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1、LESSON 60 如何讲述奇闻轶事:算命大师Part 1. 词汇脱口秀1. fortune-tellern.算命师1)fortune: :A fortune-teller is a person who tells your fortune. In other words, a fortune-teller tells you what will happen to you in the future.Fortuna /f:tju:n/ 命运女神,幸运女神Fortuna is the Roman goddess of fortune and good luck. the Wheel of F

2、ortune幸运的:fortunate 不幸的:unfortunate2) fortune = luckI wish you good fortune. = I wish you good luck. Fortune smiled on him (= He had good luck) .3) Fortuna 还拿着什么呢?* cornucopia n. 象征丰饶的羊角; 丰富,丰饶,丰盛The Fortune Global 500, also known as Global 500, is an annual ranking of the top 500 corporations world

3、wide as measured by revenue. The list is published annually by Fortune magazine.Mike has made a fortune.Mike has made a small fortune. The dinner cost me a fortune.The dinner cost me an arm and a leg.2. crystaln. 水晶palm-reading, palm reader.crystal-gazing Crystal gazing means staring into a crystal

4、ball in order to see images relating to future events.The images are explained as meaningful information that can be used to help make important decisionsin a persons life.Crystal-gazing has a long history in the western world .Celtic druids are thought to be the first people to use the crystal ball

5、 for the purpose of predicting the future.Crystal-gazing 也可称作:ScryingBy the 5th century AD, scrying was widespread within the Roman Empire.At that time, Christians believed that evil spirits and witches inhabited(居住,栖息) crystal balls and that any message from them came from the devil.But by 1824, a

6、law was passed in England making scrying illegal.However, garden gazing balls became popular during Victorian times: colored glass globes were supposed to produce a peaceful and calm state of mind for those who gazed upon them.Crystal clear 来表示清澈透明,就好像水晶一般,The lake water is crystal clear. My point i

7、s crystal clear.The conclusion is crystal clear : predicting the future through crystal-gazing is ridiculous.3. futuren. 未来adj. 未来的造句练习:In the near future, we will be able to land on Mars.* in the near futurein the immediate future (近期)In the distant future, our future generations will be able to li

8、ve on other planets.* in the distant futurefuture generations future 在这里是一个形容词Education will help kids build a better future.“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”4. fair1) n. 集市;county/state fair 县 / 州集市有些地方的 fair 就是以露天游乐场,也叫 funfair;在美国也叫

9、 carnival 嘉年华会。Travelling carnival or travelling funfair. Unlike an amusement park, a travelling carnival or travelling funfair is moved from place to place.Fair 也可以是特定产品的“集市”,产品展销会book fair / flower fair / temple fair1) Fair 做形容词:核心是: beautiful 美丽下面这些意思有啥联系?* a fair lady: My fair lady* fair skin* a

10、 fair and breezy day2) fair adj. 公平的fair play / a fair deal想想:那为啥 fair 还有一个重要的意思“公平”?补充两个表达:1) fair share 应该承担的公平份额Mr Obama said the wealthy and corporations should pay their fair share to cut the deficit.2) win sth. fair and square / beat sb. fair and squareWe will win the game fair and square. We

11、will beat our rivals fair and square.When you say that someone won a competition,or beat someone else fair and square, you mean that they won honestly and without cheating.LESSON 60 如何讲述奇闻轶事:算命大师Part 2. 句型精讲1. 复习课:如何“占卜”未来?将来时本质思维复习:第 12 课学过“一般将来时”,我们强调过“将来”并非发生过的事实,Talking about the future is not d

12、escribing the events that have taken place. The future we talk about is just our predictions, plans and willingness.第 36 课我们系统总结了英语中表达将来的方法:(建议大家可以回顾一下 36 课句型精讲) 两种基本形式+ 三种客串形式+一些拓展形式* 两种基本形式1)be going to2)will do细微思维差别: 【同学们可以结合 12 课句型精讲回顾】1)Be going to / will 都可以表示“预测”be going to 更“客观”(有更多事实支持)wil

13、l更“主观”(说话者认为很有把握)如果在更多客观证据支持预测,用 如果只是个人的主观肯定预测,用 【听记 1】比如:I believe we will win the game. We are going to to lose the game.2)强调“ ”,用 be going to;(You have planned to do it)强调“ ”,用 will (“I will do sth.” emphasizes your willingness)I have signed up for the English course and I am going to study Engli

14、sh very hard. “I cant bear my poor English anymore and I will study hard and master English!”* “三种客串形式”1) 现在进行时表将来:关键词: 【听记 2】A relation of yours is coming to see you.【a relation of yours = one of your relatives】如果没有语境判断是将来,就需要加上“ ”加以明确。例 1:We are having a party.We are having a party next week.When

15、you say “we are having a party next week,” you mean you have arranged to have a party next week.例 2:I am not working.I am not working tomorrow.When you say “I am not working tomorrow”, you mean you have decided and arranged not to work tomorrow.区别:I will not work tomorrow.You will not work tomorrow,

16、 because you have been so tired.快速造句:I am taking an English test the day after tomorrow. So I am not going to the theatre tonight.I am studying at home tomorrow.2) 将来进行时: 关键词: 【听记 3】“She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days.”We will be sending a spacecraft to the moon nex

17、t year.We are sending a spacecraft to the moon next year.(不合适)3) 一般现在时表将来: 关键词: 【听记 4】区别:What time will you finish work tomorrow ? What time do you finish work tomorrow ?When you say “do you” instead of “will you”, you know her working plan is fixed like a timetable.* “拓展形式”1) Intend to do“I believe

18、 every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I dont intend to waste any of mine.”- Neil Armstrong【finite adj. 有限的infinite adj. 无限的】2) plan to doChina plans to build the most fantastic high speed railway network in the world.3) be to do .The president is to visit China next month.4) be about to do

19、 :听:about 的核心含义是什么? 【听记 5】怎么理解 be about to do ? Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The show is about to start.2. 如何表示“一.就” ?The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise.表示“一.就”: the moment / the minute = as soon asThe moment(minute) I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.I was so

20、tired that I fell asleep the moment (minute)my head touched the pillow.The moment (minute)I met my wife, I fell in love.【It was love at first sight. 】The moment(minute)the athlete heard the national anthem, he burst into tears.【听记答案】1. be going to;will2. 近期、确定3. 确定4. 固定时间表5. 转圈LESSON 60 如何讲述奇闻轶事:算命大

21、师Part 3. 故事转述1. 中英文逐句转述我的朋友 Alex 过去从来不相信算命,但是最近他痴迷于水晶球占卜。My friend Alex never used to believe in fortune-telling, but recently he has been obsessed with crystal-gazing.怎么回事呢?How come ?几天前,他在一个乡村集市上拜访了一个神秘的算命大师叫做 Bellinsky 夫人。A few days ago, he paid a visit to a mysterious fortune-teller named Madam

22、Bellinsky at a village fair.他走进一个灯光昏暗、阴森恐怖的帐篷里,墙上挂着一个古怪的雕塑。He entered a dim and spooky tent with a bizarre sculpture on the wall.Bellinsky 夫人坐在一张设计奇怪的桌子旁,看上去很严肃,她让 Alex 坐下。Sitting at a strangely designed table, Madam Bellinsky looked serious and told Alex to take a seat.在 Alex 支付了服务费之后,Bellinsky 夫人开

23、始了她的魔幻表演。After Alex had paid a service fee, she started her magic show.只见她盯着一个发着光的水晶球,嘴里喃喃自语,没人听得懂是什么意思。She was gazing into a sparkling crystal ball, mumbling some weird words which no one could understand.过了一会,她用低沉神秘的声音开始了她的预测:Alex,你的一个亲戚要来看你了。她会在今晚到达,还会住上几天。After a while, she began making her pred

24、ictions in a low and mysterious voice, “Alex, one of your relatives is coming to see you. She is arriving this evening and will stay for a few days.”Alex 还没来得及问是哪一位亲戚,算命大师就继续说:“ 你离开这个帐篷时会大吃一惊,因为一个你很了解的女士会向你冲来。Before Alex had time to ask who the relative would be, the fortune-teller continued saying,

25、 “ You will get a big surprise the minute you go out of this tent, as a lady you know quite well will rush towards you.“她和你说了几句话后,会带着你离开集市。就是这些。”After speaking a few words to you , she will lead you away from this fair. Thats all. ”Alex 并没有把这些预测当回事,因为没有亲戚告诉他有来访的计划。Alex didnt take those predictions s

26、eriously, as none of his relatives had told him about the plan to visit.刚一离开帐篷,Alex 就把算命大师忘得一干二净,因为他的太太急急忙忙向他跑来,生气地吼着:“你躲到哪里去了?我一直在到处找你”The moment he left the tent, Alex completely forgot about the fortune-teller because his wife hurried towards him, yelling angrily , “Where have you been hiding ? I

27、 have been looking everywhere for you !”Alex 还没来得及回答,他的太太告诉他,他的妹妹再过不到一小时就要到了,他们得去火车站接她。Alex had hardly had time to answer, when his wife told him his sister would arrive in less than an hour and they were supposed to pick her up at the station.* 去车站接某人: to meet sb. at the station / to pick sb. up at

28、 the station当 Alex 跟随着妻子走出集市的时候,他突然记起了算命大师说的话,惊讶得说不出话来。As Alex was following his wife out of the fair, he suddenly recalled what the fortune-teller had told him and was stunned.【stunned : too surprised or shocked to speak 】之后,他开始相信了水晶球占卜,尽管我告诉他这有多么荒谬。Afterwards, he began to believe in crystal-gazing

29、, though I told him how ridiculous it was.2. 全英文转述My friend Alex never used to believe in fortune-telling, but recently he has been obsessed with crystal-gazing.How come ?A few days ago, he paid a visit to a mysterious fortune-teller named Madam Bellinsky at a village fair. He entered a dim and spoo

30、ky tent with a bizarre sculpture on the wall. Sitting at a strangely designed table, Madam Bellinsky looked serious and told Alex to take a seat. After Alex had paid a service fee, she started her magic show.She was gazing into a sparkling crystal ball, mumbling some weird words which no one could u

31、nderstand.After a while, she began making her predictions in a low and mysterious voice, “Alex , one of your relatives is coming to see you. She is arriving this evening and will stay for a few days.”Before Alex had time to ask who the relative would be, the fortune-teller continued saying,“ You wil

32、l get a big surprise the minute you go out of this tent, as a lady you know quite well will rush towards you. After speaking a few words to you, she will lead you away from this fair. Thats all. ”Alex didnt take those predictions seriously, as none of his relatives had told him about the plan to vis

33、it.The moment he left the tent, Alex completely forgot about the fortune-teller because his wife hurried towards him, yelling angrily, “Where have you been hiding? I have been looking everywhere for you !” Alex had hardly had time to answer, when his wife told him his sister would arrive in less tha

34、n an hour and they were supposed to pick her up at the station. As Alex was following his wife out of the fair, he suddenly recalled what the fortune-teller had told him and was stunned.Afterwards, he began to believe in crystal-gazing, though I told him how ridiculous it was.3. 点评 How to face the f

35、uture 如何面对未来为啥人们喜欢占卜未来呢?The future is full of uncertainties.When facing the future, people are either worried or hopeful . People always wish to predict the future.That is why fortune-telling has been practiced all over the world for thousands of years.【在美式英语中 practice 可以作动词,相当于 practise】Popular for

36、tune-telling methods include: crystal gazing, palm reading, dream interpretation or even observing cats.Whatever form the fortune-telling takes, the basic process is the same: seeking meaning in random patterns and phenomenon.Fortune-telling is totally unreliable.Forecasting future events is often l

37、ike searching for a black cat in an unlit room that may not even be there. Edgar Fiedler:He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass.How should we face the future ?You can either do nothing or do something today to make a difference to your future. Abraham Lincoln:“The best way

38、to predict the future is to create it.”“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” Look at the present from the future.Plan from the future back to the present.If you dont know what to do today, ask your future self what you should do now. If you dont want to disappoint your futur

39、e self, what will you do now ?In this way, you will know the best answer to what you should do today.Your future self might laugh at your present self, because the worries you have now are no big deal.If you can look at the present from the future, you will be more positive and make better decisions today.


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