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1、中考英语试卷中考英语试卷注注 意意 事事 项项考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项1本试卷共12 页,满分为120 分,考试时间为120 分钟。考试结束后,考生必须将答题纸交回。2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔填写在答题纸上指定的位置。3答案必须按要求填写在答题纸上,在试卷、草稿纸上答题一律无效。第卷(选择题共 60 分)第卷共第卷共 4545 小题,答案请按要求填涂在答题纸上。小题,答案请按要求填涂在答题纸上。一、单项选择(本题共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最

2、佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。1.The boy asked his mother whether France is _ European country.A.an B./C.aD.the2.Why are you taking a basket with you for shopping?The stores dont _ free plastic bags for shoppers to protect the environment.A.sellB.supportC.collectD.provide3.Facebook is one of the most popular websi

3、tes in Britain _ over twenty-five million users.A.ofB.forC.withD.by4.When will Peter telephone us?As soon as he _ home this afternoon.A.getsB.gotC.will getD.has got5.Youd better take the GPS with you_ you wont get lost.A.as soon asB.so thatC.because D.until6.Steven looked out of the window and found

4、 the snow was even _.A.heavyNext week.B.heavierC.heaviestD.the heaviest7.Andy,could you tell me _ the school sports meet?A.why we will haveC.when we will haveB.why will we haveD.when will we haveD.neednt8.Sorry,sir.I _ follow you.Would you please speak slower?A.cantB.mustntC.shouldnt9.What is Mom co

5、oking in the kitchen?Fish,I guess.How nice it _!A.looksB.soundsC.tastesA.a great manyA.orB.quite a fewB.soD.smells10.Now we are in Junior Three.Every weekend we have _ homework to do.C.a great deal ofD.a large number ofC.forD.but11.Li Na trained very hard,_ she became a great tennis player later.12.

6、Tony is still in bed.He may miss the school bus.Last night he _ late to write the report of his survey.A.stayed upA.to eatB.cheered upC.got upB.eatingC.eatD.dressed upD.ateD.few13.Loud music and red chairs in the restaurant make people _ fast.14.Our class teacher was pleased to know that _ students

7、in his class ate junk food.A.muchB.manyC.little15.Jill,you look busy._Thank you,Peter,but I can manage it myself.A.Whats the matter?C.Is everything OK?二、完形填空(本题共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。“Mommy,I got something for you!”Cody ran through the door after

8、school.His face worethe biggest smile ever.He waved something above his head.“Its a pen.But not just any pen.Its alucky pen!”He handed me the pen16,waiting for my reaction(反应).I looked at the pen in my hand.There was nothing17 about it.It looked just like anyother ballpoint pen.I had a drawer full o

9、f them.At that moment,I didnt realize how special it wasor how much I would come to treasure(珍爱)it.I had made the decision to be a(n)18.I had dreamed about it for a long time but I wasafraid of being refused by the publishing houses.The night before,I told my husband my19B.Anything I can do to help?

10、D.How could you do that?when I thought Cody wasnt listening.“What if20likes my writing and I fai l?”But Codydid21 what I said.Now he stood in front of me,watching me examine thepen.“You donthave to be afraid now,”he said.“This pen will make your22 great and everyone will loveyou.”Tears filled my eye

11、s.Refusal(拒绝)and failure didnt seem like such a big problem anymore.Even if I23sold the first book,I had everything I could ever need.I knew that penwould bring me luck,though.And I felt24 already,just by having Cody in my life,especially when I heard what he did to get it.In the lunchroom,Cody hear

12、d an older boy talking about having a lucky25.He decidedto get it for me.The boy was a tough negotiator(强硬的谈判者)but Cody didnt26.In theend,he27 his favorite Matchbox car,two army men his brother gave him,a crayon,and apiece of candy his most important things,for that pen.Just to make28 feel better.I

13、still have that pen,though its long out of ink,in a cup on my desk.When a refusal letterarrives and I start feeling29,I look at it and remember just how lucky I am.For while Ivalue that pen,its Cody who I really30 in my life.16.A.easily17.A.strange18.A.teacher19.A.fear21.A.hear22.A.life24.A.sure25.A

14、.dog26.A.give up27.A.foundB.carefullyB.specialB.artistC.proudlyC.importantC.writerC.secretC.anybodyC.expectC.storiesC.evenC.penD.naturallyD.interestingD.inventorD.surpriseD.nobodyD.believeD.choicesD.onceD.proudD.giftD.call backD.changedD.himD.lonelyD.treasureB.hopeB.everybodyB.acceptB.dream20.A.some

15、body23.A.everB.neverB.luckyB.toyB.try outB.keptB.usC.braveC.get awayC.soldC.meC.angryC.serve28.A.them29.A.nervous30.A.respectB.sorryB.praise三、阅读理解(本题共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A ASteve Jobs was one of the fathers of the personal computing time and the

16、 founder of Apple.He was also one of the giants of the information age.Here are some of his greatest contributions.Apple IIJobsandSteve Wozniakfounded Apple ComputersInc.in 1976.A year later,the Apple II was puter.The iPadBy 2010,Steve Jobs wasconfidenttheworldwasreadytohaveatabletcomputer that woul

17、d be greatforwatchingmoviesandplaying games.The iPad is a great success.31.When was the iPhone 4s invented?A.In 1977.B.In 1998.32.Which one was the oldest?A.The Apple II.B.The iMac.A.has a CD-ROM slotB.is great for watching moviesC.has a better cameraD.is the first personal computerB BOne of the mos

18、t famous people in ancient China was a great philosopher called ConfuciusC.The iPad.D.The iPhone 4s.33.From the passage,we can know that the iPad _.C.In 2010.D.In 2011.The iMacUnder Jobs leadershipApple introduced theall-in-one iMaccomputer in 1998.Theoffered only a CD-ROM slot(狭孔).iPhone 4siPhone 4

19、s came out onOctober 4,2011,inAmerica.It looks likeiPhone 4.It has a largeand wider screen and a better camera.This production was the worlds first personaliMac became the first machine,which(Kong Zi).Philosophy(哲学)is the search for knowledge and understanding of nature and meaning ofthe world and o

20、f human life.In other words,it s about thoughts that teach people lessons aboutrules and life.Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many famous sayings inancient China that helped many people learn about nature,the world,and human behavior(行为).He also helped the government and the e

21、mperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperorshould rule his country successfully.Confucius was born in a poor family in 551 BC.His father died three years after Confuciuswas born,so the family lived a much harder life.Later,in order to make Confucius receive a good education,his mother took hi

22、m to Luduwhere his grandpa lived.The city was well developed at that time.His mother died whenConfucius was 17.Confucius ever worked as a keeper of a market.And then he was a farm worker who tookcare of parks and farm animals.When he was 20,he worked for the leader of his area because ofhis hard wor

23、k.34.If people know some philosophy,they can _.A.have a deeper understanding of thingsB.know how to live a happy and healthy lifeC.tell exactly what people will be like in the futureD.know how to rule a country successfully35.Why did Confuciuss mother take him to Ludu?A.Because she wanted to make mo

24、re money.B.Because she wanted to ask her father for help.C.Because she wanted him to meet a famous teacher.D.Because she hoped Confucius could receive a good education.36.From the passage,we know Confucius _.A.was a great artistB.was an emperorD.was afraid of his motherC.once lived a hard life37.Whi

25、ch of the following is TRUE?A.Confuciuss father died in 551 BC.B.Confucius ever grew crops on a farm.C.Confuciuss mother received a good education.D.Because of his mom,Confucius became a great man.CTeachers say that the digital age has had a good influence and a not-so-good influence onAmerican teen

26、agers.More than 2,000 middle school teachers took an online survey.Researchersalso spoke with teachers in some groups.Most teachers think the Internet and digital search toolshave had a mostly positive(积极的)influence on their students research habits and skills.But atthe same time,some teachers also

27、point out some problems in teenagers using digital searchtools.The Pew Internet Project did the survey with the College Board and the National WritingProject.Judy Buchanan is the director of the National Writing Project and a co-writer of the report.She says digital research tools are helping studen

28、ts learn more,and learn faster.“Both teachers andstudents really welcome these tools because they make learning exciting.And the goal(目的)is toreally help students become creators of something meaningful,and not just users of the onlineinformation.”But one problem the survey found is that these techn

29、ologies make teenagers have shortattention spans(持续时间).As there is lots of information about different subjects on the Internet,teenagers attention is easily drawn away from their research.Another problem the survey found is that many students trust the information they find on theInternet too much.

30、Judy Buchanan says these students have not developed the skills to judge(判断)the online information.They need to learn a lot to tell if the information is believable.Itssomething that really has to be paid attention to.One more problem the survey found is something that might not seem like a problem

31、at all:being able to quickly find information online.Many students think“doing research”now meansjust doing a quick search on Google.Teachers say the result is a drop in the wish and ability oftheir students to work hard to find answers.That is,they are depending too much on searchengines and do not

32、 make enough use of printed books or research librarians.Many teachers also say that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done byothers instead of using their own abilities.38.The result of the survey shows _.A.digital search tools need to be greatly improvedB.digital search tools ar

33、e generally good for teenagersC.teenagers have difficulty in using digital search toolsD.American teachers enjoy using digital search tools39.Using digital search tools makes teenagers _.A.less trusting of online informationB.more independent in doing researchC.more willing to work hard to find answ

34、ersD.less able to pay full attention while searching40.To do better in research,teenagers should _.A.spend more time searching onlineB.ask their teachers for more adviceC.make better use of printed materialsD.learn more knowledge of search tools41.The passage mainly tells us _.A.all the students lik

35、e using digital toolsB.the Internet is playing an important roleC.teachers encourage their students to use digital toolsD.digital tools bring about something helpful and problemsDThere are some very good inventionswhich,for one reason or another,dont become popular.These inventions should be better

36、known,even though I think that some of them are crazy.Letshave a look at some of these inventions and see if you agree that they should be more successful.The Australians had a great idea to stop people from drinking and driving.The idea was thatif a driver wanted to start the car,she or he would ha

37、ve to blow into a bag first.If there was toomuch alcohol(酒精)in their breath,the car wouldnt start.It sounde d like a great idea to me,butpeople said that they might need to drive the car in an emergency(紧急情况)even if they haddrunk too much alcohol.Another idea I liked was an invention by a scientist

38、who thought hischildren watched too much TV.He connected the TV to an exercise bike so that the electricity topower the TV was produced by the bike.If the children wanted to watch a lot of TV,they had topedal(踩动)very hard.I found another invention on the Internet which encouraged good habits.Believe

39、 it or not,this invention was an ashtray(烟灰缸)which spoke to you when you lit acigarette!The“voice”of the ashtray was started by the heat from the cigarette and reminded youhow dangerous it is to smoke.One of the strangest inventions I have come across is a bicycle which can cross rivers!Theidea was

40、that when you came to a river,you could inflate a huge plastic ball all around the bike.You would then get into the ball which would float on the river while you pedaled the bike insidethe ball!Why not use a bridge instead?A friend of mine at school once bought a strange pair offootball shoes.On the

41、 bottom of the shoes there was a rotating pad of studs(转动钉垫).The ideawas that you would change direction more quickly if the studs rotated with you.The problem wasthat every time you stopped you changed direction whether you wanted to or not!I think he worethose shoes twice!One thing I would like is

42、 a baseball cap with a built-in radio so you can listento sport all day with your hands free.While we are on the subject of sport,the Americans inventeda kind of robot for sports fans.If you were watching your team on TV on your own,you couldpress a button and the robot would do“high fives”with you!

43、F antastic!I wonder if you have anygood ideas for inventions like these.42.Whats the writers attitude towards the inventions mentioned in Paragraph 2?A.The writer regrets he knew nothing about the inventions.B.he writer doubts if the inventions will be popular soon.C.The writer thinks these inventio

44、ns will do good to people.D.The writer finds these inventions are the strangest of all.43.What can we know from the passage?A.The father used his invention to stop children watching too much TV.B.It was very bad for the drivers to blow into a bag before their driving.C.The bike crossing rivers was c

45、onsidered one of the best inventions.D.The invention of new shoes would make players run much faster.44.The underlined word“inflate”in thethird paragraph means _.A.check outC.look intoB.blow upD.turn over45.Whats the best title for the passage?A.Popular Inventions TodayB.Technology and InventionC.In

46、ventions with a DifferenceD.The History of Invention第卷(非选择题共 60 分)第第 II II 卷共卷共 3636 小题,请按要求将答案写在答题纸上小题,请按要求将答案写在答题纸上。四、词汇(本题共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)A.A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。46.At the beginning of the twentieth century,the worlds _(人口)was about 1,700million.47.Nowadays its a _(现代的)life

47、style to spend weekends in the countryside.48.We often work _(with each other)as a team in English classes.49.Dinner will be ready in half an hour just be _(able to wait calmly for a long time)!50.What is your favorite _?Spring,because its neither too hot nor too cold.B.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,

48、使句子通顺。51.The tree which stands by the side of the river is about 50 _ tall.52.Most people chose not only Janes plan but also _ after the discussion.53.My grandfather was too old to walk upstairs to the _ floor of the building.54.Some citizens grow vegetables themselves because they are worried about

49、 the _ of thefood.55.We feel proud that our hometown has developed _ these years than before.C.C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。56.The skirt _ soft as if it is made of silk.57.Last night I didnt answer your phone because I_ an interesting TV programme.58.Do you know if Jack will drive to London th

50、is weekend?Jack?Never!He _ driving so far.59.Where is your grandma,Ellen?She _ the flowers in the garden.60.The other day,a taxi driver _ his life to save the drowning pupil.五、句型转换(本题共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)riskhatewaterfeelwatchfiverapidIfootsafe请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。61.The old man realized that too much


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