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《2022年中考英语复习之挑战压轴题(补全对话):补全对话(含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年中考英语复习之挑战压轴题(补全对话):补全对话(含答案).pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年 中 考 英 语 复 习 之 挑 战 压 轴 题(补 全 对 话):补 全 对 话 一.补 全 对 话(共 10小 题)1.(2021 娄 底)通 读 下 列 对 话,然 后 根 据 上 下 文 补 全 对 话 内 容。(A:David B:Mary)A:Hi,Mary.Have you heard of the volunteer activity this week in our school?B:(1).A:Ah,don*t you know?It is Empty Plates Movement*.And Im one of the volunteers.B:(2)?A:We

2、 will put up signs about saving food in our school dining hall at first.B:Oh,sounds interesting!What else will you do?A:(3).We have lots of things to do.B:Wonderful!When will it start?A:At 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.(4)?B:Yes,rd love to.See you tomorrow.A:(5).2.(2021 邓 州 市 一 模)A:Peter,do you know Frank

3、?B:Sure.He was my classmate in primary school.(1)?A:I hear wherever he goes,he is always welcome.(2)?B:Hes very friendly to everyone.And he is rather humorous.A:(3).By the way,hows it going?I seldom see you play with other students.B:I find ifs difficult to find a good friend.And Im busy with my stu

4、dy,so I have no chance tomake friends.(4)?A:Well,Fil help you.B:Thanks.But actually I have some friends on the Internet.I often chat with them online atweekends.A:(5).Wed better make some friends in the real world.B:Youre so kind.Thank you for your advice again.3.(2021 建 华 区 三 模)A:Lin Feng,youve don

5、e well in the final exam.Congratulations!B:Many thanks.(1).Youve got good grades,too.A:The summer vocation is coming.(2)?B:Im going to travel.Fd like to stay cool in the hot weather.A:Thafll be fun!(3)?B:Not yet.Im looking for a place Fve never been to.(4)?A:Sure.You can go to the mountains in Yichu

6、n.Its quite cool there in summer.Fm sure you willlike that place because the air is very fresh and the food there is also special.B:That sounds like fun.Whafs your plan for the summer vacation?A:I will stay at home to study English.You know,Im going abroad for further study.Dontforget to wear a mask

7、 and wash your hands often during your traveling.(5)!B:Thank you very much.A:Youre welcome.4.(2021 凤 翔 县 一 模)(Two students are talking in the classroom.)A:You look tired.(1)?B:These days,I stay up late every night.I have too much homework to do.A:Do you want to relax this weekend?(2)?B:Good idea!Let

8、s take a walk in Baolin Park.And we can invite Lin Hua to go with us.A:Im afraid he cant.He was hurt on the way to school and now hes in hospital.B:(3).From his lesson,we get to know the importance of self-protection.A:Yes.Ifs necessary for students to keep safe.Lefs visit him this afternoon.Hell be

9、 happy.B:I think so.(4)?A:Let*s meet at the school gate at 5 p.m.B:OK.See you!A:(5)!5.(2021 建 平 县 模 拟)A:Hi,Mandy!May I ask you some questions?B:(1).A:What are you going to be after leaving school?B:Im going to be a doctor.A:A doctor?(2)?B:Because it*s interesting and Ill be very happy when my patien

10、ts are well.A:Do you think it*s easy to heal people?B:(3).its hard work and lots of basic medical knowledge must be mastered.A:How do you know that?B:(4).And now she has tried.She told me about that.A:(5)?B:Ill go to college and manage to learn a lot about medicine.Fm sure I will be able to becomean

11、 excellent doctor.A:Youre great.Keep tryingJMay you succeed!B:Thank you so much.6.(2021 延 边 州 模 拟)Son:Hi,Mum.I am back.Mum:Hi,dear.How was your school day?Son:(1)My English teacher told us some eating habits in America.I like it verymuch.Mum:Oh,really?So how many meals do they have in a day?Do they

12、have three as wedo?Son:Yes.Typical Americans have breakfast,lunch and dinner.Mum:(2)Son:For lunch,a sandwich is the best choice.Mum:(3)Son:Because it is easy to take and not difficult to prepare.Mum:So what do they put in a sandwich?Son:It(4)on their tastes,of course.Mum:Sounds nice.What about dinne

13、r then?Son:Dinner is the biggest meal in a day.They have meat,vegetables and dessert.By theway,(5)Mum:Yes,you can.A sandwich is a good choice for lunch,and tomorrow will be anotherwonderful day.7.(2020长 沙 模 拟)A:Hello,Carmen.You seem to have great fun.What are you doing?B:I am watching the Opening Ce

14、remony of the Golden Rooster Awards live online.Manyfamous actors and actresses attend it.A:(1)?B:I prefer actors or actresses who can play different roles well.Im a huge fan of Zhou Dongyu.A:Zhou Dongyu?(2)?B:She is thin and short.Although she is not the typical beauty with big eyes,she actedperfec

15、tly in The Hawthorn Tree and Better Days.A:Ive heard of Better Days.(3)?B:It was educational and I was deeply moved by the story.lt is about school bullying.I thinksomething should be done to prevent it.A:(4).Teenagers should be friendly to each other.B:But what should we do if we have such a proble

16、m?(5)?A:Yes.We had better ask the teachers or parents for help.B:Hope more and more people will pay attention to this problem and teenagers will live morehappily.8.(2020雨 花 区 模 拟)A:Hi,Xiao Hong.What are you doing?B:Hi,Xiao Li.Summer vacation is coming.(1).A:Making a plan?What do you plan to do?B:I p

17、lan to visit the Great Wall.Its so famous in 由 e world.(2)?A:No,I havent.But I will visit it someday.(3)?B:Im going to take the train to Beijing.By the way,I will visit Tsinghua University.Thatis my dream university.A:Sounds like a good plan.I wish you could make that come true.B:Thank you.Did you e

18、ver think about the college that you want to go to in the future?A:Yes,I did.I want to go to Shanghai International Studies University.B:(4)?A:Because its a great place for me to continue to learn English.Im going to introduce mygreat mother country to the world.B:(5)!We will be proud of you.A:Thank

19、s.I will try my best!9.(2020信 阳 模 拟)A:Hi,Jack.Our speech competition about music is coming.B:Yeah.Im ready for it.What about you?A:I dont know which topic 1 will choose.(1)?B:Yes,I can give you some advice.What kind of music do you like best?Do you likepop music or rock music?A:Both of them.(2).B:Th

20、en you should collect some infoimation about pop music.A:All right.So what can I do?B:Well,let me think.(3).A:Sounds great!Thank you very much.B:(4),By the way,a report about music will be held in our school tomorrow.Wouldyou like to go there?A:(5).I am free tomorrow.B:Wonderful!See you tomorrow.A:S

21、ee you.10.(2020哈 尔 滨 一 模)A:Good morning,Home Inn.(1)can I do for you?B:Good morning.I want to book some rooms.A:OK.We have rooms(2)a bathroom,TV,fridge and air conditioner().Imsure youH feel comfortable.B:Do you have(3)single rooms?A:Yes,we do.B:How much does a room with one single bed(4)?A:A room w

22、ith one single bed costs 30 dollars.B:OK.I want to book 12 rooms with one single bed.A:When do you want(5)?B:On June 24th.A:OK,see you then.B:See you.2022年 中 考 英 语 复 习 之 挑 战 压 轴 题(补 全 对 话):补 全 对 话(10题)参 考 答 案 与 试 题 解 析 一.补 全 对 话(共 10小 题)1.(2021 娄 底)通 读 下 列 对 话,然 后 根 据 上 下 文 补 全 对 话 内 容。(A:David B:Ma

23、ry)A:Hi,Mary.Have you heard of the volunteer activity this week in our school?B:(1)No,I havent.A:Ah,dont you know?It is Empty Plates Movement1.And Im one of the volunteers.B:(2)What will you dv?A:We will put up signs about saving food in our school dining hall at first.B:Oh,sounds interesting!What e

24、lse will you do?A:(3)We will tell sludvnls lo save food.We have lots of things to do.B:Wonderful!When will it start?A:At 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.(4)Would you like to inin us?B:Yes,Id love to.See you tomorrow.A:(5)See you tomorrow.【考 点】补 全 对 话.【分 析】(A:大 卫 B:玛 丽)A:嗨,玛 丽,你 听 说 过 我 们 学 校 这 周 的 志 愿 者 活 动

25、 吗?B:不,我 没 有。A:啊,你 不 知 道 吗?这 是”空 盘 运 动,我 是 志 愿 者 之 一。B:你 们 做 些 什 么?A:首 先 我 们 会 在 学 校 食 堂 张 贴 节 约 食 物 的 牌 子。B:哦,听 起 来 很 有 趣!你 们 还 做 什 么?A:我 们 会 告 诉 学 生 节 约 食 物。我 们 有 很 多 事 情 要 做。B:好 极 了!什 么 时 候 开 始?A:明 天 下 午 3:0 0 o你 愿 意 加 入 我 们 吗?B:是 的,我 很 乐 意。明 天 见。A:明 天 见。【解 答】(1)No,I havent.问 句 Have you heard of

26、the volunteer activity this week in ourscho ol?是 have引 导 的 一 般 疑 问 句,答 语 是 Yes,I have./No,I havent.,结 合 下 文 dontyou k n o w?你 不 知 道 吗?”可 知 答 语 应 为 No,I havent.c 故 答 案 为:No,I havent.(2)W hat will you do.根 据 We will put up signs about saving food in our school dining hall atfirst.首 先 我 们 会 在 学 校 食 堂 张

27、 贴 节 约 食 物 的 牌 子”可 知 提 问”你 们 做 些 什 么?二 且 句 子 为 含 有 w ill的 一 般 将 来 时 态。故 答 案 为:What will you do?(3)We will tell students to save food.根 据 What else will you d o?你 们 还 做 什 么?”和 答 语 We have lots of things to do.我 们 有 很 多 事 情 要 做”,可 知 此 处 答 语 是”志 愿 者 做 的 具 体 事 情,We will tell students to save food.表 示“我

28、们 会 告 诉 学 生 节 约 食 物”(答 案 不 唯 一)。故 答 案 为:We will tell students to save food.(4)Would you like to join u s?根 据 答 语”Yes,Id love to.是 的,我 很 乐 意”,可 知 问 句 是 由 Would you like t o引 导 的,Would you like to join u s?表 示 你 愿 意 加 入 我 们 吗”,故 答 案 为:Would you like to join us?(5)See you tomorrow.根 据 上 文 告 别 语 See you

29、 tomorrow可 知 答 语 也 要 说 See youtomorrowo 故 答 案 为:See you tomorrow.【点 评】首 先 要 通 读 对 话,掌 握 大 意,特 别 要 注 意 上 下 文 之 间 的 联 系,据 此 确 定 某 处 的 意 思,选 择 恰 当 的 词 语 来 填 空,就 可 以 确 定 正 确 答 案。2.(2021邓 州 市 一 模)A:Peter,do you know Frank?B:Sure.He was my classmate in primary school.(1)Whats wrong with him?A:I hear where

30、ver he goes,he is always welcome.(2)Do you know why?B:Hes very friendly to everyone.And he is rather humorous.A:(3)I get it.By the way,hows it going?I seldom see you play with other students.B:I find ifs difficult to find a good friend.And Im busy with my study,so I have no chance tomake friends.(4)

31、Can you help me?A:Well,Ell help you.B:Thanks.But actually I have some friends on the Internet.I often chat with them online atweekends.A:(5)That sounds terrible.Wed better make some friends in the real world.B:Youre so kind.Thank you for your advice again.【考 点】补 全 对 话.【分 析】这 是 一 则 谈 论 交 朋 友 的 对 话。并

32、提 出 了 我 们 应 在 现 实 世 界 中 交 些 朋 友 的 建 议。【解 答】(1)Whats wrong with h im?根 据 He was my classmate in primary school.他 是 我 小 学 的 同 学。结 合 上 文 提 到 他 的 同 学,此 处 可 填 Whatk wrong wilh h im?他 这 个 同 学 怎 么 了?有 什 么 问 题 吗?故 填 Whafs wrong with him?(2)Do you know w h y?根 据 前 文 I hear wherever he goes,he is always welco

33、me.说 这 位 同 学 很 受 欢 迎,所 以 应 问 Do you know w h y?你 知 道 为 什 么 吗?故 填 Do you know why?(3)I get it.根 据 上 文 Hes very friendly to everyone.And he is rather humorous.他 对 每 个 人 都 很 友 好。而 且 他 相 当 幽 默。解 释 完 了 为 什 么 受 欢 迎,故 回 答 我 知 道 了。故 填 I get it.(4)Can you help m e?根 据 下 文 回 答 Ill help you.我 会 帮 助 你。可 知 此 处 为

34、 Can you helpm e?你 能 帮 我 吗?故 填 Can you help me?(5)That sounds terrible.根 据 上 文 说 But actually I have some friends on the Internet.I oftenchat with them online at weekends.但 实 际 上 我 在 网 上 有 一 些 朋 友。周 末 我 经 常 在 网 上 和 他 们 聊 天。听 说 只 在 网 上 交 友,可 知 此 处 填 那 听 起 来 真 糟 糕。应 在 现 实 中 交 友。故 填 Thatsounds terrible

35、.【点 评】题 目 要 求 选 句 子 补 全 对 话,主 要 考 查 学 生 的 语 言 运 用 能 力 及 日 常 交 际 能 力。3.(2021 建 华 区 三 模)A:Lin Feng,youve done well in the final exam.Congratulations!B:Many thanks.(1)The same to you.Youve got good grades,too.A:The summer vocation is coming.(2)What are you going to do?B:Im going to travel.Fd like to st

36、ay cool in the hot weather.A:Thafll be fun!(3)Have you decided where to go?B:Not yet.Im looking for a place Fve never been to.(4)Can you give mn some ndvice?A:Sure.You can go to the mountains in Yichun.Its quite cool there in summer.Fm sure you willlike that place because the air is very fresh and t

37、he food there is also special.B:That sounds like fun.Whafs your plan for the summer vacation?A:1 will stay at home to study English.You know,Im going abroad for further study.Dontforget to wear a mask and wash your hands often during your traveling.(5)Have a goodtime!B:Thank you very much.A:Youre we

38、lcome.【考 点】补 全 对 话.【分 析】这 是 一 则 谈 论 暑 假 要 干 什 么 的 对 话 0【解 答】(1)The same to you.根 据 上 文 Congratulations!祝 贺。以 及 下 句 Youve got goodgrades,too.你 的 成 绩 也 很 好。所 以 应 是 说 同 样 祝 贺 你。符 合 题 意。故 填 The samet。you.(2)What are you going to d o?根 据 下 文 Pm going to travel.我 要 去 旅 行。”可 知,应 询 问 你 打 算 干 什 么?符 合 题 意。故 选

39、 What are you going to do?(3)Have you decided where to g o?根 据 下 文 Not yetlm looking for a place 还 没 有。我 在 找 一 个 地 方。”可 知,应 询 问 你 决 定 去 哪 了 吗?符 合 题 意。故 选 Have you decided whereto go?(4)Can you give me some advice?根 据 下 文 Sure.You can go to the mountains in Yichun.当 然。你 可 以 去 伊 春 的 山 上。可 知,这 是 建 议。所

40、以 上 文 应 询 问 你 能 给 我 一 些 建 议 吗?符 合 题 意。故 选 Can you give me some advice?(5)Have a good time!根 据 下 文 Thank you very much.非 常 感 谢 你。可 知,这 是 对 上 文 祝 愿 的 话 Have a good time trip!祝 你 旅 途 愉 快!表 示 感 谢。故 选 Have a good time!【点 评】题 目 要 求 选 句 子 补 全 对 话,主 要 考 查 学 生 的 语 言 运 用 能 力 及 日 常 交 际 能 力。4.(2021凤 翔 县 一 模)(Tw

41、o students are talking in the classroom.)A:You look tired.(1)Whats the matter with you?B:These days,I stay up late every night.I have too much homework to do.A:Do you want to relax this weekend?(2)How about taking a walk in Baolin Park?B:Good idea!Lets take a walk in Baolin Park.And we can invite Li

42、n Hua to go with us.A:Im afraid he cant.He was hurt on the way to school and now hes in hospital.B:(3)Im sorry to hear that.From his lesson,we get to know the importance of self-protection.A:Yes.Its necessary for students to keep safe.Lets visit him this afternoon.Hei I be happy.B:I think so.(4)When

43、 and where shall we meet?A:Lets meet at the school gate at 5 p.m.B:OK.See you!A:(5)See you!【考 点】补 全 对 话.【分 析】B 看 起 来 很 累,A 建 议 周 末 去 宝 林 公 园 散 步,B 打 算 邀 请 Lin Hua 一 起,但 是 Lin H ua受 伤 住 晚 了,二 人 便 决 定 今 天 下 午 去 看 望 Lin Hua。【解 答】(1)Whats the matter with y o u?根 据 You look tired.你 看 起 来 很 累。和 These days

44、,I stay up late every night.I have too much homework to do.这 些 天 来,我 每 晚 者 B熬 夜。我 有 太 多 的 家 庭 作 业 要 做。可 知,此 处 对 对 方 表 示 关 心,询 问 对 方 Whafs the matter with you?”怎 么 了?,故 填 Whats the matter with you?(2)How about taking a walk in Baolin P a rk?根 据 Good idea!Lets take a walk in BaolinPark.好 主 意!我 们 去 宝 林

45、 公 园 散 散 步 吧。”可 知,此 处 是 How about taking a walk in BaolinPark?A 建 议 去 宝 林 公 园 散 步。故 填 How about talking a walk in Baolin Park?(3)Fm sorry to hear that.根 据 He was hurt on the way to school and now hes in hospital.可 知,Lin Hua在 上 学 的 路 上 受 伤 了,现 在 在 医 院,此 处 应 对 这 个 消 息 表 示 难 过。故 填 Fm sorryto hear that.

46、(4)When and where shall we m e e t?根 据 答 语 Letk meet at the school gate at 5 p.m.”可 知,此 处 介 绍 见 面 的 时 间 和 地 点。故 填 When and where shall we meet?(5)See you.根 据 See you!可 知,此 处 也 应 回 复 再 见。故 填 See you.【点 评】题 目 要 求 选 句 子 补 全 对 话,主 要 考 查 学 生 的 语 言 运 用 能 力 及 日 常 交 际 能 力。5.(2021 建 平 县 模 拟)A:Hi,Mandy!May I

47、ask you some questions?B:(1)Sure/Certainly/Of course,go ahead.A:What are you going to be after leaving school?B:Im going to be a doctor.A:A doctor?(2)Why do you dream/want o be a doctor/Why?B:Because its interesting and Ill be very happy when my patients are well.A:Do you think its easy to heal peop

48、le?B:(3)No,I dont think so.Its hard work and lots of basic medical knowledge must bemastered.A:How do you know that?B:(4)My aunl used lo be a doctor in ihe hospital.And now she has tried.She told me aboutthat.A:(5)How are you going to achieve yaur deam/How are you going to do that?B:Ill go to colleg

49、e and manage to learn a lot about medicine.Fm sure I will be able to becomean excellent doctor.A:Youre great.Keep trying!May you succeed!B:Thank you so much.【考 点】补 全 对 话.【分 析】对 话 是 围 绕 M andy毕 业 以 后 想 当 一 名 医 生 而 谈 论 的。【解 答】(1)Sure/Certainly/Of course,go ahead.根 据 上 一 句”May I ask you some questions?

50、”“我 可 以 问 你 几 个 问 题 吗?”可 知 该 句 回 答 用“当 然。”故 填 Sure/Certainly/Of course,goahead.(2)Why do you dream/want to be a doctor/Why?根 据 下 一 句 的“Because its interesting.1因 为 它 很 有 趣.。可 知 该 句 询 问 你 为 什 么 相 当 医 生?”故 填 Why do you dream/want tobe a doctor/Why?(3)No,I dont think so.根 据 下 一 句 的 Its hard work and lo


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