2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 01(原卷版).docx

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2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 01(原卷版).docx_第1页
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《2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 01(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 01(原卷版).docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年暑假新高三【暑假提能】英语题型专练(通用版)01阅读理解+完形填空+语深填空一、阅读理解1If you start a sentence with, “If I were you.” or find yourself scratching your head over a decision when the answer is crystal-clear, theres a scientific reason behind it. Our own decision-making abilities can become exhausted over the course of the

2、 day causing indecision or poor choices, but choosing on behalf of someone else is an enjoyable task that doesnt suffer the same difficulties.“The problem is decision fatigue, a psychological phenomenon that causes harm to the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making J says Evan P

3、olman, a leading psychologist.Physicians on the job for several hours, for example, are more likely to prescribe antibiotics (抗生素)to patients when its unwise to do so. Presumably its because its simple and easy to write a prescription and consider a patient case closed rather than investigate furthe

4、r,Polman says.But decision fatigue goes away when you are making the decision for someone else. When people imagine themselves as advisers, they feel less tired and rely less on decision shortcuts. By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision maker, one does not suffer the consequences of

5、 decision fatigue,he says. It is as if there is something fun about making someone elses choice.”Getting input from others not only offers a fresh perspective and thought process, it often also includes riskier choices. While this sounds undesirable, it can be quite good. When people experience deci

6、sion fatigue, when they are tired of making choices, they have a tendency to choose to go with status quo J says Polman. But it can be problematic since a change in the course of action can be important and lead to a positive outcome.”To achieve a successful outcome or reward, some level of risk is

7、almost always essential, People who are susceptible to decision fatigue will likely choose to do nothing over something,he says. Thats not to say risk is always good, but it is related to taking action, whereas decision fatigue assuredly leads to inaction and the possible chagrin (懊恼)of a decision m

8、aker who might otherwise prefer a new course but is unfortunately hindered.”“Just because you can make good choices for others doesnt mean youll do the same for yourself,Polman cautions. Research has found that women negotiate higher salaries for others than they do for themselves J he says, adding

9、that people slip in and out of decision roles.1. What does the author say about people making decisions?A. They tend to make decisions the way they think advantageous to them.B. They may become exhausted making too many decisions for themselves.C. They show considerable differences in their decision

10、-making abilities.D. They are more cautious in making decisions for others than for themselves.2. When do people feel less decision fatigue?A. When they take decision shortcuts.B. When they have advisers to turn to.C. When they have major decisions to make.D. When they help others to make decisions.

11、University, shows that is already happening. Climate change is already altering the bodies of many animal species, giving them bigger beaks (喙),legs and ears.In some species of Australian parrot, for instance, beak size has increased by between 4% and 10% since 1871. Another study, this time in Nort

12、h American dark-eyed juncos, another bird, found the same pattern.38All that is perfectly consistent with evolutionary theory. Allens rule”, named fbr Joel Asaph Allen, who suggested it in 1877, holds that warm-blooded animals in hot places tend to have larger body parts than those in temperate (温带的

13、)regions. 39 Being richly filled with blood vessels, and not covered by feathers, beaks make an ideal place for birds to get rid of heat. Fennec foxes, meanwhile, which are native to the Sahara Desert, have strikingly large ears, especially compared with their Arctic cousins.Ms. Ryding is not the fi

14、rst researcher to take that approach. But it is hard, when dealing with individual species, to prove that climate change was the cause of an anatomical (解剖学的)changes. All sorts of other factors, from changes in prey to the evolving reproductive preferences of males or females, might have been drivin

15、g the changes. 40 The team combined data from different species in different places. Since they have little in common apart from living on a warming planet, climate change is the most reasonable explanation.41 That may change as warming accelerates. Since any evolutionary adaptation comes with trade

16、-offs (妥协),it is unclear how far the process might go. Bigger beaks might make feeding harder, for instance. Larger wings are heavier, and bigger legs cost more energy to grow.A. However, looking at the bigger picture makes the pattern clearer.B. For now, at least, the increase is small, never much

17、more than 10%.C. Animals will have to rely on changing their bodies or their behaviors.D. It seems that the future world is going to be hotter than humans are used to.E. Therefore, the negative effects of a warmer world are visible in these animals bodies.F. Such adaptations boost an animaPs surface

18、 area relative to its body, helping it to release extra heat.G. Similar trends are seen in mammals, with species of mice and bats evolving bigger ears, legs and wings. 三、完形填空1Near my house is a library. As an enthusiastic reader, the idea to be surrounded by books itself is 42.So I volunteered to 43

19、 it, managing books. But never had I realized reading had such 44 until I met an old lady.One day I was arranging books when I heard a lady 45 something at the information desk, where I went to give 46, She was in her 70s with a beautiful smile.After communication, I was 47 that she came to take the

20、 membership. Without family, she had 48 her house and settled in a nursing home, living off 49 the interest from her savings account. Her love of reading, even at such an age, never 50, Her confidence, whenever she 51 reading, livenedher up.The membership was 52 for her, so I explained the fee. She

21、didnt hesitate to open her purse and 53 for the amount. Noticing her 54 look, I offered to pay fbr her but she insisted, Til come and pay tomorrow. I failed to 55 her. The next day she returned, paid up and got her membership card. When Itook her into the world of books, her eyes shone with exciteme

22、nt. She became a regular visitor, one Id 56 every few days.Now her cute smile in my mind still reminds me of the magic of reading.42. A. appealing43. A. reward44. A. possibility45. A. approving of46. A. assistance47. A. amused48. A. donated49. A. barely50. A. began51. A. considered52. A. costly53. A

23、. arrange54. A. confused55. A. decline56. A. expectB. creativeC. accurateD. unbelievableB. joinC.sponsorD. visitB. powerC. hardshipD. valueB. giving awayC. inquiring aboutD. showing offB. attentionC. resultsD. regardsB. concernedC. relievedD. surprisedB.mendedC. purchasedD. soldB. purposefullyC. mer

24、elyD. secretlyB. continuedC. deepenedD. lessenedB. practicedC. mentionedD. recommendedB. informalC. unreasonableD. riskyB. checkC. askD. prayB. gratefulC. uneasyD. considerateB. convinceC. impressD. satisfyB. interviewC. question2D. recognizeFor many years, I was so wrapped up in my kids and my fami

25、ly that I ignored how I looked. The words “57 maintenance described my approach to beauty perfectly.It wasnt until recently, when I had my picture taken fbr a work ID, that I 58 the “Youth Train” had left the station, and I was no longer on it. The woman in the ID picture looked 59 and definitely mi

26、ddle-aged.For a few days, I was a little 60 by the fact that I was no longer the sweet, young thing I thought I was. For those few days, I tried a little harder to 61 younger, brighter and tighter. I 62 with my hair and added extra eyeliner.I thought I was 63 in my seeking for a youthful glow until

27、one of my new co-workers 64 asked me a question that told me I was 65 only myself. I dont suppose you know what beauty is, do you?” she asked.That simple question opened my weary eyes once and for all. My family 66 me not for my no-longer-shiny hair but because the 67 Fm playing, that is my husbands

28、 wife and my kids mom. Someone once said that 68 is the first gift given and the first one taken away. I agree but only when it comes to 69 beauty. When it comes to staying young, a mind-lift 70 a face-lift any day. The71 beauty, the stuff inside that all of us have, lasts a lifetime.57. A. delicate

29、58. A. realized59. A. energetic60. A. confused61. A. actB. constantB. recognizedB. cautiousB. interestedB. dressC. slightC. acknowledgedC. enthusiasticC. botheredC. behaveD. lowD. recommendedD. tiredD. desiredD. pretend62. A. tied upB. cut awayC. took turnsD. took pains63. A. sendingB. turningC.succ

30、eedingD. bringing64. A. casuallyB. temporarilyC. brieflyD. improperly65. A. teachingB. foolingC. decoratingD. enjoying66. A. lovesB. helpsC. changesD.shapes67. A. trickB. roleC. jokeD. game68. A. reliefB. beliefC. powerD. beauty69. A. innerB. naturalC. outsideD. moral70. A. beatsB. meetsC. warmsD. r

31、estricts71. A. behavioralB. genuineC. physicalD. biological四、语法填空1阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。2022 witnesses the 350th anniversary of Rong Bao Zhai. The badge (徽章)for Rong Bao Zhai uses the Chinese 72 (character) of “three, five and zero”. The character “three is shaped like a book, 73 represent

32、s the long historical tradition of Rong Bao Zhai. Five represents the interweaving of yin and yang, and the circle of zero” means eternity and hope in the future.Rong Bao Zhai 74 (locate) in Beijing. Its wood block printing skill was listed in the first batch of national-level intangible 75 (culture

33、) heritage by State Council. The technique is a collection of painting, engraving and printing as 76 whole. It can be employed 77 (create) artworks and 78 (realistic) reproduce all kinds of Chinese calligraphy and paintings. Among the famous prints 79 (be) “Han Xizai Evening Banquet”. The production

34、 took 8 years, using over 1,600 woodblocks and over 6,000 times of overprinting, marking the development of the peak of wood block printing.Rong Bao Zhai pays special attention to collecting and protecting. It has collected thousands of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty works, and is honored 80 tiny Palac

35、e Museum”. Over the years, the brand has also held various exhibitions and international art exchanges, 81 (become) a window of Chinese traditional culture to the world.2 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games will be the new start for winter sports worldwide with over

36、 300 million Chinese 82( take ) up them, said International Olympic Committee ( IOC)President ThomasBach(国际奥委会主席托马斯巴赫)on Thursday,83 he opened the 139th IOC Session in the Chinesecapital on the eve of the Opening Ceremony.The IOC President added that Beijing will 84( official) become the first city

37、ever to host bothsummer and winter editions of the Olympic Games on Friday. Bach also 85( believe ) that the Chinesepeople will enjoy social benefits from hosting the Games.According to Bach, Beijing is showing solutions for a more sustainable(可持续的)future. From re - using venues(场馆)from the Olympic

38、Games 2008; to powering all Beijing 2022 venues with renewable energy; to minimizing environmental 86( effect ) and reducing carbon emissions, all thesemeasures underline thecommitment of Beijing 2022 to contribute to sustainable 87( develop) in China, he said.Beijing 2022 will also mean a lot for w

39、inter sports beyond China, and change the 88 (globe)landscape of winter sports forever.For the athletes, Bach underlined how they have the once - in - a - lifetime opportunity 89( reach)not only their traditional supporters, but also a completely new fan base during these Olympic Winter Games.“These

40、 Games are not 90 end of the story. With their performance and their appearance, each of these athletes can win over a huge new fan community for the time after the Games. With this they can take their own popularity and the popularity of their winter sport 91 a new height,“ said the German.3阅读下面材料,

41、在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A new study reveals that plants have their own “ bedtime alarm clock “ that helps them survive the night. Researchers at the University of York have discovered that plants possess an internal signal which they believe tells them 92 amount of sugar they have in their syst

42、ems at dusk. Plants use sunlight to make93 (they ) own sugars from photosynthesis (光合作用)during the day and store them to provide energyduring the night.Plants9 ability to predict sunrise and estimate the 94( long ) of the night, as well as adjustmetabolism (新陈代谢),95( depend ) on a biological time-ke

43、eper called a circadian clock. This is anetwork of genes which drives rhythms of 96( rough ) 24 hours. Biologists think it is this signal, orso-called “ alarm “,97 gives plants the information they need to adjust their metabolism in the darknighttime hours to stay alive.The researchers discovered a

44、set of genes 98( regulate ) by the chemical compound superoxide,which 99( associate ) with metabolic activity. And they found by stopping the production of superoxide,they also stopped the effect of sugar 100 these circadian clock genes in the evening,W1 (reveal) the plants9 so-called “ alarm ” .4Th

45、ree Thing I Learned While My Plane CrashedOn January 15, 2009, US Airways flight 1549 crash-landed on the Hudson River in New York City. Several large geese had flown into its engines and caused both of them 102 (fail). Due to a combination of pilot skill and pure luck, everyone on the plane 103 (su

46、rvive) the accident.Although it is an experience that he hopes no one else has to have, passenger Rick Elias learned a lot that day. He says that three important lessons came out of that terrifying moment. The first is in a life-or-death situation, Everything changes in an instant. He realized that

47、it was important to do 104 that he wanted to do without postponing them. 105 it is fixing a friendship that has problems or going on an adventurous vacation, Elias says we shouldnt wait.As the plane went down, the second lesson Elias learned was that it was important to have negative energy106 (elim

48、inate) from his life. He saw that he had spent too much time winning arguments and feeling important. Now, he says, “I no longer try to be right; I choose to be happy.The final important lesson Elias learned was that although it wasnt frightening to look death in the eye, it was sad. He realized 107 he really wanted was to see his children grow up. He understood that “the only thing 108 matters in my life is being a great dad. He encourages other


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