2022年中考英语补全对话专项练习及答案 .pdf

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1、学员姓名:年级:九年级第次课辅导科目:英语教师:课题初中英语补全对话专项练习授课时间: 20XX 年月日星期教学内容补全对话专练补全对话是中考、中招英语试卷上的必考题型,旨在测试考生运用日常交际用语的实际水平。补全对话内容的鲜明特点是考查语言的交际运用,交际性、口语化是其特征,也可以认为是口试考查的替代题目之一。补全对话题目在英语中考及平时的测试中都有一定比重。补全对话命题时对话内容一般都控制在日常交际用语细目表的规定范围之内。它通常涉及看病、问路、打电话、邀约、购物、借东西、家中待客等话题,也有就日常生活中常见情景设定对话的考题。在特定的情景中,交际运用的语言常有一定模式,要求应试者熟练掌握

2、在不同情景中的常用语。补全对话的考题常见的有对话填词、对话填句子、对话选择(七选五或五选五等)、对话配对等。(一 ) A: Hello, 8707026. B: Hello! Is 1 Tom speaking? A: Yes, speaking. B: Tom, this is Jack. Fred is 2 in hospital. A: Oh, I m 3 to hear that. B: I want to 4 him. Do you 5 the way to the North Street Hospital? A: Yes. You can take the No.3 bus. G

3、et 6 at the North Street. Then 7 along the road, take the turning 8 the right. Walk on and 9 left. You cant 10 it. B: Thank you very much. (二 ) A: Excuse me, how can I 1 to the post office? B: Sorry, I don t know. I m 2 here. Please ask the policeman. Maybe he 3 . A: Thank you all the same. (To the

4、policeman) Excuse me, 4 you tell me the way to the post office? C: Certainly. Go 5 this road and turn right 6 the traffic lights. Then go on until you reach the 7 . You will find it 8 to the police station. A: Is it far 9 here? B: No, it s only five minutes walk.A: Thank you very much. C: 10 pleasur

5、e. (三 ) A: (Knocks into an old man) Sorry, did I hurt you? B: Oh, I m OK. Don t 1 about it, young man, You seem to be in a great 2 . A: Yes, I m 3 here. I m looking for the Peoples Hospital. Could you tell me the way, please?B: Go down this street until you reach the first crossing, then 4 right and

6、 you will find it in 5 of you. A: How 6 is it from here? B: It s about 2 kilometers.A: But can I take a bus? B: Oh, sorry, there is no bus to go there. You d 7 take a taxi. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 10 页 - - - - - - - - - A: I see. You are

7、very really 8 . Sorry to give you so much 9 . B: No 10 . (四 ) A: Excuse me, 1 the nearest hospital, please? B: Sorry, I don t know. You d better 2 the policeman over there. He may know. A: Thank you all the 3 . A: (To another man)Excuse me, 4 is the way to the nearest hospital, please? C: Go 5 this

8、street, turn left and walk on 6 you reach the end. And you will see the hospital. It s 7 the post office and the fruit shop. A: How 8 is it from here? C: It s about thirty minutes walk.A: It takes too long. Can I take a bus? C: Sure. The bus stop is over there, on the 9 side of the street. A: I see,

9、 Thank you very much. C: You re 10 . (五 ) A: Hello, Jim! Are you 1 well? B: No, not really. A: What s the 2 ? B: Nothing 3 . I just have a 4 . A: Im sorry to 5 that. Have you 6 any pills? B: Yes, I have. But it doesn t work. I should go to see a 7 today, but I am quite 8 . I havent finished my repor

10、t. A: This afternoon Ill be 9 . You may go to see a doctor and Ill write the report later.B: Thank you A: That s OK. I hope that you ll feel 10 soon. (六 ) A: Good morning. B: Good morning. Sit down please. What s wrong 1 you? A: Ive got a headache and a bad cough.B: 2 3 have you like this? A: For tw

11、o days. B: What did you have for 4 this morning? A: Just a glass of milk. B: Now open your mouth, please. I want to take your temperature. Oh, dont 5 . Its nothing 6 . Just a little cold. A: 7 shall I do? B: You must take some medicine, and have a good 8 . A: How shall I take the medicine? B: Twice

12、a day. You d better drink more 9 and stay in bed. Youll be all 10 soon. A: Thank you very much. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 10 页 - - - - - - - - - (七 ) A: Hello! Could I 1 to Mr. Lin, please? B: I m sorry she isn t 2 now. Can I 3 a message? A

13、: That s very kind 4 you, but I want to speak to him about my son, Li lei. I d like to see him as 5 as possible, please. B: Are you free 6 today? A: Sorry, I m free every day except today.B: Are you 7 to come tomorrow? A: I think 8 . What time? B: 9 8:00 and 9:00 A: OK. B: Then I ll 10 the message o

14、n his table. A: Thank you very much. B: You re welcome.(八 ) A: What can I do for you? B: I m 1 for a pair of black shoes. A: What 2 do you want? B: Size 8. A: Im 3 we haven t got any black shoes in that size4 the moment. But we ve got some brown 5 . B: Hmm, have you got any 6 kind? A: What 7 those s

15、hoes over there? B: Well, that pair looks nice. Can I try them 8 , please? A: Sure. B: How much are they? A: Fifty-five yuan. B: Hmm, that s a bit expensive, but they 9 me so well. Ill 10 them. (九)Emma:Hello!Wei Hua!Wei Hua: 1 !Emma! 2 ?Emma:Fine,thanks3 ?Wei Hua: Im OK Emma:Please come in and sit d

16、ownMumThis is my friend ,Wei HuaWei Hua,4 Mrs.Read:Good afternoon,Wei HuaHow do you do ?Wei Hua: 5 ?Mr.Read:Sit down ,pleaseWei Hua: 6 Mrs.Read:7 ,Wei Hua?Wei Hua: Im twelve Mrs.Read:8 ?Wei Hua:My mother is a nurse , and my father is an engineer in a computer company Can Emma go out to play games wi

17、th me,MrsRead?Mr.Read:9 Wei Hua: Thank you Lets go,Emma See you later,MrsReadMrs.Read:10 (十)A : May I ask you a few questions ? 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 10 页 - - - - - - - - - B : Yes , of course . A : Who are you going to play against ? B

18、 : A team from No.2 Middle School . A : Who do you think will 1_ the match ? B : Our team . A : Are you so 2_ ? But I hear some of their players are very strong . B : That s 3_ . But they don t make a good team .A : Why not ? B : Because they are not 4_ at teamwork . I think we can beat them . A : G

19、ood 5_ to you and your team then . B : Thank you . See you later . 选择最佳答语补全对话(十一 ) A: Hi, Zhou Wei. Where are you going to spend your summer holidays this year? B: _ (1) A: How are you going to get there? B: Were going to get there by plane. A: _ (2) B: The next Monday. A: _ (3) B: Thanks. What abou

20、t you? A: _ (4) Id like to go back to see all the villagers. I miss them very much. B: _ (5) I think you must have a good time in your home town. A. Thats wonderful. B. Have you decided to go home for the holidays? C. You know Im from the country. D. Im sure youll enjoy yourselves in Urumqi. E. Im g

21、oing to travel in Urumqi with my family. F. When are you going to start? G. Please call me if you need some help. (十二)Miss Wu: Can I help you? Li Gang: Yes, Id like to return this book, please. Miss Wu: (1)_ Li Gang: No, I couldnt read it. I had a hard time reading a few pages, and then I decided to

22、 give up. Miss Wu: (2)_ Li Gang: It wasnt the language. It was the words. They are too small for me. Miss Wu: (3)_What can I do for you then? Li Gang: Well, Id be glad if you could find me another book. Miss Wu: (4)_ Li Gang: Yes, but one with bigger words. Miss Wu: (5)_ Li Gang: Oh, Oliver Twist. T

23、his one is fine. And the words are much bigger. Thank you very much. Miss Wu: Youre welcome. A. What about this one? B. You cant keep the book for long. C. Another English storybook? D. Isnt it interesting? E. Oh? But I know you are good at English. F. Did you enjoy the book? G. Yes, they are really

24、 small. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 10 页 - - - - - - - - - (十三 ) John: 1 Mary: Yes, sir? John: 2 Mary: Yes, sir. (Mary turns to Ann.) 3 Ann: 4 Give it to me, please. Mary: Here you are. (Mary is going out of the room.) Ann: Mary! Mary: Yes? W

25、hat s the matter?Ann: 5 A. Can you type ( 打字 ) this letter for John, please, Ann? B. Sorry, I dont know how to type thisletter. I cant read it.C. Can you come here a minute, please, Mary? D. Can you ask Ann to type this letter for me? E. Yes, of course I can. (十四)Excuse me. (1) Yes. And you are? (2)

26、 This is my membership card (证件) . Would you please show me your passport(护照)?OK. (3) Welcome to Beijing, Miss White. Im so glad that the first one I asked is the guest(客人) I will receive. Thank you, Miss Chen. (4) Let me help you with you luggage (行李) . Our car is waiting for us just at the entranc

27、e( 入口处 ). (5) Thank you very much for you good service. Its a pleasure. A. Im an English guide (导游) from Beijing China Travel Service. B. Are you Miss White from New York? C. Im so lucky that I could meet my guide as soon as I got off the plane. D. Here you are. E. It will take us right to the hotel

28、 (旅馆) . (十五)A: Could you lend me your dictionary? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Thank you. (1) I just want to look up a few words. B: Im not using it now. (2) A: Thanks. B: (3) A: (4) are you going to the city this afternoon? B: Im going to. What can I do for you? A: (5) B: Sure. Ill be glad to. A. By t

29、he way, B. Would you please buy a book for me? C. Its nothing serious. D. I wont keep it long. E. Ill give the dictionary to you. F. Not at all. G. Take your time.(十六)A: Hello , Jane . I haven t seen you for a few months . 1_名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - -

30、 - 第 5 页,共 10 页 - - - - - - - - - B : I ve just come back from England . My father took me there . A : 2_ B : It was great . A : Where did you go ? B : 3_ Then we went to Scotland . A : 4_ B : Terrible . It always rained . A : 5_ B : Yes, we took a lot . Please come to my house and I will show them

31、to you . A . Was your traveling interesting? B. It is very hot there ,isnt it?C . Well, we spent one week in London . D. What was the weather like there? E . Did you take any pictures? F. Where have you been ? G . Did you buy something ? (十七)Jim : Which do you prefer , art or music ? Kate: I prefer

32、music to art . 1_ Jim : Really ? I can t agree with you . Art is more interesting than music . 2_ I prefer art to music . Kate: No. Music is much more popular . 3_ Jim : But I have to say you don t sing well . Im afraid nobody likes to listen to you when you sing .Kate: But you draw badly . 4_ Mum:

33、Oh, my children ,stop talking like that, please . 5_They make our life more interesting. A : They re both important .B: You can see nice art everywhere . C : I don t think art is as interesting and popular as music . D: It can be heard every day . E : Nobody likes you . F: I think music is more inte

34、resting than art . G : No one enjoys your picture . (十八)A: Hello, John. Here is the book. You lent it to me last week. Thank you very much. B: Oh, you re welcome. Tin, 1_.A: Very much, I m sorry to have kept it so long. I havent had much time for reading these days.B: That s all right. 2_.A: Have yo

35、u got any more books by the same writer? B: Yes, but I have lent it to Jim. Would you like to borrow it? A: Yes, please. Shall I ask Jim to pass it on to me when he has finished it? B: No, better let him return it to me and then 3_. A: Have you got anything else I can borrow now? B: Do you like scie

36、nce books? 4_. A: 5_ B: OK. Let s go and get it. It s in my room.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 10 页 - - - - - - - - - (十九)A: Hi, Jacky!_(1) B: Ive no idea. Lily, what do you think? A: _(2) B: Good idea! Lets make it half past one. A: _ (3) B: _

37、 (4) there is a zoo in the park. We can go and have a look at the animals. A: Great! Lets make it half past one. B: OK_ (5) A: Outside the park gate. A. Lets make it a little earlier. B. Where shall we meet? C. Shall we go to the park? D. What are you going to do tomorrow? E. What about a quarter pa

38、st two? (二十 ) 从 II 栏中选出I 栏中每句话的正确答语I II ( )1.What s for breakfast? A. I am pla ying computer games. ( )2.Is she running? B. Thank you. ( )3.I like the computer room best. How about you? C. No, she is dancing. ( )4.What time does the class begin? D. Bread, eggs and milk. ( )5.Hm, it tastes nice. E. I

39、 like the swimming pool best. F. At ten oclock.G. For ten hours. 参考答案(一)1.that 2.ill 3.sorry 4.visit 5.know 6.off 7.walk/go 8.on 9.turn 10.miss (二)1.get 2.new 3.knows 4.could 5. along/down 6.at 7.end 8.next 9.from 10.With (三)1.worry 2.hurry 3.new 4.turn 5.front 6.far 7.better 8.kind/friendly 9.troub

40、le 10.problem (四)1.where s 2.ask 3.same 4.which 5.along/down 6.until 7.between 8.far 9.other 10.welcome (五)1.feeling 2.matter 3.serious 4.cold/cough 5.hear 6.taken 7.doctor 8.busy 9. free 10.better (六)1.with 2.How 3.long 4.breakfast 5.worry 6.serious 7.What 8.rest 9.water 10.right (七)1.speak 2.here/

41、in 3.take 4.of 5.soon 6.later 7.able 8.so 9.Between 10.leave (八)1.looking 2.size 3.sorry 4.ones 5.at 6.other 7.about 8.on 9. fit 10.take (九)1.Hello 2.How are you 3.And you/what about you 4.this is my mother 5.How do you do 6.Thank you 7.How old are you 8.What do your parents do/What are your parents

42、 9.Certainly/Sure/Of course 10.See you later (十)1.win 2. sure/strong 3.true/right 4.good 5.luck 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 10 页 - - - - - - - - - (十一 ) 15 E F D C A (十二) 15 F E G C A (十三 ) 15 C D A E B (十四 ) 15 B A D C E (十五 ) 15 D G F A B (

43、十六 ) 15 F A C D E (十七 ) 15 F B D G A (十八 ) 15 D G C A E (十九 )15 D C E A B (二十 )15 D C E F B 课后作业初二英语专项练习补全对话( A )A: Hello! Could I _to the headmaster, please? B: _ on f or a moment, please. I m sorry he isnt here _ now. may I help you?A: That s very kind _ you, but I want to speak to him _ my son, J

44、im Green. I would like to _ him as soon as _, please. B: Are you _ later today, Mr. Green? A: Sorry. I m free every day _ today.B: Are you able to come here tomorrow? A: I think so. What time? B: _8:30 and 9:00. A: I think so. Yes, I think that would be fine. B: I ll _ a message on his desk.A: Thank

45、 you very much. Goodbye! B: Goodbye! ( B ) A: _would you like playing, volleyball or _? B: _. I like football. A: I like playing football, _. Let s go to play football sometime, _we?B: OK. I m very glad _.A: When _ we go, this afternoon _ tomorrow afternoon? B: Im going to _ a football match of Worl

46、d Cup _TV .A: I hear you are going to _ your grandmother. B: Yes. But the match is _ important that I cant _ it. ( C ) A: _can I_ _ you? B: I m looking for a pair of black shoes.A: _ _ _you like? B: Size eight. A: The shoes you want are here. Which pair do you want? B: The one _ the right _ nice. Ho

47、w much? A: Fifty yuan. B: Im afraid that s _ _ expensive. Do you have any _shoes?A: Yes, _ _ the pair next _them? Only thirty yuan. B: OK. Can I _ them _, please? A: Certainly. B: This pai r of shoes _me quite well. I ll take it. Here _ the money. GoodbyeA: Goodbye! ( D ) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - -

48、- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 10 页 - - - - - - - - - A: Can I _ you? Would you like something to _? What _ some cakes? B: No, _. I think I d like some bread.A: Would you like something to _? B: A cup of coffee, please. A: _sugar? B: Yes, _. A: Some _ bread? B: No. the br

49、ead is delicious, _ I can t eat _ more. Thank you.( E ) A: _me, please. Could you tell me _ to get to the East Street Hospital? B: Go _ this street _you _the second traffic lights. _right and youll _ the hospital at the _ of the road. A: How _ is it? B: About three kilometers. It ll _ you about_an h

50、our. But youd _ catch a bus.A: _ bus shall I take? B: The Number 2 bus will take you _. A: Thanks a lot. B: You re _.( F ) A: Good afternoon! Sit down, please. What s _with you?B: Good afternoon , Doctor. I _ _ a headache. A: Have you _ your _? B: Yes, I have. Its a bit higher.A: Jack, _ your mouth


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