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1、Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.Section APeriod OneWhat can you see in the picture?The picture shows two children standing outside, talking. The boy is having a yard sale. He is standing behind a table on the grass in the yard in front of his house. The table is covered with things his fami

2、ly is selling: old clothes, toys, cups and glasses, plates and bowls, books, a vase and a lamp. The girl is carrying a backpack on her back and asking about the red bicycle.Yard sales are events in the US and Canada where people sell old things that they no longer want, on the grass in front of thei

3、r house their yard. People often hold yard sales in spring when they clean out their houses and get rid of things they dont use or want anymore. People who plan to hold a yard sale will usually put up notices around their community and put up signs to point the way to their house.A yard sale also kn

4、own as garage sale, lawn sale, tag sale, etc.Do you know how to have a successful yard sale?ReviewWords and expressionsyardyard salesweetmemorycenttoybearmakern. 院子院子庭院拍卖会庭院拍卖会adj. 甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的n. 记忆;回忆记忆;回忆n. 分;分币分;分币n. 玩具玩具n. 熊熊n. 生产者;制定者生产者;制定者 Words & expressionsbread makerscarfsoftsoft t

5、oycheckcheck outboardboard game面包机面包机n. 围巾;披巾;头巾围巾;披巾;头巾adj. 软的;柔软的软的;柔软的软体玩具;布绒玩具软体玩具;布绒玩具v. & n. 检查;审查检查;审查察看;观察察看;观察n. 板;木板板;木板棋类游戏棋类游戏 Words & expressionsTo learn to talk about possessions and things around youTo listen for specific informationTo learn new words: yard, sweet,memory, cent, toy, b

6、ear, maker, scarf, soft, check, board, Look at the things at the yard sale. Do you have any of these things at home?How long have you had them?Click it.1bListen and check () the facts you hear. (1b)_ Jeffs family is having a yard sale._ Amy thinks its hard to sell her old things._ Jeff has had his b

7、ike for more than 10 years._ Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories._ You can also give old things away to people in need.Listen again and answer the questions.1. Isnt it hard to sell some useless things? Yes, its hard to say goodbye to certain things.2. How long has

8、 Jeff had that bike? He has had it for three years.3. How much is the book? 75 cents.Discuss the questions with your partner. (1c)1. How long has Jeff had the old book?2. Why is Jeff selling it?3. How much is the old book?Pair workHow long has Monica had the braces?Monica has had her braces for abou

9、t two years.Braces are used in orthodontics (畸齿矫正畸齿矫正学学) that align (使成一行使成一行) and straighten (使使改正改正) teeth and help to improve dental health. A: How long have you had the braces?B: I have had my braces for about two years.A: Why are you wearing it?B: Because I want to straighten teeth and improve

10、dental health. A: How much is it?B: The cost of braces can vary depending on the type of braces and where you buy your braces. Example:A: This is a really beautiful vase.B: Yes, Ive had it for years.A: Why are you selling it?B: Because . A: How much is it?B: You can have it for . Example:Click it.2a

11、Listen and check () the things Amys family are giving away and circle the things they are keeping. (2a)book magazine toy bear toy lion toy tiger bread maker sweater dress hat scarfListen again and fill in the blanks. (2b)1. Amy has had her favorite _ for three years.2. Amy has had the toy _ since sh

12、e was a _.3. Amys mom has had the old bread maker for more than _ years.4. Amy can give away the _ and _ because they do not fit her anymore.bookbearbabytensweaterdressStudent A is Amys mom. Student B is Amy. Make conversation. (2c)A: Amy, can we give away these soft toys?B: Mom, I want to keep the

13、bear.A: Why? Its so old.B: Because Ive had it since I was a baby.Example:A: Amy, can we give away this book?B: Mom, I want to keep this book.A: Why? Youve already read it twice.B: Because its my favorite book.Pair workRole-play the conversation. (2d)Linda: Welcome to the Sunshine Home for Children.

14、Im Linda.Amy: Hi, Im Amy. I have some things for the _. Ive had this magazine for _. The stories _ may be a bit _, but theyre still _.kidsa couple of monthsinsideoldinterestingLinda: Great! Many children here love _.Amy: And _ these soft toys and board games for _ kids. Ive had them since I was a _.

15、 Theres also _.readingcheck outyoungerchilda sweater and a dressLinda: Perfect! We always need _ _.Amy: One _ thing is a bread maker. My moms had it for _ but it still _.Linda: Thanks so much! toys and clotheslasta long timeworks1. I learned how to ride a bike on it. 句中句中“疑问词疑问词how + 动词不定式动词不定式”结构结构

16、作宾语。该结构中的疑问词还可以用作宾语。该结构中的疑问词还可以用when、what、which等。等。Practise我不知道说什么。我不知道说什么。 I dont know what to say. 我们想要学习如何写剧本。我们想要学习如何写剧本。We want to learn how to write plays. 2. Because I dont read it anymore.副词副词anymore亦可写作亦可写作any more,常用于,常用于否定句的末尾,意思是否定句的末尾,意思是“再也(不);再也(不);(不)再(不)再”。not anymore相当于相当于not any l

17、onger。We dont live here any more. = We dont live here any longer. 我们不再住在这里了。我们不再住在这里了。Practise我再也不想见到你了。我再也不想见到你了。I dont want to see you anymore.我再不能相信他了。我再不能相信他了。I couldnt trust him anymore. 我简直受不了这种生活。我简直受不了这种生活。I just cant stand this life any more. 3. Because Ive had it since I was a baby. since(

18、自从自从)常常引导短语或从句,)常常引导短语或从句,用于现在完成时的句子中。用于现在完成时的句子中。since引出从引出从句时,从句一般使用过去时。句时,从句一般使用过去时。Practise自从我住在这里,这个村子变了很多。自从我住在这里,这个村子变了很多。The village has changed a lot since I lived here. 自从我上次见到你以来自从我上次见到你以来, 你改变了很多。你改变了很多。Youve changed a lot since I last saw you. 介词介词for也常用在现在完成时的句子中,也常用在现在完成时的句子中,后面引出表示时间

19、的词或短语,说明某种后面引出表示时间的词或短语,说明某种情况已经持续了一段时间。情况已经持续了一段时间。4. Ive had this magazine for a couple of months.Practise艾米已经拥有这本书艾米已经拥有这本书3年了。年了。Amy has had this book for three years.她已经拥有这个旧的面包机超过她已经拥有这个旧的面包机超过10年了。年了。She has had the old bread maker for more than ten years.a couple of有两种意思:其一,表示具体有两种意思:其一,表示具体

20、的数量的数量“两个两个”,指两个相同的人或物体;,指两个相同的人或物体;其二,表示数量不定的其二,表示数量不定的“少数几个少数几个”,作,作这种虚指的用法时,具体意思往往视上下这种虚指的用法时,具体意思往往视上下文和具体的语境而决定。文和具体的语境而决定。我看见有两个人出去了。我看见有两个人出去了。I saw a couple of men get out. 她每天早上要慢跑她每天早上要慢跑(jog)几英里。几英里。She jogs a couple of miles every morning. Practisecheck out 察看;观察察看;观察5. And check out the

21、se soft toys and board games for younger kids. Practise嘿,看看那辆车!嘿,看看那辆车!Hey, check out that car!看看你儿子的这个玩具熊吧。看看你儿子的这个玩具熊吧。Check out this toy bear for your son.课时重点回顾课时重点回顾疑问词疑问词 + 动词不定式动词不定式yard salebring back sweet memoriespeople in neednot anymorea couple ofcheck outNow two minutes to test your spe

22、lling.1. English-Chinese yard, memory, cent, toy, bear, maker, scarf, board 2. Chinese-English 甜蜜的,柔软的,检查甜蜜的,柔软的,检查 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.注注: 另附另附word文档。文档。 点击此处链接点击此处链接1. The math problem is so hard. I really dont know _. (2012甘肃鸡西甘肃鸡西) A. how to do it B. how

23、to do C. what to do it2. How do you like the scarf? Very much. It feels _. (2013青岛青岛) A. hard B. sweet C. cool D. soft一、单项选择。一、单项选择。 二、根据提示完成句子。二、根据提示完成句子。 1. The house has a small _ (院子院子). 2. The pineapple was _ (甜的甜的).3. All these facts were stored (储存储存) in his _ (记忆记忆).4. Put your _ (玩具玩具) away

24、 now its time for bed.5. I like chocolates with _ (not hard) centres.6. You should always _ (检查检查) your oil before taking your car on a long trip. yardsweetmemorytoyssoftcheck三、翻译下列句子。三、翻译下列句子。1. 他不知道如何去那儿。他不知道如何去那儿。 He doesnt know _.2. 这些照片唤起了我的甜蜜回忆。这些照片唤起了我的甜蜜回忆。 These photos _ _.3. 我妈妈经常让我帮助那些需要帮

25、助的我妈妈经常让我帮助那些需要帮助的 人。人。 My mother often told me _ _. how to get there bring back my sweet memories to help people in need4. 我已经长大了,所以我不再需要它了。我已经长大了,所以我不再需要它了。 Ive grown up, so _ _.5. 我早我早/晚到了两三分钟。晚到了两三分钟。 I arrived _ early/late. 6. 看一看我们新商店的价格吧!看一看我们新商店的价格吧! _ the prices at our new store!7. 好长时间没见到你

26、了。好长时间没见到你了。 I havent seen you _. I dont need it anymorea couple of minutesCheck outfor a long timeHave you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your old things? Collect all your old things and think about:1) Which one will you give away? Why?2) Which one will you keep? Why?To preview the new words and expressionsTo preview the passage in 3a


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