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《马克思地租理论在我国农地流转中的应用研究_齐金怡.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《马克思地租理论在我国农地流转中的应用研究_齐金怡.docx(73页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下, 独立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文 不包含其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究 做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的 法律责任由本人承担。 论 文 作 者 签 名 : 日 期 : ,、 b 关于学位论文使用权的说明 本人完全了解太原理工大学有关保管、使用学位论文的规定,其 中包括: 学校有权保管、并向有关部门送交学位论文的原件与复印 件; 学校可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段复制并保存学位论文 ; 学校可允许学位论文被查阅或借阅; 学校可以学术交流为目的, 复制赠送

2、和交换学位论文; 学校可以公布学位论文的全部或部分内 容(保密学位论文在解密后遵守此规定)。 签 名 : 老 会 以 日 期 : . 丨 导师签名 : r 日期: 6. / 太原理工大学硕士研宄生学位论文 I 马克思地租理论在我国农地流转中的应用研究 摘要 人多地少是中国的一项基本国情,如何 保障我国的粮食安全 ,提高 农 户的收入,缩小 城乡差距一直是各级政府农村工作的重点之一 。因农 业 相 较于其他行业而言收入过低,农户 越来越倾向于外出务工,致使 农村耕 地 大量撂荒。为了 使想种地的农户有更多的地可耕 ,使农 业向集约化规模 化 发展,提高 耕地的利用效率,提高 农户的财产性收益,需

3、要 农村土地的 流 转。 现阶段,我国 农村由于各种因素 ,致使 土地流转大多是农户的自发 性 行为,政府 未起到合理的组织作用,流转 行为多存在各种合法或非法的 形 式,流转 程序亦不规范 ,所以 ,我国 的行政力量必须参与到农地流转的 过 太原理工大学硕士研宄生学位论文 模经营。 ” 1 为农地流转的深化提供政策依据。 本文采取文献研究法与实证分析法,将理 论与实践相结合,以山 西 省 运城市为例 ,通过 对调查得来的数据进行分析 ,总结 当前农地流转中存 在 的问题,同时 ,本文 以马克思地租理论为指导,探索 构建农村土地良性 流 转机制。本文 共由六部分构成。第一 章简要介绍本论文的选

4、题背景,释 明 本文的研宄目的 ,本文 的研宄意义及使用的研宄方法,最后 写到文章的 创 新 之处 。第二 章,主要 介绍农村土地流转的理论基础,明确 马克思地租理 论 的内容,包括其形成和发展、内涵及形式。其次,明确马克思地租理论 对 我国农村土地流转的指导作用 ,具体 讲述马克思地租理论对我国农村土 地 流转的理论指导意义。第三 章主要以实证分析的方法,论述 农地流转的 制 度性发展 。主要 对山西省运城市的农地流转情况进行数据采集,并进 行 数 1刘德炳,姚冬琴 .让农民捧上金饭碗 J.中国经济周刊, 2013-11-25. 太原理工大学硕士研宄生学位论文 III 农地流转工作的开展有些

5、许贡献。 关键词:农村土地,农地流转, 马克思地租理论 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 MARXIST LAND RENT THEORY APPLICATION IN FARMLAND CIRCULATION RESEARCH ABSTRACT People much less is one of Chinas basic national conditions, how to guarantee the food security, increase farmers income, narrow the gap between urban and rnral areas has been t

6、he focus among the governments at various levels of rural work. Due to agricultural compared with other industry income is too low, farmers increasingly tend to migrant workers, the rural farmland abandoned a lot. This paper examples of datong city, Shanxi Province compared with other areas in China

7、 is particularly prominent contradiction between human and land. In order to make the think arable farming farmers have more, make be better land use of abandoned coal mine workers, improve the use efficiency of cultivated land, increase the farmers property income, need the transfer of rural land.

8、At present, the land circulation is mainly the government guided farmers spontaneous behavior, form is more, the program is more disorderly, therefore, be badly in need of government scientific guidance. Land circulation problem 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 has caused the perty circulation commrtee and stare cir

9、culation atteches great importance to, the third plenary session of the eighteenth through the about comprehensively deepen reform certain major issue decision is regarded as a new round of the political declaration of rural reform of the system, the decision points out: adhere to the rural collecti

10、ve land ownership, in accordance with the law, safeguard farmers right to the contracted management of land, rounding out the top three participation motivation is to increase employment opportunities, rich life, cultivating comprehensive ability. At present, there are a lot of students to take part

11、 in the work-study activities motivation is not clear, some students participate in blindly, not for their own work and study life to make a reasonable arrangement, make their own academic and work-study job often conflict between, cause delayed their studies; Some students jump in, there is no real

12、 will be absorbed in work, often half-hearted work, finally wasted opportunities to exercise yourself; Some students the wrong view of work-study job, equating work-study job simply to make money; Some students give up at random to participate in work-study opportunities, some of the poor college st

13、udents have priority to participate in work-study job opportunity, but because of the face, afraid of other people look down upon, on the grounds that the delay academic casually turned down the opportunity to exercise, xiao-dong zhu, others. University work-study function analysis and effectiveness

14、 concept study . Journal of jiangxi agricultural university (social science edition), these are the wrong understanding of college work-study job, especially those who think VI 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 delay academic, afraid of being looked down upon and no economic pressure to take part in work-study To pro

15、vide policy basis for the deepening of rural land circulation. This article through extensive literature data and field investigation, using the method of combining theory with practice in datong city, Shanxi Province as an example , the problem of rural land circulation were studied , especially by

16、 marxist land rent theory, this paper deeply analyses the existing problems, trying to get in the way of land circulation, provide theoretical reference for realizing the benign circulation of rural land. The full text of a total of five parts. The first part, introduction, briefly introduced the pa

17、per selected topic background, this paper expounds the purpose of this study, the methads and possble innocation placw. The secand part, the summary of Marxs land rent theory, this chapter mainly introduces the theoretical foundation of the rural land circulation, clear the contents of marxist land

18、rent theory, including its formation and development, connotation and forms. Second, clear marxist land rent theory and the relationship of mral land circulation in our country, specific about marxist land rent theory guiding significance to our country mral land circulation theory. The third part,

19、mainly discusses the empirical analysis of the development of the rural land circulation system. Of mral land circulation situation of datong city, Shanxi Province for data acquisition, and data analysis, the land circulation situation of intuitive display. Through the analysis of survey data, can k

20、now about the following several aspects of the conditions in real: first, the VII 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 understanding of the present situation of the mral land circulation of datong city; Second, farmers awareness of land circulation system; Third, the implementation of government function in the process

21、of land circulation; Fourth, the protection of the rights and interests of farmers to participate in land circulation. The fourth part is analyzing the problem of rural land circulation in our country. And in view of the problems, explore the reasons for these problems, speed up the rural land circu

22、lation policy Suggestions for the next step to provide important basis. The fifth part, the countermeasure and the suggestion of perfecting our countrys rural land circulation. From the perspective of marxist land rent theory through three sides facing the rural land circulation problems to take cou

23、ntermeasures, puts forward some Suggestions of accelerating rural land circulation in Shanxi Province. Including further clarity rural land property rights, establishing and perfecting the land circulation price mechanism, establish a multi-level farmers interests security system. KEY WORDS: the rur

24、al land, land circulation, Marxs land rent theory VIII 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 目录 _ M . I ABSTRACT . V . IX 胃会者 i 仑 . 1 1.1 选题背景 . 1 1.2 国内外研宄现状 . 2 1.2.1 国内研宄动态 . 2 1.2.2 国外研宄动态 . 3 1. 3 研宄方法 . 4 1.4 研宄意义 . 4 1. 5 农地流转概念界定 . 5 1. 5. 1 农地流转的概念 . 5 1.5.2 农地流转的特点 . 5 1. 5. 3 农地流转的意义 . 6 第二章马克思地租理论概述 . 9 2. 1

25、马克思地租理论的产生及形成 . 9 2. 2 马克思地租理论的内涵及实质 . 10 2. 2. 1 地租是土地所有权的实现 . 10 2. 2. 2 地租是土地使用权和所有权相分离的产物 . 11 2. 2. 3 地租是超额利润的转化形式 . 11 2. 3 地租分类 . 12 2. 3. 1 绝对地租 . 12 2. 3. 2 级差地租 . 12 2. 4 马克思地租理论对我国农村土地流转的指导 . 13 2. 5 本章小结 . 14 第三章我国农村土地流转的实证分析 .15 IX 太原理工大学硕士研宄生学位论文 3. 1 调查研究方法 . 15 3. 1.1 调查研究形式 . 15 3.

26、1_2 问卷调查设置 . 16 3. 2 运城地区农地流转现状分析 . 18 3. 2.1 农地流转后经营主体 . 18 3. 2.2 农地规模经营状况 . 19 3. 2.3 农地流转的方式 . 20 3. 2.4 农地流转期限 . 20 3. 2.5 农地流转后的用途 . 21 3. 3 农户对农地流转的认识状况 . 22 3. 3. 1 农户对农地权属认识状况 . 22 3. 3. 2 农户未参加农地流转的原因 . 23 3. 3. 3 农户对政府农地流转工作的满意度 . 23 3. 4 农地流转权益保护状况 . 24 3. 4. 1 发生纠纷类型及解决方式 . 24 3. 4. 2 农

27、户对法律的熟悉程度 . 25 3. 5 问卷调查结果分析 . 25 3. 6 本章小结 . 26 第四章我国农地流转存在的问题 .29 4. 1 对农村土地权属认识有偏差 . 29 4_ 2 农村土地流转条件不成熟 . 30 4. 2. 1 地块零散,农地流转难以形成规模 . 30 4. 2. 2 法律对农村土地流转限制较为严格 . 30 4. 2. 3 未建立农村土地流转价格机制 . 31 4. 2. 4 农村土地流转利益分配机制不健全 . 31 4. 2. 5 社会保障供给不足 . 32 4. 3 农户土地权益缺乏制度保障 . 33 4. 3_ 1 行政权力行使不当 . 33 4. 3. 2 农户主人翁意识不强 . 34 太原理工大学硕士研宄生学位论文 4. 3_ 3 实践操作不规范 . 34 4. 4 本章小结 . 35 第五章完善我国农地流转的对策 .


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