人教版九年级下册英语课件 专项训练 句型专训.ppt

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1、 专项训练专项训练句型专训句型专训 人教版人教版 九年级下九年级下习题链接习题链接1D2C3D4D678910BBBDC一提示:点击 进入习题5B答案呈现1112131415BBBCC1617181920DCCCC习题链接习题链接答案呈现12345born withpassed bymakes mistakes inremind me ofcommunicate with678910deal within publicin personTheres no doubtall of a sudden二习题链接习题链接答案呈现1112131415by mistakenot only;but also

2、used to talk backfrom time to timeknown for1617181920have a pointkeep;away fromby accidenttake placemust belong to二习题链接习题链接答案呈现2122232425Whose;cant besing along withWhat kind of moviesin totalIn that case二习题链接习题链接答案呈现12345How longWhat atoo;towhen towas cured678910Why wasinstead ofborrowed;fromDid;pu

3、tNeither of三习题链接习题链接答案呈现1112131415How didhasnt;yetso;that;cantHow importantwhether;celebrates1617181920dont think;is how toWhy not havedidnt use toare watered三习题链接习题链接答案呈现2122232425were sentcan be kept that/which areprefers;towho is三习题链接习题链接答案呈现12345They have been good friends since primary school.N

4、othing can prevent/stop/keep us from realizing our dreams.It is good for health and study to exercise for an hour every day.Thank you for offering us so many interesting books.He had no choice but to depend on himself at that time.四习题链接习题链接答案呈现678910All the classrooms were cleaned yesterday.What kin

5、d of animal(s)is the heaviest/What animals are the heaviest on land?Mom told/asked him to wash(let/made him wash)his hands clean and then have lunch.Look,what a beautiful dress(skirt)/How beautiful a dress(skirt)she has bought!Can you tell me how many players/members there are on a soccer team?四习题链接

6、习题链接答案呈现1112131415My father often advises me to read more educational books.We all should play a part in keeping our school clean.Its very important to learn a foreign language.You should give up smoking now.Compared with Fetion,WeChat is more popular now.四句型专训句型专训一、单项一、单项选择选择1.Do you know _ a 5-day

7、 trip to Hong Kong costs?I guess its about¥4,000.A.how fast B.how longC.how soon D.how muchD句型专训句型专训2._ do you like pandas?Because they are very cute.A.What B.Who C.Why D.WhereC句型专训句型专训3.Can anyone suggest _ to go for lunch?A.why B.what C.who D.whereD句型专训句型专训4.Millie,_ do you take the course in DIY?

8、Every Saturday afternoon.A.how long B.how farC.how much D.how oftenD句型专训句型专训5.Are you _ your sister?No,Im friendlier.A.friendly than B.as friendly asC.as friendlier as D.friendlier thanB句型专训句型专训6.Talent shows are getting _.A.more popular and more B.more and more popularC.more popular and more popula

9、rD.the more popular,the more popularB句型专训句型专训7.We all look forward to _ you again soon.【2018宜宾】A.see B.seeing C.seenB句型专训句型专训8.What _ when you grow up?Im going to be a computer programmer.A.do you want B.are you going to beC.will you want D.did you want to beB句型专训句型专训9.You dont look well._ with you?

10、I have a fever and cant stop coughing.A.Whats happening B.What is itC.Whats on D.Whats the matterD句型专训句型专训10.Aamir Khan played the part of a great father in the movie The Tale of Fatherly Love._ excellent actor he is!A.What B.What a C.What an D.HowC句型专训句型专训11.Lucy,look at the stars in the sky.【2019哈

11、尔滨】_!A.What bright it is B.How bright they areC.What bright they areB句型专训句型专训12._ on the grass.Its a rule of the park.【2019青海】A.Step B.Dont step C.To stepB句型专训句型专训13._ more books,and you will improve your reading skills.【2019桂林】A.Reading B.Read C.ReadsB句型专训句型专训14.Daddy,_ will you buy me a bendable p

12、hone(折叠手机)?Oh,perhaps in a few months.【2019铁岭】A.how long B.how farC.how soon D.how oftenC句型专训句型专训15.There is nothing left in the fridge,_?【2019天水】_.Lets go to the supermarket to buy some.A.is there;Yes B.isnt there;YesC.is there;No D.isnt there;NoC句型专训句型专训16._ 【2019武威、白银】At least three times.A.How m

13、uch do you pay for Treasure Island?B.How often have you read Treasure Island?C.How long does it take you to finish reading Treasure Island?D.How many times have you read Treasure Island?D句型专训句型专训17._ a big clock on the wall?【2019青海】Yes,but it was broken in the earthquake.A.Have you got B.Did you hav

14、eC.Was thereC句型专训句型专训18.Wang Bin has never stopped smoking,_ he?【2019安顺】_,he hasnt.Although his wife always advises him not to.A.has;Yes B.hasnt;YesC.has;No D.hasnt;NoC句型专训句型专训19.Time is limited!Youd better _ your time any more.【2019广西桂林】A.not to waste B.wasteC.not wasteC句型专训句型专训20.Excuse me,could y

15、ou tell me _ to get to a nearby bank?Go along this street and you will see a bank.【2019德阳】A.why B.where C.how D.whenC句型专训句型专训二、根据汉语提示完成二、根据汉语提示完成句子句子1.每个人天生具有学习的能力。Everybody is _ _ the ability to learn.born with句型专训句型专训2.他经过超市的时候,进去买了一些食物。When he _ _ the supermarket,he went inside and bought some fo

16、od.passed by句型专训句型专训3.他经常在语法方面犯错。He often _ _ _ grammar.makes mistakes in句型专训句型专训4.这些照片使我想起了我的父母。These photos _ _ _ my parents.remind me of句型专训句型专训5.他不知道怎样和他的父母沟通。He doesnt know how to _ _ his municate with句型专训句型专训6.她开始跳舞以应对她的超重问题。She took up dancing to _ her overweight problem.7.请不要在公共场合吸烟。Please d

17、ont smoke _ _.deal within public句型专训句型专训8.经理亲自和小王谈了话,希望他能留下来。The manager talked with Xiaowang _ _ and wished him to stay.9.毫无疑问,小强是我们班学习最用功的学生。_ _ _ that Xiaoqiang is the most hard-working student in our class.inTheres no doubtperson句型专训句型专训10.那辆卡车突然冲进了河里。The truck ran into the river _ _ _ _.all ofa

18、 sudden句型专训句型专训11.李先生在餐馆吃完饭后错拿了别人的伞。Mr.Li took somebody elses umbrella _ _ after eating in the restaurant.12.走路去上班不但减少空气污染,而且有助于我们保持健康。Walking to work _ _ cuts down air pollution,_ _ helps to keep us healthy.by mistakenot onlybut also句型专训句型专训13.那个男孩子过去常常和妈妈顶嘴,但现在不了。The boy _ _ _ _ to his mom,but now

19、 he doesnt.used to talk back句型专训句型专训14.她时不时地去乡下看望她的爷爷奶奶。She goes to the countryside to visit her grandparents _ _ _ _.15.潍坊因其风筝而出名。Weifang is _ _ its kites.from time to timeknown for句型专训句型专训16.孔子的话总是很有道理。Confucius words always _ _ _.17.请让孩子们远离火。Please _ the children _ _ the fire.have akeep away from

20、point句型专训句型专训18.前几天我偶然遇到了我的小学老师。I met my primary school teacher _ _ several days ago.19.运动会将在三天后召开。The sports meeting will _ _ in three days.by accidenttake place句型专训句型专训20.这本书一定是莉莉的,因为她非常喜欢读书。The book _ _ _ Lily because she likes reading very much.must belong to句型专训句型专训21.这是谁的书包?我不确定,但它不可能是迈克的。_ sc

21、hoolbag is this?Im not sure.But it _ _ Mikes.Whosecant be句型专训句型专训22.我更喜欢能够跟着一起唱的音乐。I prefer music that I can _ _ _.23.你喜欢什么种类的电影?_ _ _ _ do you like?sing along withWhat kind of movies句型专训句型专训24.总共有10个学生被选中去香港游学。Ten students _ _ are chosen to be on the study tour in Hong Kong.25.既然那样,我将让别人和我去。_ _ _,I

22、ll ask somebody else to go with me.in totalIn that case句型专训句型专训三、按要求完成三、按要求完成句子句子1.It took them five days to complete the difficult task.(对画线部分提问)【2019江苏南通】_ _ did it take them to complete the difficult task?How long句型专训句型专训2.The girl gave a rather wonderful speech last Friday.(改为感叹句)【2019江苏南通】_ _ w

23、onderful speech the girl gave last Friday!What a句型专训句型专训3.The students in our school are polite.They never push in before others.(合并为一句)【2019江苏南通】The students in our school are _ polite _ push in before others.tooto句型专训句型专训4.Suzy didnt know when she would take a boat trip on the lake.(改为同义句)【2019江苏南

24、通】Suzy didnt know _ _ take a boat trip on the lake.when to句型专训句型专训5.Dr.Ma cured the old mans serious eye problem two months ago.(改为被动语态)The old mans serious eye problem _ _ by Dr.Ma two months ago.【2019江苏南通】wascured句型专训句型专训6.Sara was late for school because of the heavy rain.(对画线部分提问)【2019重庆B卷】_ _ S

25、ara late for school?Why was句型专训句型专训7.Youd better go to different clubs.Dont stay in the classroom.(改为同义句)【2019重庆B卷】Youd better go to different clubs _ _ staying in the classroom.insteadof句型专训句型专训8.I lent the book to Gina a few days ago.(改为同义句)【2019重庆A卷】Gina _ the book _ me a few days ago.borrowed fr

26、om句型专训句型专训9.She put the keys on the table yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)【2019新疆】_ she _ the keys on the table yesterday?Did put句型专训句型专训10.Both of us do the dishes on Friday.(改为否定句)_ _ us does the dishes on Friday.Neither of句型专训句型专训11.My sister learned English by watching English movies in the past.(对画线部分提问)_ _

27、your sister learn English in the past?How did句型专训句型专训12.Jack has already eaten breakfast.(改为否定句)Jack _ eaten breakfast _.hasnt yet句型专训句型专训13.The math problem is too difficult for me to work out.(改为同义句)The math problem is _ difficult _ I _ work it out.so that cant句型专训句型专训14.Its important news.(改为感叹句)

28、_ _ the news is!How important句型专训句型专训15.Does he celebrate New Year with his friends?(用I wonder改写成含有宾语从句的复合句)I wonder _ he _ New Year with his friends.whether celebrates句型专训句型专训16.We think she is fit for the job.(改为否定句)We _ _ she _ fit for the job.dont think is 句型专训句型专训17.Could you please tell me how

29、 I can get to the train station?(改为同义句)Could you please tell me _ _ get to the train station?how to句型专训句型专训18.Why dont you have a picnic with your friends?(改为同义句)_ _ _ a picnic with your friends?Why not have句型专训句型专训19.They used to ride bikes to school.(改为否定句)They _ _ _ ride bikes to school.didnt use

30、 to句型专训句型专训20.He waters flowers every day.(改为被动语态)Flowers _ _ by him every day.are watered句型专训句型专训21.They sent those videos to the poor children.(改为被动语态)Those videos _ _ to the poor children by them.were sent句型专训句型专训22.You can keep these books for two weeks.(改为被动语态)These books _ _ _ for two weeks.ca

31、n be kept 句型专训句型专训23.My sister likes the songs.The songs are gentle.(改为含定语从句的复合句)My sister likes the songs _ _ gentle.that/which are句型专训句型专训24.My mother likes noodles better than rice.(改为同义句)My mother _ noodles _ rice.prefers to句型专训句型专训25.My father doesnt know the boy under the tree.(改为含定语从句的复合句)My

32、father doesnt know the boy _ _ under the tree.who is句型专训句型专训四、将下列句子翻译成英语。四、将下列句子翻译成英语。1.他们从小学起就一直是好朋友。【2019扬州】_They have been good friends since primary school.句型专训句型专训2.没有什么能阻止我们实现梦想。【2019扬州】_Nothing can prevent/stop/keep us from realizing our dreams.句型专训句型专训3.每天锻炼一小时对健康和学习都有好处。【2019扬州】_It is good

33、for health and study to exercise for an hour every day.句型专训句型专训4.谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有趣的书籍。【2019扬州】_Thank you for offering us so many interesting books.句型专训句型专训5.在那个时候,他别无选择,只能依靠自己。【2019扬州】_He had no choice but to depend on himself at that time.句型专训句型专训6.所有的教室昨天都被打扫了一遍。【2019威海】_All the classrooms were clean

34、ed yesterday.句型专训句型专训7.陆地上什么动物最重?【2019威海】_What kind of animal(s)is the heaviest/What animals are the heaviest on land?句型专训句型专训8.妈妈让他把手洗干净再吃午饭。【2019威海】_Mom told/asked him to wash(let/made him wash)his hands clean and then have lunch.句型专训句型专训9.看,她买了条多么漂亮的裙子呀!【2019威海】_Look,what a beautiful dress(skirt)

35、/How beautiful a dress(skirt)she has bought!句型专训句型专训10.你能告诉我一支足球队有几个队员吗?【2019威海】_Can you tell me how many players/members there are on a soccer team?句型专训句型专训11.父亲经常建议我多读有教育意义的书。(advise to)【2019滨州】_My father often advises me to read more educational books.句型专训句型专训12.我们都应该为保持我们学校干净尽一份力。(play a part in

36、)【2019滨州】_We all should play a part in keeping our school clean.句型专训句型专训13.学习一门外语是非常重要的。(Its to)【2019滨州】_Its very important to learn a foreign language.句型专训句型专训14.你现在应该戒烟了。(give up)_You should give up smoking now.句型专训句型专训15.与飞信(Fetion)相比,现在微信(WeChat)更受欢迎。(compared with)_Compared with Fetion,WeChat is more popular now.


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