人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit3 Food and Culture优质学案:Using Language.docx

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1、Using Language办寞二语言基础I .单词拼写bun n.圆面包;小圆甜饼1. chilli (NAmE=chih n. (pAchillies/chilies) 辣椒pork n.猪肉2. pearl n.珍珠madam n.夫人;女士3. calorie n.卡路里(热量单位)category n.类别;种类4. vitamin n. 维生素dairy adj.奶制的;乳品(业)的n.乳制品;乳品店;牛奶厂somewhat adv.有点;稍微5. quantity n.数量;数额fundamental adj.根本的;基础的;基本的n.基本规律;根本法那么consistent a

2、dj. 一致的;连续的6. trick n.诀窍;计谋;把戏overall adv. 总体上;大致上adj.全面的;综合的chew vi. & vt.咀嚼;嚼碎n.咀嚼II .词汇转换1. association n.协会;关联f associate联想;联系fibre (AmE fiber) n.纤维;纤维制品f fibrous adj.含纤维的2. moderation n.适度;合理f moderate 力.适度的;合理的;温和的V.缓和; 使适中How is Hunan cuisine somewhat different from Sichuan cuisine?(教材 P31)湘菜

3、和川菜有些什么不同?somewhat 有点;稍微,从某种程度上讲somehow 不知怎么地,以某种方式,莫名其妙地anyhow 总之,无论如何,不管怎样Things have changed somewhat since then.从那时候起,情况就有些不一样了。All these activities gave him a full schedule, but somihow he managed.所有这些活动使他的日程排得很满,但他还是设法做到了。There is no way you can just give people money anyhow without knowing ho

4、w they are going to use it.你不可能在不知道人们将如何使用钱的情况下随便给他们钱。K链接写作1补全句子Many writers are fond of building a world, one readers are somewhat familiar with but also feel distant from our normal lives.许多作家都喜欢构建一个世界,一个读者有些熟悉,但又觉得与我们的正常生活 很遥远的世界。2 .association n.关联;协会;联盟Journal of the American Medical Associatio

5、n 2014.(* P32)2014 年美国医学会 杂志(l)association with.与的交往/联系in association with. 与相联系; 与联合(2)associate v.联想;联系,使关联associate with. 联合;与联系在一起(3)associated adj.关联的;联系的be associated with. 与有联系的The press feels the need to associate itself with the project.新闻界觉得有必要把自己与这个工程联系起来。Scientists have drawn a conclusio

6、n that smoking is greatly associated with lung cancer.科学家已得出结论:肺癌与吸烟密切相关。It is reported that there are many health problems associated with unhealthy lifestyle.据报道,有很多健康问题和不健康的生活方式有关。K链接写作R补全句子We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.我们正与许多本地的公司合

7、作为无家可归的人筹款。3 .trick n.诀窍;计谋;把戏v.欺骗;欺诈There is no one trick to healthy eating.(教材 P32)健康饮食没有唯一的诀窍。(l)play a trick/tricks on sb = play a joke/jokes on sb = make fun of sb 捉弄某人trick or treat不给糖就捣乱the trick of. 的窍门(2)trick sb into (doing) sth 骗某人做某事trick sb out of sth 骗取某人的There are, however, a couple o

8、f tricks for getting a good sleep, such as maintaining an optimistic attitude, keeping a regular daily routine, or finding time for sports.然而,要想睡个好觉,有几个小窍门,比方:保持乐观的态度,保持有规律的日 常起居,或者找时间做运动。It is acceptable to play a trick/tricks on your friends on April 1 st.在4月1日对你的朋友搞恶作剧是可以接受的。They may trick people

9、 into giving personal information over the telephone.他们可能通过 哄骗人们提供个人信息。The company was tricked out of $20 million.那家公司被骗走了两千万美元。4 .quantity n.数量;数额Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients.(教材 P32)加工的食品常常包含较少的营养成分,并且比新鲜材料含

10、有更高数量的糖、盐和 脂肪。quantity修饰名词时,谓语的单复数与名词无关,与quantity的单复数有关。a large/small quantity of 大量的/少量的quantities of 大量的in quantity r大量地in large quantitiesIts believed that quantities of building materials are (be) potentially harmful to peoples body.人们认为大量的建筑材料对人体有潜在的危害。A quantity of water is (be) needed for coo

11、ling purpose.冷却需要大量的水。 If you order it in quantity/in large quantities, I think a discount will be possible.假设你是大量订购的话,我认为有可能会打折。K链接写作U补全句子Experts say that the quality of praises is more important than the quantity.专家说,赞扬的质量比数量更重要。5 .consistent adj.一致的;连续的In addition, studies show that consistent ea

12、ting habits, for example, taking three meals a day at the same time each day, are better for our health.(教材 P32)此外,研究说明,始终如一的饮食习惯,例如,每天在同一时间吃三餐,对我们 的健康更好。be consistent with 和一致/相符consistently adv. 一贯地; 一致地These reports are not consistent with the actual situations of the so - called problems.这些报道与所谓

13、问题的实际情况不符。It tests whether students are able to master a given body of knowledge, as well as their ability to work hard and consistently.它测试学生是否能够掌握一定的知识体系,以及他们努力学习、坚持不懈的能力。6 .regardless of 无论,不管This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be.(教材 P32) 不管他们其他方面的饮食多么健康,都确实如此。(1

14、Regardless of 不管,不顾(后常接名词或从句,常指不重视或不考虑后果) (2)despite=in spite of尽管;不管;虽然(后常接名词,不接从句)She is determined to do it regardless of all consequences.她决心不顾一切后果地做这件事。Regardless of anyones view on the subject, its hard to imagine what life would be like without daily advancements in technology.不管人们对这个问题的看法如何,

15、很难想象没有每天的科技进步,生活会是什么 样子。Despite ( = In spite of) all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.尽管我们竭力想保住这所学校,当局还是决定把它关闭。K链接写作1补全句子If hes out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses. (2019浙江概要写作 改编)如果他每天都在那儿

16、努力比赛,你应该表扬他的努力,不管他的球队是赢是输。 通关 And in America, people who receive 25% of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10% a day(Journal of the American Medical Association 2014).(教材 P32)在美国, 每天从糖中摄入25%或更多卡路里的人死于心脏病的概率是每天摄入1

17、 0%以下 的人的两倍(美国医学会杂志,2014年)。倍数词表示比拟时,要放在表示比拟局部的前面。常见句型:(1)倍数+比拟级+ than(2)倍数+as+原级+as.(3)倍数+the+名词+of中国的面积大约是印度的三倍。一The area of China is about three times larger than that of India.f The area of China is about three times as large as that of India.f The area of China is about three times the size of I

18、ndia.K名师提醒R表示倍数的其他句型:(1 ).times+more+名 词 +than There are twice more students in our class than in theirs.我们班的学生人数比他们班多两倍。1) ).times + as many/much + 名词 + as.He has got three times as many books as his sister.他拥有的书的数量是他妹妹的3倍。(3)times + what 从句The length of the road is four times what it was three yea

19、rs ago.这条路的长度是三年前的4倍。1.1 t is up to you to decide how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet.(教材P32)你可以决定你想要怎样生活,并对你的饮食做出正确的 决定。It is/was up to sb to do sth该句型意为:”该由某人做某事;取决于某人”,up后 的 to 是介词,相当于 It is/was sbs duty to do sthoIt is up to him to clean our classroom today.今天应由

20、他清扫教室。It is up to parents to teach (teach) their children manners.该由父母教孩子礼貌。K链接写作U补全句子They gave us a tool, but it was up to individuals and nations to put it to good use. 他们给了我们一个工具,但要靠个人和国家来好好利用它。Ive given you my advice; whether or not you act on it is up to you.建议我已经告诉你了;是否照办是你的事。 自学教材要点一SS熟记重要词语I

21、 .写出句中加黑词的词性和含义All weve got is a couople of cans of soup.儿(装食品或饮料的)金属罐1. I struggle to digest the opinion.理解;领悟Our dinner consisted of three courses only.一道菜2. Hunger drove her to steal.”,迫使n.写出以下词块的含义1. fatty food 高脂食物daily calories 日需卡路里2. less than 少于one can of sweet drink 一罐甜饮料3. beyond this 除此之

22、外processed food 加工食品4. besides this 此外be on the right/wrong track 表示思路或行为方式正确与否5. a healthy attitude towards food 对食物的健康态度:;练透常用句型I .分析下面长难句并翻译. It is also important to have some meat, beans, or形式主语不定式短语作主语dairy products in your diet, as they provide the附属连词表原因necessary protein for strong bones and

23、muscle growth.K尝试翻译U在你的饮食中摄入一些肉类、豆类或奶制品也很重要,制为它们提供了强健骨骼和肌肉生长所必需的蛋白质。1 . What this means is K that people who chew too quickly主语从句 表语从句(表语从句中的)定语从句end up eating too much food because they still feel himgrv. 2(表语从句中的)原因状语从句K尝试翻译5这意味着,咀嚼太快的人最终会吃太多的食物,因为他们仍然感到饥饿。n.仿写以下句式However, there is increasing evid

24、ence that the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar.K尝试仿写H他们希望本月底能够搬进新居的,但实际情况是他们很可能得再 等一段时间了。They hoped to move into the new house by the end of this month, but as it is theyll probably have to wait a bit longe.1. The American Heart Association recommends that we limi

25、t ourselves to less than 100150 calories a day from sugar, which is less than what is usually contained in one can of sweet drink or in a single candy bar.K尝试仿写 为了平安起见,老师们建议家长不要允许12岁以下的孩子骑自 行车上学。Teachers suggest parents not allow their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.4 .皿Q力.完

26、美的;理想的;想象的n.理想;完美的人(或事物)f idealist h.理 想主义者. modest些许的;谦虚的;朴素的f modestyn谦虚;朴素 m.默写短语1. regardless of 不管; 不顾as to 关于;至于2. argue over/about 争辩; 为争论cut down 削减3. cut out停止做(或使用,食用);删去;阻挡as with 和一样4. be on the right/wrong track 表示思路和行为方式正确与否get rid of摆脱;丢弃;扔掉突破话题听说I .听说词汇认知翻译以下词语together with 同一起1. han

27、dtorn adj. 手撕的bun n. 圆面包;小圆甜饼2. preview vt. 预看somewhat adv. 有点;稍微6. take turns 轮流;依次act as 充当7. take ones order 给某人点餐n season 当令的; 在旺季的10. pay in cash 现金付款in a minute 马上,立亥U11. warm up 热身;活跃起来n.话题交际表达先背诵后翻译1 .背诵以下“点餐”和“买单”的语句What should I order?What would you suggest/recommend?You could order.How ab

28、out ordering.?You should have/try.This restaurant has the best.It will cool you down/warm you up.Ill take your order in a minute.(9)What would you like.?Do you have.?Heres your bill./Here you are.Can I have the bill, please?2 .翻译句子你们是否供应素食餐?Do you have vegetaiian dishes?你是否可以推荐一些不错的酒?Could you lecom

29、mend some good wine?直孩听力技巧听力微技能一预览听力经常与一些图片或文字结合在一起。如果你在听之前预览图片或文字,它将 帮助你更好地理解你所听到的内容。因此在听每段录音前,必须抓住题与题之间 的间隙,快速浏览题干和选项,读懂所给各选项的基本意思,尽量获取更多信息, 为随后的听录音做好充分的准备。K典题印证XWho is Macy?A Eds mother.B. Eds teacher.C. Eds friend.(解题思路U A K 由男士所说 You should have seen Macy cry when Ed was about to set off on the

30、 first day, though.及女 士所说 I think thats a normal reaction for mothers .可知Macy在Ed上学的第一天哭了,而女士说这是作为妈妈的正常反响, 由此可知Macy是Ed的妈妈。UHow does Ed usually go to kindergarten?A. By car.B. On foot.C. By bus.K解题思路3 B K根据男 士所说Macy walks there with him every morning unless the weather is bad.可知Ed通常是步行去幼儿园。5What does

31、Ed enjoy doing at the kindergarten?A. Telling stories.B. Singing songs.C. Playing with others.K解题思路UC K 由男 士的话 he loves to have other kids to play with.可知 Ed喜欢和其他孩子一起玩。u4 . What do the teachers say about Ed?A. He9s clever.B. He9s quiet.C. Hes brave.K解题思路U A K考查考生获取事实性具体信息的能力。由男士的话Theysaid hes bright

32、, and that hes starting to learn how to tell time.说明老师认为 Ed 很聪明。 clever是bright的同义转述。HK听力原文IW: How is little Ed doing at the kindergarten, Jack?M: Oh, hes doing fairly well.It9s been three weeks since he first started going, so Macy and I are pretty used to it now.You should have seen Macy cry when E

33、d was about to set off on the first day, though.W: I think thafs a normal reaction fbr mothers.You live quite close to the kindergarten, dont you? How does he get there?M: Macy walks there with him every morning unless the weather is bad.When it rains, theyll drive.W: And is Ed enjoying kindergarten

34、?M: Yeah, he loves to have other kids to play with.He keeps telling us things they do together.W: What do the teachers at the kindergarten say about him?M: They said hes bright, and that hes starting to learn how to tell time.Isnt that fantastic?W: That is fantastic.lt sounds like everything goes we

35、ll.Ml 教材文本课文注解as to关于,至于(后可接从句或“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构)K同义las for至于,关于(可用于引出另外一方或新的谈话内容,此时as to和 as for可以互换)make up形成,构成insist .&式.坚持说(后跟that从句时,从句用陈述语气);坚决要求,坚持(后 跟that从句时,从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“should+动词原形,should 可以省略)fatty food高脂食物fatty/faeti/o力.富含脂肪的,肥胖的,脂肪的driver在此意为“推手”。drive ”推动;驱使association/G.saojieljh/n. KC

36、H 协会;KC, U1关联regardless of不管,不顾argue over/about争辩,为争论limitto将限制在范围内can K熟词生义n. KC(盛食品或饮料的)金属罐a can of beans 豆罐头a beer/paint can啤酒罐;漆筒cut down 肖”减cut out停止做(或使用、食用);删去;阻挡altogether。面.(用以强调)完全,全部;(表示总数或总额)总共,一共category/kaet0gori/zi. KC类别;种类vitamin/vlt3mIn/儿 KCU 维生素fibre(espec,/y US fiber)/faIb0(r)M. K

37、UH纤维素;KC, U2纤维制品processed foods 加工食品processed/prausest/o0.(食品)经加工的,加工过的process/prsuses/.加工,处理 n. KCH 过程;进程quantity/kwDntsti/儿 KC, U3 数量;数额dairy products/produce乳制品;奶类产品dairy/desri/a的.奶制的;乳品(业)的n. HC2乳品店;牛奶厂as with和一样moderation/.mDdGrelfn/n. KU3 适度;合理ideal/aTdi:。!/时.完美的;理想的;想象的n.理想;完美的人(或事物)咨fundamen

38、tal(fAndsmentl/a切.根本的;基础的;基本的 n. (usuallyp/.D 基本规 律;根本法那么chew/tju:/oi.&”咀嚼;嚼碎n. KCH咀嚼 digest vt.&vi.消化 consistent/kanslstant/. 一 致的;连续的 modest/mDdlst/t/.些许的;谦虚的;朴素的trick/trlk/儿KC2诀窍;计谋;把戏 be on the right/wrong track表示思路或行为方式正确与否 It is up to you to do由你来决定做原文呈现HEALTHY EATINGThere is much debate nowad

39、ays as to1 what makes up2 a healthy diet.For example, scientists have insisted3 for years that a big enemy of health is fatty food1 .However, there is increasing evidence that the real driver; of poor health is not sq much fatty fQpckas it is yigar K1 3. Heart disease is the number one killer of Ame

40、ricans.And in America, people who receive 25% of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10% a day (Journal of the American Medical Association, 2014). This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet mig

41、ht be.Put more simply, while people continue . to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a killer.Kill画线局部中的that引导同位语从句,解释说明increasing evidence; as it is 是一种语言衔接结构,意为“事实上,实际情况是”,多用来陈述一种原因或状 况,尤其是当该原因或状况与预期或需要不相符时。Much of this extra sugar comes from sweets an

42、d sweet drinks.The average American gets 1/3 of his or her sugar through sweet drinks alone.The American Heart Association recommends that we limit ourselves to9 less than 100150 calories a day from sugar,drink or in a single candy bar K2l. In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut

43、down on desserts, and cut out sweet drinks altogether.K23画线局部是which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰less than 100150 calories;定语从句中又包含一个what引导的表语从句。Beyond this, you can keep healthy by consuming different categories of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables, which are full of vitamins and fibre, rather than proc

44、essed foods.Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients.Besides this, it is also important to have some meat, beans, or dairy products in your diet, as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle growth.As

45、 with everything in life, moderation is key.The ideal diet is a balanced one, without too much or too little of any one thing.Finally, a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.IUatataiLtweniy133. What this means is that people who chew too quickly end up eating too niULfoftiheauSgJhe3LMi

46、lLfeeLhunMiy K42. Eating slowly also allows your body to ZZZZXZZZZZSZXZ/ZXZXZSZZv*ZSZZZVZZ/SZXZZZZSZZS/XZZZXZS/S/ZSZZXZZZWZZWZZSZZZZZZZv*Z*/ JJdigest your food better, and will allow you to enjoy your food more.In addition, studies show that consistent eating habits, for example, taking three meals

47、a day at the same time each day, are better for our health.lt is also better to eat a modest amount of food each time, rather than to eat a lot in one meal, and then a little in the next.K32画线局部属于“It takes some time for sb/sth to do”句型,意为“做花费某人/某物多长时间”。you start eating为省略关系词when的定语从句,修饰 先行词the timeoK4本句中What引导主语从句,What在从句中作宾语;that peoplefeel hungry 是that引导的表语从句,表语从句中又包含一个who引导的定语从句(修饰先行 词people)和because引导的原因状语从句。There is no one trick to healthy eating.R


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