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《山东省菏泽市牡丹区六校联考2022年中考一模英语试题(含答案与解析).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省菏泽市牡丹区六校联考2022年中考一模英语试题(含答案与解析).pdf(28页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年荷泽市牡丹区初中学业水平模拟考试英语试题本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第n 卷(非选择题)两部分。满分为120分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1.答第I 卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号涂写在答题卡上。2.第I卷选出答案后,用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。3.第n 卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡上各题目指定区域内相应的位置,写在试卷上的答案无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;4.不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第 I卷(选择题,共 80分

2、)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:听下面短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。1.What does the woman prefer to do?A.To watch sports on TV.B.To play ping-pong.C.To go shopping.2.Which book has Jim read?A:Tom Sawyer.B.Treasure island.C.Sleeping Beauty.3.What was Ben doing when the rainstorm came?A.He was tak

3、ing a shower.B.He was sleeping.C.He was reading.4.Where does the woman live?A.In the mountains.B.In the city.C.In the town.5.How much will the man pay?A.$2.15.B.$2.50.C.$5.00.第二节:听下面5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。听第6 段材料,回答第6 至 7 题。6.What did the two speakers do yesterday afte

4、rnoon?A.They went to see a film.B.They had a football match.C.They watched a football match.7.When did the football match begin?A.At 3:00 p.m.B.At 2:30 p.m.C.At 3:20 p.m.听第7 段材料,回答第8 至 10题。8.When is Mom*s birthday?A.June 21st.B.June 22nd.C.June 24th.9.What do they plan to do for Moms birthday?A.To h

5、ave a big party.B.To cook a big dinner.C.To make a birthday cake.10.What is the daughters present?A.A nice watch.B.Some nice flowers.C.A nice dress.听第8 段材料,回答第11至 13题。11.Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A.Cousins.B.Classmates.C.Sister and brother.12.What did Ann use to be like?A.Short

6、 and outgoing.B.Short and quiet.C.Tall and quiet.13.Where will Jack go?A.Paris.B.London.C.Ottawa.听第9 段材料,回答第14至 16题。14.Who has been to Hawaii before?A.Julia.B.Julias mother.C.Mike.15.How will Julia go to Hawaii?A.By air.B.By subway.C.By train.16.How long is Mike staying with his grandparents?A.One w

7、eek.B.Two weeks.C.One month.听 第 10段材料,回答第17至 20题。17.Where was Beethoven born?A In America.B.In France.C.In Germany.18.When could Beethoven give concerts?A At the age of seven.B.At the age of nine.C.At the age of eleven.19.What happened when he was thirty-one?A.He couldnt hear anything.B.He couldnrt

8、see anything.C.He was unable to walk.20.How many pieces of music did Beethoven write?A.Less than 300 pieces.B.300 pieces.C.More than 300 pieces.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分20分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共 10小题;每题1分,满分10分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.一Have you seen TV series A lifelong Journey(人世间)?-of course,I

9、 have never seen such exciting one.A.the;an B.the;/C.a;/D.a;an2 Here is a box of chocolate on our desk.For me or for your Dad?一It s,Mom.Happy Mothers Day!A.his B.hers C.mine3.一China has made a complete victory in its fight against poverty.D.yours-As Chinese,we our country.A.are satisfied with B.are

10、proud of4.Can you come over to my house for dinner?.Shall I bring anything?A.Perhaps next time B.Have a nice mealC.are interested inC.Yes,Fd like toD.are friendly toD.It depends5.The English Speech Competition the best in her.As a result,she is more active now.A.checked out B.tried out C.left out D.

11、brought out6.一 your homework?-Not yet.Til finish it in ten minutes.A.Did you finish B.Have you finished C.Will you finish D.Do you finish7.I cant get on well with my family.一Why not talk with them?You should communicate things become worse.A.until B.unless C.after D.before8.一Do you know the Chinese

12、saying“A tree cant make a fbrest”?一Yes,it tells us t hat,i s very important in everything.A.teamwork B.value C.spirit D.ability9.Why do Chinese people like red?Because the color red is the of good luck in China.A.reason B.hope C.symbol D.dream10.I wo n d e r.Their strong will and love for the countr

13、y bring them courage.A.why these medical workers risked their lives to fight the virusB.what did these medical workers do for the whole countryC.if these volunteers were worriedD.what these volunteers helped with第二节完形填空(共 10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Whe

14、n I was 19 years old,I had a part-time job in a hospital.At that time I was shy and didnt believe inmyself.I 11 talked with others.I wasnt confident in any future.Later I met a doctor,Mike,and we becamegood friends.He 12 me to believe in myself and try to communicate with others.He helped me learn t

15、oenjoy myself.He also asked me to take some important courses.I did 13 he told me and did very well.One day,he asked me what I 14 my life to be like.I hadnt thought about it before.That night,Ithought it over and finally knew the life I had been 15.From then on,I started to work for it.Later I got a

16、 chance to go to college,but at that time my family was too 16 to pay for my education.Iwas very worried and didnt know what to do.When I wanted to 17 my dream,Mike helped me again.He18 to pay for my college education.He helped me 19 asking for anything in return.After graduating,I got my dream job

17、and I like it very much.Mike made me enter a different 20.1 amso lucky to have met such a good friend in my life.11.A.usuallyB.oftenC.hardlyD.always12.A.encouragedB.invitedC.taughtD.allowed13.A.whyB.howC.whatD.that14.A.expectedB.livedC.enjoyedD.spent15.A.taking pride inB.staying away fromC.running o

18、ut ofD.looking forward to16.A.richB.weakC.poorD.strong17.A.achieveB.give upC.think upD.hold on to18.A.forcedB.offeredC.continuedD.stopped19.A.byB.withC.exceptD.without20.A.worldB.contestC.universityD.country第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题2 分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEve

19、ry school has a notice board.Lefs see what is on the notice board of an America school.School Policy(政策)Fighting,saying bad words and all other badbehaviour will not be allowed.Do not throwrocks,snowballs or sticks on the schoolgrounds.Hand in a note or telephone to school if yourchild will be absen

20、t for the day.Parents andvisitors need to check in at the office whenentering the school.After-school ProgramThe after-school program will continue for theyear 2022.The program will be open from 3:30p.m.to 6:00 p.m.every day.3:30-4:30 Homework&Reading4:30-6:00 ActivitiesIf you have any questions,cal

21、l the school at524-9752.Class AnnouncementTesting Dates:The math test is on June 12-13The science test is on June 15Parents meeting:The next parents9 meeting is on Friday,June 22at 7:00 p.m.in the meeting hall.Homework:Please check the Homework Board at theReport CardReport card about your school li

22、fe and workwill be given to your parents.Look at themarking key for your school work.MARKING KEY(评分标准)Goes beyond grade level standards4Meets grade level standards3school homepage to find your homework.Does not meet grade level standards,making progress2Does not meet grade level standards,notmaking

23、progress121.According to School Policy,visitors have to when entering the school.A.hand in a note B.call at 524-9752C.check in at the office D.telephone the school22.Fr om,students can get information on the parents5 meeting.A.School Policy B.Report CardC.After-school Program D.Class Announcement23.

24、Suppose Tony doesnt do well at school but makes progress,he will get on the Report Card.A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4Notice on the first Round of City-wide Nucleic Acid Testing(核酸检测)In order to safeguard the lives and health of the people,Yuncheng has decided to launch the first round of citywide nucleic acid tes

25、ting that includes all the people in Yuncheng The notice is as follows:Testing time:9:00-12:00 am,13:30-21:00 pm,March 17(Thursday),18(Friday)Testing Places:1.Schools where the students study(for students and teachers)2.Designated hospitals in different districts of Yuncheng(for adults outside schoo

26、ls)Ways of making an appointment(预约):1.No need for making an appointment,teachers will tell you the time for Nucleic Acidtesting,(for students and teachers)2.Make an appointment before you go for the nuclei acid test through the following linkor QR code(二维码)before 12:00 on March 16.(for adults outsi

27、de schools)Link:https:/ guides 1.Bring your ID when going to the testing station and voluntarily showyour“Yuekang Code and“sample collection QR code“to the volunteers.2 Wear a mask at all times and keep a distance of at least I meter away from others.3.No talking or gathering.4.Follow the instructio

28、ns of the volunteers on site and never fight with others or your willget punishment from the government for your behavior.5.Leave the testing station as soon as possible after finishing your testing.Results Query Check the nucleic acid test report by yourself in“Yueshengshi”on the nextday after the

29、testing.Yuncheng Command Center for COVID-19 Control and PreventionMarch 16,202224.When can the adults in Yuncheng have their Nucleic Acid Testing?A.9:00 am on March 17.B.13:00 pm on March 18.C.12:30 pm on March 18.D.8:30 pm on March 18.25.Where can the students in Yuncheng have their Nucleic Acid T

30、esting?A.At home.B.In the designated hospitals in different districts of YunCheng.C.At school which the students study in.D.At the testing station on the road.26.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.Everyone should make an appointment for the nuclei acid test.B.The adults outsid

31、e school have two ways of making an appointment for the nucleic acid test.C.People can talk with each other when they have their nucleic acid test.D.The students needn*t show their“Yuekang Code”.27.What can we infer from the passage?A People can know the result of their nucleic acid tests as soon as

32、 they finish it.B.You should show your“Yuekang Code or“sample collection QR code”to the volunteers.C.People may be punished for their bad behaviors when they have their nucleic acid tests.D Families can stand together closely while they are waiting for their nuclei acid tests.C“Lifts a long,long jou

33、mey.so we are told,and most of us would not set off on a journey,even a short one,without some ideas of where we wanted to go.Yet many people travel on life*s journey with no sense of direction atall.Setting personal goals can give your life a sense of direction.Goal setting is used by top sports pl

34、ayers,successful business people and achievers in all fields.Before you set personal goals,think about what you want toachieve with your life.Try to set goals in some of the following categories(类别):Education-Will you achieve the educational goals after finishing high school?Are you still growing an

35、dlearning?FamilyWhat kind of relationship do you want with your parents and other family members?Creative-Do you want to achieve any artistic goals?CareerWhat job do you want to take when you grow up?What do you need to make your dream cometrue?Public Service-Do you want to make the world a better p

36、lace?Physical-Are you fit enough to do the things you want to do?Pleasure-How do you want to enjoy yourself?To help make the process more manageable,divide your goals into smaller tasks.For example,if you want toreach a main goal in five years,set a three-year goal,a one-year goal,a three-month goal

37、 and a one-month goal.Then create a daily To-Do List of things that you should do today.When a goal is achieved,take the time to enjoyyour success.This helps you build the self-confidence.Remember,your goals can be changed as time goes on.But be sure your goals are the things you hope toachieve,not

38、what your parents,family or teachers want.28.According to the passage why should we set goals?A.To have a better future.B.To enjoy pleasure in life.C.To give our life a sense of direction.D.To know where to have a journey.29.What should you consider when you set a family goal?A.The education you wan

39、t to get.B.The job to support your family.C.The time youH spend reaching your goal.D.The relationship with family members.30.Whats the best advice to achieve the main goal?A.Dividing your goals into smaller tasks.B.Creating a daily To-Do List of things.C.Building the sell confidence.D.Setting the ti

40、me to achieve the main goal.31.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.A long journey.B.Goal setting for life.C.The direction of life.D.Ways to achieve goals.DAt 15:40 on December 9th,2021,the“space teacher,Wang Yaping,made some experiments in the TianheCore Module of the Chinese

41、Space Station.“Welcome to the Tiangong Classroom!said Wang Yaping.Taking a spacewalk is difficultYe Guangfu was working hard to walk,but his body floated(漂浮)!Then he tried to turn around but hecouldnt.In space,astronauts are in a weightless environment.So we need to use nearby devices(装置)to move,“he

42、 said.X The paper flower bloomsIn the“Tiangong Classroom,Wang Yaping made a beautiful water film.Then she took out a paper flower andplaced it on the film of water.The pink flower slowly“bloomed!I hope your dreams can bloom in the hugeuniverse!she said.“Space Happy Ball”brings fiinWang Yaping asked

43、the children on the ground to put their ping pong ball in the water.The density(密度)ofthe ball was less than that of the water,so it floated up.In space,when she put the ping pong ball into the water,it did not float up to the surface.It stopped in thecenter of the water!“The buoyancy(浮力)disappears i

44、n a weightless environment in space so the ping pong ball cannot float J Ms.Wang explained.32.Why was it difficult for Ye Guangfu to turn around?A.Because he was working too hard.B.Because he was too tired to turn around.C.Because he was walking too fast.D.Because he was in a weightless environment.

45、33.What does the underlined word“blooms“mean in Chinese?A.成长 B.开花 C.发亮 D.兴旺34.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.Astronauts need nearby devices to float.B.Wang Yaping grew flowers in the space station.C.The paper flower bloomed on the film of water in space.D.The ping pong ball didnt float up

46、in the water on Earth.35.Whats the best title of the passage?A.Huge University B.Difficult SpacewalkC.The Chinese Space Station D.Amazing Space Classroom第II卷(非选择题共40分)第三部分阅读理解第二节任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。I went through some difficult times,dealing with the pressures of growing up.I found

47、it hard to communicatewith my mother.Relations between us became difficult.One day,I ran away from home and stayed away for many hours.When I returned home at night,I saw all thepain,anger and disappointment on my mothers face.We agreed to have breakfast together the nextmorning.It was a turning poi

48、nt in both of our lives and our relationship.We decided to go to a restaurant.On our way to the table I noticed my mother had two notebooks.I asked herwhat they were for.She explained to me that sometimes it was easier to write down our feelings rather than talkabout(A)them.We would write down our f

49、eelings in the form of a letter.It could be as long or as short as wewanted.Our first topic was“Why Pm so angry?I wrote a half page,and my mom filled up nearly three pages.(B)Iwatched lears run down hcface as she wroie.I never realized anyone could hide so much anger.After we finishedwriting,we exch

50、anged our notebooks.As soon as I started reading my mothers words,I began to cry and so didshe.When we finished reading,we discussed our feelings.Our talk helped me realize so many things I had never thought of before,not only about my mother but alsoabout other people.My mother and I continue to us


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