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《2022年山东省菏泽市牡丹区中考一模英语试题(word版含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年山东省菏泽市牡丹区中考一模英语试题(word版含答案).docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年山东省荷泽市牡丹区中考一模英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号: 一、单项选择Fathers love seems like mountain. He always hides love deep atbottom of his heart.A. the; aB. /; theC. a; the“Double Reduction” policy(“双减”政策)is good for Chinese primary andmiddle school students.A. newsB. messageC. suggestionWe planned to meet at the station

2、 at 10: 30 last Sunday, but Bob didnt until12:00.A. show upB. give upC. stay upchildren learn to look after themselves,it is fbr their future.A. The early; the good B. The earlier; the better C. The earliest; the bestPeople use public transportation if they cant show their QR coded(二维码)about health.

3、A. mustntB. needntC. must一Did you and your sister go to Miss Browns party yesterday?No, neither of us.A. invitedB. is invitedC. was invitedMore and more children are interested in blind boxes they wonder what isinside.A. becauseB. even thoughC. soThe film The Battle at Lake Changjin长津湖)very popular

4、since it was on show.A. becomeB. becameC. has become一Excuse me. I wonder if you could tell me.一Sure. It will stop for 10 minutes.A. when the train arrived at the stationhow long the train will stay at the stationB. that the train will arrive at the station soon一Wow! Our Chinese Women Football Team w

5、on Asian Cup!(特点)strength.It is good at ice sports.It waves its left hands to say hello.The red hearts in hand shows54.It can give players hope and help them do well in the games.七、材料作文56. 2021年7月24日,双减”政策正式落地,中学生的学校生活因减负而变得更 加丰富多彩。假如你是王明,上周你的美国笔友Tony向你介绍了他的学校生活,并询 问你的学校生活的变化。请你给他写一封邮件,讲述一下你的学校生活有哪些

6、变化? 你的收获与憧憬是什么? 内容提示:1 .描述你的校园生活(之前枯燥,疲劳,现在有趣、丰富多彩);.校园经历(之前学习写作业;现在参加演讲比赛、运动会等各种活动.);2 .你的收获(友谊、学习方法、生活技能);.憧憬未来的校园生活。要求:1 .语言规范,语句通顺,可适当发挥。2 .字数:100词左右,文章中不得出现自己的真实姓名和校名; 提示词:speech contest演讲比赛Dear Tony,I am happy to receive your letter lastweek.Yours,Li Hua参考答案:1. cA2. AB3. AC4. AC5. BC6. AB7. AC

7、8. CB9. BB10. CA11. CA12. CC13. BA14. CC15. B答案第1页,共3页16. AB17. CC18. AC19. On Feb. 18th.20. He hoped that young Chinese people always keep the motherland in their hearts, aim high and stay grounded.21. Surprised and excited.22. .他迫不及待地给习主席写了一封信。23. Su Yiming and a special reply.24. symbolwere25. pi

8、cturesfrom26. . partcalled27. asAnother28. thathelp29. September 17th, 2019stout and cute30. a lanternkindness and love31. . hope and good luck.例文:Dear Tony,答案第2页,共3页I am happy to receive your letter last week. Our school is now carrying out the double reduction policy, which I think has changed a l

9、ot fbr our students.In the past, our campus life was boring and tiring, and the students felt very bored. Now we can do all kinds of things, such as joining clubs, ball games and so on. Campus life has become interesting and colorful. We used to do our homework after school, but now we can also atte

10、nd speech contest, sports meeting, and other activities. We are very willing to join these activities. And in these activities, we can make different friends, learn something we dont have from others, and master better learning methods. At the same time, some clubs we join can also let us learn some

11、 life skills. With these skills, we can take better care of ourselves when we are alone at home.I hope our campus life will become more and more colorful and interesting.Yours,Li Hua答案第3页,共3页B. Good luck.C. We9ve made it!A. Thats a good idea.二、完形填空On the night before Chinese New Year, Zhai Zhigang,

12、Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu were still in the core module(核心、舱)of Chinas space station. It9s about 400 km 11 the Earth. They became the first group of Chinese to spend the nations most 12 festivalthe Chinese New Year- in outer space.The three expressed their Spring Festival greetings in a video. Whil

13、e he was showing a pair of couplets(对联),Zhai said “I wish all of 13 good health and good luck in everything you do”. Wang dressed in festive clothes and had a red balloon in hand. She wished children across the country Hard-working and healthy 14 H Ye had a “fU in hand that means good luck. He wishe

14、d Chinese people “A happy New Year and a happy family,5 far from home, the ways of celebrating the festival are the same. They have made the core module beautiful with red lanterns and Chinese knots(中国结)16. Theywill also enjoy the 17 they usually share with their families on Earth eating dumplings,

15、wearing new clothes and sticking spring couplets 18 walls. For them, its a very special New Year.Moreover, Zhai and Wang have set records(仓、纪录)for the most number of days living and working in space. And they will 9 the records until at least 2023. China will complete the building of its space stati

16、on in 2022, and in the future, more Chinese people will20 and enjoy the Spring Festival in space.11. A. fromB. belowC. across12. A. differentB. importantC. interesting13. A. youB. meC. us14. A. studyB. safetyC. growth15. A. BecauseB. SoC. Though16. A. sadlyB. happilyC. carefully17. A. interviewsB. t

17、raditionsC. standards18. A. atB. onC. in19. A. enjoyB. changeC. keep20. A. celebrateB , imagineC. expect三、阅读单项选择The film I Am What IA雄狮少年)has been praised by many fans of cartoonsand lion dance. Unlike most Chinese cartoons today, which are from fairy tale, this film is about the lion dance, a kind

18、of traditional dance in China and other Asian countries. During the perfbnnance, the dancers mimic(模仿)a lions movements. Usually two performers act as a lion, one waving the lion head and the other waving the lion body and tail. The lion dance is usually performed during the Chinese New Year and oth

19、er important festivals to symbolize excitement and energy.The story happens in Guangdong province and the film is about the growth of three teenagers in a poor village. The three teenagers Ajuan, Amao and Agou are all left-behind children. They are all common people who have to overcome many difficu

20、lties to achieve their dreams. In order to take part in a lion dance competition in Guangzhou, they make great efforts and experience many difficulties. Though in great trouble, the characters never give up their dreams. They practice lion dance day after day and in the end they manage to take part

21、in the competition. Finally, they become the best lion dance performers.The film is a mirror of daily life of common people. Our life isnt always going well and we may have to deal with many troubles. And what we really need to pay attention to is not the result but the process of fighting against t

22、he troubles.21. Whats the movie I Am What I Am about?A. It9s about a fairy tale. B. It9s about the Chinese festivals. C. Ws about the growth of three teenagers.22. When is the lion dance usually performed according to this passage? A , When Chinese New Year comes.B. When one graduated from school.C.

23、 When its the birthday for a baby. 23. The movie mainly tells us. A. how to practice lion danceB. what we should do as left-behind childrenC. how to deal with troubles in our lifeBeijing Resort(北京环球度假村)Beijing Resort(北京环球度假村)Universal Beijing Resort is a widely expected theme park. There are several

24、 all-newattractions along with the best rides, and shows from around the world. Here are some of the most popular and interesting choice.Wand Magic Feel what it is like by waving a wand. This must be the coolest experience fbr a Harry Potter fan. Do you feel surprised with all that is happening? Don

25、t worry! Someone who knows how to use a wand is nearby and happy to help guide you on your way.Rhythm Drifters This musical group of drifters know how to make the most of things to create music! Using whatever they can find, they always create the best music! Their special concert is wonderful. You

26、will certainly get an unforgettable memory.SING on Tour See the energetic and colorful concert starring your favorite SING characters. This is a must watch fbr guests of all ages! Warm up your vocal chords (声 带)because youll be singing all day long!Lights Camera Action Have you ever wondered what it

27、s like to film a special effect movie? Let our two special guests give you a learning experience.Attention: Tickets are sold from Sep. 14th and you can visit it from Sep.20th. Besides, remember that you should visit Universal Beijing Resort from 9 am to 9 pm. If you have any questions, please please

28、 click . com/en.24. Who may like Wand Magic most probably?A. Music lover. B. Tour guide.C. Harry Potter Fan.25. What do Rhythm Drifters and SING on Tour have in common?A. They are both about dancing.B. They both holdconcerts.concerts.C , They both provide wands.26. In Lights Camera Action, visitors

29、will get some knowledge about.A , how to film a movie B. how to wann up vocal chords C. how to create the best musicWhere is the passage probably taken from?A. A science book.B. A students diary.C. A travel website.This weekend, many people paid more attention to a talk about buying oranges. A stude

30、nt at Zhejiang University wanted to buy some oranges online for her experiment(实验). The shopkeeper offered to give away a box of oranges after knowing about the use of the oranges. If it is fbr our country, I will give a box of oranges to you. I cant help our country much, thafs all I can do J the s

31、hopkeeper said. A lot of people were moved by these simple words.In fact, things like this are common. Some people also recalled similar experiences of their own. A doctor said that there were not enough masks( 口 罩)at work during COVID-19, so he ordered some online and bought a lot of masks. The sel

32、ler asked him what these masks were used fbr. Knowing that he was a doctor, the shopkeeper sent more masks to him. After he thanked the shopkeeper, You are the hero of this country, and I should say thanks to you J the shopkeeper said.In these heartwarming events, we can see again and again that the

33、se valuable acts come from ordinary people like you and me, whether they are a fruit farmer or a mask seller.Greatness usually comes from the ordinary, because the ordinary is more valuable. These events have touched the hearts of people not only because of their simple love, but also because these

34、ordinary people have made more people see their power. Everyone is helping others and giving back in their own way. Let us work together to build a better country and a better society.27. Why did the shopkeeper give a box of oranges to the student?A. Because he knew the student very well.B. Because

35、the oranges cost nothing.C , Because that was what he could do fbr the country.28. What does the word “ordinary mean?A.伟大的B.普通的C.经商的What can we infer from the sentence “You are the hero of this country, and I should say thanks to you”?A. Doctors play an important role in protecting the health of Chi

36、nese people during COVID- 19.B. We should send more masks to the doctors because they are heroes.C. The doctor bought masks and helped the mask seller, so the seller was grateful.29. What can we learn from the passage?A. Fruit formers and mask sellers always do valuable things fbr our country.B. Eve

37、ryone can do something fbr our country although the things are tiny.C. Great people have more power than ordinary people.The opening ceremony(开幕式)of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games was held at the National Stadium in Beijing, on Feb. 4th, 2022. With Chinese festival culture and scientific and

38、technological wonders, the opening ceremony amazed the whole world.The opening ceremony for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games left a deep impression on the world. Fourteen years later, Beijing surprised the world again at the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympics. It not only celebrated t

39、he highest level of winter sports, but also celebrated the traditional Spring Festival, which amazed the international friends. People were excited when President Xi Jinping announced the opening of the Winter Olympic Games. Because it makes the Chinese capital the first city in the world to host bo

40、th the summer and winter Olympic Games.The opening ceremony was set on the same day as lichun, or beginning of spring, which is known as the first of 24 solar terms on Chinese lunar calendar. It helped to represent the organizers1 wish fbr friends around the world to welcome a new spring together.Th

41、e Chinese delegation(代表团)has 176 athletes, which is the most since the countrys first Winter Olympics in 1980. And there are also 211 coaches, leaders and other members fbr the competition. The Games will take place in three hosting areasBeijing downtown, its northwest Yanqing and cd-host Zhangjiako

42、u, Hebei province-until Feb. 20th.International Olympic Committee President Thomas back said, “This is the goal of the Olympic Games: bringing us together in peaceful competition, always building bridge, never erecting(建立)walls and uniting human kind in all our diversity(多样性)” 32 . The opening of 24

43、th Olympic Winter Games.a. was held in Beijing b. was held on Feb 4th, 2022 c. created wondersd. amazed the whole worldA. abcA. abcB. acdC. abdThe underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to.A. the 2008 Summer Olympic Gamesthe traditional Spring FestivalB. the opening of the 24th Winter OlympicsTh

44、e opening was set on the same day as lichun because.A. it expresses the organizers? good wishit means the beginning of springB. it is one of the 24 solar termsHow many people are there in the Chinese delegation in the 24th Winter Olympics?A. 176.B. 211.C. 387.四、多任务混合阅读阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。Su Yiming receive

45、d a very special letter from Chinese President Xi Jinping on Feb. 24th, 2022. Who is Su Yiming? What did President Xi say to him?Su is a snow boarder(单板滑雪运发动).On Feb. 17th, he got the gold medal at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. When Su got the medal, he was really excited. The next day would be

46、his 18th birthday. He thought the medal was the best gift for his birthday. But the person that he wanted to thank the most was President Xi.He couldnt wait to write a letter to President Xi. In the letter, he said 力 really want to thank you and our great motherland from the bottom of my heart. Su a

47、lso said he would keep working hard and work for the nation. Su remembered that Xi met with him at the National Winter Sports Training Center in 2019. At that time, Xi encouraged him to show the new generation(一代人)of Chinese youth on the world stage.In the reply from President Xi, Xi congratulated S

48、u and other athletes on their excellent achievements at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Xi said that the new era(时代)is the era of dream chasers(追逐者). It is the time for young people to realize their dreams. He hoped that young Chinese people always keep the motherland in their hearts, aim high and stay grounded(脚踏实地的).“I was surprised and excited when I got the reply from President Xi. The letter will encourage me to work even harder in the future/7 Su noted.33. When is Su


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