2022年江苏省无锡市滨湖区届九级上学期期中考试英语试题 .docx

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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 无锡市滨湖区 2022-2022 学年第一学期期中考试 初三英语试卷 2022.11 一、 听力测试 (本大题共第一卷 (客观题共 70 分)20 分,每道题1 分)第一节 (共 10 小题)听下面 10 段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A 、B、C 三个选项中选出正确选项;听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题;每段对话读两遍;听第 1 至 10 段材料,回答第 1 至 10 题;1. Which charity are they talking about. A. B. C. 2.What is Susa

2、n s star sign . A. B. C. 3. What does the man like doing better after supper. A. B. C. 4.What sport are they doing. A. B. C. 5. Who needs to calm down. A. Eve.B. Millie. C. Frank. 6. How much does a ticket cost. A. $320.B. $160.C.$230. 7. Where is the bank. A. In front of a big market. B. Past a big

3、 market. C. Behind the post office. 8. What is Tony going to do tonight. A. Work on the Maths problems. - 1 - / 11 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - B. Enjoy an evening party. C. Visit his grandparents. 9. Who was Helen Keller. A. An American writer. B. A blind dancer. C. A fa

4、mous actress. 10. What did Jim do last weekend. A. He flew to another country. B. He had a picnic in the country. C. He had a lot of fun at home. 其次节 (共 10 小题)听下面 3 段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A 、B、 C 三个选项中选出正确选项;听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每道题6 秒钟,听完后,每道题将给出6秒钟的作答时间;每段对话和短文读两遍;听第 11 段材料,回答第 11、12 题;11. What

5、 can we learn about Bolt. A. He is a famous running star. B. He is a famous singer. C. He is a kind swimming star. 12. Why does Nick think Bolt is kind. A. Because he often helps the children in poor areas. B. Because he often helps old people. C. Because he teaches Nick to run fast. 听第 12 段材料,回答第 1

6、315 小题;请依据短文内容,挑选正确答案,完成信息记录表;Name:Lucy Age: Twelve Birthplace: 13 Living place: China School name:No.5 Secondary School Class: 14 Hobbies: Walking, drawing, swimming Appearance: wear glasses, 15 13. A. England B. The USAC. France 14.A. Class 7, Grade 8 B. Class 6, Grade 8 C. Class 6, Grade 7 15. A.

7、 tall and strong B. slim and tall C. slim and strong 听第 13 段材料,回答第 16 至 20 题;16. What happens to Jack one day. A.He feels ill.B.A car hits him. C. His ball is missing. Jack s problem.17. What is A.He can t get to sleep. B. He cant sleep well. C. He cant wake up.hospital. 18. Who brings Cody to the A

8、. Jacks parents. B. The doctor.C. Jack himself. 19. Who wakes up Jack at last. A. His father. B. The doctor.C. His dog. 20. How long does Jack stay in hospital . - 2 - / 11 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - A. Seven days. B. Seven weeks. C. Seven months. 二、单项填空 在 A、 B、C、D 四个选项

9、中 , 选出可以填入空白处的正确选项;(本大题共14 分,每道题1 分)21. Where were you yesterday. I felt something wrong my leg, so I went to hospital for X-ray. A. in ; aB. at; anC.with ; anD. on; the 22. LiNa is a great player that many people are proud her. A. so, of B. such, for C. such, ofD. so ; at 23. Why did you vote for M

10、aggie. Because she is very _ and she always shares things with others. A. generous B. practical C. active D. energetic 24. Her parents used to in the beautiful countryside, but now they have to get used to in A. live ; live B. living ; live C. live ; living D. living ; living thecity. 25.One of the

11、twin brothers is training _ the sports meeting.However, the other is training a doctor. A. for ; as B. as; for C. for ; forD. as; as 26. How often _ the fashion show _. Once a year. A. does; holdB. is ; taken placeC. is; hold D. does; take place 27.The two kinds of crabs look _, but in fact they are

12、 not the _. A. same; same B. similar ; same C. similar ; similar D. same;similar 28.The doctor asked the boy to _ playing computer games to protect his eyes. A. give away B. give up C. give inD. give out 29. Mr Bean is _to make people _ at all times. A. enough funny ; laugh B. funny enough ; laugh C

13、. enough funny ; to laugh D. funny enough ; to laugh 30. When Kate shouted at Jim , Jim also got . A. angry ; angrily B. angry; angry C. angrily ; angrily D. angrily ; angry 31.Could you please tell Peter that I want to talk to him. Sure, I will let him know as soon as he back. A.comes B.came C.has

14、come D.will come 32. Sir, $1000 for this camera, right. I m afraid $1100, sir , for the memory card is _. A. extra B. free C. high D. spare 33. Jack has problems_ Chinese so he often asks me _ help A. to understand; with B. understanding ; of C. to understand; toD. understanding ; for 34. Would you

15、mind me _ here. _. Let me take my clothes away. - 3 - / 11 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - A. to sit ; Go ahead B. sitting ; Not at all C. to sit ; Yes, please D. sitting ; Better not 三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,把握其大意, 然 后从下面四个答案中挑选可以填入相应空白处的正确答案;(本大题共10 分,每道题1 分)Daniel was a famous pho

16、tographer 摄影师 . He traveled all over the world, taking pictures for magazines and newspapers, and won many prizes 奖项 . “I ll do 35 to get a good photo,” he said. His twife often asked him to take her with him, but he never did that.“ I ll travel for my work, not for 36 , ” he told her, “You won t en

17、joy yourself, and I won 37 to look after you. Sometimes theres not even anywhere to 38 , and I have to sleep outside. You wonDaniel , I t like it.m not a child,” his wife didn39 , “I can look after myself. Please take me with you the next time you go abroad. ”Daniel did not say anything, but he 40 a

18、bout it, and when he was asked to go to Africa, he said to his wife, “You can come to Africa with me if you want to. Ill go to take photos of wild 41 there. It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable.” His wife was very 42 .When they got to Africa, the first day she had a very happy time. Th

19、e next day Daniel went out to find some lions to photo. His wife went with him, but soon they became separated 分开 . She walked down one path while he walked down the other. Suddenly, Daniel heard her 43 . He ran back and saw her running toward him. A huge lion was chasing her.Quickly Daniel took his

20、 camera out of its bag and pointed it at his wife and the lion. Then he shouted, 44 , woman. I can t get you both in the picture.”35. Aanything B nothing C whatD that 36. AmoneyBprize CfunD luck 37. AabilityB time C interest D money 38. Ameet Bwork C shop Dstay 39. Aagree B understand CanswerDexplai

21、n 40. Aworried B forgot C asked D thought 41. Aland B flowers C animals D people 42. ArelaxedBexcited C surprised Dinterested 43. Asinging B crying C laughing D cheering 44.A Hurry up B Look out C Slow downD Go ahead 四、阅读懂得 阅读下面的短文,然后依据短文内容挑选正确答案;(本大题共26 分,每道题2 分)A John is a twelve-year-old boy. He

22、had a bad cold and coughed 咳嗽 day and night. He went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine. Cough Medicine Shake it well before use. Take it three times each day before meals. Age Dose 药量 / Each time over 14 2 teaspoonfuls 勺 813 1 teaspoonful 47 1/2 teaspoonful - 4 - / 11 名师归纳总结 -

23、 - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Not right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1 st 2022. 45. John should take _ a day. A. 2 teaspoonfuls B. 3 teaspoonfuls C. 4 teaspoonfuls D. 1 teaspoonful 46. The cough medicine cant be taken by _ _.

24、A. a four-year-old childB. a two-year-old child C. a seven-year-old child D. an eight-year-old child 47. John will _ the medicine when it is left after Dec. 1 st, 2022. A. throw away B. stop to take C. take once D. take six times more B To write a great news story, you have to make sure it is correc

25、t, relevant 相关的 and fresh. For a start, all the information in a story must be correct. Not only the spelling and grammar, but also the facts. Any mistakes that appear in a story can get a newspaper into big trouble. For example, if a newspaper said that Yang Liwei was the first man to go into space

26、, it would be wrong. He wasn t the first. The newspaper would probably lose lots of readers because of that mistake.A news story is not only correct ,but also relevant to its readers . People are mostly interested in news that happens near to them. That is why you care more about what happens at you

27、r school than at American schools. It is also why newspapers in Beijing d ont talk about much news in Shanghai or Hong Kong.Finally, news must always be fresh. When you pick up your evening newspaper, you want to read about news that happens that day. You dont want to read about news from last week.

28、 So, now you know what makes a good news story. Have a good look at our newspaper and see if it is full of good news. You can try writing a news story for our newspaper like a real reporter. 48.According to the second paragraph, the correct information in a story includes_ . A . translation and fact

29、s B. spelling and pronunciation C. spelling grammar and facts D. Listening to English more can help you realize your dream. 49. According to the writer, newspapers in Wuxi should talk much about news in _. A. WuxiB. Hong Kong C.Shanghai D. Beijing 50. Which of the following is true. A. A small mista

30、ke cant get a newspaper into trouble. B. A lot of people like reading about news from last week. C. The passage doesnt tell us who was the first man to go into space. D. People are mostly interested in news that happens far away from them. C There are different kinds of dictionaries for English lear

31、ner to choose from today. You can find dictionaries with American English, with British English, with slang, and even with pictures. The most popular dictionaries among many students are talking electronic - 5 - / 11 电子的 dictionaries. All you have to do 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - -

32、 - - - - - is type in a word in your language and you can see it and hear it in English. Thats great, righit s great, too. but only sometimes.Bilingual 双语 electronic dictionaries are fast and easy. They can be great when you are traveling and need information quickly. But I don in many cases. Let me

33、 explain. t like electronic dictionaries and even bilingual paper dictionaries When you reach an intermediate 中级 level of English, you know enough of the language to ask the meaning of certain things while using English. Translating 翻译 between languages in your head takes time. You should be transla

34、ting as little as possible and you should be thinking in English as much as possible. I strongly recommend that intermediate students use an English-English dictionary made especially for your understanding. For example, Longman has a good dictionary for students. Other companies do, too. I also fee

35、l that paper book dictionaries are better for studying than electronic dictionaries. True, they take longer to use. But, for some reason, the information you look up seems to stay in your head longer. It ” more clearly in your mind. may be because you have to spell the word in your head and then “se

36、e it So what do you do if you have checked an English- English dictionary and still dont understand something. Go to your bilingual dictionary. It is useful sometimes. Just remember to try to stay in English as much as possible. 51. The most popular dictionaries among students are _. A. American-Eng

37、lish dictionariesB. dictionaries with pictures C. dictionaries that can talk D. dictionaries of slang 52. What does the writer think is the best way for intermediate students to use a dictionary. A. To take the advantage 优势 of an English-English dictionary. B. To learn more about how an English dict

38、ionary is made. C. To learn more about American English or American slang. D. To make full use of the advantages of all dictionaries. 53. Why does the writerlike paper dictionary better. A. It provides you with so much information. B. It makes you learn English better. C. It seems that you can keep

39、it longer. D. It seems that the information stays in the head longer. D We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn t even lift her eyes from the book. Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down. While I watched with mouth open in surprise, Mum took off h

40、er hat and coat and gave them to me to hold. She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop. She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up, Mum stopped and said,“Very dirty floors. ”“Yes, I m glad they ve finally decided to clean them, ” the nurse answered. She

41、 looked at Mum strangely and said, “ But aren t you working late. ” Mum just pushed harder, each swipe拖一下 of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall. I watched until she was out of sight 视野 and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book. After a long time Mum came back. Her ey

42、es were shining. She quickly put the mop back and took my - 6 - / 11 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - hand. As we turned to go out of the door, Mum bowed 弯腰 politely to the nurse and said, “Thank you.” Outside, Mum told me, “Dagmar is fine. No fever 发热 .” “ You saw her, Mum.”

43、“ Of course. I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. Dad will stop worrying as well. It s a fine hospital. But such floors. A mop is no good. You need a brush. ”54. When she took a mop from the small room what Mum really wanted to do was. A. to clean the floor

44、 B. to please the nurse C. to see a patient D. to surprise the writer 55. After reading the story what can we infer 推断 about the hospital. A. It is a children s hospital. B. It has strict 严格的 rules about visiting hours. C. The conditions there aren t very good. D. The nurses and doctors there don t work hard. 56. From the text we know that Dagmar is most likely_.A. the writer s sister B. Mum s friend C. the writer s classmate D. Dads boss 57. Which of the following words best describes Mum. A. strangeB. warm-hearted C. clever D.


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