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1、基于课程标准的“教学评一体化”设计课时备课卡课题七上 Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit1日期课时2课型听说授课教师目标确立依据课标分析课标摘录义务教育英语课程标准语言技能三级标准:听:1.能识别不同句式的语调,如陈述句、疑问句和指令等。 2.能识别语段中句子之间的联系。3.能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段。说:1.能在课堂活动中用简单的英语进行交际。2.能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流。3.能够在教师指导下进行简单的角色表演。4.能在上述口语活动中做到语音语调基本正确。读:1.能正确的朗读课文。2.能读懂简单的故事和短文并抓住大意。课标分解1.能通过听对话,选择或说出对话中有

2、关动物习性的关键信息;2.能通过阅读对话,能找到对话中涉及动物的主要细节;3.能在语境中猜出生词的意思,不妨碍听和阅读的理解;4.能在情境下进行简单的角色表演。教材分析 本模块以动物为话题,以去动物园为切入点,介绍各种动物。Unit 1主要内容为动物园解说员与Tony和Lingling的对话。通过孩子们和导游之间的问答为学生介绍了几种动物的习性。借助“They are dangerous.”让学生意识到许多野生动物是有攻击性的,与他们亲近要注意安全。对话中Lingling与Tony使用了多次一般现在时的疑问句询问动物的具体信息,据此学生们初步学习一般现在时的疑问结构,并能用于问答对话中。学情分

3、析大多数孩子都喜欢动物,本单元以此为话题,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。经过小学和一段初中的学习,学生们已经熟悉部分动物的英文名称和描述物体的句子,因此大多数学生能积极参与到课堂活动中来,但是学生们对于第三人称单数的判断不够熟练,易出现do和does混用,以及谓语动词是否要用三单不清楚的情况,所以课堂活动中教师要利用学生在小学学过的一般现在时知识,进一步明晰第三人称单数的运用,通过充分练习,采用乐于合作分享的教学模式,培养学生的综合学习能力。教学目标通过本课时的教学,让学生能够:1. 通过图片、语境、教师讲解和巩固练习,准确拼读并能够在语境中正确运用以下词汇及短语:bear, eleph

4、ant, giraffe, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, zebra, zoo, guide, animal, different, country, other, dangerous, also, plant, tall, sure, bamboo, cute, shall, them, which, funny, call, such as, kind of,come from;2. 通过多层听介绍动物的对话,了解大意,记录对话中的关键信息并能对有关动物的话题进行正确回答;3. 通过阅读介绍动物的对话,获取细节信息,并通过角色扮演简述对话内容;

5、4. 通过情景创设,小组合作,能够在实际情境中熟练运用一般现在时的基本结构进行对话。 评价任务 评价标准1.在听、读中理解、在句子中掌握(指向目标1)能准确认读并理解新单词;能正确填空和翻译句子2.选择,填空,回答问题(指向目标2)能准确填写或选出答案3.问题链Answer the following questions according to the dialogue.(指向目标3)正确回答,能完成对文本的理解和对信息的梳理整合4.根据情境创设简要介绍动物.(指向目标1、4)能流畅地说出 教学过程教学环节 教学活动评价要点Step1Presentation 1. Show som

6、e pictures of different animals in the zoo. Let students know their English names. 2. Have a free talk: What are their favourite animals and why do they like them best? 能准确读出新单词并能在情境中初步理解词意Step 2 Listening (SB A.2)1.Listen and check () the words you hear. (8分)bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda

7、tiger zebra 2.Listen and answer the questions.(3分)(1)What are Linglings favourite animals? (2)What are Tonys favourite animals?(3)Where will they go?能准确听出有关动物名称的答案能听出并回答正确的单词Step 3Dialogue(SB A.3)1. What are they talking about? (1分)A. Different animals come from different countries. B. Different ani

8、mals eat different food.C. Different people like different animals.2.Listen and complete the table.(5分)AnimalsThings they eatDescriptionLions1._dangerous2. _meat and plantsElephantsplants3. _pandas4._5. _3.Read and answer the following questions according to the dialogue.(5分)(1)Why the guide says th

9、e lions are dangerous?(2)What is the panda like?(3)Translate the sentence “Shall we go and see them?”(4)What do you think of the pandas name in Beijing zoo?(5)Do you think we will name the panda Tony?能选出正确的大意能记录动物名称及习性相关信息能根据文本信息并结合实际思考回答下列问题。Step 4Language points 1. The zoo has many kinds of animal

10、s, such as bears, kinds of “各种各样的”,表示种类many kinds of. 许多种.a kind of. 一种. 1)填空:I have different _(kind) of science books.(1分)2)汉译英: 打篮球是运动的一种。(1分)Playing basketball is _exercise.3)汉译英:奶酪有许多种。(2分)_ 2. The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, such as 表示举例, 意为例如 1)填空:Some sports are a little da

11、ngerous, such as _( climb) and playing basketball.(1分)2)填空:我认识他们当中的很多人,例如约翰、彼得和汤姆。(1分)I know many of them, _ Lucy, Daming, and Tom.3)汉译英: 超市有很多水果,例如苹果,香蕉和桔子等。(2分)_ 3. Theyre dangerous! be dangerous 危险的It is dangerous (for sb )to do sth 某人做某事很危险1)选择:His dog looks _. Look out! (1分)A.dangerous B.cute C

12、.funny 2)填空:It is dangerous for you _(stay) here.(1分) 你呆在这儿是很危险的。3) 汉译英:这里的交通对孩子很危险。(2分)_.4. Shall we go and see them? Yes, lets go.Shall we+动词原形? 意为“好吗?”,表建议。 1) 填空:Shall we_(go) and see the monkeys? (1分) Yes, lets go. 2)选择:_ we see the movies tonight? Good idea.(1分)A.Shall B.Why not C.Let 3)汉译英:我们

13、步行去学校好吗?(2分)_5. Is there a panda called Tony?called+名词 叫做的,在句中做后置定语 1) 填空:一个叫Lingling的女孩有一只宠物狗。(1分)A girl _(call) LingLing has a pet dog.2) 填空:You can go to Guangzhou_(call) Flower City.(1分) 3) 汉译英:有一个城市叫北京。(2分)_*Practice:Translate the following sentences into English. (10分)1).他们买了各种各样的东西。2).世界上有很多可

14、爱的动物,例如长颈鹿和熊猫。3).在河里游泳很危险。4).我们喝些咖啡好不好?5).你认识叫Tony的男孩吗?6.Grammar points实义动词一般现在时的一般疑问句结构1.新知:主语为第三人称单数问句:Does+主语+动词原形+?答语:Yes,主语(he/she/it)+ does. No,主语(he/she/it) + doesn't.2.旧知:主语不是第三人称单数问句:Do + 主语+ 动词原形?答语:Yes,主语+ do.No, 主语+ don't.*Practice:(8分)1.He watches TV every evening. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定

15、回答)_2.We always go to school by bike. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_3.She has lunch at twelve. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_4.Jack likes Chinese food very much. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_能准确理解文本中的重点语言点,并在跟踪练习题中写出正确答案并准确翻译句子;以第4题为例,学生能准确理解 shall we 所用语境,并能正确回答下列3个题;Step5. Reading after learning1.Students read the dialogue after the e

16、-pen for three times.2.Students read the dialogue by themselves as fluently as they can.3.Go over the dialogue and try to tell the main content1) Read and complete.(10分)There are (1)_ animals from different (2)_ in Beijing Zoo, (3)_ as bears,giraffes and pandas.The lions are (4)_because they eat mea

17、t. The bears eat meat too, but also (5)_. Elephants are (6)_. They're (7)_ and eat (8)_. Pandas are black and white and eat (9) _. The (10)_ name is Lingling.2).Role play-To be the best guide. (5分)One is the guide, he/she shows another tourist around the Beijing Zoo. Tourists ask questions about

18、 animals.(一位是导游,带领其他游客游览北京动物园,游客可以问导游关于动物的各种问题)B&C level:Guide: Welcome to Beijing Zoo. There are many animalsmonkeys, pandas, elephantsA: Does the panda live in China?Guide: Yes, it does. It lives in China.A: Does it eat plants? Guide: .A: What about the .? Does it.? A level:Animals 学生能以正确的语音语调

19、朗读课文。能根据提示正确填空,简要说出对话主要内容。85%以上的学生能够说出A等的学生看图片进行角色扮演,B和C等能根据提示以及表格,简单角色扮演对话内容。 Step6.Speaking after readingDo a guessing game-what animal is it? (10分)- What's your favourite animal? Does it eat plants?-Yes, it does.-Does it come from China?-Yes, it does.-Why do you like it best?-Because.-Is it t

20、he panda?通过游戏,学生能够基本流畅的谈论自己最喜欢的动物并说出原因。Step7.HomeworkSearch more information on your favourite animal, such as proverbs.笔试得分课堂表现等级70-85分A40-69分B0-39分C笔试得分课堂表现最终等级教学反思在教学中,我们要将英语的学习生活化,将课本知识与生活经历融为一体,让学生成为课堂的主角,大胆演绎,充分表演,让学生感受到英语学习在生活中的乐趣,体验运用英语进行交际活动的成功喜悦。此外,还要将英语的学习从课内延伸到课外,充分利用学校、家庭和社会等教育资源,增加学生英语实践的时间与机会。


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