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1、Thinking Fast and Slow经典参考读后感10篇Thinking Fast and Slow是一本由Daniel Kahneman著作,LANE ALLEN出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:288.00元,页数:512,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(一):先简单写几笔响应Scott Adams的号召:每个人都应学点心理学。 由于相对专业,读起来有点费劲,没有读小说或故事那么轻松。拖了一个多月,终于读完了。 这应该是我读的第二本心理学相关的书。如果The Flip Side算作第一本的话。但相比

2、之下,这第二本书的难度更大。单词没多少,心理学名词和心理学现象很多,只读一遍真心记不住多少。需要返工再读,因为里面有很多东西对自己生活很有帮助,对人类和社会的认识也是很有启发的。Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(二):读了以后上学时学数学犯的错误就释然了读了以后上学时学数学犯的错误就释然了,还专门做了chapter 16 cab expriments的贝叶斯推断: 复习了一下高中数学Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(三):为什么创新是落后者的权利?之前读策略思维的时候,看见一个这样的故事,说是有个帆船比赛,A船领先,B船落后,这个时候,B船做了一个冒险的行为

3、,而A船觉得自己占据很好的领先地位,没有办法冒险,还是坚持了自己原先的策略,最后的结局是B船胜出。按照策略的分析,A船在领先的时候,应该跟随B船的策略,因为不管B船正确与否,A船都不会输掉比赛。 读完本书以后,也许可以这样重新看待这个故事,作为B船,已经落后了,所以采取take risk的策略,而作为A船,也许是对自己的技艺太自信,也许是害怕风险,所以选择了risk averse,导致最后的失败。 书中举了个二选一的例子: A95%的概率损失1000元,5%的概率什么也不损失 肯定损失900元 此例中,A的数学期望是-950元,但仍然有很多人愿意选A搏一把。 对于广大创业者,为什么要创新?为什

4、么要做不一样的东西,而不是市场上证明已经可以大卖的东西,也许也是同样的道理。因为作为一无所有的后来者,只有选择冒险,才有可能翻本。 每个人对每本书的体会会不一样,这本书对于我来说,有一些是以前注意到,但是没有总结过的东西;有一些是以前没发现的心理现象;还有一些是以前以为知道就能克服的心理现象,现在发现有些心理现象即使你知道是误区也很难克服Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(四):管窥之见这本书的定位有些尴尬。有一定心理学背景的读者看不出什么新东西,缺乏背景的读者看起来不轻松。语言与文体的编织也介于大众传媒和严肃科学著作,在可读性与严谨之间权衡。 两系统分类本来是为了方便理解的认

5、知过程的理论虚拟,但整合的并不好,各个章节的内容之间有很多独立性,有时能看出来是要把本来挺完善的东西用系统一二这套说辞来“套”一下。书里的内容有些是矛盾的。比如展望理论和启发式理论分别代表两类不同的决策模型,前者和伯努利的期望效用家族是一起的,后者属于司马贺的有限理性家族。但作为介绍来说都非常好,而且难得的严谨。这点难能可贵。心理学是个容易出神棍的学科,读者区分不出理论和修辞不是错,作者有意识的混淆两者才有问题。所以我认为快与慢里大量的实验细节不是败笔,而是尤其精华之处。如同书里写的:重要的不是结果怎么样,重要的是结果怎么来的。 系统1系统2本来就是一种比喻修辞而已,从这个角度来说,标题写的倒

6、不是书里最重要的东西。 书里写的东西也不是全无争议,毕竟科学一直在进步变化。至于道德伦理问题更麻烦,因为都是真实的两难。用韩乾的话说,电车难题是个真正的伦理难题。小看这些抉择的分量是不对的。 我猜卡尼曼的意思不是让我们瞧不起自己与生俱来的进化工具包,而是认识到其局限性。知其所能为、所不能为。再者,看了这么多人类认知决策的一般特点,我们的第一直觉经常是“说的不是我”。假如就这么得意的接受了这个结论,书就算白看了。Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(五):一点干货被Decisive的两位作者骗来看这本书,快速浏览后的结论是:其实你们是意欲衬托自己作品的实用性吧。此书为理论性书籍,包

7、含各种例证,实验和心理测试,挑出一些干货来: 冷温热三杯水原理:分别把两只手放入冷水和热水中,然后同时放入温水中,左右手冷热感不同,虽然是放入同样温度的温水中。这就是参考值reference point的作用。类比到经济学: Outcomes that are better than reference points are gains. Below the reference points they are losses. Bernoulli和Fechnsr认为在确定值和预期平均值相等的情况下由于对数函数的关系,所以100%确定收益对应的心理值比预期可能收益的心理值大,表明人们不愿意冒险。

8、此理论有缺陷,问题在于没有考虑reference point以及人们喜欢gains讨厌losses的本性,据作者说这个理论是从人类进化学中得出来,人有保持现状的本能,特别在面对可能的危险或损失时。所以在保证是gains的情况下,大部分人选择可能性较大的较小预计收益选项;在注定losses的状态下,宁可尝试冒险,选择可能性较小的预计损失较大选项,因为人们害怕损失和失败。 如何更好地增加幸福感:效果较持久但愉悦感温和与效果短暂但愉悦感强烈中一般选择前者。若是忍受痛苦方面,颠倒一下。原因:人们的记忆力没有想象中的长久,幸福和痛苦感都容易忘记。但如果差异大到一定程度,此理论就不适用了,并且分界线因人而

9、异。Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(六):学着慢思考第一次阅读完英文大部头,而且是一本心理学家写作的行为经济学作品。我们每个人都认识自己吗?潜意识、思维误区是如何掌管我们的思考和行为的。丹尼尔形象地假想了存在我们头脑中的系统1和系统2。系统1根据过往经验来做出判断,是无意识的、消耗脑力少的、也是随叫随到的,生活中的下意识举动都是系统1在参与;系统2当系统1遇到麻烦时才会出面解决,它需要专注、消耗脑力,通常是依据系统1的印象做出选择。系统1必不可少,以很少的脑力即完成了日常的行为和生活,但是也会产生一系列思维的谬误。如典型性偏好-容易忽视基础概率;因果性解释-人的大脑倾向于用

10、因果关系来解释事情,人们更愿意相信自己针对果给出因的解释,而不是相信基础概率;光环效应:我们会受到与结论无关而与事件有联系的其他事物的干扰;锚定效应:人们的判断会受到一个参考值的影响,不管这个参考值与事件有关还是无关;框架效应:对一个事物的不同表述方式会让我们有不同的感受,比如三个月后存活率是90% 和三个月后会有10%的病人死亡;可得性偏好:容易出现在大脑中的事物被我们认为发生频率更高;人们会给自己有直观感受的部分更高的权重;禀赋效应:人们会高估自己已经获得的物品的价值(损失厌恶);峰终效应:人们对一段经历的记忆主要取决于体验时的峰值强度和体验结束时的强度。知道自己人性里的弱点,我们又能做什




14、事前就应该仔细考虑,这件事如果失败了,它可能是由什么原因造成的,在开始行动之前我们就应该采用什么方法来防患于未然。更全面地了解自己,也要在生活中学会应用。Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(七):你猜Kahneman的老婆是谁?声明:本文非标准书评,近似半学术吐槽贴。 从今年年初起就被那本Thinking fast and slow不定时刷屏,大概4月份的时候找了本英文电子版的翻了翻,不知道是由于排版问题还是怎么的,始终看不进去。几周前从图书馆借到了纸版,结果还是看了半本就还回去了,这本书的观点和例子都很有意思,科普性很强,但是我个人总是觉得过于琐碎,用过多的效应(effect

15、)来解释各种决策中的非理性现象,描述过于细化,好像没有更加合理的框架整合,而书中谈到的两套系统(system 1&2)又过于普适,导致我一直在想这两个系统的证伪的例子,结果才疏学浅得没有想出来,所以至今对这本书的观点还是耿耿于怀。不是认为作者是错的,而是觉得作者描述了这么多的现象,也解释了为什么,可是到头来我却觉得作者什么都没有说。不过,因为我是生活在现在这个时代,人并非理性的观点已经深入人心,星星之火早已燎原了吧。倘使生活在上世纪七十年代,定会觉得作者不仅切中“理性人”假设的要害,更是吸引了大众的眼球呀。这也就不难理解为什么作者(Daniel Kahneman)的研究获得了2002年的诺贝尔

16、经济学奖(补充知识:合作者Amos Tversky于1996年因某某黑色素瘤去世没得到诺奖,但是Kahneman在获奖感言上也说了军功章有Tversky一半)。 Y803这周的文献正好读到了Tversky & Kahneman1974年的science文章,加上老师讲了讲学术理论背景,我终于明白了自己困惑的地方,因此把笔记简单列出来,也和读过本书的大家分享一下。 有大概三个方向或者说理论层次来解释人类的判断和决策(Judgment and decision making),下面列出的是基本假设和观点: (1) Normative Theories: Focus on how we OUGHT

17、TO behave and how idealized rational and super intelligent people should make judgment and decisions, which should be always internally consistent. For example: game theory, probability theory and utility theory. (2) Deive Theories: How judgment and decision ARE MADE. (3) Preive Theories: What can r

18、eal person do to make BETTER judgment and decisions. 由此可以回到我对本书的感受了,Kahneman & Tversky的研究主要针对于第二个层次,描述决策过程,尤其是找寻决策中的错觉(illusions),就像我们在感知觉中看到的各种错觉一样,它们存在并不是说我们的系统无可救药了,只是说我们的系统有时候会出错。就像Kahneman & Tversky在他们文章开头就提到的:“This article shows that people rely on a limited number of heuristic principles whic

19、h reduce the complex tasks of asessing probabilities and predicting values to simpler judgmental operations. In general, these heuristics are quite usefu, bue someimes they lead to severe and systematic errors.” 实际上,Kahneman & Tversky研究中的例子和题设都不是随便从生活中抽出来的,他们试了各种组合,找到那个能引起我们决策错觉的那个作为最后的实验材料,例如他们某个实验

20、的题目是这样的:“A certain town is served by two hospitals. In the larger hospital about 45 babies are born each day, and in the smaller hospital about 15 babies are born each day. As you know, about 50 percent of all babies are boys. However, the exact percentage varies from day to day. Sometimes it may be

21、 hight than 50 percent, sometimes lower. For a period of 1 year, each hospital recorded the days on which more than 60 percent of the babies born were boys. Which hospital do you think recorded more such days? A. the larger hospital B. the smaller hospital C. About the same (that is, within 5 percen

22、t of each other)” 正确答案是A,但是实际上有53%的被试选了C(虽然我强烈怀疑真的有那么多人认为是一样的吗?这个就是题外话了)。如果我们把60%这个条件改成实际数字,人们的选择可能会改变或者使整体结果变好,但是正像之前说的,这是实验者精心设计出的,决策“错觉”,你就认栽吧!所以这样一解释,我自己也就不那么纠结于书中那么多效应解释那么多现象了,就像视错觉也是玲琅满目的,从错觉的名字都能看出来。 我们都知道之前的学术界倾向于研究第一个方向:理性的行为。因此,Kahneman & Tversky系统的揭示非理性决策的工作的确是异常重要的。现在我基本上不从目的上质疑了,不过第三个层次

23、也回答了我之前的感觉。第三个层次应该是那些总问“so what”问题的人所向往的。但是目前,不论前两个层次如何,进入第三个层次让我们觉得那些决策中的bug不再那么可怕鲜有吧。 下面来介绍一位一直和Kahneman & Tversky对着干的吧:Gerd Gigerenzer,这位就是死活都支持rationality的吧,读文献前完全不了解情况,就看见作者单位是:Max Planck Institue for Psychology Research,感觉这个单位也是个神一样的存在吧,料想作者一定也不是什么无名小辈呀,查了下,再次证明我的孤陋寡闻和基础知识薄弱啊。这位光是科普书就写了好几本畅销的啊

24、:simple heuristics that make us smart;calculated risks;Gut Feelings。一本没读过,但是后两本都听说过,最后一本更是看到之前友邻说“和Kahneman的观点完全反着,读着很费劲”。现在一下把所有之前零碎存储的记忆都连在一起了,就像周末要上映的云图的感觉似的。两者的争论除了之前提到的第一个层次和第二个层次外,还有对于Frequencist and Bayesian/personal Theory的争论。前者认为:“probability is a measure of relative frequencies of particul

25、at event. Unless probability statement based on such proportion is meaningless, it should not be none.” 而后者则主张:“probablity judgment can be cased on any of ones believed knowledge including knowlegde about frequencies or about a set of logivcal possibilities as well as other knowledge.” 其实看来看去我也不是非常明

26、白,但是可见Gigerenzer主张前者,而Kahneman & Tversky支持后者。这个我也要再读读文献才有进一步的发言权呀。先不讨论了。 最后吐槽一下学术界吵架呀,这几篇文章读得非常逗就是因为两方在文章中露骨直白的打架简直太好玩了。比如,Kahneman & Tversky说:“this is a fact of life that targets of criticism should learn to expect, even if they do not enjoy it. in some exceptional cases, however, the fidelity of t

27、he presentation is so low that readers may be misled about the real issues under discussion. In oue view, Gigerenzers critique of the hueristics and biases preogram is one of these cases.” 个中乐趣还要各位自己去读文献体会了。 最后的最后:你猜Kahneman的老婆是谁?在Kahneman & Tversky的Science文章1126页右下角的这个段落开头谈到趋中回归时说“in the normal cor

28、se of life, one encounters many instances of regression towars the mean, in the comparison of the height of fathers and sons, of the intelligence of husband and wives, or of the performance of individuals on consevutive examinations.” 班里一个女同学特意提出抗议说为什么啊!凭什么啊!她其实只是想表达一下自己的愤怒。但其实八卦在于Tversky的老婆是谁,Kahne

29、man的老婆又是谁啊!我也是今天第一次知道,孤陋寡闻啊:Tverskys wife is Barbara Tversky and Kahnemans wife is Anne Treisman. 但是我还没找到真正的槽点在哪里,到底谁高谁矮啊?Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(八):Thinking twice, carefullyI havent made any thought on how to “label” this book yet.Daniel Kahnemans book brings new explanation for humans behavior,

30、and the motivation behind it. Just like whatJim Holt wrote on NYTimes, this is the real “Two Brains Running”, since “System 1 is impulsive and intuitive; System 2 is capable of reasoning, and it is cautious, but at least for some people it is also lazy”.It is a book related to psychology, economics,

31、 finance, philosophy, and most important, human behavior. This book reminds me that why the Department of Economics is just on the top floor of the Department of Psychology in CMU. Just like a hint, these two disciplines could bring some combination, and it does.Thinking Fast: Not Bad It varies, how

32、ever, it works for someone. “Thinking fast” shouldnt be a mistake, or something else.ome people just “compute” fast, and for most of us,we often compute much more than we want or need. Dr. Kahnemancalls this excess computation “the mental shotgun”. In a little while, the collegues may complain that

33、“you are thinking too much”. Dr. Kahneman argues that random processes produce many sequences that convince people that the process is not random after all.o the coincidence is not like the incidence we havent imagined before.“To the untrained eye,” Feller remarks, “randomness appears as regularity

34、or tendency to cluster.”Its not a shame for people who think really fast, and “predict” things like wizard.Thinking Slow: Think Twice The shortcoming for thinking fast is that luck is not always on your side. In another word, you cant make your own chance everytime. So how about thinking it twice? T

35、he professional basketball player is just a good example. For those top shooters,tv commentators may chant for the “hot hand”. However,After analyzing of thousands of sequences of shots led to a disappointing conclusion: there is no such thing as a hot hand in professional basketball, either in shoo

36、ting from the field or scoring from the foul line.You may get the illusion for the latest two games, or five games. But trust me, as a fan of Kobe Bryant for two decades, I fully understand the ups and downs. One day the basket looks like an ocean, while in another day theres a lid on the top.The il

37、lusion is an anchoring effect. It occurs when people consider a particular value for an unknown quantity before estimating that quantity.Dr. Kahneman explains that two different mechanisms produce anchoring effectsone for each system.There is a form of anchoring that occurs in a deliberate process o

38、f adjustment, an operation of System 2. And there is anchoring that occurs by a priming effect, an automatic manifestation of System 1.Read Brain: Loss Aversiono how to read the brain? Its imperfact, not so precise as you could imagine. The first step is realizing the limitation.A general limitation

39、 of the human mind is its imperfect ability to reconstruct past states of knowledge, or beliefs that have changed. Once you adopt a new view of the world (or of any part of it), you immediately lose much of your ability to recall what you used to believe before your mind changed.The next step is get

40、ting ready to accept some facts. One fact,by Bent Flyvbjerg, is that in highly efficient markets educated guesses are no more accurate than blind guesses.In a paper titled “Trading Is Hazardous to Your Wealth,” they showed that, on average, the most active traders had the poorest results, while the

41、investors who traded the least earned the highest returns.In another paper, titled “Boys Will Be Boys,” they showed that men acted on their useless ideas significantly more often than women, and that as a result women achieved better investment results than men.Finally, for human beings, you just li

42、ke winning and dislike losingand you almost certainly dislike losing more than you like winning. It is shocking, but people have to admit ITS TRUE!In Economics, conventional indifference maps and Bernoullis representation of outcomes as states of wealth share a mistaken assumption: that your utility

43、 for a state of affairs depends only on that state and is not affected by your history.How about loss?The brains of humans and other animals contain a mechanism that is designed to give priority to bad news. By shaving a few hundredths of a second from the time needed to detect a predator, this circ

44、uit improves the animals odds of living long enough to reproduce.Loss aversion refers to the relative strength of two motives: we are driven more strongly to avoid losses than to achieve gains. Its a powerful conservative force that favors minimal changes from the status quo in the lives of both ins

45、titutions and individuals. This conservatism helps keep us stable in our neighborhood, our marriage, and our job; it is the gravitational force that holds our life together near the reference point.The benefit of loss aversion is that exaggerated optimism protects individuals and organizations from

46、the paralyzing effects of loss aversion; loss aversion protects them from the follies of overconfident optimism.Thinking Fast and Slow读后感(九):认知与决策Kahneman(以下称 K )的思考,快与慢探讨了林林总总的实验,对主流经济学的 理性人假设提出了行为经济学和心理学方向的新观点。传统的理性人定义意味着,1、人具有关于他所处环境的完备信息,2、能对其稳定偏好进行排序,3、具有无懈可击的逻辑推理和计算能力。理性人作为经济学的基础假说,在此之上建立了一般均衡

47、理论等丰硕的成果。但对此的质疑也并未中断。 从方法论来说,一种学科的假说并不需要与事实相符,模型的目的是简化我们的世界而使我们理解这个世界成为可能,毕竟,我们有了最完全的模型:这个世界。但是我们无法理解。而被接受的假说,常常是相对完整地贴合/反映世界又不过份复杂以至难以扩展。而 K 对效用理论的修正在这点上是必要的。【Richer and more realistic assumptions do not suffice to make a theory successful. Scientists use theories as a bag of working tools, and the

48、y will not take on the burden of a heavier bag unless the new tools are very useful.】 整本书的观点在书的正文末尾做了简要的总结,本文据此分三部分:心理学的 HUMANS 和经济学的 ECOS 的效用理论,直觉的系统 1 和分析的系统 2 的认知理论,体验的自我和记忆的自我的理论。 一、效用理论 prospect theory 在经济学中,效用理论有着既是规定决策逻辑也是描述决策方式的双重身份。而 K 认为 费希纳(Fechner)效用是财富的对数函数(边际递减)的说法与和伯努力(Bernoulli)大多数人的风险规避说法都犯了错:The longevity of the theory is all the more remarkable because it is seriously flawed. 1、因为对于效用来说,reference points 显然是重要的。一个失去了400万


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