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1、基于标准的“教学评一体化”设计课时备课卡课题七上Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2日期课时 2课型读写授课教师目标确立依据课标分析课标摘录义务教育英语课程标准语言技能三级标准:读:1.能正确朗读课文。2.能读懂简单的故事和短文并抓住大意。写:1.能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的故事。课标分解1. 能通过阅读文章,找出文本中的相应动物的居住地、生活习性等细节信息;能选出或用英语描述出文本的主要内容;2. 能在相关信息提示下,流畅复述课文内容。3. 能通过教师点拨、小组合作等准确描述自己喜欢的动物。教材分析Unit 2是一篇关于动物的介绍性文章,文章中介绍了5


3、语动词是否要用三单不清楚的情况,所以课堂活动中教师要利用学生在小学学过的一般现在时知识,进一步明晰第三人称单数的运用,通过充分练习,采用乐于合作分享的教学模式,培养学生的综合学习能力。教学目标通过本课时教学,让学生能够:1. 通过图片、语境、老师讲解和巩固练习,准确拼读并能够在语境中正确运用以下词汇及短语:Africa, Asia, Europe, only, about, kilo, people, African, leaf, grass, large, usually, alone, strong, catch, even, a little, as well as, all

4、over the world, be good at, many kinds of;2. 通过运用跳读、略读、细读等阅读策略,找出文段主旨,并获取细节信息;3. 通过表格和相关信息提示,能够流畅复述课文内容;4. 通过原句复现、老师讲解和巩固练习,理解并掌握一般现在时的第三人称单数的肯定、否定、疑问及回答;5. 仿照例文,能运用本课所学重点单词、短语、句子描写自己喜欢的动物。评价任务评价标准1.在背景知识介绍中理解、在阅读中理解,在练习中掌握新知识(指向目标1)能准确认读并理解新单词;能正确填空和翻译句子2.略读后完成连线、选择(指向目标1、2)能准确选

5、出答案3.分段精读后回答一系列问题(填表、判断正误)并根据提示简要介绍文中动物(指向目标2、3)能从文本中找出依据,正确回答问题并准确复述4.情境中学习与运用词汇、短语,对比辨析文中语句,巩固训练(指向目标4)能正确完成题目5.回忆文章结构,根据提示描写自己最喜欢的动物。(指向目标1、4、5)能流畅地写出教学过程教学环节教学活动评价要点Step 1Presentation1. Enjoy a clip of documentary “Animals” and let students guess where the animals live and what food the animals

6、eat in the clip. Then lead in “ Unit2 The tiger lives in Asia.”2. Show students some pictures of new words, read and remember them. Then complete the following sentences.(6分)根据图片及汉语提示完成句子(一空一词)。1) There is milk, so mum wants to buy some.2) The sheep like eating .3) My dog Lucky cant the ball.4) The

7、old man has no chlidren.Now he lives .5) The tiger is very and he catches_ _ _animals for food.6) He comes from_, and he is _. 能说出与本文中动物相关的词汇。能写出正确的单词。Step 2Fast reading(SB A.3)1. Read and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.(5分)Paragraph 1 A. TigerParagraph 2 B. PandaParagraph 3 C. MonkeyParag

8、raph 4 D. Elephant Paragraph 5 E. Zebra 2. Choose a sentence that best summarizes the passage.(2分)A.We must take action to protect(保护) animals.B.Welcome to the zoo. C.After reading the passage, we know the home, food, number about the animals, such as elephant, panda, zebra, tiger and monkey.追问:What

9、 can help you understand the passage better? (title, picture, key words, first sentence of each paragraph )能正确匹配段落和主题。能选出文章主旨。Step 3Careful reading(SB A.3)1. Read the first two paragraphs and answer the following questions. (3分)(1) Where is this elephant live?(2) How many pandas live in the wild in

10、China now? How do you know? (3) Why is the panda the favourite of people all over the world?追问:Can you find out the two animals homes in the map and tell them to your deskmates?2. Read the third and fourth paragraph and choose T or F.(4分)(1)Zebra is an American animal.( )(2)The zebra eats bamboo as

11、well.( )(3)The tiger lives in Africa.( )(4)The tiger is good at swimming.( )追问:Is the tiger dangerous? What should we do when we see it in the zoo?3. Read the fifth paragraph and answer the following questions.(4分)(1)Where does the monkey live?(2)How many kinds of monkeys are in the world now?(3)Doe

12、s the monkey eat eggs?(4)Do you like monkeys? Why or why not? 4.Read the passage again and complete the table. (10分) Animals Home Food Elephant Panda Zebra Tiger Monkey 能从文中找出依据,正确回答问题。能从课本地图上找出动物的居住地。准确判断对错。能准确回答问题。能准确填写表格。Step 4Read and retell(SB A.2)1. Read the passage loudly as fast as you can i

13、n five minutes and describe the characteristics of the animals according to the table.(10分)Level B and C:AnimalsHomeFoodElephantAfrica, AsiaEat plants, leaves, bamboo and a little fruitPandaChinaEat bambooZebraAfrica Eat plants, leavesTigerAsiaCatch many kinds of animalsMonkeyAfrica, Asia, AmericaEa

14、t meat, leaves, fruit and even eggsLevel A:ElephantHomeFoodPandaZebraTigerMonkey85%以上的学生能够能根据提示简要介绍文中的动物。Step 5Language points1. Africa, African. 点拨:Africa意为“非洲”,而“非洲人”是African,注意复数是加s.此外,African还有“非洲的”“非洲人的”形容词词性。某国人变复数顺口溜:中(Chinese)日(Japanese)不变,英(Englishman)法(Frenchman)变,其余S(African,Asian,America

15、n,German.)加后面。Practice:1) He is from Africa and he is _(1分)A.Asian B. AfricanC. America D. American 2)她们是非洲人。(1分)They are _ .A. African B. Africans C. Asia3)翻译:斑马是生活在非洲吗?(2分)_2.It eats plants and leaves, as well as grass.它以草为食,也吃植物和树叶。点拨:as well as 在此处是“和,又”的意思。“不仅,而且”的意思时候,强调前者。当连接主语部分时,谓语动词选择要根据主语

16、部分as well as 的前的部分。Practice:1) He is a good football player _a straight A student.(1分)他不仅是一名学优生,而且是一名好的运动员。2)Lily as well as her parents _(喜欢) a good result.(1分)3)Teachers as well as Daming _(visit) a paper factory near their home.(1分)4)翻译:大熊猫不仅吃竹子而且吃肉?(2分)_5)你会用as well as 造句吗?(2分)_3.little, a littl

17、e. 点拨:little, a little都表示“少”的意思,后接不可数名词,但是,little表示否定意味,可以翻译为“几乎没有多少.”, a little翻译成“一点”。与此相对应的是“few, a few”,都表示“一些”的意思,后接可数名词,但是,few表示否定意味,可以翻译为“几乎没有多少.”, a few翻译成“一些”。Practice:1)The monkey eats _meat.(1分)A.a little B. little C. a few D. few2)He does _ exercise every day, so he becomes unhealthy.(1分

18、)A. Little B. a little C. a few D. few3)班里只有几个学生,所以彩排活动取消。(1分)There are_(few/a few) students in the classroom, so the rehearsal is canceled. 4)班里还有一些学生,所以我们继续彩排。(1分) There are_(few/a few)students in the classroom and we continue the rehearsal.5)There is _(little/a little)milk in the fridge,so we mus

19、t go to buy some.(1分) good at点拨:意思为“擅长某事”,等同于do well in,注意at, in都为介词词性,后面接名词,动名词。Practice:1)老虎擅长游泳。The tiger _good at_ .(1分)2)熊猫不擅长照顾幼崽。(1分) The panda_ _well in_(take) care of her kid.3)The monkey is good at climbing trees.(用do well in替换成同义句)(2分)_能准确理解文本中的重点语言点,并在跟踪练习题中写出正确答案并准确翻译句子;过限时练习、两两竞赛,抽

20、查反馈。Step 6Grammar points原文复现:1)The elephant lives in Asia and Africa. 2)It eats plants, leaves, bamboo and a little meat.3)It doesnt like meat.4)It eats plants and leaves, as well as grass.辨析:时态定义标志词一般现在时(三单)表示经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。always, never, usually, seldom, once a week, three times a day, every wee

21、k, on weekends.当一般现在时陈述句的主语是he, she, it,单数名词,不可数名词时,谓语动词的选择要用三单(is或者does)一般现在时(第三人称单数/单数名词/不可数名词作主语)否定形式一般在谓语动词前加助动词doesnt (does not)。变疑问借助动词does。1)肯定句结构:主语+行为动词单三形式+其他。 2)否定句结构:主语+ doesnt (does not) +动词原形+其他。3)一般疑问句形式:Does+主语+动词原形+?答语:Yes,主语(he/she/it)+ does. No,主语(he/she/it) + doesn't.Practice

22、:1) It_ at 7:30 p.m. on weekends.(1分) A. will close B. closes C. closed D. has closed2)She _(not watch) TV every night.(1分)3) He _ (use)my mobile phone once a week.(1分)4)Jack likes Chinese food very much. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)(2分)_5)She has lunch at twelve.(改为否定句)(1分)_【Test】根据词的适当形式填空。(共10分)Daming: Hi, T

23、ony. What are you reading?Tony: Animals Around the World. It's fantastic. I (1)_(read) a passage each day. Do you know the animal of giraffe ?Daming:Yes, I(2)_.(3)_it live in Asia?Tony: No,it (4)_. It(5)_(live)in Africa.Daming: What does it eat?Tony: It(6)_(eat)grass as well as it (7 )_(eat) lea

24、ves.Daming: And(8)_Emily _(know) the animal of cola?Tony: Yes, she (9)_. We all (10) _(like) animals very much.1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._ 6._7._ 8._ 9._10._学生小组合作,观察句子,辨析总结出一般现在时三单的运用。能准确运用三单并完成相应练习题。能够辨析一般现在时中的三单和非三单的使用,完成练习。Step 7Writing time根据已学语言点和表格,回忆文章结构,以 My favourite animal为题, 以The tiger lives in A

25、sia为例,写一篇作文。(10分)(教师当堂批阅一篇,给出批阅标准,小组互评得出作文分数,优秀作文当堂展示,学生摘录好词好句。)Information cardName of the animal_.Home of the animalIt lives_.The food of the animalIt eats_.What is it like?Its _, clever and _.1. 能梳理篇章结构;2. 能根据提示卡和所学知识点,仿写作文。Step 8HomeworkWork in groups and make a poster for your favourite animal , then send to me by email.笔试得分课堂表现等级75-90分A50-74分B0-49分C 笔试得分课堂表现最终等级 教学反思在阅读前,教师可以通过图片、视频、讨论等形式激活背景知识,激发学生的阅读兴趣。在阅读中,教师还应该注重对学生阅读技巧的的指导与训练,培养学生的阅读能力,为巩固和运用知识打下基础。阅读后,教师要让学生将阅读内容运用到实际生活中去,开展各种形式的口头交流与写作活动。


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