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《2022年初中英语代词练习题及详解3.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年初中英语代词练习题及详解3.docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - 代词课堂例题讲解正误辨析误 Toms mother is taller than my. 正 Toms mother is taller than mine. 析 形容词性物主代词可以作定语,也就是讲它可以作形容词,如:my book ,而这句话的意思是:汤姆的妈妈比我的妈妈高;比较的对象是my mother,也就是 mine;误 We have a lot of homework to do today. So we need two or three hours to finish them. 正 We have a lot of ho

2、mework to do today. So we need two or three hours to finish it. 析 在应用代词时, 要留意人称, 格与数的一样性; 这里 it 所代替的是不行数名词 homework , 所以应用 it;误 He and you should go to the library to return the books. 正 You and he should go to the library to return the books. 析这主要是英语习惯上的用法;当两个以上的人称代词并列时其排列次序一般为 you, he, she, I,而复数时

3、为 we, you , they:如男女并列时,应先男后女,如:He and she 假如在表示不好意思,承担责任时,单数时用,I, he, she, you, 复数时用 They, you, we, 如: Tom and I are good friends. You, he and I must go to play the game for our team this afternoon. We, you and they have been there before. I, he and you have to pay for it. 误 He or his brother is do

4、ing their homework. 正 He or his brother is doing his homework. 析由 either or, neither nor, or 连接两个主语时,假如两主语是单数时,用单数代词,如两主语是复数时,用复数代词,如:Either teachers or students want to do their best to help the old man. 如是一单一复两名词时,一般将单数名词放在前,复数名词放在后, 要用复数代词, 如:The teacher or his students will clean their classroom

5、 together. 误 His brother is taller than him. 正 His brother is taller than he. 析 than 是连词,其后应视为省略句,I like you as much as she. 正 I like you as much as her. 析 as as 其后也应看作是省略句;应为 喜爱你;两句语法都是对的但含义不同;误 Myself did it yesterday. 正 I myself did it yesterday. 正 I did it myself yesterday. than he is.所以要留意区分其主格

6、与宾格的用法;as I like her.所以应用宾格;而第一句应译为我像她那样析反身代词不行作主语,但可以用作主语的同位语;误 Take care of ourselves. 正 Take care of yourselves .yourself 析祈始句的主语应看作其次人称 you. 误 Please bring your daughter with yourself. 正 Please bring your daughter with you. 析 反身代词不能作介词宾语,除非是由不及物动词与介词组成的动词短语,如: The old woman spoke to herself. _精品

7、资料_ - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - 误 Make yourself home. 正 Make yourself at home. 析这是英语中的习惯用法,意为“ 像在家里一样”;这样的用法仍有:enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 make yourself at home 像在家中一样help yourself to something 自己拿某物 lost oneself 迷路seat oneself 就坐 dress oneself 穿衣误Whos this speaking.Thats Mary. 正Whos

8、that speaking.This is Mary. 析在电话用语中,this 指讲话人自己,而 that 指对方;误 The days in summer are longer than this in winter. 正 The days in summer are longer than those in winter. 析 在比较句中往往为了防止重复,可以用 that 或 those 取代前面提到的事物,如是单数时用that,复数时用those,如: The weather in Beijing is hotter than that in Chang Chun. 误 It is s

9、o a good book that everyone likes to read. 正 It is such a good book that everyone likes to read. 正 It is so good a book that everyone likes to read. 析在可数名词单数时可用so+形容词 +不定冠词 +名词 +that 从句,也可用such+不定冠词 +形容词+that 从句;在不行数名词或可数名词复数时,只用such, 如: It is such good weather that I want to go swimming. They are s

10、uch good books that I want to buy them all. 在 many, much, few, little 这 4 个词前仅 能用 so,如: She has so much money that she can buy everything she wants.而在 so与 that 之间仅存形容 词时,就不能用 such,如:She is so sweet that everyone likes her. 误 I want to buy a same dictionary as yours. 正 I want to buy the same dictiona

11、ry as yours. 析 same与定冠词 the 是固定搭配不行更换;这样的用法仍有all the same仍旧 ;误I hope she might pass the exam.I dont hope so. 正I hope she might pass the exam.I hope not. 析在作确定回答时,I think so. I hope so. I believe so.但作否定回答时为:I dont think so. I hope/believe not. 误He studied very hard this term. So she did. 正He studied

12、 very hard this term. So did she. 误English is difficult to learn. So is it. 正English is difficult to learn. So it is. 析在对话中假如某一动作同时适用于两个主语,这时在答语中要用缩写且要用倒装句;如第一组句,即 studied hard 既适用于 he,也适用于 she.但答语仅仅是对前句的重复,即仅仅是第一句的缩写时就不要用倒装句;如其次组句子为:英语难学;答语为:是的,难学;这时缩写的答语不要用倒装句;误 Everyone should do ones best. 正 Eve

13、ryone should do his best. 析one 作代词时,它的复数形式是ones,全部格形式是ones,反身代词为oneself.假如讲 One should do ones best.就是对句; 假如 one 与别的词组成其他词, 如: someone, anyone, everyone 或 only one 就要用 his/her,来作其全部格形式;误Who won the game. None. 第 2 页,共 10 页_精品资料_ - - - - - - -_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - 正Who won the game. No one. 析 由

14、who 提问的句子的否定回答中的简略说法是no one,而由 How many 提问的句子的否定回答中的简略语是 None.如: How many books are there. None. 误 There are many trees on either sides of the street. 正 There are many trees on either side of the street. 正 There are many trees on both sides of the street. 析 either 作代词时由两个含意,其一是两者中任凭哪一个,如:You can tak

15、e either.其二是两者中的每一个;但要留意的是 either 后要加单数名词,假如作主语就谓语动词也要用单数形式;误 Either you or I are right. 正 Either you or I am right. 析在 either or,或 neither nor 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词要与和其相近的那个主语相配;误 I have three sisters. Neither of them is a doctor. 正 I have three sisters. None of them is a doctor. 析 neither 用于两者中无一是,而none 就

16、用于多于两者中的人或事物无一是;误 He doesnt like Beijing opera. I dont like too. 正 He doesnt like Beijing opera, I dont like either. 析 either 作为“ 也” 讲时,要用于否定句中,而误 We like both this little boy. 正 We both like this little boy. too 就用于确定句中;析 both 作同位语时,它在句中的位置有:在 be 动词之后,如:We are both students.在实意动词之前, 如:The parents b

17、oth want to go to the cinema. 用于第一助动词之后,如: We have both read these English novels. 使用时要留意以下句子的实际含意:Both of us are not right. 应译为:我们俩不都对;Neither of us is right. 才应译为:我俩都不对;又如:I cant give you both of the books. 意为:两本书我不能全给你,而 I cant give you either of the books. 才为:两本书我全不能给你;误 We each has a ticket for

18、 the concert. 正 We each have a ticket for the concert. 析each 作句子主语时其谓语动词要用单数形式,作同位语时,就应以原名词的数为准;误 Every of us has to pass the exam. 正 Each of us has to pass the exam. 如:Each of us wants to learn English well ,但 each析 every 只可作形容词,不行作代词,而each 既可作形容词,又可作代词,在作形容词时each侧重强调个体,而every 就侧重于全体;误 Everyone of

19、us should do housework two hours a day. 正 Every one of us should do housework two hours a day. 析 everyone 不行与 of 结构相连接使用,而误 I should read English everyday. 正 I should read English every day. every one 就可以这样用;析要留意的是every day 是“ 每天” ,而 everyday 就是形容词为“ 日常的”;如: everyday English日常英语, everyday life 日常生活;

20、误 There are trees on every sides of the street. 正 There are trees on each side of the street. 析 every 用于三者或三者以上的每一个,而each 用于二者或二者以上的每一个;由于街道只有_精品资料_ - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - 两侧,所以只能用 each而不能用 every. 误 All my parents are engineers. 正 Both my parents are engineers. 析 all 用于三

21、者或三者以上的全部,而both 就用于两者的全部;误 All of students might make some mistakes. 正 All of the students might make some mistakes. 正 All students might make some mistakes. 析非特指的名词前可用 all 但不行用 all of 结构,也就是讲 all of 结构后面的名词前肯定要有定冠词;其他与 all 有关的习惯用法仍有:all the year round, all week, all day, all winter 误 The all villag

22、e was flooded. 正 All the village was flooded. 析 all 作修饰语时要用在全部修饰词之前;误 The post office is on other side of the street. 正 The post office is on the other side of the street. 析 单数可数名词如在泛指某一个时用another,而特指时就要用the other,因街道只有两边,而不在这边必定是在另一边,所以要用特指;请参考下表的用法以便于记忆;单数复数作定语作名词泛指another 形容词another 代词 other othe

23、rs 特指 the other 形容词the other 代词 the other the others 误 There are ten students here Where are the others students. 正 There are ten students here.Where are the others. 正 There are ten students here Where are the other students. 析 the others=the other students. 误 The old man has two sons. One is a teac

24、her, another is a doctor. 正 The old man has two sons. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor. 析 another 用于泛指, 如:Is it far from here to the station.-Im sorry. I have no idea. One may say it is quite near; another may say it is far from here. 但在特指时就要用 the other.它可以用作定语,the other one,也可以用作代词 the other

25、,但 the other 用作代词时它的含意肯定是单数;假如指三者或者三者以 上的情形时,就要用 one another the other.或者 one a second the third 误 Some people like sports. The others like reading. 正 Some people like sports. Others like reading. 析在泛指的复数名词前用 some others others 来表示某些人 某些人 某些人 ;误 Please remember to water the flowers each other day. 正

26、 Please remember to water the flowers every other day. 析 every other day 为每隔一天;是习惯用法,不要随便改动;又如:on the other hand 另一方面;误 Many know him , but few likes him. 正 Many know him, but few like him. 析 few 用于可数名词,意为几乎没有,但few 作主语时谓语动词就要用复数形式,而a few 为有_精品资料_ 第 4 页,共 10 页- - - - - - -_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - 一

27、些;误 You have few friends, havent you. 正 You have few friends, have you. 析 little 与 few 用于句中时,均要按否定句看待;误 Much of what you said are true. 正 Much of what you said is true. 析 much 用于不行数名词,作主语时用单数谓语动词;而 数形式的谓语动词;误 This room is enough large for the students to live in. 正 This room is large enough for the

28、students to live in. many 用于可数名词,它作主语时用复析enough 可以用作代词, 如:There is enough of the food. 又如:Enough has been done for the work ,但 enough 仍可以作形容词来修饰名词,这时enough 可以放在名词之前,也可放在名词之后,如:money enough 与 enough money 都是对的;但当 enough 作副词修饰形容词时,就只能置于形容词之 后了;误 I want any books to read. Do you have any. 正 I want some

29、 books to read. Do you have any. 析依据语法any 用于疑问句和否定句,而some 用于确定句;误 Would you like any thing to drink. 正 Would you like something to drink. 析在由 would you like 发出的问句中,表达了说话者真心实意要为对方供应些饮料,或在说话者 想得到对方的确定答复时,在疑问句中要用 some 而不用 any;误 Someone want to meet you. 正 Someone wants to meet you. 析不定代词应被看作单数,即使用and 连

30、接两个不定代词,也要看作单数,如:Anyone and everyone has the right. 任何人,每一个人都有这样的权力;误 New York is much colder in winter than before. 正 It is much colder in New York in winter than before. 析 it 经常用在英文的句子中来代表时间、距离、天气、自然现象,或用在句中作形式主语或宾语,如:It is ten oclock now. 代时间 It is far from here to the airport. 代距离 It is very hot

31、. 代天气 It is very difficult to learn English well. 作形式主语 We found it very difficult to answer the question. 作形式宾语 误 Be careful. Dont drink too many. 正 Be careful. Dont drink too much. 析这里much 所代的应是饮料或水,所以应为不行数名词;第 5 页,共 10 页_精品资料_ - - - - - - -_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - 代词加强练习题1 These are books. Your

32、s are over there. A I B my C me D mine2 is she. She is a teacher. A What B How C Who D Where3is wrong with my watch. It has stopped . A Something, working B Something, to work C Any thing, working D Anything, to work4 Mary, help to the bananas, please. A you B your C yourself D yourselves5 do you go

33、 to school every day. By bus. A How B Why C When D WhereD more, hers6 My skirt is popular than . more, her A much, her B much, hers C 7 Can you speak English. Yes, but only . A few B a few C little D a little 8 Mr.Smith is an old friend of . A I B me C my D mine9 “ do you hear from your parents. ”“

34、About once a month. ”A How long B How many C How often D How much10 Mr Green wouldnt say at the meeting. A everything B nothing C anything D something11 “ Mum, Anns coming tonight. Lets give her to eat.”“ Good idea. ”A anything nice B nice anything C something nice D nice something12 When shall we m

35、eet, this evening or tomorrow evening. I dont mind. time is OK. A Some B Neither C Either D Both13 This is not her kite, but . A hes B him C he D his14 Dont worry, Mum. news is good news. Im sure daddy will come back soon. A No B Many C Those D Two 15 Mary has six apples. Her brother has three. She

36、has apples than he. A few B many C more D fewer16 There isnt in todays newspaper. A anything interesting _精品资料_ - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - B something interesting C nothing interesting D interesting anything 17 September 10th isDay. C Teachers D Teachers A Teacher B Teachers

37、 18 In England, people eat a lot of “ takeaway”food. What about people in your country. A So we do. B We do so. C So do we. D We so do.19 Shall we go into that shop and have a look. Sorry. I wont. I have to do there. A everything B anything C something D nothing20 Oh, dear. Who broke the glass. Sam

38、Bruce. It was the cat. A Both, and B Not, but C Neither, nor D Either, or21 The students are having a good time in the park. Some are drawing by the lake. are climbing the hill. A Others B Other C Another D The other 22 She is not a nurse. Im not . A also B either C neither D too23 I have two pencil

39、s. One is red, is blue. A the other B another C others D the others24 Sorry, I cant answer your question.I know about the subject. A little B a little C few D a few25 My sister doesnt like skating. . A So do I B So I dont C Neither I dont D Neither do I26 Yesterday morning there were only three boys

40、 in our room, . A you, he and I B I, you and he C he, I and you D you, I and he27 All the students are busy, so of them will go to the concert. A many B little C a few D few28 The teacher gave student a new book. A nobody B both C each D any29 Black is neither a teacher a worker. A or B either C nor

41、 D and30 Our teacher gave us on studying. A many advices B some advices C an advice D some advice31 There are two foreign friends in the park. One is from Japan, is from America. A other B others C the other D the others32 Are there on the table. A some cups B any cup C some cup D any cups第 7 页,共 10

42、 页_精品资料_ - - - - - - -_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - 33 Ive just bought five stamps. One is a German stamp, are American stamps. A the other B the others C other D others34 It wasfine day that they went to the park. A a so B so a C such a D a such35 At that time the train was slow and noisy. So people l

43、iked taking trains. A little B a little C few D a few36 We must help and understand each . A other B another C others D the other37 is difficult to walk on the moon. A Man B One C That D It38 Jane has sent several letters, but of them have been answered. A all B both C either D none39 I dont know about the new headmaster. A something B everything C nothing D anything第 8 页,共 10 页40of the students in the whole class could do this physics question. A


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