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1、如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流高中英语必修五第二单元检测题【精品文档】第 5 页高中英语必修5第二单元检测试题I词汇考查(20分)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1There is no need to d_ any more about it.2You can easily c_any problems.3The violence was the result of political and enconomic c_.4They have developed different l_ systems.5But London has been i_by some invaders of

2、 England.根据汉语提示完成句子6Now when people _(提及)England you find Wales included.7It happend in 1603 when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales _(也;又)8The three countries found themselves united peacefully _(代替) by war.9The southern part of that country _(脱离)to form its new government.10Al

3、though the four countries do _(共同协作)in some areas they are still very different.用下面短语的适当形式填空consist of,divide.into, be known as, break away, in memory of, take the place of, break down, refer to, to ones credit, leave out11Electric trains have now _ steam trains in England.12_ four groups, the stude

4、nts in the class started the game.13Nowadays many farmers want to _from the land and make a living in cities.14There is a big family, _ ten people.15It is greatly _that you gave back the money you found.16The old electric fan has _. We will buy a new one.17The printer _ two lines from this paragraph

5、.18In his report the captain _ the soldiers heroic deed all over again.19Zhang Xinzhe _ an excellent singer.20This song is written_ the famous film star. 单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题1分,满分10分)21. Mr Smith our English teacher when she was sick.A. took the place of B. took place C. took his pla

6、ce D. in place of22. The boy looked at me with a _ expression. Maybe the explanation was quite .A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzled; puzzled C. puzzling; puzzling D. puzzling; puzzled23. When considering what to take, he an important factor: the weather.A. left over B. left out C. left behind D. left al

7、one 24. The teacher our class four groups before we started the discussion.A. divided; up B. divided; into C. separated; into D. separated; from25. Entering the classroom, I found Mary at the table and a composition.A. seated; writing B. seated; write C. seating; writing D. seating; written 26. They

8、 need to have my house thoroughly before they move in.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning27. Can you find a proper way to make yourself more easily?A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. being understood28. Jane, , gave back the watch she found on the playground.A. to her credit B.

9、in her credit C. to our credit D. in our credit29The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.Abringing up Breferring to Clooking for Dtrying on30We are looking forward to seeing the policy carried out in our province, which has _ a number of peoples attention r

10、ecently.Aattracted BpreservedCexpanded Dsupported完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A long time ago,Bear passed Wolf on a path by a lake.As usual,he made fun of Wolf.Wolf began to run after him and Bear _31_ on a tree overhanging(悬于上方) the lake.Wolf fo

11、llowed,quickly becoming _32_.He was ready for a rest.He stopped for a _33_ from the lake,and when seeing Bears reflection(倒影) in the _34_,Wolf dived in.He almost lost his _35_ before pulling himself to the bank,and he lay on the bank and fell into a deep _36_.Seeing this,Bear climbed out,took some w

12、et earth from the lake bottom and _37_ Wolfs eyes with the wet earth.When Wolf awoke,he couldnt _38_ his eyes.He tried to break the dry,hard earth on his eyes,but _39_.He began to cry.An ugly,brown bird heard the cries and came to see if he could _40_.“What is the _41_?”asked the bird.“My eyes have

13、been covered by earth,and I cannot break it off,”cried the wolf.“Can you help me,please?”“Ill _42_,”said the bird.As he pecked (啄) on the hard earth,it _43_ broke into small pieces and soon Wolf was able to _44_ again.“How can I repay (报答) you,for the _45_ youve shown?”asked Wolf.“That is not necess

14、ary,”replied the bird.But Wolf was so _46_ that he wanted to do _47_.He then looked at the ugly,brown bird and said,“Ive _48_ it!”He took the bird to where the red rock was found,and using it,painted the little,brown bird _49_.“Now you are a redbird (红雀),”said Wolf,“and _50_ of your children from th

15、is day on will be born with the beautiful,red feathers.”And so they were,and are today.31A.played Brested Clived Dhid32A.tired Binterested Csatisfied Dworried33A.swim Bdrink Cboat Dmeal34A.stone Btree Cwater Dsoil35A.food Blife Cchance Dmatch36A.river Bvalley Chole Dsleep37A.protected Bhurt Ccovered

16、 Dfilled38A.open Bfind Cclean Dclose39A.changed Bfailed Cstopped Dran40A.watch Bfly Chelp Dcall41A.color Brule Cpurpose Dmatter42A.try Bgo Cstand Dprepare43A.quietly Bslowly Chardly Dnearly44A.smell Bspeak Chear Dsee45A.kindness Bpleasure Ccourage Dhumor46A.young Bstrong Cgrateful Dcareful47A.anythi

17、ng Bnothing Ceverything Dsomething48A.made Bgot Cnoticed Dreceived49A.red Bwhite Cblack Dblue50A.none Bone Call Dsome.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑(20分)。(A)A long time ago people thought that the sun went round the earth. In some countries people even said that the sun was a god(神).

18、 They thought the god drove across the sky each day on a golden horse. Now we know the earth goes round the sun. It takes the earth a year to go all way round the sun. Today men even know how far it is for the earth to go round the sun. They tell us that the earth travels over a thousand miles a min

19、ute on its journey round the sun. The sun is really a star. It is much bigger than the earth and it is very hot. Some people have been to the moon but we know that no one can ever go to the sun. It is far too hot for people to live anywhere near it. The sun is three hundred thousand times heavier th

20、an the earth and more than million times larger. 51. A long time ago, people said the sun was _.A. a golden horse of god B. a god on a golden horseC. a god with golden dress D. a god and a golden horse52. People can never live anywhere near the sun because it is _.A. too hot B. a star C. too heavy D

21、. too large53. The earth travels over _miles an hour.A. 1,000 B. 100,000 C. 600,000 D. 60,00054. One year is _A. the time for the earth to turn round. B. the time the earth travels one thousand miles.C. one circle the earth goes round the sun. D. the journey of the earth. (B) Almost all music is pro

22、vided today in digital form.Until recently,most digital music was sold in containers called CDs.CD technology was developed and improved between 1965 and 1985.It enjoyed great success in the market during the late 1980s and early 1990s,replacing almost completely longplaying records (慢转唱片)In the pas

23、t few years,a new method of providing digital music has become more and more popularsending musical files (文件) without containers through the Internet.It is followed by downloading music from the Internet and storing it on home computers.Music provided in this way is usually replayed either through

24、stereo (立体声的) systems connected to the home computers or through machines similar to the “walkman”MP3 technology has made this new method convenient and popular.Musical files which are in MP3 form only need about 1/12 of the disk space that uncompressed (未压缩的) files need,allowing them to be sent fas

25、ter and stored more easily.MP3 technology is especially welcomed by two groups.First,musicians who are unable to have their music recorded by the major record companies.They can now record their music in MP3 form and put it on the Internet very cheaply.Second,high school and college students.They ca

26、n now get MP3 copies of most of the songs of their favorite musicians on the Internet and download them for free.But many of the MP3 recordings on the Internet are prepared without the permission of the owners of the copyright (版权)55Paragraph 1 is mainly developed by _.Aspace Btime Cdata Dexample56W

27、hat is the correct time order of the following methods of providing music?aContainers called CDs.bSending musical files through the Internet.cLongplaying records.dDownloading music from the Internet.Aacbd BcabdCacdb Dcadb57We can infer that MP3 technology _.Awill take the place of CD technology comp

28、letelyBis well accepted by the musicians all over the worldChelps the major record companies make much more moneyDhelps unknown musicians music be heard by more people58What is the passage mainly about?AThe advantages of digital music.BA brief introduction to the development of music.CThe developmen

29、t of digital music technology.DA brief introduction to digital technology. 语法填空(共10小题,满分10分)In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are neccessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear _1_ spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence an

30、d without hesitation. _2_ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.There is no easy way to success _3_ language learning. _4_ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _5_(memoriz

31、e) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and _6_meaning, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. _7_we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the languang. “Learn through use” is a

32、 good piece of _8_(advise) for those _9_are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and _10_(write) the language whenever we can. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。I will never forget the story that happens

33、on a bus the other day. It was a windy day. I got off a bus after school. A young lady was standing the next to me. Suddenly, a strong wind blew inside the windows. The ladys false hair has blown away. To our surprise, he was hairless. While she was wondering what to do, when many passengers laughed

34、 loudly. She managed to hold back her tears. Saw this, I picked up her false hair and said, “ Dont be sadness, Miss. Im sure your hair will grow again.” When I glanced the other passengers, they all quick bent their heads with shame.VII.书面表达随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人拥有了自己的汽车,你班同学就此展开了一次讨论,提出两种不同的观点和看法。请你根据所

35、提供的信息给报社写一封信,客观介绍这两种看法。 赞同者认为:1.方便、快捷、舒适的交通工具;2.反映出国民生活条件提高,国家富强;3.带动其他行业发展。反对者认为:1.废气污染严重;2.过多则影响交通,导致更多事故;3.停车问题日益突出。注意:1.信的开头已为你写好;2.词数:100左右;3.参考词汇:方便的 convenient;交通 transportation请用正确的单词补充完整下面的作文范文(一些提供了首字母),一空一词。Dear editor, Im writing to tell you about the _1_(discuss) we recently had about _

36、2_ it is good or not for families to own cars. _3_ the development of peoples living conditions,more and more people have their own cars. Some of us think _4_ good to own a car. Firstly,its a convenient,fast and comfortable means of transportation tool. You can go to a lot of places at any time. _5_

37、,it shows that people are becoming _6_,and the country stronger. It also makes businesses and industries develop faster. _7_ have different opinions. They think that cars give off waste gas and pollute the environment. Too many cars will have some bad effects,such as more accidents. _8_,p_9_ cars is

38、 another big problem. Maybe people should think _10_(careful)before they buy a car. Yours Li Hua 必修五第二单元答案I词汇考查(20分)1.debate2.clarify3.conflicts4.legal5.influenced 6.refer to7.as well8.instead of9.broke away10.work together11.taken the place of 12.Divided into13.break away 14consisting of 15.to your

39、 credit16.broken down17.left out 18.referred to19.is known as20.in memory of. 单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题1分,满分10分)21.A 22.A. 23.B 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30A完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)31-35 DABCB 36-40 DCABC 41-45 DABDA 46-50 CDBAC.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑(20分)。51-

40、54 BADC 55-58 BBDC. 语法填空(共10小题,满分10分)1.it 2. Thirdly 3. in 4. A 5. to memorize 6. their 7. If 8. advice 9. who 10. writing. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1 happens happened 2 got off got on 3 the next next 4 has blown was blown 5 he was she was 6 删除when 7 saw seeing 8 sadness sad 9 glanced glanced at 10 quick quicklyVII.书面表达(20分)1.discussion 2. whether 3. With 4. it 5. Secondly 6. richer7. Others 8. Besides 9. parking 10.carefully


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