的工作。2.1 The company shall not engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labor as defined in ILO convention 29, nor shall personnel be required to pay deposits or lodge identification papers with the company upon commencing employment.公司不得使用或支持

21、ILO公约29条中规定的强迫和强制性劳动,也不得要求员工在受雇起始时交纳“押金”或寄存身份证件。2.2 Neither the company nor any entity supplying labor to the company shall withhold any part of any personnels salary, benefits, poverty, or documents in order to force such personnel to continue working for the company.公司及为公司提供劳动的实体不得扣留工人的部分工资、福利、财产或

22、证件,以迫使员工在公司连续工作。2.3 Personnel shall have the right to leave the workplace premises after completing the standard workday, and be free to terminate their employment provided that they give reasonable notice to their employer.员工有权在完成标准的工作时间后离开工作场所。员工在给公司合理的通知期限后,可以自由终止聘用合同。2.4 Neither the company nor

23、any entity supplying labor to the company shall engage in or support trafficking in human beings.公司及为公司提供劳动的实体不得从事或支持贩卖人口的行为。p The 2001 standard required only that a company prohibit the lodging of deposits or identity papers. 2008 standard extend to salary, benefits01版标准仅对禁止交纳押金或身份证有要求,08版标准将此要求延伸到

24、扣留工资、福利、个人财产等方面。p SA8000:2008 makes explicit the right that personnel can leave the workplace premises at any time after the standard workday and overtime must be voluntary.在标准工作时间外,员工可以自由离开工作岗位,加班必须是自愿的。p Also more explicit: Workers are also free to terminate their employment as long as they gave r

25、easonable notice to their employer.员工递交合理的辞职申请后,有终止雇用关系的权利。3.1 The company shall provide a safe and healthy workplace environment and shall take effective steps to prevent potential accidents and injury to workers health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimiz

26、ing, so far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent in the workplace environment, and bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of any specific hazards.公司出于对普遍行业危险和任何具体危险的了解,应提供一个安全、健康的工作环境,并应采取必要的措施,在可能条件下最大限度地降低工作环境中的危害隐患,以避免在工作中或由于工作发生或与工作有关的事故对健康的危害。3.2 Th

27、e company shall appoint a senior management representative to be responsible for ensuring a safe and healthy workplace environment for all personnel, and for implementing the health and safety elements of this standard.公司应指定一高层管理代表为全体员工的健康和安全负责,并且负责落实本标准有关健康与安全的各项规定。3.3 The company shall provide to

28、personnel on a regular basis effective health and safety instructions, including on-site instruction and, where needed, job-specific instructions. Such instructions shall be repeated for new and reassigned personnel and in cases where accidents have occurred.公司应定期提供给员工有效的健康和安全教育,包括现场教育。应对新近、调职以及在发生事

29、故地方的员工进行教育。3.4 The company shall establish systems to detect, avoid, or respond to potential threats to the health and safety of personnel. The company shall maintain written records of all accidents that occur in the workplace and in company-controlled residences and property.公司应建立起一种机制来检测、防范及应对可能危

30、害任何员工健康与安全的潜在威胁。公司应保留发生在工作场所和公司控制的住所和财产内所有事故的书面记录。3.5 The company shall provide at its expense appropriate personnel protective equipment to personnel. In the event of a work related injury the company shall provide first aid and assist the worker in obtaining follow-up medical treatment.公司应为员工提供适当的

31、个人保护装置。 员工因工作受伤,公司应提供急救并协助工人获得后续的治疗。3.6 The company shall undertake to assess all the risks to new and expectant mothers arising out of their work activity and to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to remove or reduce any risks to their health and safety.公司应评估工作场所中孕妇所有的风险,并确保采取合理的措施消除或降低其健康和

32、安全的风险。3.9 All personnel shall have the right to remove themselves from imminent serious danger without seeking permission from the company.所有人员应有权利离开即将发生的严重危险,即使未经公司许可。3.7 The company shall provide, for use by all personnel, access to clean toilet facilities, access to potable water, and, where appl

33、icable, sanitary facilities for food storage.公司应给员工提供干净的厕所、可饮用的水,必要时提供储藏食品的卫生设施。3.8 The company shall ensure that any dormitory facilities provided for personnel are clean, safe, and meet the basic needs of the personnel.公司如果提供员工宿舍,应保证宿舍设施干净、安全且能满足员工基本需要。p SA8000:2008 contains assed details with res

34、pect to training personnel o health and safety: 08版增加对员工健康和安全培训具体的要求:l Use of term “instruction” is intended to guild auditors to assessing both formal instruction (formal training ) and ongoing, job-specific instructions. “教育”代替“培训”,其包含的内容更广泛,指正式的培训和现场的指导。l Additionally, the instruction must be rep

35、eated in cases where accidents have occurred. 如有事故发生,教育必须有针对性地反复进行。p Company must also provide, at their expense, personnel protective equipment to personnel and first aid treatment. Additionally, company must provide first aid and help workers obtain follow-up medical treatment.公司必须支付并提供个人防护用品和急救用品

36、。另外,公司需提供急救和急救所需的药物处理。p SA8000:2008 requires companies to ascertain the risk to new and expectant mothers arising out of their work activity.公司需要确定工作场所中对哺乳母亲和孕妇的风险。必须降低对孕妇产生危害的风险。此条鱼5.4中禁止孕检相关联。p This new provision adds the important requirement that all personnel have the right to remove themselves

37、 from imminent serious danger without seeking permission from the company.新增条款:所有员工在紧急危险发生时,可以不征求同意,第一时间离开现场。4.1 All personnel shall have the right to form, join and organize trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively on their behalf with the company. The company shall respect this rig

38、ht, and shall effectively inform personnel that they are free to join an organization of their choosing and that their doing so will not result in any negative consequence to them, or retaliation, from the company. The company shall not in any way interfere with the establishment, functioning, or ad

39、ministration of such workers organization or collective bargaining.所有人员有权自由组建、参加和组织工会,并代表他们自己和公司进行集体谈判。公司应尊重这项权利,并应切实告知员工可以自由加入所选择的组织。员工不会因此而有任何不良后果或受到公司的报复。公司不会以任何方式介入这种工人组织或集体谈判的建立、运行或管理。4.2 In situation where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted under law,

40、the company shall allow workers to freely elected their own representatives.在结社自由和集体谈判权利受到法律限制时,公司应允许工人自由选择自己的工人代表。4.3 The company shall ensure that representatives of workers and any personnel engaged in organizing workers are not subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or retaliatio

41、n for reason of their being members of a union or participating in trade union activities, and that such representatives have assess to their members in the workplace.公司应保证参加工人组织的人员及工人代表不会因为作为工会成员或参与工会活动而受歧视、骚扰、胁迫或报复,员工代表可在工作地点与其所代表的员工保持接触。p Emphasis on workers independent choice”. All personnel hav

42、e the affirmative right to form, join, and organize trade unions and to bargain collectively. 强调独 立选择的权利。所有员工有权利成立、加入和组织工会和集体谈判。p Company must effectively inform personnel they are free to join TU of their choice and guarantee no retaliation from the company.公司必须有效地告知员工以上权利,并保证没有报复行为。p Prohibition o

43、f company interference in the formation of worker organizations, their activities, and collective bargaining.公司不能干涉工人的组织、活动和集体谈判。p SA8000:2008 eliminate “facilitate parallel means” to clarify it is not for the employer to do sth here, only to allow it.删除了“类似的方法”,强调了不需要雇主做什么,只需要雇主允许此权利。5.1 The compan

44、y shall not engage in or support discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirement based on race, national or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual, orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, union membership, pol

45、itical opinion, age, or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.在涉及聘用、报酬、培训机会、升迁、解职或退休等事项上,公司不得从事或支持基于种族、民族或社会出身、社会阶层、血统、宗教、身体残疾、性别、性取向、家庭责任、婚姻状况、工会会员、政见、年龄或其它歧视。5.2 The company shall not interfere with the exercise of personnels rights to observe tenets or practices, or to meet n

46、eeds relating to race, national or social origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, uniob membership, political opinions, or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.公司不能干涉员工行使遵奉信仰和风俗的权利,或为满足涉及种族、民族或社会出身、社会阶层、血统、宗教、身体残疾、性别、性取向、家庭责任、婚姻状况、工会会员

47、、政见、年龄或其它可引起歧视的需要。5.3 The company shall not allow any behavior that is threatening, abusive, exploitative, or sexually coercive, including gestures, language, and physical contact, in the workplace and, where applicable, in residences, and other facilities provided by the company for use by personne

48、l. 公司不允许在工作场所,由公司提供给员工使用的住所和其它场所内进行任何威胁、虐待、剥削的行为及强迫性的性骚扰行为,包括姿势、语言和身体的接触。5.4 The company shall not subject personnel to pregnancy or virginity tests under any circumstance.公司不得在任何情况下要求员工做怀孕或童贞测试。p 5.1 & 5.2 expanded list of categories of discrimination将歧视的表现方式列举得更具体。如家庭责任、婚姻状况。p Catch-all phrase add

49、ed to emphasize that no discrimination of any kind is permitted against individual attributes or practicesother than that based on merit, competence, skill or any other job-related.针对工作需要的个人素质、能力、技能要求不属于歧视。p The 2008 standard introduces a new prohibition requiring companies to abstain from testing w

50、omen for pregnancy or virginity.公司不得在任何情况下要求女工做怀孕和童贞测试。Disciplinary Practices 惩惩戒性措施戒性措施- Criteria 准准则则6.1 The company shall treat all personnel with dignity and respect. The company shall not engage in or tolerate the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse of perso


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