2007年天津市初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷--初中英语 .doc

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1、2007年天津市初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷人教四年制第I卷(选择题 共四大题 共75分)一. 听力理解(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)略二. 单项填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。31. Who is singing in the classroom ? must be Susan . A. She B. It C. This D. He32. They got much on the Internet . A. photo B. ideas C. message D. information33.

2、 A lot of meetings were because of the dangerous disease . A. turned off B. set off C. put off D. taken off 34. I have just heard on the radio that Nanjing Road is jammed cars . A. in B. on C. with D. at35. Dont get off the bus it has stopped . A. until B. if C. to D. for36. A talk on developments i

3、n science and technology in the school hall next week . A. given B. will be given C. has been given D. gives37. Remember to e-mail me . All of us hope to hear from you .A. quickly B. soon C. fast D. quick38. Will you get there by train? No , Ill take taxi . A. / ; a B. a ; the C. / ; / D. the ; a39.

4、 Mrs. Liu is kind and always her help to others . A. shares B. receives C. makes D. offers40. The busier he is , the he feels . A. happily B. happy C. happier D. more happy41. In the past few years there great changes in my hometown . A. have been B. were C. had been D. are 42. Its very nice picture

5、s for me . A. of you to draw B. for you to draw C. for you drawing D. of you drawing43. Can you guess the MP4 player yesterday ? Sorry, Ive no idea about it. A. how much did he pay for B. how can he getC. how much he paid for D. how he has got44. This is I wanted. A. the one what B. which C. one whi

6、ch D. the one45. He met many problems he was going over his lessons .A. before B. as soon as C. since D. while三. 完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Man has invented four kinds of satellites. The first kind of satellite studies the 46 of the earth. They are used to make

7、maps. They also help countries to see where they may 47 oil or gold . The second kind of satellite is used to guide ships and planes. A ship or a plane can 48 a message to the satellite , and satellite can find out 49 the ship or the plane is .The third kind studies the weather. These satellites 50

8、clouds and strong winds moving across the earth . They warn countries to make preparations when very 51 weather is coming . 52 kind is used for communication. Telephone calls 53 countries can be sent by these satellites . Some can carry hundreds of calls at the same time. The call is sent to the sat

9、ellite, then the 54 sends it to a station in the country and this country is being phoned . These satellites also carry pictures; they can receive and send about eight 55 at a time . 46. A. physics B. chemistry C. biology D. geography47. A. carry B. findC. keepD. choose48. A. writeB. takeC. sendD. b

10、ring49. A. whereB. whatC. whichD. that50. A. haveB. watchC. noticeD. see51. A. sunny B. coolC. badD. fine52. A. The lastB. AnotherC. OneD. Any other53. A. amongB. alongC. betweenD. of54. A. TVB. telegraphC. telephoneD. satellite55. A. playsB. programmes C. filmsD. languages四. 阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20

11、分)阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C和D选项中选出一个最佳选项。AThis is News on the Hour, Ed Wilson reporting. The president and First Lady will visit Africa on a good will tour in May. They plan to visit eight African countries. Reports from China say the Chinese want closer ties between China and the U.S. and Western Europe

12、 . A group of top Chinese scientists start its ten-nation tour next month. In news about health, scientists in California report findings of a relationship between the drinking of coffee and the increase of heart diseases among women. According to the report in the American Medical Journal, the five

13、-year study shows that: women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than women who do not. Thats the news of the hour. And now back to more easy listening with Jan Singer. 56. To improve the ties between China and the U.S. and Western Europe .A. C

14、hina has expressed its strong wishesB. China has given many reports to improve the tiesC. China will send some scientists to visit the U.S. onlyD. some Chinese scientists will visit the U.S. and Western Europe57. The news about health tells us that .A. no one should drink more than two cups of coffe

15、e a dayB. no heart disease will be found if people dont drink coffeeC. womens heart disease has a lot to do with their drinking coffeeD. the more coffee people drink , the more chance theyll get to have heart disease58. The passage is probably from .A. a book B. a radio station C. a diary D. a Medic

16、al JournalBNew York State has passed the USAs first state law banning(禁止)motorists talking on cell phones . The ban will begin on November 1, although drivers caught using cell phones will be given only warnings during the first month. First-time violators(违法者)will face a 100 fine . A second time ca

17、ll for a 200 fine and every violation after that will cost 500 .At least a dozen localities have established(制定)bans , starting in 1999 ; and 40 states have had bans proposed but not passed . At least 23 countries, including the Great Britain, Italy, Israel and Japan , ban drivers from using cell ph

18、ones . There are about 115 million cell phones in use in the United States and more than 6 million in New York State. “ To think that Im not going to use cell phone when at the same time I can still use my laptop(手提电脑), I still can read a paper , I can still change my pants while driving at 65 mph .

19、 I think theres just something wrong , ” an official said . Other critics(批评)noted other things like eating , drinking coffee and doing make-up while driving . They suggested that the ban include a broader range of things. 59. What does the underlined word “warning” mean?A. The word that tells you n

20、ot to do it again.B. A textbook that talks about the law. C. A lesson. D. A 100 fine. 60. How much fine will a cell phone user receive if he has been caught using it four times while driving after November ? A.500. B.1000. C. 1200 . D. 1300 .61. We can infer from this passage that .A. some developed

21、 countries forbid drivers using cell phones B. the ban has been put into effect in most states in the U.S.C. more people in the U.S. are against the ban than for itD. over fifty localities or states ban drivers from using cell phonesC“ Im hungry , ” said Kelly as she and Sheila walked home from scho

22、ol . “ Youre always hungry , ” Sheila said , “ Well have something when we get to my house . ”Kelly looked at Sheila , who was walking quickly down the sidewalk . Sheila had long , beautiful red hair and always wore nice clothes . Kelly had short hair and many of her clothes were hand-me-downs . No

23、one was home when they got to Sheilas house . No one ever seemed to be home at Sheilas house . Kelly had two sisters and a brother. “It must be amazing to have the whole house to yourself. Im lucky if I can be alone for five minutes, ” said Kelly . “ Well , I can do whatever I want . Do you want to

24、order a pizza? Theres nothing in the fridge . ” There was never anything in Sheilas fridge . “ Thats okay , ” said Kelly . “ I have to go home for dinner soon . ”“ But I would go crazy if people were telling me what to do all the time .”“ Well , youre lucky ,” said Kelly . Sheila was lucky . She had

25、 perfect hair, perfect clothes , a perfect house . “ I would give anything to be Sheila for just one day , ” thought Kelly . The phone rang . “ Hi , Mom , ” Kelly heard Sheila say . “ No , its okay . I understand . ” She hung up . “ My moms having dinner out again , ” she said . “ Are you sure you c

26、ant stay for pizza ? ”“ Sorry . I have to go or Ill be late for dinner , ” said Kelly . “ Whatever . See you . ”Kelly saw Sheila looking out of the window as she walked down the street . Suddenly , Sheilas house looked very big , and Sheila looked very small . 62. Which of these sentences tells the

27、difference between Sheilas life and Kellys ?A. Sheila is from a big family and Kelly is from a small one . B. Kelly has a big , caring family and Sheila is often on her own . C. Kelly has perfect clothes and Sheila wears hand-me-downs .D. Sheila and Kelly have similar family situations .63. Which th

28、ings about Sheilas life does Kelly like ?A. Her house , her parents , and her clothes . B. Her hair , her clothes , and her pets . C. Her hair , her clothes , and her house . D. Her clothes , her parents , and her pets . 64. What things about Kellys life might Sheila like ?A. The fact that Kelly has

29、 sisters to lend her clothes . B. The fact that Kelly has caring parents who are there to take care of her . C. The fact that Kelly has a big house and lots of time to herself . D. The fact that Kelly gets to eat pizza almost every night of the week . 65. Why do you think the writer includes the fin

30、al sentence of the story ?A. To show that Sheila lives in a big , beautiful house . B. To show that Sheila gets to do whatever she wants . C. To show that Sheila is happy . D. To show that Sheila is lonely . 第II卷(非选择题 共五大题 共45分)五. 完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空只填一个词。66. 如果你们有什么问题,请随时举手。If y

31、ou have any questions , feel free to your hands . 67. 无论他是怎么完成的,这都是一个巨大的成功。 No matter how he did it , it was a .68. 几年前,因为某种无人知晓的原因,这种稀有的鸟绝迹了。 Several years ago a rare species of bird for some unknown reason . 69. 据说这个岛盛产铁矿石。 It is said that this island is iron ore . 70. 那座旧桥上个星期被拆除了。 The old bridge

32、 was last week . 六. 补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,在每小题的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话意思完整。Peter:Oh , David . Please dont put anything on this desk !David: (71)?Peter:Look ! This leg is broken . David: (72). When did you find it ?Peter:I found if just now when I was sweeping the floor . David:Lets tell our teacher a

33、bout it at once and then someone will repair it . Peter:No . (73).David:Yourself ? Have you learnt to repair a desk ?Peter:Yes . My father is an expert in repairing things . (74).David:Oh , your father taught you . Thats great . Do you think ourselves(75)?Peter:Certainly . Lets begin . 七. 任务型阅读(本大题共

34、5小题,每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,按照事件发生的先后顺序排序(开始句和结尾句序号已给出)When Julia Somberg eats her favorite food, she feels bad. She knows that chocolate can have a lot of fat and sugar. But Julia says she loves chocolate so much-once she starts eating it , she cant stop . Julia isnt the only one who loves chocolat

35、e . It is a favorite food for people all over the world . People prefer chocolate over ice cream , cakes , and cookies . The idea of eating chocolate didnt begin until the 19th century . Before that , people drank chocolate . The habit began in Central America where the Aztecs drank bowls of chocola

36、te to stay watchful . When the liquid(液体)chocolate was brought to Spain in the 1500s , people thought it was medicine because it had a medicine taste . In fact , the people who made chocolate into drinks were doctors . Then people discovered that mixing chocolate with sugar made a wonderful drink .

37、King Ferdinand of Spain loved this drink so much that he put out an order : anyone who talked about chocolate outside the court(法庭)would be killed . For about 100 years , chocolate was a secret in Spain . Finally , people found out about chocolate , and it became a popular drink in Europe . Later ,

38、the Swiss mixed milk and chocolate . Today , most Americans prefer milk chocolate , while most Europeans prefer dark chocolate . New research shows that chocolate is actually good for us . “ Chocolate has different kinds of vitamins , ” says a researcher in France . “ It has more than 300 different

39、chemicals . One chemical works on the part of the brain(大脑)that feels pleasure . People who feel good when they eat chocolate are actually healthier . Feeling pleasure is important for health and can protect against illness . ” “ Good chocolate doesnt have much fat or sugar . You can enjoy it if you

40、 eat a little at a time ! ” says Tara Berish, another chocolate lover. 76. Doctors made chocolate into drinks . 1 The Aztecs drank chocolate to stay watchful .77. Chocolate was a secret in Spain for 100 years . 78. Liquid chocolate was brought to Spain from Central America . 79. Sugar was mixed with

41、 chocolate to make a sweet drink . 7 Research has shown that chocolate is good for us . 80. The Swiss put milk into the chocolate mixture . 八. 综合填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。Knowing how to use a computer is an essential skill for everyone w (81) wants to succeed in todays world

42、 . One basic computer program that everyone should learn to use is the word processing program . Most types of writing are e (82) produced with a word processing program . For e (83) , everyone must sometimes write a business letter . Using a computer allows you to arrange(整理、排列)and rearrange inform

43、ation easily , making your writing more c (84) and exactly correct . Word processing programs can help you check your s (85) and grammar . A computer makes it easy to correct m (86) .Computers can be u (87) for much more than word processing , however . Other areas are picture design , programming ,

44、 and creating new g (88). Jobs i (89) the computer field are growing , and strong computer skills can s (90) you well now and into the future . 九. 书面表达(本大题共15分)日前,由教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央联合举办了“全国亿万青少年学生阳光体育运动”启动仪式,其影响巨大,意义深远。你在本校参与了此项活动,请你根据表格中所给信息写一篇英语短文。内容感想 学校师生收看了启动仪式; 开展了一小时的集体体育活动,如:跑步,做操,打篮球等 锻炼有利于强

45、身健体; 运动使大脑休息,学习效果更好; 每天锻炼一小时,幸福生活一辈子注意:1. 词数80100个左右。2. 短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。3. 短文须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐句翻译,可适当加入细节和适当发挥,使短文通顺、连贯。4. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名。参考词汇:the launching ceremony 启动仪式; build up ones body strength 强身健体 more effective 效果更好“Millions of young students nationwide sports sunshine” launched on April 29, 2007 . The teachers and students in our school were organized to


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