现代大学英语精读4 基础英语paraphrase.doc

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1、如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流现代大学英语精读4 基础英语paraphrase【精品文档】第 15 页Unit 1 Text Thinking as a HobbyParaphrases of the Text 1. The leopard was Nature, and he was being natural.(3)The leopard symbolizes Nature,which stands for all animal needs or desires.美洲豹象征着自然,它在那里显得很自然而已。2. Nature had endowed the rest of the

2、human race with a sixth sense and left me out.(15)Everybody, except me ,is born with the ability to thin大自然赋予其余的所有的人第六感觉却独独漏掉了我。3. You could hear the wind trapped in the cavern of his chest and struggling with all the unnatural impediments. His body would reel with shock and his ruined face go white

3、 at the unaccustomed visitation.(19)你能听到风被他的胸腔堵住,遇到障碍物艰难前进发出的声音。他的身体因为不习惯这样的感觉而摇摇晃晃,脸色变得惨白。4. In this instance, he seemed to me ruled not by thought but by an invisible and irresistible spring in his neck.(20)Mr. Houghtons deeds told me that he was not ruled by thought, instead, he would feel a stro

4、ng urge to turn his head and look at the girls.在这种情况下,我认为他不是受思想,而是受他后颈里某个看不到却无法抗拒的发条的控制。5. Technically, it is about as proficient as most businessmens golf, as honest as most politicians intentions, or to come near my own preoccupation - as coherent as most books that get written.(23)This ironical s

5、entence shows that the author not only considers those people incompetent, dishonest and incoherent but also despises most businessmen, distrust most politicians and dislikes most publications.从技术上而言,它娴熟如同商人玩高尔夫,诚实如同政客的意图,或者 更接近我自己的领域 有条理如同大多数写出来的书。6. We had better respect them, for we are outnumber

6、ed and surrounded.(24)The Grade 3 thinkers usually represent the great majority, so we has to respect them because we are surrounded by them.我们最好尊重他们,因为我们处于他们的包围之中,势单力薄。7. Man enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way on the side of a hill.(24)The author thinks that just like cows always

7、eat the grass of the same side of a hill, it is probably human nature to enjoy agreement because it seems to bring peace, security, comfort and harmony. 人是一种爱群居的动物,就象牛喜欢沿着山坡的同一条道路吃草一样喜爱共识。8. I slid my arm round her waist and murmured breathlessly that if we were counting heads, the Buddhists were th

8、e boys for my money. She fled. The combination of my arm and those countless Buddhists was too much for her.(27)我伸手揽过她的腰屏住呼吸低声说,如果算人数我该捐钱给佛教徒。露丝的确是为我好,因为我人这么好。但是我的手臂加上那些数不胜数的佛教徒实在让她无法忍受了。9. It was Ruth all over again. I had some very good friends who stood by me, and still do. But my acquaintances v

9、anished, taking the girls with them.(32)What had happened to Ruth and me now happened again. My grade-two thinking frightened away many of my acquaintances.又是露丝的问题。我曾有一些很要好的朋友站在我这边,他们现在仍然站在我这边。但是我的熟人都不见了,带着他们的女孩子消失了。Unit 2 Text Spring SowingParaphrases of the Text 1. .sleep and yet on fire with exci

10、tement, for it was the first day of their first spring sowing as man and wife.(3)Although they were still not fully awake, the young couple was already greatly excited, because that day was the first day of their first spring sowing since getting married.有些困乏,也很兴奋,因为这是他们作为夫妇第一个春播的第一天。2. But somehow

11、the imminence of an event that had been long expected loved, feared and prepared for made them dejected.(3)The couple had been looking forward to and preparing for this spring planting for a long time. But now that the day had finally arrived, strangely, they felt somehow a bit dejected, unhappy, sa

12、d, or depressed.但是随着春播的迫近,这一他们为之期待许久,热爱,害怕和准备的大事的临近,他们反而有些沮丧。3. Mary, with her shrewd womans mind, thought of as many things as there are in life as a woman would in the first joy and anxiety of her mating.(3)Mary, like all sharp and smart women, thought of everything that was going to happen in the

13、 rest of her life. At that time, she had the complex thoughts of a woman at the first crucial moment of her marriage. She was filled with joy and anxiety and was bothered by many thoughts.玛丽用她精明的女性的思维,思考着一个女人在新婚生活中所得到的快乐和生活中的琐事。4. Martin fell over a basket in the half-darkness of the barn, he swore

14、and said that a man would be better off dead than.(4)It would be better for him to die than tripped over a basket.马丁再昏暗的谷仓中被一只篮子绊倒了。5. And somehow, as they embraced,all their irritation and sleepiness left them. And they stood there embracing until at last Martin pushed her from him with pretended r

15、oughness and said:“Come, come, girl, it will be sunset before we begin at this rate.”(4)All the anger, unhappiness and drowsiness melted away with their hug. They remained in each others arms until finally Martin pushed her away, with pretended roughness.他们就这样拥抱着,直到最后马丁推开了玛丽,并假装强硬的说道:“来吧,快点,姑娘,再这样下去

16、当我们开始时太阳都要下山了。”6. .as they walked silently.through the little hamlet, there was not a soul about.(5)When they walked silently through the small village, they saw not a single person around.当他们穿着生皮鞋穿过小村庄时,那还没有其他人。7. And they both looked back at the little cluster of cabins that was the center of thei

17、r world, with throbbing hearts. For the joy of spring had now taken complete hold of them.(5)他们带着悸动的心跳同时回头看看村庄中相似的小屋,那就是他们生活的世界的中心。春播的喜悦已经紧紧地包裹住了他们。8. Suppose anybody saw us like this in the field of our spring sowing, what would they take us for but a pair of useless, soft, empty-headed people that

18、 would be sure to die of hunger?(12)If people should see us like this (with your arm around my waist), what would they think of us? They were sure to regard us as a pair of good-for-nothings, people who are unable to endure hardships and foolish and, therefore, were sure to die of hunger.“想想如果有人看到我们

19、在春播的土地上这样,他们只会把我们当成一对没用、软弱、没脑子的会被饿死的傻瓜,呼!”9. She became suddenly afraid of that pitiless, cruel earth, the peasants slave master, which would keep her chained to hard work and poverty all her life until she would sink again into its bosom.(13)She became afraid of the earth because it was going to fo

20、rce her to work like a slave and force her to struggle against poverty all her life until she died and was buried in it.10. It overpowered that other feeling of dread that had been with her during the morning.(17)But when she sat and looked around the village, the fields and the people, a strange fe

21、eling of happiness arose in her. The feeling of joy drove away the feeling of terror that she had had in the morning.11. The strong smell of the upturned earth acted like a drug on their nerves.(20)12. All her dissatisfaction and weariness vanish from Marys mind with the delicious feeling of comfort

22、 that overcame her at having done this work with her husband.(34)Unit 3 Text Groundless BeliefsParaphrases of the Text 1. They rest upon mere tradition, or on somebodys bare assertion unsupported by even a show of proof.(1)They are only based on tradition, or on somebodys assertion, but are not supp

23、orted even by the least amount of proof.这些说法仅仅根据传统,或者根据某人毫无证据的断言2. But if the staunchest Roman Catholic and the staunchest Presbyterian had been exchanged when infants,and if they had been brought up with home and all other influences reversed, we can had very little doubt what the result would have

24、 been.(3)If they were exchanged when they were infants and brought up different homes and under different influences, then the staunchest Roman Catholic would be the staunchest Presbyterian, vice versa. This shows that our beliefs are largely influenced by surroundings.不过,如果在婴儿时期把最虔诚的罗马天主教徒和长老会教义信徒予

25、以交换,然后使他们在相反的家庭与影响下长大,所能得出的结果是毋庸置疑的。3. It is consistent with all our knowledge of psychology to conclude that each would have grown up holding exactly the opposite beliefs to those he holds now.(3)我们可以根据所掌握的心理学知识得出结论,两人长大后会持有与现在恰好相反的观点4. Of course we do not cease, when we cease to be children, to ad

26、opt new reliefs on mere suggestion.(4)Of course it does not mean that when we grow up we no longer have these mistaken beliefs. We are still easy and often willing victims of newspapers and advertising.当然,我们长大后也不会停止仅仅根据建议接受新观点。5. We should remember that the whole history of the development of human

27、thought has been full of cases of such “obvious truths” breaking down when examined in the light of increasing knowledge and reason.(8)我们应该记住,在人类思想发展的整个历史过程中充满了这种“明显的真理”现象,经过人类不断增长的知识与理性的检验,这些“真理”不攻自破。6. The age-long struggle of the greatest intellects in the world to shake off that assumption is on

28、e of the marvels of history.(9)世界上最伟大的学者们经过长期斗争否定了这一假设,这也是人类历史上的一大奇迹。7. Many modern persons find it very difficult to credit the fact that men can even have supposed otherwise.(10)许多现代人发现很难相信人们曾有过另一种假设。8. We adopt and cling to some beliefs becauseor partly becauseit “pays” us to do so. But, as a rul

29、e, the person concerned is about the last person in the world to be able to recognize this in himself.(14)Peoples who hold those beliefs through self-interest usually will not admit this. They usually try to cloak themselves with beautiful altruistic words.我们之所以接受并且坚持某些观点的原因是或者部分原因是这样做对我们“有好处”。9. Th

30、ere is many a man who is unconsciously compelled to cling to a belief because he is a “somebody” in some circleand if he were to abandon that belief, he would find himself nobody at all.(15)Many people are forced to hold a belief because he has become an important person in his group. If he gave up

31、that belief, he would turn insignificant at once.许多人无意识地被迫坚持某种观点,因为他是某个圈子里的“重要人物”如果他放弃这一观点,就会成为无足轻重的小人物。10. Somewhat similar is the acceptance of an opinion through the desireprobably not recognized by the person concernedto justify his own nature, his own position, or his own behaviour.(17)另一种类似的情况

32、是有些人出于证明自己的性格、立场或行为的愿望而接受某一种观点,也许当事人不承认这一点。Unit 4 Text Lions and Tigers and BearsParaphrases of the Text 1. Of course, anybody who knows anything about New York knows the citys essential platitude - that you dont wander around Central Park at night - and in that, needless to say, was the appeal; it

33、was the thing you dont do.(1)Everybody who knows New York knows the widely discussed topic there, that is, you should not wander in Central Park at night because its dangerous. However, precisely because of the risk, there are always people attracted to do so. They just wish to do what people normal

34、ly dont do.当然,了解纽约的人都知道关于这座城市老生常谈的话题夜里不能在中央公园闲逛而这,不用说,正是吸引力所在:它是你平常不会做得事情。2. So far , so normal, and this could have been an outdoor summer-stock Shakespeare production anywhere in America, except in one respect.(3)And tonights performance could be any outdoor performance of Shakespeares play one re

35、gularly finds in summer in America. There was only one difference. 到目前为止,一切还算正常,这和美国任何地方在室外上演的莎士比亚夏令剧目没什么不同,除了一点:3. .the rotating red light was like a campfire in the wild, warning whats out there to stay away.(3)旋转着的红色警灯就像野外的篝火,警告四周存在的威胁不要靠近。4. I got my bearings.(6) I found where i was. 我终于认清了方向。5.

36、 The park was to be strolled through, enjoyed as an aesthetic experience, like a walk inside a painting.(7)人们漫步于公园,享受美的体验,犹如走进一幅油画中一样。6. I was emboldened by the realization: I was no longer afraid; I was frightening.(9)意识到这点,我的胆子就大了起来:我不再害怕了,令人害怕的是我。7. The park is now framed, enveloped even, by the

37、city, but there was no escaping the recognition that the citycontrived, man-made, glaring obtrusive, consuming wasteful and staggering quantities of electricity and water and energy- was very beautiful.(12)But there was no denying the fact (you have to admit) that the city was very beautiful, althou

38、gh it was not a natural kind of beauty, it was artificial and showy, and it used up a great amount of water and energy.公园现在被镶嵌在城市中,甚至被城市包裹,但不可否认的是这座城市这座经过雕琢的、人工打造的、灯火辉煌8. And then, nature finding herself unable to resist, it started to pour.(24)Unit 9 Text The Damned Human RaceParaphrases of the Tex

39、t 1. That is to say, I have subjected every postulate that presented itself to the crucial test of actual experiment, and have adopted it or rejected it according to the result. (para.2)In other words, I have put every theory or hypothesis there is to the decisive test of actual experiment.也就是说,通过实验

40、,我对每一种假设都进行了检测,并根据实验结果采纳或者否定了这一假设。2. I was aware that have not scrupled to cheat the ignorant and the helpless out of their poor servings in order to partially appease that appetite. (para.4)I knew that many man who have more money than they can ever use have shown a mad desire to get more, and they

41、 have not ed to cheat poor people and their few saving in order to y that desire. 我意识到,许多人虽然聚敛了不计其数的财富,然而他们仍然渴望更多,并且从无知又无助的人身上肆无忌惮地夺取微薄的财富,以便来平息心中的愿望。3. Men keep harems but it is by brute force, privileged by atrocious laws which the other sex were allowed no hand in making. (para.6)人妻妾成群,只是依靠暴力,由暴力

42、的法律来授予特权。然而女性是无权参与制定这些法律的。4. He will not even enter a drawing room with his breast and back naked, so alive are he and his mates to indecent suggestion. (para.8)他甚至不会裸露着乳房和屁股走进卧室,但他和同伴对下流的暗示又十分敏感。5. No- Man is the Animal that Blushes. He is the only one that does it - or has occasion to. (para.8)No,

43、 man is not the only animal that laughs, but it is true that man is the animal that blushes. He is the only animal that does it or has the need to. 不人是会脸红的动物。是唯一会脸红的动物或者说有必要脸红。6. Man-when he is King John, with a nephew to render untroublesome, he uses a red-hot iron; (para.9)In the case of King John

44、 who wanted to get rid of his nephew he used a red-hot iron to torture him.当他作为约翰国王的时候,为了除掉侄子,他会用烧红的烙铁来折磨他;7. The cat is moderate-unhumanly moderate, she only scares the mouse, she does not hurt it; she doesnt dig out its eyes, or tear off its skin, or drive splinters under its nails-man-fashion; wh

45、en she is done playing with it she makes a sudden meal of it and puts it out of its trouble. (para.9)猫是适度的与人不同的是它在吓唬老鼠,并不去伤害它。它不去挖老鼠的眼睛,剥它的皮,或者把木条钉进它的指甲里像人一样。在它戏弄玩老鼠之后,他、便突然把它当饭吃了,使它脱离痛苦。8. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multi

46、tudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other peoples countries(para.13)It is claimed that man is the only Patriot. Only man is capable of such noble sentiment. But what does it mean? It simply means that he keeps himself away from others, occupies a piece of land, ca

47、lls it his own country, and thinks that he is better than others, then he puts up a flag and gathers together a group of killers and steals land from others.他打着国旗,在自己的国度里自诩与众不同,并嘲笑其他国家。他不惜花费重金,屯兵无数,就是为了吞噬大片他人的国土9. He is the only animal that has the True Religion, several of them. He is the only anim

48、al that loves his neighbor as himself, and cuts his throat if his theology isnt straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brothers path to happiness and heaven. (para.14)In trying to make it easy for his brother to find happiness and go to heaven, he has turned the world into a graveyard (he has caused the death of millions around the world in converting them to his religion)人是唯一信仰宗教的的动物。他是唯一信奉正统宗教几种宗教的动物,也是唯一爱邻居就像爱自己一样的动物,如果邻居的神学理论不纯正,人就割断她的喉咙。他把全球变成了一


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