人教版八年级下册英语课件 专项训练 句型专训.ppt

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1、 人教版人教版 八年级下八年级下 句型句型专训专训习题链接习题链接题组1提示:点击 进入习题答案呈现12346789105used to haveas soon ashave trouble working outas enjoyable asmost dangerous so thatWhy notHow hardNeither;norhasnt;yet习题链接习题链接题组2答案呈现12346789105ABDAAAAADA1112131415Thanks tothink ofborrowed;fromcome trueso;that习题链接习题链接题组2答案呈现12341617181920

2、5Unless;will/canso;thattake outWhat were you doinggot married tohigher;any othermade;decisionHow cleanhas been awayhas kept;for题组3习题链接习题链接答案呈现12346789105What isNeither of;likesHas;anyHow long;workeddidnt usein the face ofsomething elsebelongs toHave;beenhasnt checked out;yet题组3题组4习题链接习题链接答案呈现6789103

3、50cm tallten kilos oflive up totoo;totwice bigger题组41112131415So farset upget offhad to;because oftaking risks句型专训句型专训一、根据汉语意思完成句子一、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一每空一词词1.这个女孩过去从不吃早饭。The girl never _ _ _ breakfast.used to have句型专训句型专训2.老师一进教室,所有的学生都不说话了。All the students stopped talking _ _ _ the teacher came into the

4、 classroom.as soonas句型专训句型专训3.你认为他们在解决那个难题时会遇到麻烦吗?Do you think they will _ _ _ _ that problem?have troubleworking out句型专训句型专训4.观看沏茶和喝茶一样令人享受。(enjoyable)【2020宜昌】Watching the tea preparation is just _ _ _ drinking the tea itself.as enjoyableas句型专训句型专训5.珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最危险的山脉吗?【2020随州】Is Qomolangma the _ _ mo

5、untain in the world?most dangerous 句型专训句型专训二、按要求完成句子二、按要求完成句子,每空一词每空一词6.I cant hear you well.Please say it louder.(保持句意基本不变)【2020南通】Please say it louder _ _ I can hear you well.so that句型专训句型专训7.Why dont you clean up your room at once?(改为同义句)【2020重庆B卷】_ _ clean up your room at once?Why not句型专训句型专训8.T

6、he volunteer worked hard to get more kids back to school.(改为感叹句)【2020上海】_ _ the volunteer worked to get more kids back to school!How hard句型专训句型专训9.Both you and he have received an invitation to the English party.(改为否定句)【中考乌鲁木齐】_ you _ he has received an invitation to the English party.Neither nor句型专

7、训句型专训10.He has already finished the homework.(改为否定句)He _ finished the homework _.hasnt yet句型专训句型专训一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Did your father use to _ to work?Yes,but now he likes using public transportation.He is used to _ the bus.【中考自贡】A.drive;taking B.driving;takingC.driving;takeA句型专训句型专训2._ with my fathers ha

8、ndwriting,mine is poor.【2020天水】A.Compare B.ComparedC.Comparing D.ComparesB【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“和我父亲的字体相比和我父亲的字体相比,我自愧不如我自愧不如”。compare with意为意为“和和相比较相比较”。由于该句含有。由于该句含有is,且且compare和和mine存在被动关系存在被动关系,故选故选B。句型专训句型专训3.Hi,Maria.You look tired today._?I stayed up late to watch the soccer match.A.How about you B.Wh

9、at should I doC.How are you feeling now D.Whats the matterD【点拨点拨】结合语境结合语境“你今天看上去很疲倦。你今天看上去很疲倦。”可知可知,问问句询问对方句询问对方“怎么了?怎么了?”故选故选D。句型专训句型专训4.He cant swim._.A.Neither can I B.Neither I canC.So can I D.So I canA【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“他不会游泳。他不会游泳。我也不会我也不会”。当前面所说的否定情况也适用于后者时当前面所说的否定情况也适用于后者时,用用“Neither情态动词情态动词/be动词动

10、词/助动词主语助动词主语.”结构。结构。句型专训句型专训5.President Xi encourages all Chinese people to plant trees _ our country can be greener and more beautiful.【2020海南】A.so that B.as long as C.even thoughA【点拨点拨】so that为了为了,以便以便;as long as只要只要;even though 尽管尽管,结合空前的结合空前的“习主席鼓励全体中国人民习主席鼓励全体中国人民种树种树”,其目的就是其目的就是“our country ca

11、n be greener and more beautiful”,故选故选A。句型专训句型专训6.As the worlds population _ becoming _,we have to do something to change the situation.A.is;larger and larger B.are;bigger and biggerC.are;more and more D.is;more and moreA【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“随着世界人口变得越来越大随着世界人口变得越来越大,我们不我们不得不做点事情来改变这一状况得不做点事情来改变这一状况”。populati

12、on意为意为“人口人口”,作主语时谓语动词用单三形式作主语时谓语动词用单三形式;指人口大小指人口大小用用large和和small修饰修饰,故选故选A。句型专训句型专训7.The book is _ interesting _ I cant put it down.A.so;that B.such;thatC.too;to D.very;thatA【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“这本书是如此有趣这本书是如此有趣,以至于我舍不得以至于我舍不得放下它放下它”。“sothat如此如此以至于以至于”,so修饰修饰形容词或副词形容词或副词,故选故选A。句型专训句型专训8.The math problem is

13、so hard.I really dont know _.A.how to do it B.how to doC.what to do it D.to do whatA【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“这道数学题太难了。我确实不知道这道数学题太难了。我确实不知道怎么做它怎么做它”。how to do it,表示表示“怎么做它怎么做它”,故选故选A。句型专训句型专训9._ is really hard _ them to climb such a high mountain.A.This;to B.It;to C.This;for D.It;forD【点拨点拨】It is 形容词形容词 for sb.t

14、o do sth.是固定句型。是固定句型。It是形式主语是形式主语,真正的主语是真正的主语是“to do结构结构”。故选。故选D。句型专训句型专训10.Could you please help me look after my pet dog?I will be away for about two weeks._!I will take good care of it.【2020广元】A.With pleasure B.You are kiddingC.No wayA句型专训句型专训二、同义句转换二、同义句转换,每空一词每空一词11.Because of your help,I can g

15、et to the airport before the plane takes off._ _ your help,I can get to the airport before the plane takes off.Thanks to句型专训句型专训12.How do you like the afterschool class?What do you _ _ the afterschool class?think of句型专训句型专训13.I lent the bike to Sam a few days ago.(改为同义句)【2020黔南】Sam _ the bike _ me a

16、 few days ago.borrowed from句型专训句型专训14.We believe we will achieve our dreams in the future.【中考渝北】We believe our dreams will _ _ in the e true句型专训句型专训15.My sister isnt old enough to dress herself.【中考绥化】My sister is _ young _ she cant dress herself.so that句型专训句型专训16.Qomolangma is the highest mountain i

17、n the world.Qomolangma is _ than _ _ mountain in the world.higher any other句型专训句型专训17.Mr.Black decided to send his son to China.Mr.Black _ a _ to send his son to China.made decision句型专训句型专训18.What a clean classroom it is!(改为感叹句)【2020黔西南州】_ _ the classroom is!How clean句型专训句型专训19.Mr.Zhang left home te

18、n years ago.Mr.Zhang _ _ _ from home for ten years.has been away句型专训句型专训20.Mr.Brown borrowed the science book two days ago.Mr.Brown _ _ the science book _ two days.has keptfor句型专训句型专训根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词每空一词1.除非明天下雨,否则我们会准时到达。_ it rains,we _ arrive on time tomorrow.Unless will/can句型专训句型专训2.这个小孩

19、是如此矮,以至于他够不到桌上的苹果。The kid is _ short _ he cant reach the apple on the table.so that句型专训句型专训3.能请你把垃圾倒了吗?当然可以。Could you please _ _ the rubbish?Sure.take out句型专训句型专训4.昨晚九点你在做什么呢?【2020丹东】_ _ _ _ at nine oclock last night?What were you doing句型专训句型专训5.我姑姑嫁给了一个警察。My aunt _ _ _ a policeman.got married to句型专

20、训句型专训6.我们应该学会怎样面对困难。We should learn how to be _ _ _ _ the difficulty.in theface of句型专训句型专训7.你还想要其他的什么东西吗?Would you like _ _?something else句型专训句型专训8.这个岛屿属于中国。This island _ _ China.belongs to句型专训句型专训9.你曾经去过那家鞋店吗?_ you ever _ to the shoe store?Have been句型专训句型专训10.他还没有检查这个相机。He _ _ _ the camera _.hasnt

21、checked outyet句型专训句型专训一、按要求完成句子一、按要求完成句子,每空一词每空一词1.The population of Chongqing is over 30 million.(对画线部分提问)【中考渝北】_ _ the population of Chongqing?What is句型专训句型专训2.She doesnt like the story.Her sister doesnt like the story,either.(合并为一句)_ _ the sisters _ the story.Neither of likes句型专训句型专训3.Li Ziqi has

22、 made some excellent videos about Chinese culture.(改为一般疑问句)【2020天水】_ Li Ziqi made _ excellent videos about Chinese culture?Has any句型专训句型专训4.She has worked in this school for five years.(对画线部分提问)_ _ has she _ in this school?How long worked句型专训句型专训5.Mudanjiang used to be a small town.(改为否定句)【2020牡丹江】M

23、udanjiang _ _ to be a small town.didnt use句型专训句型专训二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词每空一词6.那头大象大约有350厘米高。The elephant is about _ _.350cm tall句型专训句型专训7.它每天吃十公斤的食物。It eats _ _ _ food a day.ten kilos of句型专训句型专训8.一只大熊猫能够活到20到30岁。A panda can _ _ _ 20 to 30 years.live up to句型专训句型专训9.有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。【2020随州】Som

24、etimes the resolutions may be _ difficult _ keep.tooto句型专训句型专训10.这所学校比那所学校大一倍。This school is _ _ than that one.twice bigger句型专训句型专训11.到目前为止,我们已经为考试做好了准备。【中考西宁】_ _,we have been ready for the exam.So far句型专训句型专训12.他们已经决定成立一个帮助留守儿童的团体。【中考达州】They have decided to _ _ a group to help the stayathome children.set up句型专训句型专训13.下一站我得下车了。【中考天津】I have to _ _ the bus at the next stop.get off句型专训句型专训14.因为太多的工作,昨天晚上我妈妈不得不熬夜。【中考淮安】Last night,my mother _ _ stay up _ _ too much work.had tobecause of句型专训句型专训15.作为一名探险者,林涛习惯于冒险。【2019通辽】As an explorer,Lin Tao is used to _ _.takingrisks


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