山东省新泰市第二中学高中英语《Unit 2 Cloning》单词学案 新人教版选修8.doc

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1、山东省新泰市第二中学选修八英语Unit 2 Cloning单词(学案)英语课程标准要求重点单词:differ undertake object owe resist strike obtainattain重点短语:pay off strikeinto one heart bringback to life in vain 八级词汇:arbitrary accumulate attain assumption adore commercial procedure strike straightforward breakthrough conservative assumption【预习案】教师寄

2、语:While our dream is confronted with the reality, you always feel painful. Just trample on the pain,or youll be beaten down by it.当幻想和现实面对时,总是很痛苦的。要么你被痛苦击倒,要么你把痛苦踩在脚下。Studying aims: Preview the following words, and try to master their spelling and pronunciation.1)words1._ vt.投,抛;投射 11. procedure n.

3、_2._ v.烦扰打扰 12. resist vt. _3._ vt. 禁止;妨碍 13.decoration n. _4._vi.相异;意见分歧 14.merely adv. _ 5._ vi.退休,离开 15.breakthrough n. _6._adj.不能的,不会 16.regulation n. _7._ adj.烦扰的 17.assumption n. _8._n.论点,争论 18.obtain vt. _9._adj.合情理的 19.accumulate vt. _10._ adj.道德上的,伦 20.undertake vt. _2) phrases1._得到好的结果;取得成

4、功;偿清2._使失望;使沮丧3._赞成;支持4._一定或注定(做)5._使刻骨铭心6._不时;偶尔7._使复生;使复活8._白费力气;枉费心机【探究案】一、检查反馈,导入新课。 Have a dictation._二、目标定位,确定重点。1. 学会正确地读单词。2. 集中学习本单元词汇知识。3. 能够灵活运用本单元的词汇造句和做练习三、自主探究,教师点拨; 1.differ vi.不同,相异 _ n.差异,差别,分歧 _ adj.不同的,不一样的 _ adv.不同地短语 differ from 与不同 differ in 在方面不同differ with sb. on/about/over s

5、th. 与某人就有不同意见be different from 与不同 be different in在方面不同make a difference to 对有作用(关系,影响)agree to differ 求同存异针对训练 The two brothers differ widely _ their tastes. In this respect French differs _ English. Im sorry to differ _ you _ learning English.链接高考1).(2012 浙江)According to scientists, our mental abi

6、lities begin to _ from the age of 27 after reaching highest level at 22.A. differ B. shrink C. fail D. decline2). Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they _ greatly in size and shape. A. differ B. object C. bother D. cast2. undertake (undertook, undertaken) vt. 着手;从事;承担;承诺;答应猜测undertake在下面的含义

7、,(1)The scientist undertakes the experiment. (2)I want you to undertake a dangerous job. (3) I want you to undertake all the responsibility. 短语undertake to do sth. 答应 / 同意做某事undertake for 为负责undertake that 保证 undertake responsibility 担负起责任针对训练1).我将保证你的安全。 Ill undertake _ your security.2).他答应在周五前完成工作

8、。 He undertook _ the work by Friday.= He undertook that _ the work by Friday.链接高考(2012 湖北)The new laboratories will be constructed this year,and local firms have been asked to _ the work. A. assign B. manufacture C. provide D. undertake3. object n. 物体;目的& v. 反对;不赞成 n. _猜测object在下面的含义,并连接。 (1)His obj

9、ect in life is to become rich. A. 反对(2)They object to this law for religious reasons. B. 物体,目的短语object to (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事object that 反对raise an objection to. 对提出异议have no objection to 不反对There is no objection to .是可以的针对训练1).你开窗户没有什么不可以的。There is no objection to _.2).他强烈反对像孩子一样被对待He strongly obj

10、ects to_ like a child.链接高考The travelling plan, _most of the people objected, was in no way practicable.A. which B. to which C. with which D. just as4. pay off 得到好的结果;取得成功;偿清猜测pay off在下面的含义,并连接。(1) She studied hard before the examination, and it paid off. A. 偿清(2) Ive just paid off my loan from this

11、bank. B. 得到好结果短语pay for 为付钱;为付出代价pay back 偿还;报复pay attention to 注意针对训练(1) How much did you pay _ your house?(2) His years of hard work paid _. (3) Ill pay him _ for the trick he played on me. 链接高考He worked hard before the College Entrance Examination, and it _. His dream of going to college came tru

12、e.A. show off B. put off C. paid off D. took off5. owe v.猜测owe在下面的含义,并连接。(1) He paid me the ten dollars he owed me. A. 欠债(2) He owes his good health to plenty of exercise and a regular life.B.感激(3) He gave me a lot of help. I owed much to him. C. 把归功于(4) You owe yourself a holiday. D. 应给予短语针对训练1). H

13、e owes his success more to luck than to ability. _2). 我通过英语考试要归功于我的英语老师。 _ 链接高考(08 天津)-How much do I owe you for lunch? -_. Its nothing. A. Youre welcome B. Forget it C. With pleasure D. Thats right6. exact adj 精确的,准确的 exactly adv.短语to be exact 精确地说exactly speaking精确地说,严格地说eg: Its seven oclock now._

14、, its seven three.现在是7点,更确切地说是7点三分。7.resist vt.抵抗,对抗,抵制;忍耐,忍住(诱惑)resist doing /n.翻译:resist the police_ ; resist a disease_She cant resist sweets._我忍不住要笑。_8. bring.back to life =come back to life 使复生,使复活A great doctor can bring a dying man back to life. _Slowly, the city began to come back to life. _

15、9.in vain 白费力气,枉费心机He tried to memorize the poem ,but in vain ._【训练案】单项填空1.How to teach the English language _ between foreign and Chinese teachers. A. different B. difference C. differs D. difficult2. The athletes years of hard training _ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.A. went on B. go

16、t through C. paid off D. ended up3. Professor Smith is very busy, both teaching and _ experiments.A. objecting B. attaining C. undertaking D. differing4. Allen and I are in the same history class, but his assignments differ _mine.A. with B. from C. against D. to5. Dont be so _. Just keep up your spi

17、rits.A. cast down B. put down C. turned down D. taken down6. I owe _ to the doctor that Im still alive.A. that B. it C. / D. this7. The match was cancelled because most of the members _ a match without a standard court.A. were objected to having B. objected to haveC. were objected to have D. objecte

18、d to having8It is clear that if we read English article every day,we_improve our English.Aare bounded to Bare bound toCbound Dbound to9I am_your suggestion_we should spend more time on this project.Ain favour of;which Bin honor of;thatCin favour of;that Din honor of;which10. 28. She is too fat, but she cant _ sweet.A. remove B. resist C. reject D. object.Sum up.HomeworkMake sentences according to what you have learned in the class.1.differ _2.undertake_3.object _4.pay_5.owe_.课后小结:1.本节课所讲的内容中还有哪个还存在困惑?_2.你能将本节课所学的词汇根据其用法造句吗?_3.结合练习哪个词汇的运用还不熟练? _4.你打算如何补偿存在的问题? _二次备课(教师)学习补充及疑惑(学生)8


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