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1、LESSON 47 如何讲述奇闻轶事:酒屋还是鬼屋Part 1. 词汇脱口秀1. thirstyWhen you are thirsty, you feel a need to drink something.在英文中,thirsty 这个词的重要引申义就是 have a strong desire for something, 而这课标题中的 A Thirsty ghost 怎么理解呢?黄金用法: be thirsty for .造句:We are thirsty for peace.The young man is thirsty for victory. Those kids are t

2、hirsty for knowledge.同样 hungry 也有类似的用法: The kids are hungry for knowledge. 或:They are hungry to learn.Stay hungry, stay foolish!意思:Stay hungry to learn new things, and stay humble as if you were foolish.这句话的原作者是谁呢?美国著名的科技作家 Kevin Kelly,他曾是乔布斯最喜欢的杂志Whole Earth Catalog(全球目录)的主编,畅销书Out of control的作者;Ke

3、vin Kelly:It s the idea that you always want to be a learner, you always want to have a fresh mind. You dont want to have full mind with no room for anything new.2. ghost* ghost story“妖魔鬼怪”你都会表达吗?* demonDevil:比如:SatanGhost:A ghost is the spirit of a dead person that some people believe they can see

4、or feel.Monster:比如:电影怪物史莱克中的 Shrekghostlyadj.幽灵似的,像鬼似的slightly frightening and seeming to be related to ghosts or spirits* a ghostly voice* a ghostly figure in a white dressI heard a ghostly voice before seeing a ghostly figure in a white dress. What a spooky night!spooky adj. 令人毛骨悚然的A place that is

5、 spooky has a frightening atmosphere, and makes you feel that there are ghosts around. On a spooky night, we stayed in a spooky old house and told spooky stories.3. hauntv.1) 闹鬼的,If the soul of a dead person haunts a place, it appears there often.* The castle is haunted by a female ghost.* The house

6、 is haunted by the ghost of the former landlord.* a haunted house/castle2) 不愉快的事,萦绕心头If something unpleasant haunts you, you keep thinking or worrying about it over a long period of time.比如:The thief was haunted by the fear that the police would find him.什么叫“a haunted expression”?The mom looked so h

7、aunted , as her son had not been found.3)当然,haunt 这个词也不都是用作贬义* a haunting melody* Each one of these Chinese ancient towns is hauntingly beautiful.4. furnituren. 家具a piece of furniturea valuable piece of furnitureMichael bought some new pieces of furniture.Each piece of furniture suited the style of

8、his house.5. suggest v.1) 建议 = to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about用法:suggest sth. / doingsuggest that . (should) do【注意:虚拟语气】(错) I suggest you to call the police.(正)I suggest you should call the police. / I suggest you call the police. I suggest calling the police.比如:If y

9、ou would like to try Chinese food, I would suggest Kongpao Chicken and spicy fish. I would suggest taking the subway. / I would suggest we (should) take the subway.I suggest (that)Michael should be sent to the hospital immediately .I suggest that Mike be sent to the hospital immediately.2) 暗示 = impl

10、y, state indirectlyA:Even though you answered the question, I think you might have done it differently. B: Are you suggesting (that) I was wrong?A: Im not suggesting you were wrong, but you could have done it better.It is wrong to suggest that learning English is just for passing exams. Learning Eng

11、lish opens a window to the world.3) Suggest 还可表示“表明,显示”【=to make someone think that something is true】Opinion polls suggest that only 25% of the population trust the government.6. shakev. 摇晃to move suddenly from side to side or up and down shake ones headshake hands with sb.The two leaders shook han

12、ds with each other.A handshake between two people usually suggests friendship and cooperation.Milkshake 奶 昔为啥叫 milkshake ?Originally, a milkshake was hand-shaken mixture of ice, milk, sugar andflavorings(调味品).如何描述不同的“摇”?tremble v. 【shake slightly】If you tremble, you shake slightly because you are fr

13、ightened, cold or angry.颤抖 (因为害怕或者冷)比如:tremble with anger/fear* The mom was trembling with anger.这句话是什么意思?* The mom was shaking with anger. 这句话是什么意思?rock = move gentlyA mother rocked the baby gently in her arms.注意:如果你是 shake the baby 什么感觉?You can shake someone, because you want them to wake up or be

14、cause you are angry with them.LESSON 47 如何讲述奇闻轶事:酒屋还是鬼屋Part 2. 句型精讲1. A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale.注意:public house = pub精彩表达:注意:up for sale / for sale 待售,供出售If something is up for sale or for sale, its owner is trying to sell it.Is the teapot for sale ?S

15、orry, it is not for sale. It is just a sample. The house is up for sale.The restaurant is up for sale.The company decided to put itself up for sale.引申表达:up for sth.:up for 这个表达:一个东西准备用来进行某个操作,或一个人被作为某工作考虑对象1) available for a particular processThe business plan will be up for discussion on Friday. Th

16、ose paintings are put up for auction.2) If someone is up for election or for a job, they are about to be considered. Nelson is up for reelection this year and hes expected to win.Susan is one of the candidates up for the managers job.3) If you are up for something, you are willing to do it or intere

17、sted in doing it. We are going on a picnic tomorrow. Are you up for it ?Oh, Sounds great. If Peter and Michael are up for it, count me in.总结:学习方法提示: up for . 这么多意思怎么学?复习速测:下面的句子怎么理解?The house is up for sale He is up for electionI am up for watching a movie.2. 借代-让语言生动的技巧He also said that he had foun

18、d five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before.语言亮点:must have drunk 表示“对过去推测”Which 指代的是 five empty whisky bottles,但是鬼怎么能喝“空瓶子”呢?其实:Five empty Whisky bottles 指代了 five bottles of whisky 五瓶威士忌酒, 这里用了借代 Metonymy,这种修辞手法 (也称为“转喻”,可视为“比喻”的一种)啥是借代(转喻)?简单地说: (听记 1)为啥用借代? (听记 2)例

19、子:1) 在 William Shakespeare 的 Julius Ceasar 中 : Anthony:“Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.”“Ears”stand for the ability to listen. Anthony was not asking everyone to chop off their ears, but to pay attention.“Tell me about your story. Im all ears!”I am all ears = I am listening very care

20、fully. 2)Hand - for helpCould you give me a hand carrying these books up the stairs?3)Tongue - used in place of language. My mother tongue is mandarin.4)“The pen is mightier than the sword.”【Pen refers to written words, and sword to military force. 】5)看这句新闻:“The White House will be making an announc

21、ement around noon today.” The White House - used in place of the President or White House staffWashington - to refer to the US governmentAfter the protests, maybe Washington will listen to the voters.3. 讲故事如何吸引人? - Creating SuspenseWhen I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free dr

22、ink, Mr Thompson shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.语言亮点:The pub is so scary that no one dares to have it.Mr.Thompson 的推理: So since no one dares to accept the pub, only a thirsty ghost could have come.故事如何吸引人呢?Creating SuspenseWho w

23、as the thirsty ghost ? 故事有点像“惊悚片”thriller:Creating suspense is an effective way of making your story attractive.什么是 dramatic questions? The pub is up for sale . - Why is it up for sale ?It is haunted. - What happened ?One night a strange noise came from the bar. - Who made the noise?The furniture wa

24、s moved. Five empty whisky bottles were found. - Who moved the furniture and drank the Whisky?Mr. Thompson believed that the ghosts couldnt have been villagers. - Why?Villagers wont accept the pub even if it is given away. - Then who was the thirsty ghost ?Learning New Concept English is not just ab

25、out memorizing vocabulary and grammar, but about learning how to tell a good story. I hope everyone will come away from the book being a good story-teller.【听记答案】1. 用一个事物 A 来借代与它紧密相关的另一事物2. 使抽象表达变得具体而生动或者使复杂的表达变得更加简洁LESSON 47 如何讲述奇闻轶事:酒屋还是鬼屋Part 3. 故事转述1. 中英文逐句转述Hi, Sam, 你听说 Thompson 先生的酒馆要出售了吗?Hi, S

26、am, Have you heard that Mr. Thompsons pub is up for sale ?据说酒馆闹鬼了。It is said that the pub is haunted.他告诉我有一天晚上他正在睡觉,突然被吧台传来一个奇怪的声响给吵醒了。Mr.Thompson said that he was sleeping one night when a strange noise from the bar woke him up.当时他认为肯定是他那只淘气的猫在那上蹿下跳。He thought that his naughty cat must have been ju

27、mping up and down there.但是第二天早晨,他被自己眼前的景象惊呆了:门被椅子堵上了,家具的位置也被改变了。 But the following morning, he was astonished at what he found: the doors had been blocked by chairs and the position of the furniture had been changed.更令人惊讶的是,昨晚他关掉的灯在早上还亮着。More surprisingly, the lights he had turned off the night befo

28、re were still on in the morning.五个空空的威士忌瓶子让他坚信肯定是有个贪杯的鬼,或者甚至是几个鬼来过酒馆。The five empty Whisky bottles convinced him that a thirsty ghost, or even some thirsty ghosts must have visited the pub.在我看来这个太荒谬了, 我不相信有鬼。To me, it doesnt make any sense. I dont believe in ghosts at all.那些神秘的鬼肯定只是些好酒的村民,他们溜进酒馆喝免费的

29、酒而已。The mysterious “ghosts” must have been some thirsty villagers who sneaked into the bar for a free drink.但是当我告诉 Thompson 先生我的判断,他摇摇头。But Mr. Thomson shook his head, when I told him my judgment.你知道为什么吗?Do you know why ?因为他得知即使酒馆白送人,村子里也没有一个人要。Because he has been told that nobody in the village wil

30、l accept his pub even if it is given away.其实,我觉得他也不用过于担忧。我有一个好主意。Actually, I think he should not be too worried. I have a great idea for him.如果,他把酒馆改名为“万圣夜大冒险”,没准还能吸引更多的顾客呢。If he changed the name of his pub into “Halloween Adventure”, the pub would attract more customers.2. 全英文转述Hi, Sam, Have you he

31、ard that Mr. Thompsons pub is up for sale ?It is said that the pub is haunted. Mr.Thompson said that he was sleeping one night when a strange noise from the bar woke him up. He thought that his naughty cat must have been jumping up and down there. But the following morning, he was astonished at what

32、 he found: the doors had been blocked by chairs and the position of the furniture had been changed.More surprisingly, the lights he had turned off the night before were still on in the morning. The five empty Whisky bottles convinced him that a thirsty ghost, or even some thirsty ghosts must have vi

33、sited the pub.To me, it doesnt make any sense. I dont believe in ghosts at all. The mysterious “ghosts” must have been some thirsty villagers who sneaked into the bar for a free drink. But Mr. Thomson shook his head, when I told him my judgment.Do you know why ?Because he has been told that nobody i

34、n the village will accept his pub even if it is given away. Actually, I think he should not be too worried. I have a great idea for him. If he changed the name of his pub into “Halloween Adventure”, the pub would attract more customers.3. 文化点睛:为啥 Halloween 要雕南瓜灯?Halloween 是万圣夜还是万圣节?All Hallows Day(H

35、allow=Saint) Halloween= All Hallows EveningHalloween 和 Samhain;“萨温节”有什么关系?Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or the darker half of the year. It was believed that the souls of the dead would revisit their homes.In 19th century Ireland, candles would be lit and prayer

36、s formally offered for the souls of the dead.现代的 Halloween 有什么活动?Typical Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending Halloween costume parties, and carving pumpkins into Jack-O-Lanterns.People have been making Jack-O-Lanterns at Halloween for centuries. Why do people make Jack-O-Lanter

37、ns ?The practice of making Jack-O-Lanterns originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed “Stingy Jack.”According to the story, Stingy Jack invited the Devil to have a drink with him. True to his name, Stingy Jack didnt want to pay for his drink.So he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a

38、coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks.Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross. The silver cross prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form.Jack eventually freed the Devil, under the condition that he would not

39、bother Jack for one year and that, should Jack die, he would not claim his soul.The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit.While the devil was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the trees bark(树皮) so that the Devil could not come

40、down until he promised not to bother Jack for ten more years.Soon afterwards, Jack died.God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. Would he go to hell ?No. Why ?Because the Devil kept his word not to claim Jacks soul. So the Devil would not allow Jack into hell.He sent Jack off into th

41、e dark night with only a burning coal to light his way.Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip(芜菁) and and used it as a lantern to keep the evil spirits away.He has been roaming(游荡) the Earth with the lantern ever since.The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as “Jack of the Lantern,” and then, simply “Jack OLantern.”Immigrants from Europe brought the jack olantern tradition with them when they came to the United States.They soon found that pumpkins, a fruit native to America, make perfect jack-o-lanterns.


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