人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid课时作业1:Reading and Thinking—Language Points.docx

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1、Reading and ThinkingLanguage Points【基础巩固】I .单词拼写The victim(受害者)suffered a serious injury and lost a lot of blood.1. It is said that the blind men trust their own sense of touch very much.2. As we can see, her self-confidence develops alongside her technique(技能).3. In the nearest hospital, the boy wa

2、s treated for a minor(轻微的)head wound.4. . The waiter told us these wines might taste rather hard and somewhat acid(酸的).5. Hearing the bad news, the little girl cried for an hour and her eyes were swollen.6. If a tooth feels very loose(松的),your dentist may recommend that it be taken out.7. Heart is o

3、ne of the most important organs for human beings, birds and animals.8. When she did some cleaning, she found a lot of dust underneath(t底下)the carpet.9. To avoid electric shock or injuries, cut off power before checking and repairing.IL选词填空a variety of; lead to; depend on; do sb.an injury; stick toHe

4、 got burned so badly that his clothes stuck to his skin.10. There will be a variety of exhibits in the exhibition in Italy.11. If you try and lift that heavy suitcase, you will do yourself an injury.12. Many people assume that too much work can lead to stress.13. . Frozen bananas will last several w

5、eeks, depending on their ripeness and the temperature of the freezer.m.单句写作我们非常需要援助,正如你们能想象的一样。(as引导定语从句)We a】e, as you can imagine, ve】y much in need of help.14. 除非你给他讲个故事,否那么他不会睡觉。(unless引导条件状语从句)He won t go to sleep unless you tell him a story.15. 必要时,他们愿为国捐躯。(ifnecessary)They aic icady to die, i

6、f necessary, for their country.16. 我认为我可以说服你担任我的向导。(act as)I think I can persuade you to act as my guide.17. 根据家庭的不同,我往往会给出不同的K答 案九(depend on)I tend to have a different answei, depending on the family.【能力提升】IV .阅读理解Imagine this: your child has just been involved in an emergency.You call 911.The medi

7、cal workers rush in and begin asking you questions as they work to rescue your child.But they also ask questions about your child s medical history.lt? s hard to think clearly.You begin to answer and then end up saying, I don t remember.I don t know. ” So, many doctors suggest that parents keep a re

8、cord of their children s important health facts handy.This can often help the medical team make a better and more rapid diagnosis(诊断)of a problem when time really counts.The most important information to know is the child s allergies(过敏). It is especially crucial if the child is allergic to any medi

9、cine-penicillin, for example.Food allergies can come into play, too, so make a note of those as welLChildren who have been hospitalized in the past may have developed latex(胶乳)allergies.Often the information can help emergency workers find a cause for problems like breathing difficulties.Keep a list

10、 of any medicine, including what your child is now taking.Some medicines can cause an adverse reaction when they are taken together, so the doctors need the information before they give your child anything.You 11 need to know when the child took the medicine last and how much was taken.It is also im

11、portant to tell emergency workers about any health problems or illnesses your child has had.These pre-existing conditions can have a huge effect on the type of tests and treatment in an emergency.Consider having any child who has a health problem wear a tag(标签)around his neck.This kind of rapid noti

12、ce can help doctors who are providing emergency care, especially if your child suddenly becomes ill at day care, school, or a friend s house.语篇解读 如果孩子突然患病,或出现意外需要急救时,医生往往会问到孩子的一些情况 以及既往病史等。为人父母,应该做些什么呢?18. According to the first paragraph, the author probably thinks that in an emergency, .A parents

13、usually can t recall their children s medical historyB doctors shouldn t ask parents too many questionsC the medical service offered by 911 is not goodD parents should record their children s daily activitiesK答案AK解 析U细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,在紧急情况下,家长们通常想不起孩子的既往病史。应选A项。19. How many types of allergies are me

14、ntioned in Paragraph 2?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.K答案F cK解 析I细节理解题。在第二段中作者提到三种过敏:药物过敏、食物过敏和胶乳(医疗器械)过敏。应选c项。20. The underlined word u adverse v in Paragraph 3 probably means ” .A. beneficialB. harmfulC. physicalD. emotionalK答案I BK解 析词义猜想题。全文都在讲如果孩子突发患病,家长需向医生提供孩子的既往病史。 本段是说家长应该告知医生孩子以往用过哪些药,最后一次用

15、药的时间和用量,因为一些药 同时服用会出现不利反响。由此可知B项的解释符合该词的意思。21. Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?A. Everybody should learn something about first aid.B. Children can easily develop allergies.C. Doctors usually have difficulty saving a child in an emergency.D. Parents should keep a record of the

16、ir children s health facts.K答案DK解 析I 主旨大意题。第一段最后两句点明了本文的主题,以下各段介绍了在不同情况下 家长应该向医生提供有关孩子的健康信息。应选D项。V.完形填空I work in a big company and many times we employees run into situations where there is a language barrier.Last week while I was 25, one of my coworkers twisted her wrist while 26something too heavy

17、 for her.She speaks little English and my Spanish is bad, 27 we have never had a problem communicating.I met her shortly after her 28 ,Taking a look, I knew that a simple first aid routine was in order.With little understanding of what I was doing, she 29 that I meant to help.So she handed me her ar

18、m and I 30 it up before she left to see her doctor.Today she came up to me when I was getting my breakfast.She hugged me without a 31.When I asked why the wonderful affection, she simply said, “Thank you for taking care of my arm when I got hurt. I had 32 about the incident.When I looked down, I saw

19、 that her arm was in a cast.She continued to tell me that her doctor told her putting ice on her injury was a 33 thing but she would never have known to do it.As she was telling me this, I saw how my 34 act of kindness had had an impact on her.With me just taking an extra minute out of my day to hel

20、p her, I 35 a friend.This time I opened my arms and hugged her.I was thankful to have such a 36 because you see, this lady has 37 me breakfast in the canteen every day for the last four years and I had never exchanged 38 greetings and breakfast orders with her.So reader, I reach out to you today and

21、 encourage you to pass on the 39 ,You never know what a difference a simple act of kindness makes to a person.语篇解读 作者在本文中讲述了帮助同事的一件小事,说明了一个小小的善意举动会对别 人产生很大的影响。22. A.on businessB. at workC. on vacationD. in peaceK答案IB(解 析H作者上班期间,一个同事伤了手腕。at work上班,符合语境。on business出差;on vacation 度假;in peace 在和平中。23. A

22、.attackingB. rescuingC. settlingD. liftingK答案D工解 析U同事因为提过重的东西而受伤。lift举起,抬起,符合语境。attack进攻;rescue拯救;settle解决。24. A上utB. orC. becauseD. asK答案UAK解 析I前后句子有转折含义:尽管同事不怎么会说英语,作者的西班牙语也很差,但是她们交流没有什么问题。25. A.recoveryB. disasterC. appearanceD. injuryK答案UDK解 析U 由上文twisted her wrist(扭伤手腕)及空后作者对她进行的急救可知,此处表示作 者在同事

23、受伤不久后遇到了她。injury损伤,符合语境。recovery恢复;disaster灾难;appearance 出现。26. A.doubtedB. wonderedC. trustedD. preferredK答案UcK解 析尽管几乎不理解作者在做什么,同事仍然相信她是在帮自己。trust相信,符合语境。doubt怀疑;wonder想知道;prefer更喜欢。30. A.tookB. wrappedC. packedD. rolledK答案工BK解 析I 同事伸出胳膊,作者给她包扎。wrap用包裹,符合语境。take拿走;pack打包;roll滚动。31. A.wordB. warning

24、C. signD. giftK答案I AK解析I同事没说一句话就拥抱了作者。32. A.remindedB. forgottenC. settledD. concernedK答案R BK解 析I 从作者的询问可知,她已经忘记了这件事。33. A.naturalB. dangerousC. goodD. uselessK答案U cK解 析I同事说医生告诉她在伤处敷冰块效果好,但她却不知道这么做。34. A.suddenB. randomC. carelessD. selflessK答案2BK解 析X当她告诉我这些时,我看到了我随意的一次善举对她产生了怎样的影响。random随意的,符合语境。su

25、dden突然的;careless粗心的;selfless无私的。35. A.missedB. selectedC. testedD. madeK答案I DK解 析I根据本段末句可知,过去作者和这位同事只不过是点头之交,而现在却彼此拥抱, 成了朋友。make a friend交朋友。36. A.positionB. momentC. powerD. choiceK答案BI解 析U作者很感激有这样的时刻(可以和同事交流)。moment时刻,符合语境。position位置,职位;power权力,力量;choice选择。37. A.chargedB. hostedC servedC servedD -

26、 heatedK答案I cK解 析I 根据本段末句中的u .breakfast orders with her.?可知这位同事在餐厅工作。serve 服务,端(上饭菜等),符合语境。charge收费;host主办,招待;heat加热。38. A.more thanB. at leastC. what s moreD. rather thanK答案工AK解 析U以前作者和这位同事之间最多是打打招呼、递过去餐单而已。more than不仅仅是,多于,符合语境。at least至少;what s more而且;rather than而不是。39. A.memoryB. kindnessC. expe

27、rienceD. happinessK答案BK解 析X 从作者的经历可知,对他人的一个小小的帮助也会起到很大的作用,因此作者鼓 励人们把这种“善意”传递下去。kindness好心,友好行为,符合语境。memory记忆;experience 经历;happiness幸福。VI.语法填空Have you thought about the question why kids drop out? Maybe there are 40.(| vary I) of reasons.But one of the things that we never discuss or we rarely discu

28、ss is the value and importance of relationships.George Washington Carver says all 41.(learn) is understanding relationships.42. colleague once said to me, “They don t pay me to like the kids.They pay me to teach a lesson.”Well, I said to her, u You know, kids don? t learn 43. people they don? Mike.”

29、And I added, “Well, your year is going to be long and 44.(extreme) hard, dear.vWill you like all your 45.(child)? Of course not.While you won t like them all, they can never know it.So teachers become great actors or great actresses, and we come to work when we don t feel like it.We teach anyway, be

30、cause that s 46. we do.Teaching and learning should bring joy.How powerful would our world be if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks, who were not afraid 47.(think)? Every child deserves a champion, and they can become the best that they can possibly be.It is not 48.(possible). We can do t

31、his.We? re educators.Were bom to make a 49.(different).语篇解读 学生辍学原因种种,但师生关系至关重要。教学确实能够给师生带来快乐,学 生敢于冒险,勇于思考,世界将变得非常强大。40. K 答 案 UvarietiesK解 析H 考查名词。varieties of = a variety of 许多。41. K 答案 UlearningK解析I 考查动名词。is为系动词,故此处用动名词作主语。42. K答案RAK解 析I 考查冠词。不定冠词加可数名词单数表泛指。43. K 答案 UfromK解析H 考查介词。learn from向学习。44

32、. K 答 案 UextremelyK解析U 考查副词。hard为形容词,故此处用副词修饰形容词表程度。45. K 答 案 UchildrenK解 析X 考查名词的复数形式。your为形容词性物主代词,修饰名词作定语。由all可知, 用可数名词复数。46. K 答案 HwhatK解 析X 考查连接代词。do为及物动词,what引导表语从句,并在表语从句中作宾语。47. K 答案 Uto thinkK解 析H 考查非谓语动词。be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事。48. K 答 案 IimpossibleK解 析U 考查形容词。possible的反义词为impossible。句意为:这并不是不可能的。49. R 答 案 RdifferenceK解 析I考查名词。make a difference有意义;有影响。


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