Unit3 Welcome to the unit 教学设计- 八年级英语上册.docx

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《Unit3 Welcome to the unit 教学设计- 八年级英语上册.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit3 Welcome to the unit 教学设计- 八年级英语上册.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、8A unit3 Welcome to the unit 教学设计一、课题本课为八年级英语学科8上Unit 3 A day out  Welcome to the unit二、教材简解开篇通过Eddie和Hobo这两个卡通人物妙趣横生的对话,引出“爬山”这一旅游方式,为后面的主题讨论埋下伏笔;随后介绍了国外一些著名的旅游景点,引出了本单元的主要话题。这个课时的安排不但训练学生的听说能力,也能拓展学生视野,增强跨文化意识。三、目标预设1、知识目标词汇: ourselves, Australian, coffee, top, president, wide, steel, to

2、n词组:take a boat trip, come on, enjoy oneself. coffee shop, take care2、能力目标:能通过简单对话和同伴交流自己的假期旅游计划。3、情感目标:通过学习培养学生热爱自然、热爱祖国之情。四、学习重、难点   1、词汇识记运用,重点句型的运用,用英语和同伴谈论景点。2、用英文向别人介绍国内外著名城市和景点。五、设计理念本节课的设计思想是以老师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线,通过看、听、说、操练等一系列活动使学生获得最基本的英语听说读写能力,并在教学中充分挖掘学生对知识的渴望和追求,在注重学生知识能力发展的

3、同时特别强调学生人格的发展和思维的发展。六、设计思路本课时采用“任务呈现学习新知师生合作、巩固新知活学活用”的步骤设计教学任务,期间贯穿了同桌交流、小组讨论等学生活动,通过学生的参与,确定学生的主体地位,体现体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的新课程理念。七、教学过程Step1 Leading-inT: If you have some free time, what are you going to do?S: I am going to.设计说明: 教师通过自由对话,自然地调动学生积极性,引入本课话题。Show a picture of Eddie to the students and get

4、 the students to guess.T: What do you think Eddie is going to do if he has some free time?S: T: Usually, Eddie is a very lazy dog. Do you think he is going to climb the hill? Lets listen to the tape and find out the answer.(1)Is Eddie really going to climb the hill?(2)What is he going to do?(3)Does

5、he wants to exercise?(4)Does he wants to keep fit?设计说明:通过Eddie 和Hobo之间简洁有趣的对话,使学生在不知不觉中进入本课学习,了解旅游这一话题,鼓励学生大胆猜测。要求学生带着问题听并回答问题,训练学生听力能力。读对话后再回答更多和对话有关的问题,让学生进一步熟悉对话内容。Step2 Practice1. Ask students to repeat the conversation after the tape.2.Ask students to read the conversation. Pay attention to the

6、 pronunciation and the intonation.3.Ask several pairs to act it out.设计说明:通过跟读和齐读,纠正学生的发音。通过学生两人一组相互交换角色表演对话,给予学生自我思考和讨论的空间,体现学生的主体性。Step3  Presentation1.   Show some pictures of places of interest to the students and ask some questions:(1)Do you want to travel to foreign countrie

7、s?(2)Do you know about these places?(3)Do you know the name of this famous building?(4)Do you know where it is?2. Write what they know about the countries and places on the blackboard and read aloud.设计说明:通过看图片自然导入著名国家、城市、景点的学习。在词汇教学的同时进行必要的句子教学和语篇教学,使词汇教学和语篇教学有机结合。联系学生实际,逐层深入教授生词,最大限度地调动学生的积极性和参与性,帮

8、助学生根据已有的知识构建起新的知识模块,在语言的运用中强化语感。Step4 Practice1、Ask students to match the cities and countries and the famous places.2、Discussion: There are many places of interest around the world, if you have enough time and money,where would you like to go? Encourage students to make a dialogue in pairs , ask st

9、udents to make a dialogue with the teacher as a model.A: Which foreign country do you want to visit?   B:      A: Which city do you want to go to?              B:  A: Why do you want to

10、 go there?                  B:设计说明:通过连线题巩固所学知识。通过师生对话、生生对话,谈论想要去的国家、城市以及原因,测试学生对不同名胜古迹的了解程度,很好地训练了学生语言表达能力。Step5 Presentation1. Present the post cards. Read them first, and then find out: Who sent the first/ second/

11、 third postcard? Which city did he/she go? What did he/she see?2. Get them to read again, and pay attention to some expressions marked in different colors.设计说明:通过阅读明信片里的信息完成配对。并且处理明信片中重要的语言点。3. After reading the postcards from his friends, Simon searched on the Internet for some information about pl

12、aces around the world. Which place of interest are Simon and Amy talking about? Ask students to listen to the dialogue and answer some questions.How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?How wide is the bridge?2. Play the tape again and ask the students to repeat after the tape.设计说明:自然导入Part B 的学习,利用听对话的形式

13、训练学生的听力。让学生带着问题听,有利于学生更快抓住听力材料中重要信息。Step6 Pair work1. Ask students to make up dialogues using Simon and Amys as a model.  2. Ask students to show their dialogues.设计说明:给学生创造自主求知的机会,激发学生学习兴趣,有利于培养学生的团结互助精神。Step7 Watch a video播放一段文明旅游公益视频,通过这段视频,告诉学生无论到哪儿都要做一个文明的游客,这样才能保护环境,并与人分享美景。设计说明:利用公益视频,将课堂与生活紧密联系起来,适时地对学生进行德育渗透和情感教育。Step7 Homework1.Remember new words, phrases and sentences.2.Preview reading  


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