山东省新泰市第二中学高中英语 单选大全 新人教版选修8.doc

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1、山东省新泰市第二中学高二英语选修八选修七单选大全1I earn 10 dollars_ hour as_ supermarket cashier on Saturday.Aan;the Bthe;a Can;a Da;an2Im sorry,sir. I didnt mean to hurt you by showing you those pictures?_It just reminded me of my old friends.ANot at all. BAll the best. CNo sorry,please. DNever mind.3You can turn to the I

2、nternet for more information when you_ the headline you are interested in while looking through the papers.Acut out Bturn out Cmeet with Dcome with4Many foreign leaders sent telegrams and letters,_our government on having successfully hosted the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.Acongratulating Bcelebra

3、ting Ccongratulated Dcelebrated5Tony is said_ to New York,and now he is studying medicine in a famous college in America.Ahave gone Bto have gone Cgoing Dto go6Some fans felt disappointed that few of them had direct_ to the pop star after his performance on the stage.Amethod Bpath Caccess Dmeans7Nob

4、ody wants to_ especially in public.Amake fun of Bbe made fun of Cmaking fun of Dmade fun of8You can never imagine what great trouble I had_ the poor boy who was hurt seriously.Ahelp Bto help Chelped Dhelping9A tremble of fear came over him_ his eyes wandered in the direction of the grey object in th

5、e shadow.Aat every time Bevery time Cevery time when Devery time that10I enjoyed the dishes at your birthday party last night,but the wine is not_ to my taste.Aaccessible Bbeneficial Csuitable Dvaluable11The statement completely laid their bare_for world conquest.Aenterprise Bambition Caspiration Da

6、dmiration12He is quick to_ himself to the new life here.Aadopt Badore Cadapt Dadept13The teacher was_ with him because he was late.Abothered Binterrupted Cinterfered Dannoyed14The president of the company will_ at the end of the year.Areserve Bresign Crelocate Dremove15Apart from being good at teamw

7、ork,he is tall,strong and athletic._,he is the best choice for the coming basketball match.AAll in all BIn addition CAfter all DBy the wayUnit21It is_ to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck.Aridiculous Babsurd Cfoolish Dimpossible2We have time and again _that we will never be the first to use

8、 nuclear power.Aannounced Bsaid Cexclaimed Ddeclared3When the earthquake happened in Sichuan,people all over the world are_with the victims there.Asympathy Bsympathetic Csynthetic Dsympathize5She is now training hard for the next Olympics in London,desiring that she_ _win another gold medal for her

9、nation before she leaves the sports field forever.Awill Bmust Cshould Dwould6Having worked for a whole week,I decided to_the rest of my assignment and go to the seaside for relaxation.Aset out Bset off Cset up Dset aside7As the night is falling,a long queue stood at the bus stop,nervously expecting_

10、.Ato pick up Bpicking up Cto be picked up Dbeing picked up8While visiting the robot exhibition,the professor kept nodding his head to express his_ with his students work.Adescription Bcongratulation Cambition Dsatisfaction9The main character of the story,_,the writer of the book offered us a lot of

11、practical advice on how to live in a foreign country.Arather than Bother than Cor else Dor rather10I hate going out alone,so I often ask my roommate to_ me.Adefend Bprotect Caccompany Dguard11He_by his colleagues for he had been assigned to a new promising post just before a couple of days he came t

12、o the company.Awas respected Bwas enviedCpraised Dhated12I hurried to the ticket hall,only _that all tickets had been sold out already.Ato inform Bto be informed Cinforming Dinformed13Only when I left my parents for Italy _ how much I loved them.AI realized BI had realizedChad I realized Ddid I real

13、ize14We were all_ by the news that a terrible earthquake happened in Sichuan.Aalarming Balarmed Cterrified Dtired15The police had to set him free in the_of evidence that he committed the crime.Ashortage Black Cabsence DfailureUnit31Students should be encouraged to use _ Internet as _ resource.A/;a B

14、/;the Cthe;the Dthe;a3What made Alice so angry?_ in the rain for an hour.ABeing kept waiting BBeing kept to waitCBecause of waiting DShe was kept waiting4Thanks to the barking dog,the thief was _ and we didnt lose anything.Agot away Bbroken awayCscared away Dtaken away5On feeling the earthquake,the

15、teacher stayed calm in the front of the classroom,_ all the students to rush out of the classroom as quickly as possible.Aencouraging Bhoping Cdemanding Durging6Mr.Black _ out for shopping when he heard the telephone ring,so he had to stay for a while to answer it.Ahad no sooner gone Bhad hardly gon

16、eCwas about to go Dwas willing to go7His _ description of his adventure in the forest made us want to have a try ourselves.Amagic Bvivid Crelevant Dawesome8Most medical men in the Health Service are overworked,so they had little time to offer some advice on such subjects as diet,right living and the

17、 need for _ bad habits.Aabandoning Babolishing Cpolishing Dsolving9The school should spend some time training students to _ in any emergency,especially with all in the buildings.Atest out Bbring out Csqueeze out Dhelp out10Opening the window,we saw a high mountain _ us going up into the sky,just lik

18、e a skyscraper.Aagainst Bacross Copposite Dthrough11.Customers should learn to _ advertisements so as not to be misled by them.Apick out Breflect on Cmake use of Dtest out12Mary never dreamed of _ for her to be sent abroad so soon.Abeing a chance Bthere to be a chanceCthere is a chance Dthere being

19、a chance13I dont want any reward for my help;I gave it _ out of friendship.Aproperly Bpurely Cstrictly Dconversely14I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else _ I was wasting time.Aas a result Bin the meantimeCin other words Dfor one thingUnit41Its years since I _ h

20、im last time,and I havent written back to him.Aheard of Bheard from Cheard about Dheard out2The families of the trapped miners are _ to get any information about their relatives from the rescuing center.Adeserving Bsticking Chating Ddying3I fell in love with these wonderful pictures as soon as they

21、_ from a website on the Internet the other day.Ahas downloaded Bwill downloadCwere downloaded Dare downloaded5In the past few years,he has collected a lot of ancient coins,_ date back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Amost of them Bmost of thatCmost of which Dmost of those6Tony wrote to his cousin tha

22、t he had moved to a new apartment from _ windows he could see the West Lake.Awhich Bthat Cwhose Dwhere7With a basket on her back,the little girl is walking along the stream with green grass and red flowers _ on both sides.Ato grow Bgrown Cgrowing Dbeing grown8According to the rules,all drivers _ thi

23、s traffic accident are to be taken to the police station to make their statements.Asensitive to Brelevant to Caccessible to Ddue to9Car dealers also have a tough time in bad economy. Therefore,they have to _ their business model to overcome the difficulties.Aadmit Badjust Creplace Dremove10Generally

24、 speaking,an athlete wont _ the winter games if he or she has already appeared in the summer games in the same year in the city.Aadapt to Baddict to Cinvolve in Dparticipate in11Youd better book the tickets in advance;_ we may miss the chance to enjoy the concert performed by the pop star.Ahowever B

25、therefore Cnevertheless Dotherwise12In order to speed the repairs of the broken cellphones,we have made _ for our customers to deal directly with the factory.Acontributions BapplicationsCpreparations Darrangements13The government work report _ the idea of building a new socialist countryside was off

26、icially pushed forward with was highly spoken of by the public.Awhere Bin which Cwhich Dfrom that14Reading through some pages in the ebook that I had downloaded months before,I _ a story about the poor girl who lost her parents in an accident.Acatch up Bcame across Ccame into Dcatch sight15What abou

27、t paying a visit to the Natural Park this weekend?_.It would be a perfect place for us to study the wildlife protection.AIm afraid not BIm sorry I cant goCSounds great DNo questionUnit51I knew _ John Lennon,but not _ famous one.A/;a Ba;the C/;the Dthe;a2Shell never forget her stay there _ she found

28、her son who had gone missing two years before.Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen3We need a man of great _ to overcome the difficulties at present.Apatience Bendurance Centerprise Denthusiasm4Can I take the car away without being fined?_.Nobody can go away with breaking the rule.AOut of question BThere is no

29、questionCWithout question DOut of the question5Having spent four years in Columbus,Yesenia Luces has _ not only the climate in the Midwest,but also the culture and customs there.Aused to Badmitted to Cadjusted to Dapplied to6_ with his work in the Satellite Launch Site,he could not spare any time to

30、 stay with his parents though they are very old.AAs occupying BBeing occupied CHaving occupied DTo occupy7Sorry,I was caught in the rush hour for fifty minutes.There needs no _.The meeting has been put off.Aexcuse Bpromise Ccomplaint Dapology8How to talk to a Martian(火星人)is rather an _ question.Aadv

31、anced Babsolute Cacademic Daccurate9She suddenly took on fulltime work without _ her children.Apreparation Bpreparing Cprefering Dprepared10Yao Ming is generally _ as the best basketball player in the world.Asubstituted Backnowledged Ccontradicted Drecommended11_ by the advances in technology,many f

32、armers have set up wind farms on their land.ABeing encouraged BEncouragingCEncouraged DHaving encouraged12After _ the countryside,Yuan Longping began to devote himself to the research into the rice harvest for the local farmers.Asettling in Bsettling down Csettling on Dsettling up13The local governm

33、ent took many effective measures to meet the requirement that all schoolage children _ at school.Ashould educate Bbeing educatedCmust be educated Dbe educated14It is the first time that I _ here in Hong Kong.What great changes!Its ten years since I _here last time.Ahave been;came Bhave been;have com

34、eCam;came Dwas;have been15Do you mind if I open the window?_.I feel a bit cold.AOf course not BId rather you didntCGo ahead DWhy not答案解析Unit11.答案C 解析hour以元音开头,前面需用不定冠词an;a supermarket cashier说明属于那类人。2.答案D解析考查交际英语。对于别人的道歉表示原谅时,用never mind不介意,没关系。3.C meet with“(偶然)遇到”和题干中的look through the papers相吻合。4.

35、答案A 解析congratulate祝贺,向道贺,现在分词短语作伴随状语;celebrate v庆祝,一般用于举办活动来纪念过去发生的事情或庆祝重大节日等。5.答案B 解析sb.is said后跟不定式,排除A、C;从下文可知,Tony出国在前,is said在后,故用不定式的完成时。6.答案C 解析access有“(可接近的、可见到的)方法,机会”的意思,构成have access to短语。其他三个词不用于此结构。7.答案B 解析由nobody wants to可知want后需接不定式,排除C、D两项;根据句意“没有人希望在公众场合被取笑”,排除A项。8.答案D 解析have troubl

36、e (in) doing sth.为固定短语。9.答案B 解析every time用作连词,意思是“每当,每次”,引导状语从句。10.答案C suitable adj.适合的,与taste搭配,意为:但酒不合我的口味。11.答案B 解析句意为:这项声明彻底揭露了他们谋求征服世界的野心。ambition野心;志向,报负;enterprise事业;aspiration志气,报负;渴望;admiration钦佩,赞美,羡慕。12.答案C 解析adapt oneself to适应。13.答案D 解析be annoyed with sb.生某人的气。14.答案B解析reserve保存,保留,预定;res

37、ign辞职;relocate重新安置,使置于新的地点;remove移动;去掉,消除。根据句意选B项。5. 答案C解析本题考查动词desire的用法。当desire后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词用“should动词原形”的形式,其中should可以省略。6.答案D解析本题考查动词短语辨析。根据题干提供的语境,可知“剩下的任务”只能暂时“放到一边”了,而set aside正有此意义,故为正确答案。7.答案C解析本题考查动词不定式的被动式。expect常跟动词不定式作宾语,故排除B、D两项;又由于pick up与其逻辑主语a long queue为动宾关系,所以要用被动形式。8.答案D解析本题考查名词

38、词义辨析。根据题干中非空白部分的意义,可知教授对自己学生的工作很“满意”,所以选D项。9.答案D解析rather than意为“而不是”;other than意为“不同于”;or else意为“否则”;or rather意为“更确切地说”。根据句意,可知D项为正确答案。10.答案C解析本题考查动词词义辨析。根据题干前半句的意义可知,“我经常叫我的室友陪着我”,故accompany“陪伴”为正确答案。11.答案B解析本题考查动词词义辨析。respect意为“尊敬”;envy意为“羡慕”;praise意为“赞扬”;hate意为“憎恶”。根据句意可知B项正确。12.答案B解析本题考查动词不定式的被动

39、结构作状语的用法。only后可跟动词不定式,表示出乎预料的结果,又由于inform与其逻辑主语为动宾关系,故应用不定式的被动式。13.答案D解析考查部分倒装。“only状语”位于句首时主句谓语动词用部分倒装。14.答案B 解析alarmed惊恐的;惊慌的。此处指四川地震后引发的惊慌。15.答案C 解析in the absence of由于缺乏。Unit31.答案D解析the Internet因特网,为固定搭配;as a resource作为一种资源,此处用a表示泛指。3. 答案A解析考查动名词被动形式作主语。keep后跟动名词。4.答案C解析scare away把某人或某物吓走,符合题意。5. 答案D解析encourage鼓励,不符合语境;hope,demand一般不跟含不定式的复合结构,故排除。urge督促,催促,合乎句意。6.答案C解析从下文“他只好等一会儿接电话”可排除A、B两项;was about to go.when符合语境。7.答案B解析生动的描述,其余选项不合题意。8. 答案A 解析由于工作劳累(overworked),所以没有时间提供建议,对于坏习惯,应该abandon(抛弃,终止)。9.D 解析句意为:学校应训练学生在紧急情况下互相帮助,脱离危险,特别是在楼上10. C 解析打开窗户,我们对面就是一座大山。opposite在对面。11.


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