2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 02(原卷版).docx

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2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 02(原卷版).docx_第1页
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《2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 02(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 02(原卷版).docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年暑假新高三【暑假提能】英语题型专练(通用版)02阅读理解+完形填空+语法填空一、阅读理解1It was the festive season. Mom had baked some delicious cookies. Jam tarts were always my favorite and I had enjoyed myself to excess. Moreover, the refrigerator was well-stocked with chocolates and ice-cream so I helped myself to all the goodies. Th

2、at night I woke up with an unbearable toothache. No amount of aspirin could stop the pain.When morning arrived, I had to do the unavoidable - make an appointment with the dentist. My dental appointment was at 2 pm that afternoon, which was just another four hours away. The thought was enough to kill

3、 my interest in everything else. I had butterflies in my stomach. I arrived at the dental clinic an hour before the appointment.After registering, I walked unenthusiastically towards a chair. I did not even bother to look at the other patients. Picking up a few magazines, I tried to read to get rid

4、of my fear and pain, but I could not concentrate. All I was aware of was a terrible pain. The sight of patients coming out from the treatment room, with large pieces of gauze sticking out from their mouths, only seemed to worsen my pain.One of my New Year resolutions was made while I was shifting re

5、stlessly in my seat. I vowed never to taste another jam tart or take a chunky bite of chocolate in the future.When my name was finally called, I staggered into the treatment room. I heard the dentist greeting me, but I could not bring myself to respond to his greeting. The sight of the drilling equi

6、pment and the hypodermic syringes (皮下注射器)only increased my feelings of sickness. When the dentist asked me to take my seat and then open my mouth, I felt my heart pounding very fast. I was sure that I was going to get a heart attack.The dentist informed me that it was best to extract the tooth. I no

7、dded and opened my mouth and tried to think of other things. The next minute or so was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I grabbed the dentists hands more than once. At first, he was quite taken aback and eyed me suspiciously. Then he warned me that he would have my hands tied if I were

8、 to repeat my antics. I did not think that he was joking!Soon the pain gave way to a soothing sensation. When the dentist told me that the pain was all over, I could hardly believe my ears. After paying for the extraction, I walked out of the clinic confidently and headed for the nearest bus stop. I

9、 swore that this would be the first and the last time I stepped into a dental clinic.1. What might be the reason for my not feeling well that night?A. Too much fun during the day.B. An upset stomach.C. Unrestrained eating of goodies.D. Overuse of aspirin.2. What did I do to distract me from the toot

10、hache before I met the dentist?A. Making an appointment with the dentist. B. Trying to read some magazines.C. Observing other patients.D. Making my New Year wishes.3. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underline word in the sixth paragraph?A. rude behaviorB. natural behaviorC. d

11、angerous behaviorD. interesting behaviorDuring my first improv (即兴表演)class, I learned a core concept of improv: yes, and. It means that, as improvisers, we accept what fellow performers say. If someone says that zebras are librarians, for example, then zebras are librarians. We do not 53 the logic,

12、we say yes and continue with the scene as if nothing iswrong.To do this 54、our teacher warned us that wed have to avoid second-guessing ourselves.Sometimes scenes go in unexpected directions. The best improv 55 when performers stay open to different possibilities and say whatever pops into their min

13、ds.I got a taste of how 56 that is when acting out my first scene. My classmate turned to me and said, “Mom is going to be so mad. Mad about what? My mind spun out ideas, and my inner critic shot them all down. We broke the car? No, thats too easy. We failed a test? No, you dont want your classmates

14、 thinking youre stupid on the first day. I finally 57 an answer: Yes, were going to be late fbr dinner?9 The scene proceeded from there, and we eventually finished as two sisters who lost their way on a hiking trip.The first few scenes were hard, but as weeks turned into months, I became more comfor

15、table thinking on my feet. I never 58 my inner critic entirely, but over time, I didnt police my words with quite so much vigor. I also became better at 59、relating to my conversation partners, and communicating clearly in themoment.The training came in handy 6 months ago, when I was giving a semina

16、r(研讨课)about my science. An audience member surprised me with a question that didnt 60 the information Fd presented. Instead of getting annoyed, I 61 the “yes, and“ approach - accepting the question at face value and letting my mind focus on why it was asked. That helped me find an appropriate answer

17、.The benefits of improv go beyond 62. Early on in graduation school, I would get stuck when Igot unexpected data in my experiments; my inner critic would assume I had made a mistake. But now, after accepting the “yes, and“ concept,! no longer go into an experiment thinking that I already 63 the stor

18、y my data are going to tell.Last year, I used that approach after encountering confusing data. Instead of getting 64, I kept exploring the data and ended up identifying a new type of cell. If I hadnt stayed open to the possibility that the results were 65, I would have missed out on the most excitin

19、g finding of my PhD. so far.All scientists can benefit from this lesson. If the data say zebras are librarians, then its worth investigating whether zebras are, 66, librarians. Our job as scientists isnt to get data that 67 apre-understood story. Our job is to say yes, and”.53. A. provide54. A. effe

20、ctively55. A. shrinks56. A. important57. A. thought over58. A. silenced59. A. reading60. A. go on with61. A. doubtedB. followC. questionD. ignoreB. permanentlyC. instinctivelyD. occasionallyB. happensC. helpsD. leapsB. difficultC. powerlessD. sufficientB. waited forC. gave upD. landed onB. heardC. r

21、espectedD. trainedB.speakingC. listeningD. writingB. stay away fromC. grow out ofD. add up toB. implementedC. presentedD. discussed四、语法填空62. A. communicationB. understandingC. restrictionD. statement63. A. tellB. knowC. adaptD. love64. A. distractedB. surprisedC. accustomedD. discouraged65. A. usele

22、ssB. wrongC. dueD. real66. A. in factB. for exampleC. in a wordD. that is to say67. A. distinguishB. provideC. supportD. construct1阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinese Teachers9 Day is the very festival 68 celebrates the 2,300-year tradition of respecting teachers and education in China. It bears

23、 much 69(similar) to the birthday of Confucius or the birthday ofprivate school tutor in ancient China.The history of Chinese Teachers9 Day 70(date) back to the Han Dynasty. According to the record,during the Han and Jin dynasties, on August 27 each year, the birthday of Confucius, followed by court

24、 officials, the emperor would go to Confucius9 temple and pay tribute to the ancient philosopher, and would also invite royal teachers 71 the imperial court for a banquet. Local 72 (chief) followed the court, and on this day, teachers around the nation enjoyed a days vacation and were given dried me

25、at as gifts.With local officials or the emperor 73(lead) a series of activities, the capital, all states and countieswould also stage sacrificial ceremonies 74 (admire) Confucius. Excellent-performing teachers would 75(choose) from academies and learning institutions nationwide, reporting to the roy

26、al court and given500 liang (两) silver coins as awards.Until the Qing Dynasty, the sacrificial ceremony, on August 27, was of 76 larger scale. The teachers9 salaries in schools and academies around the nation were raised, and well-performing teachers would be awarded official titles or promoted to 7

27、7(high) positions.2 阅读下面材.料,在题后空白处填入适当的内容(每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Located at the foot of Haba Snow Mountain, the White Water Terrace, known as Baishuitai in Chinese, 78 (be) a gorgeous natural terrace with beautiful Cliffside pools. It is about 100 kilometers southeast from Shangri-La County, 79 takes abou

28、t 3 hours by vehicle.80 (measure) 140 meters in length and 160 meters in width, the terrace is one of the biggest of its kind in China. It looks like a large white marble carving among the green mountains and local people call it a field 81 (leave) by fairies. The terrace is covered by a layer of wh

29、ite deposits of calcium carbonate. Spring water runs down from the mountain 82 (steady), leaving crystallized sodium carbonate along its slopes, giving the impression of a marble sculpture.The White Water Terrace is the birthplace of Dongba culture of the Naxi Ethnic Group. It is a sacred place for

30、the Naxi people. A Dongba 83( believe) passed down from ancestors explains that the white colorrepresents good luck and dignity. According to the Naxi culture, a man 84 any experience of visiting the White Water Terrace cannot be a true believer.In addition to the splendid terrace 85(it), travelers

31、can also learn more about the Naxi ethnic culture in the nearby Baidi village. On the eighth day of the second lunar month, the Naxi people come 86 (show) their respect for this sacred site. Dressed in their holiday costumes, they sing and dance to celebrate 87 ethnic festival.3阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或

32、括号内单词的正确形。Chinese tourism industry is 88 (relative) young but very attractive. With 288 billion dollars spent worldwide in 2018, Chinese tourists spending represents a quarter of global tourism spending.Nowadays travelling is 89 (convenient) than some years ago and visiting a foreign country is as c

33、ommon as moving in China. 90 this reason, when Chinese tourists plan their holiday, they often have the dilemma 91 it is better to move abroad or to stay in China.China 92 (have) the largest outbound tourists market. Indeed, more than 71 million Chinese tourists travelled abroad in 2018, 15 percent

34、more than 93 previous year. This phenomenon is due to different 94 (factor), the first one being rising incomes. The middle class has the means 95 (travel) outside China. The second one is an increase in online information with a content of quality. Word of mouth and recommendations from friends are

35、 the most 96 (favor) source of information of Chinese tourists. The third factor would be friendlier visa policies from foreign governments,97 contributes to the boom.4阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Desertification is a serious problem 98 (face) numerous countries in the world. Shi Guangyin, an eco

36、-warrior from Shanxi Province, 99 (battle) desertification for about 40 years. Born in a town on the southern edge of the Mu Us Desert, Shi remembers how sandstorms easily destroyed the crops the villagers had grown and made their life 100 misery.In 1984, the government issued new policies to encour

37、age individuals to plant trees in contracted sand lands. Despite the 101 (oppose) of his family, Shi resigned from his leadership position at a state-owned farm and began his fight against desertification.102 (initial), Shi met with the challenge of lacking funds. He managed to raise RMB 12,000 by s

38、elling all his sheep and borrowing money from door to door. 103 followed was tireless work by Shi and his team, planting several species of drought-enduring trees over sand. Langwosha is an area of about 400 hectares 104 strong winds blow hard all year round. After failing 105 the first two attempts

39、, Shi realized scientific research was also important. In 1988, Shi challenged Langwosha the third time. This time he 106 (equip) with a newly acquired technique, which enabled most of the planted trees, well over 80%, 107(survive).“My fight continues as long as my life continues. I shall not stop p

40、lanting trees until my last breath J said Shi Guangyin.5阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或者括号内单词的正确形式。The National Art Gallery, located at the heart of Canberra, Australia, is a must to visit. The architecture of the gallery 108 (it) is impressive and unique. Many types of paintings are 109 (separate) on display

41、 based on the painters country of origin. It is roughly estimated that there 110 (be) at least a thousand paintings in the gallery. It even has a special section 111 paintings by art students are exhibited.The quality and the imagination of the young painters are also extraordinary.Among all those e

42、xhibits, the aboriginal (土著的)paintings are the most 112 (strike). There is a sad history surrounding the natives of Australia. In the 19th century, when white 113 (settler) came to Australia, most of the children of the aboriginals 114 (take) away from their own parents and brought up by white paren

43、ts. Some of the paintings express this theme, which could move visitors 115 tears.During holidays, the gallery is always crowded with parents and their children. It is amazing 116 (see) small children appreciating such abstract paintings.The National Art Galleiy isj/7(true) an attraction worth visit

44、ing.4. What lesson might the author have learned from this experience?A. After a storm comes a calm.B. Diet cures more than doctors.C. Fear is often greater than the danger.D. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.2My husband is more a kid at heart than I am, so he says we need to find souvenirs f

45、or the grandkids while on a trip to Savannah.I can be a kid at heart, too, but I also can be a mathematician - and even cheap, ugly souvenirs add up quickly when you have 11 grandkids.Children are of one mind on the subject they like souvenirs and they want them. So we are digging through piles of (

46、成堆的)cheap key fobs (钥匙链),plastic sun hats, chocolate treats that will melt in the heat, and ridiculous T-shirts, finding nothing.We go with two hats for the boys but are still empty-handed for the nine girls. Then I spot small bracelets (手 链)in a rainbow of colors.“What about these? ”I ask the husba

47、nd.He turns one over a couple of times and says, Nice.”The bracelets are made of small beads (珠子)shaped like starfish and turtles. They all look like rock candy, which can be eaten and was a popular souvenir when we were kids. We buy nine and make a mental note: tell the girls not to eat them.As the

48、 clerk rings up the bracelets, I remember a souvenir I had as a girl. We had gone to the east coast and could choose one thing in a shop to remember our trip by. My sister and I chose what we liked. Mine was a blue plastic soapbox with the lid (盖子)covered in silver glitter (d、|R 光物)and topped with a

49、 pink flamingo (“,久!鸟). It was cheap and tacky (俗气的)and I believed it was the loveliest thing a girl could own. It was too beautiful to put soap inside, so it sat in a dresser drawer year after year, slowly aging, yellowing, the glitter fling off. But it is still a reminder of a family trip long ago.The girls are


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