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1、广东东软学院 毕 业 论 文题目:Language Characteristics of Business English Correspondence商务英语信函的语言特点学 院:外国语学院专 业:商务英语班 级:16商英1班学生姓名:王冬霞学 号:16260120105指导教师:闫祎希提交日期:2020年4月10日题目性质: 理论课题 实践课题题目来源: 企业项目 科研课题 自拟题目 Language Characteristicsof Business English CorrespondencebyWang Dongxia Under the Supervision ofProfess

2、or Yan YixiSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts诚 信 宣 言我,王冬霞,郑重宣布:除了参考文献所标明引用的资料和内容之外,本论文中不包含有任何已经被其他高等教育机构所接受的学位或学历论文资料,也不包含有其他任何人已经正式出版的资料内容。 签字: 日期:DeclarationI, Wang Dongxia, hereby declare that this document embodies the results of my own work an

3、d that it has been composed by myself. Following normal academic conventions, I have made due acknowledgement of the work of others. Iamfullyawareofthelegalconsequencesofthisstatement.Signed: Date: 已经在导师的指导下进行多次修改,导师已同意提交定稿。 导师签名:日 期:ii广东东软学院本科毕业论文摘 要随着经济市场化、全球化趋势的日益深入,与对外经济贸易有关的业务往来也日趋频繁。作为国际交流的载体,

4、商务英语信函融英语写作与国际贸易业务为一体,已经广泛应用于日常生活和常规工作的方方面面,它不同于普通函件,有其语言、内容、态度、格式方面的独特的文体特点,是开展对外经济贸易业务和有关商务活动的重要手段,对贸易全球化的实现起到了积极的推动作用。本文对词汇和句子在商务英语信函写作中的语言特点进行讨论分析,帮助学习者更好地掌握商务英语信函中词汇和句子的用法。关键词:商务英语信函;语言特点;文体特征;词汇;句法;7C原则 ABSTRACTWith the deepening of the trend of economic marketization and globalization, the bu

5、siness contacts related to foreign economy and trade are increasingly frequent as well. As the carrier of international communication, business English letter is a combination of English writing and international trade business, has been widely used in all aspects of daily life and routine work. It

6、is different from ordinary letters which has its own language, content, manner, formats unique stylistic features that carry out foreign economic and trade business and related business activities of the important means, for the realization of the globalization of trade which has played a positive r

7、ole in promoting it. This paper discusses and analyzes the linguistic characteristics of vocabulary and sentences in business English letter writing to help learners better grasp the usage of vocabulary and sentences in business English letter writing.Key words:Business English correspondence;Langua

8、ge character;Stylistic features;Lexicon;Syntax;7C principle ivContentsINTRODUCTION3CHPTER I Overview Of Business English Correspondence4 1.1 Development of Business English Correspondence4 1.1.1 In the Early Term41.1.2 In the Medium Term41.1.3 The New Trend41.2 Content of Business English Correspond

9、ence5 1.3 Basic Writing Principles of Business English Correspondence61.4 Classification of Business Correspondence61.5 Functions of Business Correspondence7CHPTER II Lexical Features Of Business English Correspondences82.1 Theoretical Foundation 7C Principle82.1.1 Courtesy 92.1.2 Completeness92.1.3

10、 Consideration92.1.4 Clarity92.1.5 Concreteness102.1.6 Conciseness102.1.7 Correctness102.2 Lexical Features112.2.1 Using Accurate and Careful Words112.2.2 Using Positive and Polite Words112.2.3 Using Fuzzy Language112.2.4 Using Concrete Words over Abstract Words122.2.5 Avoid Ambiguous Words122.2.6 A

11、void Repeated Use of Adjectives or Adverbs132CHPTER III Syntactic Features Of Business English Correspondence 143.1 Using Fixed Phrases143.1.1 Using Emotional Adverbs143.1.2 Using Fixed Sentence Patterns143.1.3 Using Conditional Sentences153.1.4 Using Middle Construction153.2 Strict Sentence Structu

12、re153.3 Using Appropriate Sentence Patterns to Highlight Key Information163.4 Trying to Use Euphemisms163.5 Combination and Simplicity173.6 Common Parallel Structure173.7 Use of Various Sentence Types17 CONCLUSION19REFERENCES20ACKNOWLEDGMENTS212INTRODUCTIONLanguage is a basic tool for communication

13、between people. In business activities, people not only talk face to face, but also trade with each other through business English letters. Thus, business English letter also has a place in business activities. Nowadays, with the rapid development of economic globalization, business English correspo

14、ndence plays a crucial role in the process of international and foreign trade. Business English letter is a general name of many kinds of business letters and electronic data exchange in foreign business center. Business letter is an indispensable tool for business communication and communication, a

15、nd also an important carrier to convey business information. It is obvious that business English letter and ordinary English letter play different roles due to different application occasions, so there is a great difference in writing between them. First of all, in terms of the use of vocabulary, th

16、e use of vocabulary in business English letters is more exquisite than that in ordinary letters. Even if it is the same meaning, the usage of words will be quite different. Secondly, in the process of writing, many aspects of business English correspondence must strictly abide by and flexibly apply

17、the 7C principle. Therefore, from the perspective of stylistics, this paper analyzes the lexical characteristics of different parts of speech in business English correspondence by combining specific practical examples of vocabulary in business English correspondence and the writing principles that s

18、hould be followed in the writing process of business English correspondence.Through a large number of examples and Foreign Trade English Correspondence (2016) edited by Ge Qun, this paper intends to analyze the linguistic characteristics of business English correspondence from the aspects of languag

19、e, vocabulary and syntax.CHAPTER IAn Overview Of Business English Correspondence1.1 Development of Business English Correspondence1.1.1 In the Early TermThe first stage of development of foreign trade correspondence was probably from the middle and late 18th century to the period before the World Wa

20、r II. With the development of international trade, it is widely used. The main features of foreign trade correspondence in this period are: in terms of vocabulary, a number of large words, loanwords, legal terms and nominal structure to reflect its formality.1.1.2 In the Medium TermThe second develo

21、pment stage of foreign trade correspondence is from the period after the World War II to the 1970s and 1980s of the 20th century, which is also the forming period of the basic style of modern foreign trade correspondence. During this period, there were great changes in the style of foreign trade cor

22、respondence, presenting a new style. The most significant change is the practical function of correspondence. The accuracy and efficiency of information transmission required by international trade are put in the first place, which highlights its professionalism.So far, this is still the most basic

23、style of foreign trade correspondence. During this period, foreign trade correspondence became more practical and readable. For foreign trade correspondence style during this period, many documents are happy to use several C to summarize. It is generally accepted that courtesy, clarity, concreteness

24、, conciseness.1.1.3 The New TrendFrom the 20th century to now, with peoples new understanding of correspondence, the style of correspondence changed significantly during this period, and some new development trends appeared. Specific can be summarized as the following aspects:First, in terms of lang

25、uage style, correspondence is gradually getting rid of the former format of the so-called business language, oral written business English is widely used, the writing style tends to be personalized and personal. Correspondence began to pursue a fresh, straightforward and humane style of writing; Pay

26、 more attention to the beauty of language expression, the human touch in tone and the positive enthusiasm in attitude, in order to close the psychological distance between the writer and the receiver; Focus on brevity, simplicity and clarity.Secondly, the positioning of correspondence function has a

27、lso changed. Correspondence is no longer just a single exchange of specific business information, but to achieve a broader sense of communication and exchange between the two parties.Thirdly, the correspondence changed the formal face of the past stereotype, but depending on the specific situation t

28、o determine the formal level of the correspondence.Fourth, there is a trend towards gender differentiation in wording. Some words and phrases gradually became womens trade correspondence, and letters between men and women became more formalBut at the same time, the old business communication format

29、paper still exists.1.2 Content of Business English CorrespondenceA complete English business letter consists of six parts: head, address, salutation, body, closing and signature. The contents of the header include: full name, address, telephone number, fax and E-mail address of the sending company.

30、The content of the address inside the letter includes the addressees name and address, the first letter of the addressees name should be capitalized, the address order from small to large, namely: door plate, street town, county city, country name, the address inside the letter is placed in the lowe

31、r left corner of the letter head, top case writing, usually separated by two lines with the time. Salutation is an indispensable part of the letter. It is written in the top case, one line below the address. The body of the letter is the main body and the most important part of the full text. Busine

32、ss English letters pay attention to be straight to the point, concise and to the point, and usually adopt the expression that is easy for the other party to accept. The epilogue is written in the space of a blank line at the end of the text, which is equivalent to the kind salute used at the end of

33、a Chinese letter. After the conclusion, the American letter is placed at the bottom left and the British letter at the bottom right. It usually takes up 3-4 lines. The first line is the name of the company, the second line is the signature of the writer, and the third line is the position or departm

34、ent of the signer.1.3 Basic Writing Principles of Business English Correspondence Business English letter is a commonly used business English practical article. It is the main means for both parties to understand each other and conduct trade. While communicating business information in written form,

35、 it also reflects the business image of a company or institution. The principles of business English letter writing are changing with The Times. In the middle of the 20th century, business did not flourish as much as it does today, and even face-to-face meetings were formal. Todays business contacts

36、 are close, so it is no longer as formal and rigid as at the beginning. In the communication process, we will use more natural and relaxed language, of course and we will still pay attention to the euphemism and appropriateness. Because easy language makes it easier for us to communicate, and the pu

37、rpose of communication is to suggest relationships, to communicate ideas accurately, to convey a good impression. With the desire to achieve trade through mutual cooperation, nowadays, business English letter, as an important tool for businessmen to carry out business activities abroad, has its own

38、unique principles in writing in order to play its effect, which should follow the principle of 7Cs. They are: courtesy; completeness; consideration; clarity, concreteness, conciseness, correctness. However, under the guidance of these seven writing principles, business English letter has the charact

39、eristics of polite and tactful emotion and concise and accurate expression.1.4 Classification of Business English Correspondence There are four main types of business letters: information letters (including inquiry letters, notification letters, quotation letters, etc.), persuasion letters (includin

40、g sales letters, cover letters, recommendation letters, etc.), problem solving letters (including claim letters, arbitration letters, decline letters, etc.), and goodwill letters (such as congratulatory letters, etc.).1.5 Functions of Business English CorrespondenceAccording to the definition and th

41、e classification, people can easily gain a common sense that business correspondence is used to sell products or services, request information or service, answer customers enquires, maintain good public relations, and serve a large range of other business functions.Business English letter is the pro

42、gress of the import and export business of professional written records. It is business people from all over the world to negotiate trade, contact business for import and export trade in one application documents. This time, a large number of written consultations were conducted through business Eng

43、lish letters which stipulated the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller and provided the legal basis for dispute resolution, from the establishment of trade relations to a successful transaction.Business correspondence can act as formal or informal public relations material. It can help

44、 to build good relationship between you and you clients, creditors, suppliers and other public groups. It also represents you and your firm to people that you may never meet personally or contact just by phone. How you express yourself forms an impression in the mind of your clients. As a result, bu

45、siness writing deserves considerable care and attention.CHAPTER IILexical Features Of Business English CorrespondencesLanguage is an indispensable part of the development of human society. People often take many things related to language for granted and vocabulary is a unit of language expression.

46、Websters New World Dictionary offers some of the most common definitions of language. In fact, the most concise definition of language is a way of verbal communication, which is practical. However, it is difficult to make a scientific definition of word. It is a natural bounded unit, a common factor

47、 that governs a set of forms, and a grammatical unit. According to the differences between different words, we can divide words into changeable words and immutable words, grammatical words and lexical words, closed words and open words, and parts of speech in four ways.2.1 Theoretical Foundation - 7C PrincipleBusiness English correspondence is the symbolic manifestation of the change


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