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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英文句型一、描述事物的关键句型1. It is to 动词原形 “做某事的是(的)”It+be 动词+形容词+to 动词原形其他It是形式主语,后面的动词不定式是该句型真正的主语。It is good for you to read English in the morning.晨读对你有益处。 2. It is that/if /whether/wh-从句, 某事是(的)It+be 动词+形容词+if 从句在此句型中it是形式主语,用来指代后面从句的内容。It is not surprising why an alcoholic died of liver canc

2、er.一个嗜酒者死于肝癌并不令人惊讶。3. It is kind of sb to 动词原形;It is hard for sb to 动词原形,某人做某事是(的)如果这种句型中的形容词是用来形容人的品质,就要在形容词后面加上介词“of”;如果形容词是用来形容事物,则加上介词“for”。It is kind of you to help my little brother with his homework.你真好,帮助我弟弟做家庭作业。It is impossible for you to finish the work in the three days.你想三天就把这项工作做完是不可能的

3、。4. It seems/appearsthat从句, 某事看起来似乎It appears to me that we need to call the police.我认为我们应该报警。It appears as if its going to rain. / It looks like its going to rain.似乎要下雨了。5. It is a pity (that)从句,某事真是令人遗憾本句型中的it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面由that引导的从句,其中that可以省略。It is a pity that you cant come to the party.你不能来参加聚

4、会,真是遗憾。6. It is natural/strange that 从句,会是很自然的/奇怪的此句型中it 是形式主语,用来表示后面从句的内容,中间应用that连接。此外,从句中的动词也可用should+动词原形表示。It is strange that such a figure like him should live such a modest life.说来真怪,像他这样的人居然可以生活得如此简朴。7. It is that 从句,是才。此句型为典型的强调句型,that所引导的从句对前面的主语起到了解释说明的作用,同时也是对主语的强调,所以从句和主语有了相应的因果关系。It wa

5、s because of team work that we were able to win the championship.因为团队的合作我们才能赢得胜利。8. It was not until that从句,“直到才。”此句型it was not until+某一时间点+that 从句,意为“直到才。”It was not until he got sick that he realized the value of health.直到他生病了,才体会到健康的重要性。9. in order to 动词原形/so as to“为了。”此句型意为“为了目的”,“想做就得”。He is wo

6、rking part time in order to pay his way through college.为了完成学业,他半工半读。10. too+ adj./adv. to v.“太而不能”The situation is too difficult to explain.情况变得太复杂,我无法解释。11. 主语+be used to+动词原形“被用来。”A harmer is used to drive nails into the wall.锤子是用来将钉子打进墙里的。12. 主语+be said to 动词原形“据说是”此句型解释为“据说是”,be thought to意为“被认

7、为”;be reported to意为“据报导”;be estimated to意为“据估计”Mr. Smith is said to be over 105.史密斯先生据说已经超过一百零五岁了。二、比较两者的关键句型13. 主语+动词as 形容词/副词 as“和一样”Understanding the philosophy is just as important as the action.了解原则和行动是一样重要的。14. 主语1+not 动词as 形容词/副词 as+主语2 “A不象B那样”I am not as interested in English as Tom.我不像汤姆那样

8、对英语感兴趣。15. 主语+动词asas ever 像往常一样She was as beautiful as ever after so many years.过了那么多年,她美丽如故。16. 主语+动词times as 形容词/副词as “A是B的倍”He earns twice as much as I do.他赚的钱是我的两倍。The new route is four times as wide as the old one.新路是老路的四倍宽。17. The morethe “越就越”The more haste, the less speed.欲速则不达。The sooner, t

9、he better.越快越好/事不宜迟The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.你越谨慎,就越不容易犯错。18. 主语+动词+ more and more(形容词) “越来越”表示“变得”的动词有:become, get, go等,多数情况下可互换。It gets more and more difficult to understand what the math is talking about.越来越难理解数学在讲什么了。Oil price are going higher and higher.油价越来越贵。1

10、9. 主语+ be 动词+ the +最高级+of all “是之中最”通常情况下省略最高级后的名词。The river is the most shortest among them.这条河流是它们之中最短的。Safety is the most important of all.安全是最重要的。20. 主语+be 动词+ most+形容词 “非常”Most 除了表示最高级外,也可用作副词来修饰后面的形容词,相当于very,表示“最、非常”的意思,前面不加the ,而用a来替代。还有其他用法,如Make the most of (充分利用)Most every evening(几乎每晚)Mo

11、st of all(特别是)That really was a most illuminating lecture! 这是一个非常有启发的演讲。It was a most beautiful sunset. / It was a very beautiful sunset.非常美的落日。21. 主语+be 动词+ the last(名词) to 动词原形/that从句 “最不可能”The last 在此句型中表示“最不可能”Last 还有一些惯用法,如 the last straw(造成全面崩溃的临界点);the last minute(最后一刻);the last word(定论)。Wash

12、ing the dog is the last thing that I want to do.给小狗洗澡是我最不想做的事。He would be the last person to tell a lie.他是最不可能说谎的人。22. The former / the latter “前者后者”I eat lots of fish and chicken, but I prefer the latter.我常吃鱼跟鸡肉,但是我比较喜欢鸡肉。Out of the two suggestions, I prefer the latter.在这两项建议里,我偏向后者。23. one thing,a

13、nother 是一回事又是一回事”用来强调两件事的不同,通常用于强调后者。One mans meat is another mans poison.人有不同的爱好。To know is one thing; to teach is quite another.知道是一回事,教又是另一回事。To be confident is one thing; to win is another.有信心是一回事,但是赢得比赛又是一回事。24. Some and some / Some and others “一些而另一些”该句型只是分辨两者的不同,没有比较两者优劣的含义。Some stories are i

14、nteresting and others are corny.有些故事很有趣,有些故事很无聊。三、一句话用两个动作的关键句型25. It occurs to sb to 动词原形/that 从句 “某人突然想到某事”Occur to 表示“想到”的意思。It 是形式主语,that从句是句子真正的主语。表示“突然想到”还有其他的表达,如I have an idea. And idea occurred to me. 我有点子了。It suddenly occurred to me that I knew how to answer the question.我突然想到该如何回答这个问题。26.

15、 It takes 人+时间+ to 动词原形 “完成某事需要时间”在此句型中,it 作形式主语,通常用来表示to 后面所接的动词或动词短语,表示做某事会花费某人多长时间。Spend也有花费的意思,可用来指花费金钱与时间,必须用人作主语,后面用动名词。句型:人+spend + money or time +动名词/ on 名词。It will take about eleven hours to fly from Taipei to Los Angeles.从台北飞到洛杉矶大约需要十一个小时。How long do you spend on your homework? 你花多少时间在你的家庭

16、作业上?27. It takes/requires to 动词原形 “从事某事需要(条件)”此句型中,takes/requires可接某人或条件(时间、金钱等)It takes a lot of time to persuade my father.我花了很长的时间才说服了我的父亲。28. It cost(s) sb +金钱+ to 动词原形 “化金钱做某事”Cost表示花费多少钱(代价),本句型要以It形式主语开头,表示某东西或事物花费某人多少钱。另外,cost有一个特殊用法:Cost an arm and a leg用来比喻东西很贵。It cost me RMB700 to buy the

17、 ticket.我买这张票花了七百元。29. .see/watch/hear/feel现在分词 “听到/看到/感觉到”强调的是该动作正在进行。We heard the birds chirping.我们听到了鸟儿们在唧唧叫。John saw his little brother climbing out of his crib.约翰看到他弟弟正从婴儿床爬出来。30. interested in 名词/动名词 “对感兴趣”I am so excited about my holiday.要放假了,我超兴奋。We were deeply disappointed at the result.我们对

18、结果感到非常失望。31. 动词+现在分分词/过去分词 “两个动作同时发生”在英语中,如果一个句子要使用两个动词,必须要用连接词来连接,但如果两个动作同时发生,且没有连接词,那么第二个动作必须改为分词。另外有些分词的意义接近于形容词。To go naked 裸体的; to go unnoticed 没注意到的We sat listening to the sound of the waves.我们坐着聆听海浪的声音。32. have +物+过去分词 “把做完了”此句型中的have是使役动词,意为“把(完成)”。Be sure to get the work done before three.务

19、必在三点之前把工作做完。Are you going to have your apartment painted?你打算要把你的公寓刷上油漆吗?33. get +sth 现在分词/过去公词 “使某事”He got his bag caught in the taxi door as it was closing.出租车的车门关上时,他的包被卡住了。34. go +动名词 “去”In summer, we often go swimming.夏天的时候我们常去游泳。I used to go camping by the brook when I was a kid.我小时候常常去溪边露营。35.

20、 Cannot help +动名词 “不禁”Whenever I see a sad movie, I cannot help crying.每次看悲剧电影,我都忍不住会哭。36. Feel like +动名词 “想要”此句型,后接动名词,表示想要做的事,其后可接时间副词表示何时想做,或者其他补语表示想怎么做。相当于“would like to +动词原形”。I feel like going to the U.K. for a visit next summer vacation.明年暑假我好想去一趟英国。37. Worth +动名词 “值得”The Palace Museum is wor

21、th visiting.故宫值得参观。38. be busy 动名词/with 名词 “忙着做”She is busy writing out the invitations.她正忙着写邀请函。The kids are busy with their homework.孩子们正忙着写作业。39. be used to +动名词/名词 “习惯于”主语+used to +动词原形 “表示过去常常”I am used to hot weather in Taipei.我习惯台北炎热的天气。I dont think Ill be used to living in the country.我觉得我无法

22、适应乡下的生活。四、语气转折的关键句型40. 主语+动词 more than “是而不是 胜过于”You may find that reading has become more fun than work!你或许会发现阅读已经变成兴趣的事了,而不是苦差事。41. 主语+动词+not so much+名词1+as +名词2 “与其说是不如说是”与句型“名词2+rather than+名词1”的意思相同。He is not so much a writer as a scholar.与其说他是作家,倒不如说他是学者。He is not so much a genius as a diligen

23、t person.与其说他是个天才,倒不如说他是一个勤奋的人。42. in other words “换言之”Our friend, that is to say, our daughters friend, will meet us at the airport.我们的朋友,也就是说我们女儿的朋友,会在机场跟我们碰头。43. Only to 动词 “竟然”He worked hard only to fail to reach the Wimbledon Final this year.他这么努力,今年却未能打入温布尔顿决赛。44. To 动词原形 主语+动词 “老实说/简言之/不用说”To

24、 be honest, Anne, I prefer you in the pink dress.说实在的,安妮,我比较喜欢你穿粉红色的裙子。To do her justice, she is not as evil as you described.说句公道话,她并没有你形容得那么坏。45. Generally speaking, 主语+动词 “一般而言”Historically speaking, the island is of great significance.就历史来说,这个岛意义非凡。46. Would rather 动词原形1 than 动词原形2 “宁愿也不要”He wou

25、ld rather fail than cheat on the exam.他宁可考试不及格也不愿作弊。47. could have 过去分词 “原本可以但没有”I waited ages for you, you could have said that you werent coming!我等你很久了,你本可以早说不来的!Be careful with that dog, it could have bitten me.小心那只狗,它可能会咬我。48. should (not) have 过去分词 “原来应该/不应但没有。”You should have voiced your objec

26、tions at the meeting.你在开会时应该表达你的反对立场。(然而你却没有)49. neednt have 过去分词 “原本不必但是却”表示做了没有必要做的事。You need not have got up so early.你没有必要起得那么早。五、提出问题的关键句型50. Be 动词+主语 “吗?”以BE动词开头的一般疑问句,主要是询问主语的状态。另外,is he/she for real (他/她是认真的吗?)则表示由于震惊或荒谬而向对方提出的疑句。Are you hungry?你饿了吗?Is that clear? 听清楚了吗?51. Did you +动词原形 “了吗

27、?”询问过去发生什么事情,用Did引导的一般疑问句。DO/DOSE引导的一般疑问句是询问现在的情况,后面也要用动词原形,第一人称与第二人称用DO,第三人称须用DOES.Do I make myself clear?搞清楚了吗?Did you see any monkeys in the zoo last week? 上星期你在动物园里看到猴子了吗?52. Have you +过去分词 “你曾吗?”表示询问过去到现在的时间里所完成或发生的事情。Have gone 表示去了某地,而且没回来。Have been to 表示经历,意为“去过某地”。Have you been to Sun Moon L

28、ake? 你去过日月潭吗? 表示你曾去过吗?Have you had your lunch? 你吃过午饭了吗? 表示你已经吃过了吗?53. Where be 动词+主语? “在哪里?”以where引导的疑问句用来询问地点场所,在类似的问答中,尽量要简略回答:in/on/at/to the +地点场所。Where is my metro card? 我的一卡通在哪?Where were you last night? 你昨天晚上在哪?54. How do you +动词。 (怎样。)How 是用于说明“状态或情况”另外how like? 是询问态度,如How did you like the m

29、ovie (你觉得这部电影怎么样?)Howfind? 则询问发现某事的方法,如 how did you find the book?(你怎么发现这本书的?)How do you fix the broken flush toilet? 你要怎么修理坏掉的抽水马桶?How did you feel last night? 你昨晚感觉怎么样?55. 疑问词+in the world be 动词+主语 (到底)这是强调句型How in the world did she know this? 她到底是怎么知道这件事的?Why on earth didnt you tell me before? 你之

30、前到底为什么不告诉我?56. 主语 wonder +wh- 从句 “想知道”这是间接疑问句的用法,翻译时句尾通常使用句号。I was wondering whether I could borrow your car. 我想知道能否借您的车一用。I wonder whether you could pass me the pepper. 你可以把胡椒粉递给我吗?I wonder when he knew the truth. 我想知道他是什么时候知道真相的。57. What/ How about 名词/动名词 “如何?”How about eating out with me tonight?

31、 今晚和我出去吃顿饭怎么样?What about playing badminton this afternoon? 今天下午去打羽毛球怎么样?58. What did you +动词 +for? “为了什么”What did you buy this flashlight for? 你为什么买这个手电筒?What did he lie to me for? 他为什么要欺骗我?59. How come +主语+动词 “为什么”How come you missed the school bus? 你怎么会错过校车?60. Why not +动词原形 “为什么不”If you feel like

32、 a fish out of water, why not leave?如果你觉得不自在的话,为什么不离开呢?Why not give her a call if you miss her? 如果你想她,为什么不打电话给她呢?六、强调语气的关键句型61. Please +动词原形() “请”此句型为礼貌用语,表示很客气或委婉的请求。Mary, please take a seat. 62. 动词原形 “(请)这样做”此句型为祈使句,主语通常被省略,句子开头用动词原形。当想要加强语气时,句尾可以加上感叹号。Relax ! 放轻松(本句强调“放轻松”这个动作。)63. Be “应该这样做”此句型为

33、祈使句,意为“要”。Be动词在这里表示“应当是”的意思。Be honest! 要诚实。Be on time! 务必准时。64. Do +动词原形 “务必”Do come. 务必要来。Do keep quiet. 务必要安静。65. Dont/never +动词原形 “不要”此句型表示建议、 要求、劝告对方不要做某事。如果表示某事的状态,就要用BE+形容词;如果表示动作则直接接动词原形。Dont be nervous! 不要紧张!Dont listen to him. He is a fraud. 不要听他的,他是骗子。66. Let+动词原形 “让”这个句型用在第一人称时,意思是“让我”,用在

34、第二或第三人称时,表示“允许某人做某事”、“叫某人”、“让某事处于某种状态”Let me have a look. 让我看看。Let her go and forget about it. 让她走吧,不要再想了。67. Dont let +动词原形 “别让”Dont let anyone enter the room. 不要让任何人进房间。68. Lets+动词原形 “我们吧”Lets ask John and Mary to come for dinner.我们找约翰和玛丽过来一起吃晚饭吧。Lets not argue anymore. 我们不要再争吵了。69. Would you be k

35、ind enough to “请你好吗?”Would you be kind enough to lower your voice? 请你小声一点好吗?70. Make/have/let +sb+动词原形 “使某人做某事”Make/have/let 是使役动词,后面应接动词原形(其实是省略to的动词不定式),并且要注意“被要求做该动作的人”必须使用宾格。Let me know if you need help. 如果你需要帮忙,请让我知道。71. Get/want/ask +人/物+to 动词原形 “要求某人/某物做某事”The lawyers urged the parents to tak

36、e further legal action.律师劝这对父母采取进一步的法律行为。I think Id advise him to leave the company.我觉得我会建议他离开这家公司。72. Keep from+动名词 “不让某人做某事”此句型中from为介词,后要用动名词形式。The police tried to prevent him from leaving.警方试图阻止他离开。The snow kept them from getting there by seven.这场雪让他们无法在七点前到达。七、情绪表达的关键句型73. How +形容词/副词 +(主语+动词)!

37、 “多么的”How tall Yao Ming is! 姚明真是高呀。How gracefully they danced! 他们的舞蹈跳得多优美呀!74. What a/an 名词(主语+动词)! “真是呀!”如果what后所接的名词为不可数名词,则不需加a/anWhat a lousy movie! 真是一部很糟糕的电影!What a crazy move! 真是疯狂的举动!What heavy traffic! 多么拥挤的交通啊!75. Oh dear! +完整句子 “天啊!”Oh, dear! I failed in the English examination!76. Fancy+

38、动名词 “想不到!”They have nine daughters. Fancy that! 他们有九个女儿。真不可思议。Fancy his coming so early! 想不到他竟然来得这么早!77. 主语+动词much less “更不用说”本句型有两种用法:much less和still less的意思都是“更谈不上”,“更不用说”,用于否定句中,起到加强语气的作用。She cannot speak English, much less write it.她都不会讲英语,更不用说写了。The old man can hardly walk, still less run.这位老先生

39、几乎无法走路,更何况是跑步。78. 主语+动词+the very +名词 “就是”Garlic is the very thing for preventing colds. 大蒜确实可认预防感冒。This is the very handout Ive been looking for all week. 这就是我找了一个星期的资料。79. 主语+动词+all+形容词/名词 “完全”此句型可以与thumbsearseyes等表示人的器官的名词连用。如All ears(表示洗耳恭听); all skin and bones(表示瘦成皮包骨)She was all excited. 她非常兴奋。

40、She is all confused now. 她现在完全困惑了。80. 主语+do+动词原形 “的确”He really does need a haircut. 他的确该剪头发了。 I did return the book to him.我的确把书还给他了。81. I am to 动词 “我很”I am afraid to sing in public.我害怕在大庭广众之下唱歌。It was no trouble at all. I was happy to be of help.一点都不麻烦,我很愿意帮忙。82. come close to +动名词 “几乎。”To 为介词,后面要接

41、动名词,强调某事差点就要发生了。My father was so angry that he came close to hitting my naughty brother.父亲非常生气,以至于差点要打淘气的弟弟。What a call! You had come close to bumping into a cat.好险啊!你差点撞上一只猫。83. Here comes+主语 “来了”这是一个倒装句。Here/there 置于句首,引出后面的人或物。当主语为代词时,句型为:here +代词+动词,句子不倒装。Here comes the bus! 公共汽车来了。Here you are.

42、 你到了。八、虚拟语气的关键句型84. What if +主语+动词 “如果的话,会怎么样?”此句型经常用于反语,表示“要是呢”,或是用来询问对方的意见What if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨怎么办?What if he doesnt agree? 如果他不同意该怎么办呢?85. 主语+ will+动词if+主语+动词一般现在时 “如果那么就会”If 后面接条件从句,并且动词用一般现在时,表示如果条件从句所描述的情况会发生的话,那么主句所描述的情况也会发生。If I study harder this semester, I will get As in every c

43、ourse.如果这学期我用功一点的话,我每一科都可以拿到A。If anyone calls me, please tell them Ill be back in the office by 5 p.m.如果有人打电话找我,请告诉他们我下午五点前回到办公室。86. If+主语+动词过去式,I would “如果那么就会”这是假设句型。If从句中的BE动词应用were,主句应用should/would/could/might+动词原形,构成虚拟语气,表示与现在的事实相反。其中if I were you 开头最为常见,通常用在给对方提建议的语境里,意为“如果我是你,如果我站在你的立场”If I w

44、ere you, I wouldnt skip the class.如果我是你,我就不会逃课。If you were in my shoes, what would you do? 如果你站在我的立场,你会怎么做?87. If I had +过去分词,I would have “要是就”此句型是对过去情况的一种假设,表示“某人为了过去的错误感到悔恨,如果能重头来过自己将会”。If从句用过去完成时,主句则要用would/should/might/could+ have+过去分词。If I had studied more last semester, I would not have faile

45、d accounting.我要是上学期能用功一些,会计学就不会不及格了。If I had known you were waiting for a call, I would not have stayed on the phone for so long.要是我早知道你在等电话的话,我就不会一直占用电话了。88. I wish +主语+动词过去式 “要是就”此句型可以表达两种语气。一是表达在现实环境下,不可能实现的愿望;第二种则表示说话者对过去所发生的事情感到抱歉遗憾。I wish I were young again. 要是我能再年轻一次该有多好啊。I wish I had a million dollars. 要是我有一百万就好了。89. If +人+should动词 主语+动词 “要是/万一”If I should win the prize, my partners will sh


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