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《人教版高中英语必修二第二单元检测题6287.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语必修二第二单元检测题6287.pdf(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 人教版高中英语必修二第二单元检测题 本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除 This document is for reference only-rar21year.March 2 人教版高中英语必修二第二单元测试 .单词拼写根据下列句子所提供的汉语提示或所给单词的首字母,写出各单词正确的完全形式 1Youve been working all morningyou_(应受)a rest.2The salesgirl refused to_(讨价还价)over the price.3The doctor said the old mans condition was_(没有希望的)4I fe

2、lt rather_(愚蠢的)when I couldnt answer the teachers question.5If you want to sell your product you must_(做广告)it.单项填空 1It is_of you to cooperate with such a bad man.Aclever Bfoolish Ccruel Dkind 2Unfortunately,the badly injured people in the serious accident died_.Aeach other Bone after another Cone af

3、ter one Done another 3Most of the students are making good progress,but Michael is a_one.Ahopeless Buseless Cendless Dhelpless 4He_to be locked up forever for what he did.Ademands Bdeserves Cpredicts Dpresents 5Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Mr.Smith._.AOh,no.Lets not BId rather stay

4、at home CIm very sorry,but I have other plans DOh,no.Thatll be too much trouble 6Remember that customers dont_prices in that city.Abargain with Bbargain about Cquarrel about Dargue about 7_that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.ASo successful her business was BSo successful was her bus

5、iness CSo her business was successful DSo was her successful business 8My uncle_until he was forty.Amarried Bdidnt marry Cwas not marrying Dwould marry 9The old man was very tired,so he stopped_.3 Ato work Bhimself from working Cto take a rest Dfrom work 10Your suggestion deserves_.Please choose the

6、 wrong answer.Aconsidering Bto be considered Cbeing considered Dconsideration.完形填空 阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball,I stopped to silently watch them.I really envied them.But as a girl,I once thought that I could_1_play basketball.I like pl

7、aying basketball though Im not good at it.Ive had a basketball_2_I was a child.At first,I could play freely because no one_3_when I was just a kid.But as I grew up it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball.At school,it was always the boys who played basketball during PE classes.The girl

8、s were_4_allowed to play volleyball or badminton.My parents did not_5_me play basketball at home.“Basketball is not fit for girls,”they I went to play basketball with my friends,boys_7_at me on the court as if I were an alien.I was feeling_8_and had lost hope of playing,something changed the first d

9、ay of high school.I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball.They_10_me to get back on the court.One of them told me with a smile,“Go your own_11_;let others talk.”This girl would always play basketball with me.Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about_12_with me almost ever

10、y day.I was inspired by them.Confidence and passion_13_to my heart.I am ready to stand up and play.I will play as well as I can,_14_for me,even the sky is boundless(无限的)Basketball has become an important part of my_15_.I am interested in it.I watch matches and enjoy playing almost every day.Through

11、basketball,not only do I feel happy and confident,but also_16_a lot.Ive heard the NBA star Tracy McGrady say,“Nothing is impossible.”It is from an advertisement on TV.I have_17_to realize that life is just like playing basketball.You should have an_18_.After that,just be confident and_19_going.Never

12、 give up and youll make it sooner or later.I love the motto of the NBA.It can_20_my strong feelings for basketball,“I love this game!”1 Boften Cnever Dalways 2 Bbefore Cafter Dsince 3 Bcared Cenjoyed Djoined 4 Balmost Chardly Dnot 4 5 Bagree Clet Dpermit 6 BYet CJust DEven 7 Bglared Cglanced Dstared

13、 8 Bdown Cexcited Dsatisfied 9 BNaturally CUnexpectedly DClearly 10 Bforbade Censured Dexplored 11 Bway Cbusiness Ddirection 12 Bsports Cinterests Ddreams 13 Breferred Cturned Dreturned 14 Bthough Cand Dhowever 15 Blife Cwork Dstudy 16 Bgrow Clearn Dplay 17 Bturned Crefused Dhappened 18 Baim Copinio

14、n Deffort 19 Bremain Ckeep Dlast 20 Bexpress Cignore Dconnect.阅读理解 阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。It is true that the first Olympic Games of the modern times in 1896 were not open to women.Baron Pierre de Coubertin,who gave new life to the Games,was very much a man of his time.He didnt like wome

15、n showing up for the Games.But since this time,things have changed.History shows that the number of women participating_in the Olympic Games has been increasing over the years,since their first participation in the 1900 Olympic Games and especially in the last 30 years.This development is of social,

16、political and cultural significance(意义)The progress is the result of the cooperation(合作)of the entire Olympic Movement and of proper measures that the International Olympic Committee(IOC),International Sports Federations(IFs),and National Olympic Committees(NOCs)have taken.Especially in the last 20

17、years,the IOC has enlarged the womens program at the Olympic Games,in cooperation with IFs and the Organizing Committees for the Olympic Games(OCOGs).This development was further strengthened(巩固)by the IOCs decision that all sports must 5 have womens events.The IOC also started to work on increasing

18、 the number of women at leadership level in sports in 1981.Former President Juan Antonio Samaranch,who wanted to have women as IOC members,made a great contribution(贡献)。Many sports volunteers have worked to increase the number of women joining in the Olympic Games.This progress has been made also th

19、anks to the strong determination of women from different countries of the world who have worked to make sure women are fully represented in all sports.1The underlined part“participating in”in the first paragraph can be replaced by“_”Agetting close to Btaking part in Ccalling for Dtaking over 2Accord

20、ing to the first paragraph,all of the following are true EXCEPT that_.Awomen were not allowed to join in the 1896 Olympic Games BBaron Pierre de Coubertin was very famous when he was alive Cmany women have competed in the Olympic Games in the last 30 years DBaron Pierre de Coubertin tried his best t

21、o let women join in the Olympic Games 3What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?AWhy women were not allowed to join in the Olympic Games.BHow more and more women were able to join in the Olympic Games.CWhat some organizations have done for womens rights.DWhat sports volunteers have done to enab

22、le women to join in the Olympic Games.4According to the passage,which of the following organizations decided that all sports must have womens events?AIOC BIFs CNOCs DOCOGs 5It is implied in the passage that_.Awomen first performed in the Olympic Games about fifty years ago Bit was IFs that decided t

23、o enlarge the womens program at the Olympic Games CJuan Antonio Samaranch didnt agree that women should be IOC members Dwomen themselves worked very hard so that they could join in the Olympic Games V 语法填空 M:Hello,from The Daily Mirror and Im doing a report on public opinion about the city bus,what

24、do you the bus service?6 W:The bus service Actually,I dont use it that often,have to go shopping.M:What,er,how could the bus service (improve)W:Well,they could turn up on mean,you look at the time-table and you think,“Oh,minutes to wait.”And it(turn)out to be an hour.M:Do any other people in your fa

25、mily use the bus service W:My uses it more fortunately a girl works in his office often gives him a into he does need to use it,hes often angry at he(wait)up to 50 minutes at the station for a I think there should be some way of(warn)people when a bus is not going to arrive and certainly much bus se

26、rvice.VI 短文改错 One day,Mr.Li accepted an invitation to a large business conference in felt very pleasing and decided to attend the morning of November 12,he arrived at the a lot businessmen!He got a little people,invited to the conference,came from the United States,Italian,France,Singapore,Japan,inc

27、luded some provinces of the conference,they introduced their products like textiles,computers,telephones,toys and so was more than 50 show for different the conference they build new relations with each other.一答案:1deserve 工作了一个早上了。你该休息一下了。2bargain 那位女售货员拒绝讨价还价。3hopeless 医生说这位老人的病是没有希望了。4foolish 当不会回

28、答老师的问题时,我感到自己相当愚蠢。5advertise 想卖产品,必须做广告。二单选 1 答案:B 与这样的一个坏人合作共事认为对方是愚蠢的,故 B 项正确。foolish“愚蠢的”,强调缺乏智慧或判断力。2 答案:B one after another“一个接一个地”,此处指事故中受伤的人们一个接一个地死去。each other“彼此”指两个人之间。one after one 无此结构;one another“相互”7 3 答案:A hopeless“无望的,没有希望的”,与前面的“making good progress”相对应,符合题意。useless“无用的”;endless“无尽头

29、的”;helpless“无助的”。4 答案:B deserve to do sth.“应受到惩罚”,符合题意。demand“要求”;predict“预测”;present“呈现”。5.答案:C 当别人发出邀请时如果无法出席,要委婉拒绝,且要说明拒绝的原因。6.答案:B bargain with 后接人;quarrel about 指“为而争吵”;argue about 指“为而争辩”。7 答案:B 本句是一个倒装句。so.that.引导的结果状语从句,当 so 位于句首时,主句要用倒装。8.答案:B 选用 until 或 not.until 句型的关键是谓语动词是否可以延续,如可以延续就用 u

30、ntil;反之就用 not.until。动词 marry 是非延续性动词,所以选 B 项。9 答案:C stop to work 意为“停下来开始工作”;stop himself from working 意为“制止他自己工作”;stop to take a rest 意为“停下来休息一会儿”;stop from work 无此说法。本句意为“老人太疲倦了,因此停下来休息一会儿”。根据题意可知选 C 项。10.答案:C 该题考查 deserve 的用法。deserve 后可跟 v.-ing/to be done/sth.故不正确的应是 C 项。三完型 1.答案:C 上文 silently wa

31、tch 和 really envied 暗示了该空应填 never。下文介绍的成长过程中“我”无法享受对篮球的爱也是选择线索。2 答案:D 主句是现在完成时,推知选 since。3 答案:B 一开始“我”可以自由打篮球,因为我只是个小孩,没有人会介意。4 答案:A 与上文 it was always the boys who played basketball 形成对照,应填 only,表示人们对男女生学校活动的性别刻板化印象。5 答案:C 在家里父母也不让“我”打篮球。A 项搭配不对。6 答案:D even“甚至”。见下题解释。7 答案:D 甚至当“我”去和朋友们打篮球时,男孩们也盯着“我”

32、看(不理解),就好像“我”是个外星人似的。用 stare at 表示“盯着”。glare 指“怒视”,不妥。glance 指“瞥一眼”。根据语境,文中要表达的意思应是其他男孩不解地盯着自己。8 答案:B 学校不谁、家庭不让、男孩不理解使“我”打篮球的梦想根本无法实现,“我”感到心情沮丧。feel down 引申为“感觉沮丧的”。8 10 答案:A 他们鼓励“我”回到篮球场。11 答案:B 走你自己的路,让别人去说吧。12 答案:A 本文话题是篮球与女生,因此该空应填 basketball。13 答案:D 在朋友们的鼓励与引导下,自信、激情又回到“我”心中。14 答案:C 前后是并列关系。15

33、答案:B 篮球已变成“我”生命的一部分。16 答案:C 通过篮球,我不但感到幸福、自信,而且还学到很多东西 17 答案:A“我”逐渐意识到生活就像打篮球。18 答案:B aim“目标”。19 答案:C 你首先应该有一个目标,然后应自信,并且不停地走下去。20 答案:B 这个格言能够表达“我”对篮球的强烈感情。四阅读理解 1 答案:B 词义猜测题。根据“But since this time,things have changed.”的语境可知越来越多的女子参加奥运比赛。2 答案:D 细节理解题。根据第一段“He didnt like women showing up for the Games

34、.”可知 Baron Pierre de Coubertin 并不支持女子参加奥运比赛。3 答案:B 主旨大意题。通读第二段,可知主要是讲在一些奥运组织与机构的积极努力下,越来越多的女子得以参加奥运比赛,而第三段是指体育志愿者以及世界各国的女子的积极争取也为越来越多的女子得以参加奥运比赛作出了贡献,故选B。4 答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“This development was further strengthened(巩固)by the IOCs decision that all sports must have womens events.”可知应选 A。5 答案:D 理解推断题

35、。根据最后一段的“This progress has been made also thanks to the strong determination of women.”可推断世界各国的女子为争取更多的女子可以参加奥运比赛做出了很多努力。五语法填空 答案 1解析:考查固定搭配。what do you think of sth.你认为某事怎么样 答案:think 9 2解析:考查连词。“实际上我不常乘公共汽车,除非我必须去购物。”unless 除非。答案:unless 3解析:考查动词。“公交服务怎样才能被改善呢?”本句的谓语是:could be improved。答案:be improve

36、d 4解析:考查动词。此处主语是 it,故谓语用第三人称单数形式。答案:turns 5解析:考查定语从句。此处定语从句缺少主语,且先行词是 a girl,故用 who 引导。答案:who 6解析:考查固定搭配。give lift 让某人搭车。答案:lift 7解析:考查连词。此处表示转折。“但是当他确实需要使用公交车时,他经常很生气。”答案:But 8解析:考查时态。“有一次他在车站等车等了 50 分钟。”由句中的 once 可知,此处用一般过去时。答案:waited 9解析:考查非谓语动词。介词 of 后接名词作宾语。warning n警告。答案:warning 10解析:考查形容词的比较级

37、。此处意为“当然要有(比现在)更经常的公交车服务。”故用more(更多的)。答案:more 六改错 答案:One day,Mr.Li acceptedreceived an invitation to a large business conference in felt very received pleasingpleased and decided to attend it.InOn the morning of November 12,he arrived at the pleased On a lot of businessmen!He got a little people,inv

38、ited to the conference,came from the United States,ItalianItaly,France,Singapore,Japan,includedincluding some Italy including 10 provinces of the conference,they introduced our products like textiles,computers,their telephones,toys and so on.There waswere more than 50 showshows for different the were shows conference they buildbuilt new relations with each other.


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