中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2020届高三5月测试 英语(含答案)z.pdf

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1、中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试 2020 2020 年年英语试卷英语试卷本试卷共本试卷共 150150 分,考试时间分,考试时间 100100 分钟。分钟。第一部分第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分 6060 分)分)第一节(共第一节(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 3 3 分,满分分,满分 4545 分)分)ASummer is that time of this year 2019 when everyone looks to escape from the boring activities of life.So bring your

2、 kids to join us to have fun in the summer camp.Outdoor Word Game:Outdoor Word Game:All you need to do is setting up many huge letters that can be easily moved.These letters will help kidsspell out certain words.Teenagers would also love something like this as it gives them the opportunity toinvest

3、their time in learning new words.Spray Painting:Spray Painting:To bring out the creativity in a person,an activity centered on spray painting is the perfect way to getthose creative juices flowing.All you need to do is providing plain white T-shirts and some cans of coloredspray paint.It will be qui

4、te surprising to see some of the original ideas that will flow from individuals.Outdoor Twister:Outdoor Twister:A person will be in charge of monitoring the game and will call out colors which can be placedoutdoors.Participants have the task of placing either their hands or legs on the samecolor.A f

5、un andexciting game focuses on hand-eye coordination(协调).The MazeThe Maze(迷宫)(迷宫):One of the funniest games is the hallway maze game where a maze is constructed from either toiletpaper or strings of paper.The chosen participant is then asked to make his way through the maze within alimited time with

6、out touching paper.This is one of the best and entertaining summer camp ideas for kidsand adults also.1.Which activity most probably needs some imagination?AOutdoor Word Game.BSpray Painting.COutdoor Twister.DThe Maze.12.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The maze is made of t

7、oilet paper in The Maze.B.You have to spray juice on your T-shirt in Spray Painting.C.Outdoors Twister tests whether you are good at controlling your body movement.D.You have to bring some huge letters to play in Outdoor Word Games.3.Who is the article intended for?A.Parents.BChildren.CTeachers.DTee

8、nagers.BWhat makes a person sexy?Looks,talent,public image and how we accordingly view theirpersonality all play into why we find ourselves attracted to certain celebrities and public figures.Everyyear,People put it all together when they name their“Sexiest Man Alive”.This year,the magazinedecided t

9、hat United States musician John Roger Stephens,better known as John Legend,has the fullpackage.The title comes following some impressive achievements for the 40-year-old.He is among theyoungest people to win an Emmy,Grammy,Oscar and Tony award,and the first African-American manto win all four of the

10、m.With numerous awards and nominations,an Ivy-League degree,and a handsomeface,Legend has gained huge popularity worldwide.However,his dedication to family life maybe whatwins over many.After getting married to US model Chrissy Teigen in 2013,Legend is the father of one son and onedaughter.Hes not s

11、hy about telling the world their love is permanent.On the inside ofLegendsarm,there is a tattoo that says“Chrissy Luna Miles”,the names of his wife and children.In fact,Legend hasgained strength from his family since childhood.He still remembers the days when his family wouldgather around his grandm

12、others piano to sing Christmas songs.This inspired his passion for music.Hisbest-known single,All of Me,is a love song to his wife.When he performed it at the 2014 GrammyAwards,many were touched by his delicate voice and the deep love beneath.“The more you knowsomeone,the more youre inspired by your

13、 relationship,”Legend toldLA Confidential Magazine.“Youhave to grow enough to be able to write that song with sincerity andauthenticity.”Despite his onstage confidence,Legend had to work to become a legend.As a teenager,he was thesmallest kid in class.“I was always less mature,less at ease socially.

14、I had plenty of awkwardtimes,”he2told People.“Most of your teenage years,into your twenties,youre still figuring out who you are,howyou present yourself to the world.Eventually,I think you get more at ease withyourself.”Indeed,knowing who you are and be yourself could be the real key to attractivene

15、ss.4.What plays the biggest part in making Legend popular worldwide?AHigh-level education.CEfforts put in family.BHandsome look.DTalent in music.5.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?A.Legendshobby as a boy.B.Legendsfamily members.C.The secret behind Legendssuccess.DComposing background

16、of the songAll ofMe.6.What can you infer from the passage?A.Legend is proud of his success in music.B.Legendsinterest in music originates from his family.C.Legend is the first black singer who won the Grammy award.D.Legend received the title“Sexiest Man Alive”before he got married.7.What is essentia

17、l to attractiveness according to Legend?A.Being more mature.B.Being true to yourself.C.Having onstage confidence.D.Having attractive appearance.CWhat makes people trustworthy?Do they always tell the truth?Do they always keep their promises?In the near future,voluntary blood donations might be used a

18、s a clue to prove someones trustworthiness.On Nov 19,the National Health Commission(NHC)and other departments jointly released adocument urging the social credit system to include voluntary blood donations.An incentive mechanism(激励机制)is also recommended,to provide donors with more conveniences and r

19、ewards likepreferential treatment in using public facilities or visiting government-run parks,China Daily reported.“We need to show we care about donors so they feel honored,”LiuJiang,director of Beijings blooddonation office,told CCTV.3Indeed,donating blood is key to saving many lives.Due to bloods

20、 very limited shelf life,regularblood donations are needed from a sufficient number of healthy people.This ensures that safe blood willbe available whenever and wherever it is needed,according to the World Health Organization.However,the notice received mixed reviews on social media,with some people

21、 questioning whether it wasnecessary to include voluntary blood donation in the social credit system,according to the South ChinaMorning Post.The system records things like apersonscareer information,and payments for credit cardsor other debt expenses are used to tell whether a person or company is

22、trustworthy.People who cannot paydebts on time would have a worse credit score,resulting in more difficulties borrowing money from banks,reported thePeoples Daily.Many Sina Weibo users believe that blood donations should be voluntary.They say it has little to dowith social credit.Others doubt whethe

23、r it is appropriate to reward this action because some people woulddonate blood for reasons other than helping save peopleslives.Guangming Daily commented that onlyacts closely linked to personal credit should be included in the social credit system.A voluntary blooddonor might refuse to pay his or

24、her debts,while someone who doesnt donate blood might have a perfectcredit record,it noted.8.What benefit can voluntary blood donors get according to the 2ndparagraph?AFree park tour.BFree treatment in hospitals.CRunning in government parks.DPriority in using public facilities.9.Why are blood donati

25、ons regularly needed?A.Blood cant be stored for long.B.Some donated blood is not healthy.C.Fewer people are willing to donate blood.D.More and more people need blood to get treated.10.What can you learn from the last paragraph?A.Many blood donors refuse to pay his or her debts.B.Whoever donates bloo

26、d will have a perfect credit record.C.Itsright to reward blood donators for they save peoples lives.D.Some people agree that voluntary blood donation shouldnt be linked to socialcredit.11Whats the authors attitude to using voluntary blood donations to prove4trustworthiness?APositive.BObjective.CIndi

27、fferentDNegative.DFive years ago,UK schools began to learnShanghaismath teaching methods on account of topscores produced by Chinese teenagers in a global academic evaluation.This test is called the Programfor International Student Assessment(PISA),run by the organization for Economic Cooperation an

28、dDevelopment(OECD).Taking around three hours on computers,it mainly focuses on 15-year-oldsreading,math and science abilities.Earlier this month,the latest test results were published.Students from Beijing and Shanghai,as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces,outperformedstudents from the other 78

29、participating education systems in mathematics and science by a wide margin.In reading comprehension scores,only Singapore came close.Chinese mainland students first took thetests in 2009,with Shanghai topping the scores.The city claimed the top spot again in 2012.The PISA rankings aroused global in

30、terest in Chinese teaching methods and as a result,Britainincreased exchanges with Chinese schools to improve its math education.Nearly 600 teachers fromBritain and China,mainly from primary schools,have taken part in the exchange since 2014,and around5,000 ofBritains16,000 primary schools have adop

31、ted the Shanghai math teaching method.In the latestPISA test,Chinese mainland students averaged 591 points in math more than 100 points higher thanthe OECD average.British students averaged 502,jumping from 27th place three years ago to 18th in themath rankings.Philip Avery,director of education for

32、 the Bohunt Education Trust,UK,said,“Weve benefited fromworking with Chinese partners for the high quality of lesson planning and teaching for memorization inChina.Our Chinese partners have benefited from our approach to the development of character,focus oninnovation and application ofknowledge.”Ho

33、wever,Zhang Xuanmin,who is in charge of the PISA project in Shanghai,points out that besidesbasic education,Chinese students still need to improve their social and emotional competencies.12.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AUK teenagers are poorly-educated.BUK schools teaching

34、 methods are out of fashion.5CTeenagers in Shanghai got higher scores in PISA.DTeenagers in Shanghai are the best students in the world.13.What does the underlined word mean in the 2ndparagraph?ALaugh at.A302.BLook up to.B490.Cget along with.C502.Dbe superior to.D591.14.Whatsprobably the average mat

35、h point of OECD in the latest PISAtest?15What can be indicated by PhilipAverys words?A.The exchange program is a win-win situation.B.Chinese students still have a long way to go in education.CUK schools get more benefits from the exchange program.DUK teenagers have gained a lot of improvement in mat

36、hlearning.第二节第二节(共(共 5 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 3 3 分,满分分,满分 1515 分)分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Studying at a famous university in a diverse environment is a dream for many Chinese students.Almost 660,000 Chinese students studied abroad in 2018,according to the Ministry of Education.16A univers

37、ity for YOUA university for YOUMany students become too obsessed with league table rankings.17Before making your choice,write down all of your requirements,and choose based on them.A degree from Harvard isntworth much ifitsnot the career you want.18Taking responsibility for yourself is key to studyi

38、ng overseas.Unlike high school,no one will beforcing you to revise or complete your assignments.While there is support for students who are struggling,colleges often take the view that students whodont attend classes are wasting their money.Living abroadalso means looking after your money.Budgeting

39、for rent,food,phone plans and transport are part of beingan overseasstudent.6Extracurricular activitiesExtracurricular activities19 The freedom of college gives you the chance to get involved in societies,sports andleadership activities.These can be academic clubs related to your course or just for

40、fun.They are also agreat way of meeting new people during your time overseas.HomesicknessHomesicknessMissing home is common for overseas students.20Before you go,think about how youwill react to these differences.Though most universities have a Chinese society(club),youll find itmore beneficial if y

41、ou can get along with others.A.Taking the initiativeB.Taking care of yourselfC.So what should you know as an outstanding international student?D.So what should you do in order to be admitted into a famous university?E.While your courses should come first,they are only part of the university experien

42、ce.F.The lack of familiar food,surroundings and people can distract anyone from their studies.G.While they are important,you should look for courses that fit your ambitions and expectations.第二部分第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 5555 分)分)第一节第一节 完形填空(共完形填空(共 2020 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 4040 分)分)阅读下面的

43、短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As my family and I21to my grandmothers house,my dad points out all the houseshe lived in as a kid.I count 12,probably 22 one or two along the way.At 16,my dad had to23high school to support his mom and six siblings.He tells mybrothers andmestori

44、esofwhenhewasour24.Onetime,hecamehome from school to find a(n)25house and a notice that his family would be removed from the property.But he says it likeit was26.We start to understand why he has no27of his younger self.His dad spentall hismoney on gambling and alcohol.There is no anger in my dads t

45、one.28,there is asense of longing as he29the few times he and his dad would sit together and watch7football.His little sister would30at birthday parties because she could never have one of her own at home.We31my dad his first birthday party when he was at least 40.Forty birthdays before his first pa

46、rty.My brothersand I have had one every single year.He tells us to make a(n)32to work hard and stay in school.Weve heard it so muchthatsometimes we33our eyes.But his words now34in my head,and I findnew35 every time I recall them:“Theres nothing you cant do if you stay in school and workhard.”I wonde

47、r howdifferently my fathers life could have 36 if hed had just one person saying those words to him.My dad works 16 hours a day.Hes gone before Im37and home just as Im fallingasleep.He works hard so we can have a good home and do the things he never could.It makes me thinkthe world is at my 38 and n

48、othing is impossible.For 18 years,my dad has always told me this,but now itsmy39:I am so 40 of you,Dad.21A.drive22A.admitting23A.do well in24A.father25A.furnished26A.anything27A.emotions28A.Instead29A.expects30A.clap31A.allowed32A.decision33A.close34A.echo35A.success36A.figured out37A.upBmoveBrememb

49、eringBput up withBageBhugeBnothingBbooksBThereforeBdeclaresBcryBguaranteedBlivingBrollBdisappearBanswersBmade outBoff8CflyCmissingCbe active inCassistantCemptyCsomethingCfriendsCOtherwiseCimaginesCsmileCthrewCeffortCwipeCchangeCmethodsCcame outCbackDjumpDcoveringDdrop out ofDheightDgloriousDeverythi

50、ngDpicturesDBesidesDrecallsDrushDpromisedDchoiceDopenDloseDsignificanceDturned outDdown38A.fingertips39A.description40A.impressedBbottomBdayBproudCbodyCturnCashamedDbestDtimeDtired第二节第二节(共(共 1010 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 1515 分)分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Itsprobably hard for anyone toha


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