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《2019年广东省深圳市中考英语试题(含答案解析).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年广东省深圳市中考英语试题(含答案解析).pdf(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、深圳市 2019 年初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷第一部分 选择题(60 分)I.词汇测试(15 分)i.从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上8 小题,每小题1 分)将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共()1.-Where shall we watch the light show tonight?-On the top of Lianhua Mountain.ItA.backB.middles in thecentre of our city.C.front【解析】B句意:-今晚我们去哪里看灯光秀?-莲花山顶,它在我们城市的中心。centre,名词,意为“中央”

2、;A 选项 back,意为“后面,后部”;B 选 项 middle,意为“中间,中部”;C 选项 front,意为“前面,正面”。故答案选【考点】同义词转换B。()2.-Sarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow.-So she is.SheA.sorrys gottenprepared for it.B.famousC.ready【解析】C句意:-莎拉似乎对她明天的表演很有信心。容词,意为“事先准备好的”;-是的。她已经准备好了。prepared,形A 选项 sorry,意为“抱歉的,遗憾的”;C。B 选项famous

3、,意为“著名的”;C 选项 ready,意为“准备好的”。故答案选【考点】同义词转换()3.-I heard that your grandma lost her way in Dameisha yesterday.-Yes.Luckily,a kind stranger managed to lead her back home.A.takeB.pull1C.put【解析】A句意:-我听说你奶奶昨天在大梅沙迷路了。-是的,幸运的是,一个好心的陌生人成功A 选项 take,意为“带领”;A。B将她带回家了。lead,动词,意为“带路,引路,引领”;选项 pull,意为“拉,扯,拽”;【考点】同

4、义词转换C 选项 put,意为“放,安置”。故答案选()4.-When can we finish making the model car?We must hand it in this afternoon.-Very soon.There is one more step to finish it.A.stairB.postC.stage【解析】C句意:-我们什么时候才能完模型车的制作呢?我们必须在今天下午交。一步就可以完成了。step,名词,意为“步骤,步伐”;post,意为“岗位;邮件”;【考点】同义词转换-很快,还有A 选项 stair,意为“楼梯”;B 选项C。C 选项 stage

5、,意为“阶段,步骤”。故答案选()5.-I m not sure if I copied the addresscorrectly.Can you check it for me?-No problem.LetA.without difficultys check it together.B.without instruction C.withoutmistakes【解析】C句意:-我不确定我是否正确地复制了地址。你能帮我检查一下么?起检查吧。correctly,副词,意为“正确地”;-没问题。我们一A 选项 withoutdifficulty,意为“容易地,毫不费力地”;B 选项withou

6、tinstruction,意为“没有指令”;C 选项 withoutmistakes,意为“没有错误”。故答案选【考点】同义词转换C。2()6.-How was your skating lesson last week?-Not bad.Although I fell over many times,I managed to skate at last.A.in the endB.at presentC.at times【解析】A句意:-你上周的滑冰课怎么样?-还好。虽然我摔倒了很多次,但最后还是会滑了。at last,意为“在最后,最终”;A选项 in the end,意为“最后,最终”;

7、B选项 at present,意为“现在”;C 选项 at times,意为“有时,偶尔”。故答案选【考点】同义词转换A。()7.-How many Chinese poems did you learn by heart last-Twenty,most of them were written in Tang Dynasty.A.studyB.rememberterm?C.research【解析】B句意:-上个学期你记住了多少首中国诗词?heart,意为“记住,牢记”;-二十首,其中大部分是唐诗。learnbyA 选项 study,意为“学习”;B 选项 remember,意为“记B。住”

8、;C 选项 research,意为“研究,调查”。故答案选【考点】同义词转换()8.-Dontlie around.Help me with some dishes,Jimmy.-OK.Mum.I m coming in a minute.A.look aroundB.turn around3C.sit around【解析】C句意:-不要闲着不做事。帮我洗碗吧。-好的,妈妈。我马上就来。lie around,意为“无所事事”;A 选项 look around,意为“游览,到处察看”;B 选项 turn around意为C。“转向反方向”;C 选项 sit around,意为“无所事事”,可知答

9、案选【考点】同义短语转换ii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共(A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的词语完成句子,7 小题,每小题1 分)class.C.suggestion)9.-Miss Huang always advises us to practice speaking English after-She is right.Speaking is an important languageA.signB.skill【解析】B句意:-黄老师总是建议我们在课后练习说英语。-她是对的,说是一项重要的语言技能。A 选项 sign,意为“迹象”;B 选项 ski

10、ll,意为“技能”;C 选项 suggestion,意为“建议”。故答案选【考点】名词辨析B。()10.-We will have a big basketball game next week,but we still need a-Why dont youA.inviteBryan to join the game?He is fantastic.B.teachC.warnplayer.【解析】A句意:-下周我们将有一场大型的篮球比赛,但是我们仍需要一名球员。请布莱恩加入这场比赛呢?他非常棒!-为什么不邀A 选项 invite,意为“邀请”;B 选项 teach,意为A。“教授”;C 选项

11、 warn,意为“警告”。故答案选【考点】动词辨析4()11.-I like country music.It-I prefer electronic music.ItA.populars really exciting.What aboutyou?s becoming more and moreC.boring.B.comfortable【解析】A句意:-我喜欢乡村音乐。它令人兴奋。你呢?。受欢迎了。A 选项 popular,意为“受欢迎的”;选项 boring,意为“无聊的”。故答案选【考点】形容词辨析A。-我更喜欢电子音乐。它现在越来越CB 选项 comfortable,意为“舒适的”;

12、()12.-Alan,your hair is so long.Why don t you go and have a haircut?.-I m too busy to go today,but thanks for your adviceA.anytime【解析】C句意:-艾伦,你的头发太长了。你为什么不去剪头发呢?不过还是要谢谢你的建议。B.anywhereC.anyway-今天我太忙了,不能去,B 选项 anywhere,意C。【考点】副A 选项 anytime,意为“在任何时候”;为“在任何地方”;C 选项anyway,意为“尽管如此,即使这样”。故答案选词辨析()13.-Mark

13、has had too much fried food.I m reallyhim.fruits.-Me,too.I think he should have more vegetables andA.afraid of【解析】B句意:-马克已经吃了太多油炸食品。我真的担心他。5B.worried aboutC.unaware of-我也是。我认为他应该吃更多蔬菜和水果。A 选项 afraid of,意为“害怕”;B 选项 worried about,意为“担心”;C 选项 unaware of,意为“没有意识到”。【考点】短语辨析故答案选 B。()14.-Today,mobile payme

14、nt is very convenient.Almost everyone is using-That s true.We donA.take outt evenneed toB.take offmoney from the bank.C.take upit.【解析】A句意:-现在,移动支付非常便捷。几乎每个人都在使用移动支付。不需要从银行取款。A 选项 takeout,意为“取款”;-是的。我们甚至B 选项 take off,意为“起飞;脱下”;C 选项 take up,意为“开始从事;占据”。【考点】动词短语辨析故答案选 A。()15.-I am really nervous about

15、the talent show tonight.-A.Of course!You can make it.We will all support you.B.Come onIt my first time on show.C.Thank goodness【解析】B句意:-我真的担心今晚的才艺展示。这是我第一次展示。-加油!你能够做到的。我们都支持你。A 选项 of course,意为“当然”;B 选项 Come on,表示鼓励;C 选项 Thankgoodness,意为“谢天谢地”。故答案选【考点】短语辨析B。6II.完形填空(15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出能

16、填入相应空白处的最佳选10 小题,每小题1.5 分)16项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共Nowadays,lots of foreigners are learning Chinese.Like many of them,Iknew two words of Chinese(“Ni Hao”and“Xie Xie”)when I first came to Beijing,China in2009.As you can guess,my life was 17 for a while after I arrived.Simple taskslike ordering food or

17、taking a taxi were quite stressful.I knew I had to learn more Chinese,so I 18 a Chinese class.My teacherwas19,althoughI didn learntenoughtohavearealconversation.Later Istudied on my own as well,but my progress was still slow.And I decided to 20.Around this time,I started playing in a band with a Chi

18、nese man who became one ofmy best friends in Beijing.He taught me a lot of 21about music,such as“melody”He learneda lot ofEnglishfrommeinreturn,soitwasagoodwayto22language and culture.I have learned enough Chinese to 23 many problems like booking train tickets.These days.there are more foreigners wh

19、o are studying Chinese.I can24 whyit an amazing language.Finally,I found that the best way to learn a25 is to make friends with native speakers and spend time with them.()16.A.usuallyB.onlyC.hardly()17.A.easyB.interestingC.difficult()18.A.missedB.attendedC.taught()19.A.helpfulB.cheerfulC.thankful()2

20、0.A.make upB.put upC.give up()21.A.wordsB.namesC.jokes()22.A.changeB.imagineC.exchange()23.A.deal withB.look forC.think of()24.A.hopeB.realizeC.doubt()25.A.languageB.subjectC.task16.B【解析】考查上下文语境与副词词义辨析,句意为像许多人一样,我仅仅知道两个中文词汇。only 意为“仅仅”。17.C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析,句意为你能猜到,在我到达之后很长一段时间内,我的生活过得都很艰难。“difficult”意为

21、“困难的;艰难的”,故用 difficult。easy“简单的”,interesting7.意为“有趣的”。18.B【解析】考查动词词义辨析,句意为我知道我必须学习中文,因此我报了一个中文班。“attend”意为“参加”。“miss”意为“失去;想念”,“19.A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为尽管我学的词汇还不足以支撑我与人真正的进行交流,我的老师对我的帮助还是很大的。“helpful”意为“有帮助的”。“cheerful”意为“振奋但是teach”意为“教;教学”。的”,“thankful”意为“感激的”。20.C【解析】考查上下文语境与动词词组词义辨析,根据上下文可知我自己学习中文进度

22、很慢,我决定放弃了。“give up”意为“放弃”,“make up”意为“编造;弥补”,“put up”意为“举起;支起;提高”。21.A【解析】考査上下文语境与名词词义辨析,从上文可知,作者交到一个玩音乐的朋友,他教了作者很多有关音乐的词汇,从下文“melody”(旋律)也可推断出是关于音乐的词汇。jokes”意为“玩笑”。“words”意为“词汇”,“names”意为“名字”,“22.C【解析】考查上下文语境与动词辨析,从上文可知,作者从他朋友那里学到了中文词汇,他也从作者学到了英文词汇,所以是一种语言文化的交流。“change”意为“改变”,“23.A【解析】考査上下文语境与动词词组词

23、义辨析,句意为我学到了许多中文来解决问题,比如订火车票。“deal with”意为“处理”,“考,想起,认为”。24.B【解析】考査上下文语境与动词词义辨析,从上文得知,通过作者的经历,作者逐渐意识到中文这门语言的魅力,故用25.A【解析】考查名词词义辨析,根据文意并多和他们接触。,我们学习一门语言最好的方式就是与本地人交朋友realize。lookfor”意为“寻找”,“thinkof”意为“思imagine”意为“想象”。exchange”意为“交换,交流”;III.阅读理解(30 分)阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡

24、1.5 分)20 小题,每小题8ASending packets,shopping for everyday goods and even building a house,these arenew skills that new robots show at the World Robot Exhibition.Scientistsare recommendingthe latesttalking robots.Theycan be highly intelligent in their responses.RoBohoN,just 10cmRoBohoNtall,makes alively

25、 description of theGreat Wall andthe PalaceMuseum.It can speak Chinese,English or any other language youlike.This robot stands at 1m tall and looks like a container withHuman Supportarms.It provides much support to different places and keeps intouch with the outside world through the internet.9As wo

26、rld cities continuedeveloping,there are buildingsiteseverywhere,but thereHRP-5Plooks like a strong builder.It stands at 1.8m tall and weighs 101 kg.It is created to carry out the heavy building tasks.CarriRo,in the shape of a toy bus,has friendly“eyes”on itsaren enough people to build them.HRP-5Pfro

27、nt.It works as a postman and sends packages by rolling aroundCarriRothe streets.It has a GPS to travel.The person who receives thepackage is sent a code to the smart phone to open the CarriRo andget the package.()26.How tall is the RoBohoN?A.0.1 meterB.1 meterC.1.8 meterD.101 meters【答案】A【解析】细节题;原文提到

28、“RoBohoN,just 10cm tall”10 厘米,即 0.1 米,故答案为A。()27.Which Robot is the best helper to the old people homes?A.RoBohoNB.Human Support RobotC.HRP-5PD.CarriRo【答案】B【解析】推断题;题干关键词为“best helper to oldpeople home.”CD 选项的机器人分别用于建筑工地“HRP-5P 部分第2 句 HRP-5Plooks like a strongbuilder.和街道邮递”CarriRo 部分第 2 句“works as a

29、postman and sendItpackages”,可排除;而RoBohoN的主要作用是使用不同语言讲解和介绍世界“make a livelydescription,”可排除;HumanSupport Robot可以在不同地方给人们提供帮助,并且可以和外界联系,“It provides muchsupport to different places and keeps in touch with the outside world through theInternet.因此可以帮助在家的老年人,故答案为B。()28.How does the owner of the package op

30、en the CarriRo?A.by working as a postmanB.by rolling around the streetC.by following the GPSD.by using the code【答案】D【解析】细节题;由文章“The person who receives the package is sent a code to the smartphone to open the CarriRo and get thepackage”可知包裹的主人“The person who receivesthe package”会收到一个密码“a code”来打开 Ca

31、rriRo,取出包裹,故答案为D。()29.In which part of a newspaper can we find this passage?A.cultureB.sportsC.scienceD.people【答案】C10”【解析】推断题;文章在介绍四种不同的新款机器人,和科学技术有关,人 故答案为 C。A.文化B.运动D.BAlice Lee is a high school student studying at a private school.She is doing somevoluntary work at an after-school program to help

32、 students from poor families.On the first day of her work,she noticedthat manykidswere liningup for freesandwiches and fruits.She was surprised.One of the organizers explains that many ofthese students dont get enough to eat at home.So a school lunch or an after-meal mightbe the most food they would

33、 get all the day.She has also been told that some hungry kidscan receivefree lunches,but othersare only allowedreduced-pricestudents families have to pay for the part of their food.“Imeals,and thoseLee was shocked,she decided to offer help to those who are suffering from hunger,want other kids to un

34、derstand that If you see a problem,you donadult to fix it,t have to wait to be ano”says Lee.She and a group of friends are using their programme skill tcreate a new app called Food of Thought,which will allow parents,students,and evenkind-hearted strangers to donate money to lunch accounts for stude

35、nts in a nearby school.()30.What did Alice Lee see on the first day of her voluntaryA.Children lining up for free food.B.Children buying sandwiches and fruit.C.Children learning cooking instructions.D.Children doing voluntary work.【答案】A【解析】细节题;文章第二段第一句提到kids were lining up for free sandwiches an费的三明

36、治和水果,故答案为A。“on the first day of her work,she noticed that manyd fruits她看到很多学生排队”“line up”领取免work?()31.Who should pay for the half-priced food?A.all the hungry childrenC.some poor families【答案】C【解析】细节题;文章第二段最后一句meals and those studentsbut 后面“but others are only allowed reduced-price”提到一些学生可以B.kind-hea

37、rted strangersD.primary school students family have to pay for the part of their food.获得免费食物,另一些则只能获得减价食品,而他们的家庭需要支付这些食品的部分价格,故答案为 C。()32.What was she doing to help the poor kids?11A.She taught them for free.C.She developed an app to help them.【答案】C【解析】推断题;文章第三段第三行提到programmeskill to create a new ap

38、p的 app。故答案为C。B.She opened a lunch account.D.She offered free food.“sheand a groupof friendsare usingtheir”她和一群朋友利用他们的编程技能开发了一个新()33.What is the main idea of this passage?A.A local school is providing free food for students.B.A girl is helping poor kids out of hunger.C.An app will be tested in a scho

39、ol this fall.D.A group of good friends are working at a school.【答案】B【解析】主旨题;文章第一段就总起全文主旨“doing some voluntary work at an after-schoolprogram to help students from poor families”,主要介绍Alice Lee是如何想到以及通过B。开发 app 的方式帮助贫穷的学生摆脱解饿。故答案为C文章大意:C 篇主要介绍了某城市为了减轻通勤人士的压力,帮助他们打发时间,推出了在地铁上的移动图书馆。()34.How do passenge

40、rs usually feel about their journeys to and from work?A.Comfortable.(34 题为细节题)()35.Which statement is TRUE about passengers in paragraph 3?A.They read paper books on the train.B.They can browse the QR code to buy the books.C.They can scan the QR code to buy the books.D.They can enjoy the book on the

41、 app after the ride.(35 题为细节题)()36.What doesA.The journey.C.The passenger.(36 题为推断题)()37.Which is the best title for the passage?A.The Best Train Ride.C.The Future Library.B.The Enjoyable Journey.D.The Moving Library.“it”refer to in the paragraph 4?B.The story.D.The underground.B.Enjoyable.C.Painful

42、.D.Cheerful.12(37 题为主旨题)DThe Shenzhen International Marathon 2018 is scheduled for Dec.16 and registrationis open.Shenzhen lnternational Marathon,which has attracted 30,000 runners for the half-length and full-length races,will take place本文根据内容。文章大意:2018 年国际马拉松比赛在深圳举行,吸引了大概有3000 多名来自不同地Sunday2018 年

43、Shenzhen Daily进行改编。每年中考基本都会有深圳本土化的相关方的选手,本次比赛中几乎所有奖牌被非洲选手包揽。本文还包括对俄罗斯选手的采访。第 38 题:猜词题,考察词义理解。第 39 题:细节题,询问跑的最快的女生国籍。第 40 题:细节题,采访俄罗斯选手对于马拉松的看法。第 41 题:推断题,通过文章能推断出什么。EWhen Justin Tong was a child,other kids felt sorry for him.His parents always hadhim doing lots of housework such as carrying out the

44、rubbish and sending newspapers.But when he grew up,he was better off than his childhood friends and lived a happier andhealthier life.This is the finding of a 40-year study that followed the lives of 456 children in London.It showed that the children who had worked hard in childhood had a richer and

45、 a happierfuture.“Children who wor ked in the home or community gained competence(membersofsociety,能 力)andcametofeeltheywereworthwhile”saidDanielBrown,thepsychologist(心理学家)who madethe discovery.“Andbecausethey felt good aboutthemselves,others felt good aboutthem.”Brown study followed these children

46、in great detail.Interviews were repeated at ages25,31 and 47.UnderBrown,the researcherscomparedthe childrenscoreswiththeirchildhood-activitymentals-healthscores.Pointswereawardedforpart-timejobs,housework,effort in school,and ability to deal with problems.Working at any age is important.Childhood ac

47、tivities help a child develop responsibility,independence,confidence and competence the underpinnings(基础)of emotionalhealth.Theyalsohelphim understandthat peoplemustcooperateand worktowardcommon goals.The most competent adults are those who know how to doYet work isn everything.As Tolstoy once said,

48、this.“One can live magnificently in this worldif one knows how to work and how to love,to work for the person one loves and to love13ones work.”()42.What do we know about Justin Tong?A.He enjoyed a happy life.B.He felt sorry for the other kids.C.He always sold newspapers.D.He seldom collected rubbis

49、h.【答案】A【解析】细节题:根据第一段最后一句话“hewas betteroff and liveda happierandhealthier life可知,答案选择”,A。()43.Who will probably succeed in the future according to Paragraph 2?A.Children who enjoy happier and richer lives.B.Children who work in the home or community.C.Children who take part in Daniel Brown study.D.Ch

50、ildren who feel good about people around them.【答案】B【解析】细节题:根据第二段第二行和第三行“children who had worked hard in childhoodhad a richer and a happier future,和”之后的“Children who worked in the home orcommunity competence feel they were worthwhile可知答案选择”,B。()44.How did Brown follow the children in his study?A.By


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