Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking 教学设计- 高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册.docx

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1、Unit3:Sports and Fitness 阅读课Period 2 -Reading and thinking 教学设计课型:阅读课主题语境:人与社会语篇类型:杂志文章人物介绍授课时长:45 min语篇分析:本课语篇的主题语境是人与社会,主题群是文学、艺术与体育,主题语境内容要求是体育活动、大型体育赛事、体育与健康、体育精神。该文介绍了郎平和乔丹两位体育运动员的主要事迹和优秀品质。该语篇在体裁方面属于杂志文章中的人物介绍,体裁特征明显,由精美插图、标题、小标题、引领段、正文、页面角落附加段组成;标题“Living Legends”使用了头韵吸引眼球。在选材内容方面,本文的引领段提供了活动

2、情境,即某杂志社请读者来信推选自己心目中的“体育界的活传奇”,并列出了两条标准:一是“masters in their sports”, 二是“setgood examples for others”。正文围绕这两条标准展开,分别用一个段落(各约150词)介绍两位体育界的活传奇:郎平和乔丹。虽然两人在国籍、种族、肤色、性别、领域、为谁而战等方面存在差异,但都在体育方面取得令人瞩目的成就,在做人和做事方面都是“模范”。其中,对郎平的介绍采用的“总-分”结构,先概述郎平作为“player”,“coach”和“person”的身份分别取得的成就,再以“2015 World Cup”和“2016 Ol

3、ympics”的事例详略得当地描述她的团队精神、领导才能和迎难而上的决心。对乔丹的介绍首先是场景描写和被称为“Air Jordan”的他对篮球的影响,表现了乔丹的高超球技。然后以过渡句承上启下,引出乔丹的精神品质:坚持不懈、从失败中学习。最后介绍乔丹对公益事业的贡献:分享成功经验、成立慈善机构帮助年轻人。在语言表达方面,本文使用了排比、举例、对比、拟人、直接引语等手段,生动、形象、具体地描述了事实性信息并反映了人物的性格和精神品质,使人印象深刻。文章条理清晰,使用“总-分”结构和过渡句,更好地表达主题意义。学情分析:作为高一新生,在篇章阅读时有一定获取信息的能力,但梳理整合信息的能力较弱,对语

4、篇的深度文本解读能力偏弱,用英语表达观点的能力也有待提高。相关知识储备方面,大部分学生对郎平和乔丹这两名“体育明星”的了解仅停留在郎平作为排球队员和教练的身份、乔丹作为篮球球员的身份、两人的“昵称”,对两人的事迹和精神品质了解不全面、不深刻。教学目标:在本节课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 梳理、概括文中有关郎平和乔丹的身份和成就的事实性信息;2. 学习并利用推断的阅读技巧,归纳、总结郎平在2015年世界杯事件中克服困难、迎难而上的精神品质;分析、阐释关于乔丹的比赛场景描写,理解直接引语中乔丹对失败的态度,深入感受乔丹的精湛球技和百折不挠的坚强意志;总结并归纳体育传奇人物特征;3. 根据语篇中“体

5、育界的活传奇”的内涵,在新的情境下选择出自己心中的体育传奇人物,并说明理由,引导学生关注优秀品质,树立恰当的偶像观,形成不屈不挠、积极进取的人生态度。教学重难点:1. 梳理概括郎平的身份和成就的事实性信息,归纳总结其所体现的精神品质;2. 理解关于乔丹的场景描写、拟人和直接引语等语言手段所表达的意图及其对塑造人物形象所起到的作用;3. 学习并利用推断的阅读技巧,用文本内容论证并总结郎平和乔丹的优秀精神品质并介绍自己心中的体育传奇人物,深化对体育精神的理解。教学资源:教材、多媒体课件、学案、人物卡片、黑板和粉笔教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up (2 min)Students activi

6、tiesTeachers activitiesPurpose1. Ss answer together thenames of the sportsmen on the screen;2. Two students share their favorite sportsman and reasons;3. Ss read the letter together, find out our tasks today and the two standards of a living legend.1.T presents five pictures of famous sports stars (

7、Quan Hongchan, Messi, Yang Qian, Kobe and Li Na) for Ss to talk about their favorite sports stars and their reasons.2.T uses a letter to lead to today's task, "choose some living legends of sports for a magazine" and make Ss notice and think about the meaning of the two standards of a

8、living legend of sports, "masters in their sports" and "set good examples".1.创设情境,导入主题和任务,激发学生的阅读兴趣并引起思考; 2.激活学生关于本文话题的背景知识,为后续的学习活动做铺垫;3.初步理解语篇标题的含义。Step 2 pre-reading(3 min)Students activitiesTeachers activitiesPurposeActivity 1: Skim and find out what has been talked about in

9、the passage.1. Ss read individually for 3 minutes; then select and match the key words (family/ achievements / skills /sharing spirit /childhood/ educationstory/ mental strength) to where they can find the information in the passage;2. Ss share their findings with their deskmates;3. S come to the fr

10、ont to show where he found the information.T asks Ss to skim the passage quickly in 3 min and then select and match the key words to where they find the information.整体阅读、快速阅读,获取事实性信息:郎平的身份、郎平的体育成就、作为例证的两场体育赛事、乔丹的超凡篮球技巧、乔丹的意志力和乔丹的公益精神。Step3 While-reading(25 min)Students activitiesTeachers activitiesP

11、urposeActivity 2:1. Ss listen to and understand T's explanation of the task;2. Ss work in pairs, decide the other four sentences together and give the reasons to support their opinions;3. Individual S stand and explain their pairs' judgement of the statement.T explains the rules of the task

12、to the students and gives an example.1学习并通过练习训练推测的阅读技巧;2获取关于郎平身份成就以及乔丹篮球技巧的具体语言描述(as.bring honour and glory, as lead.tomedals, as.be loved by at home and abroad; graceful,stand still, be known as);3分析、概括并体会郎平和乔丹作为传奇人物的非凡成就(great achievements)和高超篮球技巧(impressive skills)。1. Ss are given one minute to g

13、o through Lang Ping's story in the passage and answer the question "How was Lang Ping's determination tested in the 2015 World Cup?2. Ss answer a question-chain to better understand Lang Ping's qualities showed in the examples.A question-chain(问题链)helps Ss to understand Lang Ping

14、9;s qualities showed in the examples.1. Did Lang Ping give up then? (No, she didn't lose heart)2. How did she deal with the challenge?(She had faced difficulties before and she knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team)3. In Lang Pings eyes, whats important? (work t

15、ogether/ teamwork)4. What qualities can you learn from Lang Ping? (never lose heart, teamwork, strong determination)1获取郎平故事案例中的事实性信息:2分析得出郎平的优秀品质(strong, determination, teamwork, never lose heart)Activity 3: work in group, discuss good qualities that Michael Jordan has.1. Ss discuss for 2 minutes an

16、d work out good qualities that Michael Jordan has (unique mental strength, learn from failure, hardworking)2. Ss read the qualities together found and concluded together.1. T asks Ss about other good qualities a living legend may have (brave, confident).2. T concludes what a real living legend is an

17、d why Lang Ping and Michael Jorden can be chosen as living legends by reviewing the content written on the blackboard.1分析得出乔丹的优秀品质(unique mental strength, learn from failure, hardworking),2讨论传奇人物可能会有的其他优秀品质 (brave, confident)3总结郎平和乔丹作为传奇人物的原因。Step3 Post-reading(10 min)Students activitiesTeachers act

18、ivitiesPurposeBased on what we have read and found out, Ss choose a legend of sports from the cards given or by their own knowledge and give the reasons.T instructs Ss while they are discussing and choosing their legends.通过充分阅读与理解传奇体育人物的标准,教师鼓励学生运用所学的词汇和语言手段介绍和评价自己的传奇体育人物。学生也可以就同学的发言发表看法,为学生提供口头表达的机

19、会。Step 5: Assignment and Summarize (5 min)Students activitiesTeachers activitiesPurposeSs go through what they have learned in this class together with T.T summarize what we have learned in this class and assign the homework.内化所学的词汇知识和写作首发并做出任务评价;呼应本版块的学习活动情境,同时引导学生关注优秀品质,树立正确的人生态度,回归到“人与自我”的主题。板书设计

20、:Unit 4 Sports and FitnessLiving Legendsathlete great achievements gracefulmaster impressive skills stand stillset good examples good qualities become known as asbring honor and glory asleadto medals asbe loved byat home and abroad学生生成:strong determination, never lose heart, teamwork, unique mental strength, learn from failures, hardworking补充:brave, confident


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