2022年冀教版八年级第二学期英语学科八单元导学案 .pdf

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1、八年级第二学期英语学科导学案课题:Lesson57 Let s Clean Up!学习目标:1. 掌握的词汇短语:Mastery words and expressions: yard, rubbish, pick up, bit, a bit of, big Oral words and expressions: garbage, pollution, finish doing, get to work 能力目标: Let the students understand to protect our environment is our duty. We should keep our sc

2、hool yard clean. 学习重点: Know how many ways we can say “ garbage” . Talk about the destroy of the rubbish. 学习难点: Some words and expressions, such as: pick up, clean up 一 自主学习1When you see l lot of rubbish in your school yard, how do you feel? What should you do about it? 2. 识读单词并写出汉语yard,_ rubbish_ pi

3、ck up_ bit_ a bit of_ garbage_ pollution_ finish doing_ get to work_ 3. 用所学词汇造句(小组合作)二合作探究Listening task: True or false 1.Rubbish means garbage 2.They are studying pollution in class this week. 3. Danny s bag is full.Read and answer 1. Where are Jenny, Brian and Danny? 2. How s the weather? 3.What d

4、o English people call “ rubbish” ? 4.What is Jenny studying in class this week? 5.What does the teacher think of Jenny s idea? (二)阅读课文找出下列短语1.clean up _ 2.school yard_ 3 do with _ 4.pick up _ 5.a bit of _ 6.in an hour _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 26 页7.get to work _ 8.expla

5、in sth to sb _ 三 引导点拨1. It s a nice, sunny day. 今天天气晴朗。sunny adj. 阳光充足的,照耀的,快乐的a sunny day 晴朗的日子a sunny room 阳光充足的房间a sunny smile 温和的微笑The day was bright and sunny. 阳光灿烂的日子。相关衔接:sun n. 太阳;阳光;向阳处;有阳光的地方The sun rose at six o clock. 太阳六点钟升起。sit in the sun 坐在阳光下2. But look at all of this rubbish ! 但是看这有

6、这么多垃圾!rubbish n.垃圾,废物,废话同义词: garbage rubbish collection 垃圾堆rubbish pail 垃圾桶The cupboard was full of old papers, broken toys and other rubbish. 碗橱里尽是些旧文件、坏掉的玩具和其他一些没用的东西。3.That s how people in England say “ garbage ” . 那就是英国人所说的“ garbage ”。garbage n.垃圾;废物garbage can/truck 垃圾箱 /车household garbage生活垃圾l

7、iterary garbage 无聊读物【拓展】表示“ 垃圾 ” 的词:1) trash n.垃圾。如:Can you take out the trash? 你把垃圾拿出去好吗?2) litter n. 乱扔的东西。如:Don t throw about the litter. 不要乱扔纸屑。4. Somebody should pick up that garbage! 应当有人来捡起那些垃圾。pick up 捡起;整理,收拾pick up a book 捡起一本书Let s pick up the living room. 我们收拾一下卧室吧。She just picked up and

8、 left. 她收拾了一下行李就走了。【拓展】pick vt. & vi选择;采,摘I picked a book to read. 我选了一本书读。We picked apples (from the tree). 我们(从树上)摘苹果。pick n. 选择;精华;最优部分Take your pick of these books. 你任意挑选这些书。the pick of 的精华5. We are studying pollution in class this week. 这一周,我们要在课堂上学习污染的知识。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - -

9、 - - -第 2 页,共 26 页pollution n. 污染;败坏;污秽物【拓展】freshwater pollution淡 水 污 染food pollution食 物 / 食 品 污 染information pollution信息污染industrial pollution 工业污染river pollution河流污染noise pollution 噪声污染water pollution水质污染seawater pollution海水污染pollution disease 污染病pollution of beaches 海滩 /海滨污染Ten men were cleaning

10、all the pollution off the shore. 人们在清除海滩上的污染物。air/atmospheric pollution 大气污染【衔接】pollute vt. 弄脏;污染。如:All those waste products are polluting the river. 所有废弃物正在污染这条河。6. That afternoon, Jenny explains the plan to the class. 那天下午,詹妮向全班解释了一下这个计划。explain vt.& vi. 1) 说明;阐明Explain what this work means. 解释这个词

11、的含义。Will you please explain the third paragraph again for us? 请您把第三段再解释一下好吗?2) 解释;辩解Can you explain why you were late? 你能解释一下你为什么迟到了吗?He explained how the machine was used. 他解释了一下怎样使用那台机器。辨析: explain 与 interpret 指“ 解释不明之事” ,如:He is explaining how a machine operates. 他正在解释机器是如何运转的?interpret 侧重于 “ 用特殊

12、的知识、信念、判断、了解或想象去阐明特别难懂的事情。如:How do you interpret this poem? 你是怎样解释这首诗的呢?7. Let s get to work! 我们开始干吧!1)get to 到(某地,某一时刻或年岁等)。如:I get to school at seven o clock every day. 我每天 7 点钟到校。2)get to do sth. 开始干某事。如:Stop talking and get to work. 停止空谈,开始工作。8. Each student could clean up a bit of the school ya

13、rd. 每个学生清理校园某一处的卫生。1)clean up 彻底清理;整理clean up the desk 整理书桌【拓展】a. 清理掉;清除The waiter hurried to clean up the pieces of the broken plates. 服务员赶紧把盘碟的碎片打扫干净。赚得He really cleaned up at the football pools today. 他在今天的足球赌注中发了大财。clean vt. 把 弄干净;使净化;清扫;洗涤Clean your shoes before you enter the houses. 在进屋前请先把鞋子弄

14、干净。clean adj. 干净的;清洁的That shirt is dirty; here is a clean one. 那件衬衣脏了,这里有件干净的。Boys, are your hands clean? 孩子们,你们的手干净吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 26 页比较: clean 与 cleanse都有 “ 使干净 ” 的意思。9. clean 是常用词,指 “ 用各种方式将污垢、脏物等清除掉” 。如: clean the window 擦窗子。cleanse指 “ 使纯净;清洗 ” , 尤指“ 用清除剂或

15、其他方法使清洁” , 也用于比喻中, 如: cleanse the air in cities 将城市中的空气净化。2) a bit of 后加不可数名词,相当于a little。如:Please give me a little/a bit of bread. 请给我点面包。【衔接】a bit 一点儿,有些,相当于a little, 修饰形容词或副词。如:It s a bit/a little cold today. 今天有点冷。【拓展】1)a bit 可以修饰比较级,相当于a little. 如:She s a bit/ a little taller than me. 她比我稍微高一些。

16、2)not a bit 意为“ 一点也不 ” 。如:I m not a bit tired. 我一点也不累。10. We should finish cleaning in an hour! 我们将一个小时后结束清理。finish doing sth. 干完某事。如:finish reading 读完finish writing写完【拓展】常用的动词后加动词-ing 形式的动词:mind 介意。如:Would you mind opening the door? 请你打开门好吗?2)enjoy 喜欢,享受 的乐趣。如:I enjoy reading. 我喜欢读书。practice 练习。如:S

17、he practices playing the piano every day. 她每天练习弹钢琴。can t / couldn t help忍不住。如:She couldn t help crying at the bad news. 听到这个不幸的消息,她忍不住哭了。四展示反馈Make a list about rubbish in the school yard. Should they throw away more? Should they make less? Try these phrases: Students should be careful with garbage b

18、ecause _. 五板书六课堂检测Explain some language points to the class. Then ask the students to make up sentences with them. 1.But look at all of the rubbish! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 26 页2.Somebody should pick up that garbage! 3.It would take too long. 4.Each student could clean u

19、p a bit of the school yard. 5.We would finish cleaning in an hour. 用所给词的适当形式填空6.Let s _(play) computer games。7.Please remember _(turn)off the lights when you go home. 8.She needs _(buy) some vegetables. 9.What a _(sun)day! 10.Each of us _(have) a lot of friends here. 七课后反思This lesson is close to our

20、 life. Try to take the students out of the classroom and show the garbage to them. Then let them say what they feel about the garbage. Ask them to act the dialogue out in the school yard. Advice the students to pick up the garbage and clean up the school yard. 八年级第二学期英语学科导学案课题:Lesson 58: Stop Pollut

21、ion 学习目标:1. 掌握的词汇短语:Mastery words and expressions: less, environment, throw away, least, take out, waste, fix, toilet Oral words and expressions: reusable, pollute, leak, litre, leaky, sink, tap, recycle, save, take out, turn off, leak out 能力目标: This lesson focuses on the environment issues. It pres

22、ents some solutions to the problems that pollution poses. 学习重点: It presents thought-provoking facts and figures abut pollution in North America. Call on the students to take personal action to reduce pollution. 学习难点: Find more solutions to protect our environment. 一 自主学习1When you were a child ,maybe

23、 you have ever drawn a picture like this?见课件Have you seen them? And can you describe the pictures? What do you do when you see somebody throw garbage on the ground? 2. 识读单词并写出汉语Less_ environment_throw away_ least_ Take out_ waste_ fix_ toilet_reusable_pollute_leak_litre_leaky_sink_tap_recycle_ save_

24、 take out_ turn off_leak out_ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 26 页 3. 用所学词汇造句(小组合作)二合作探究Listening task: True or false 1.In north America, many students help their school make more pollution. 2.In an environment club, people work together to make the environment clean. 3.Environm

25、ent clubs encourage students to bring their lunches in plastic bags. 4.They give prizes to the classes that make the least garbage. 5.On a no-car day ,only teachers come to school by car. No students come to school by car. 6.A leaking toilet can waste twenty to forty litres of water an hour. 7.In en

26、vironment clubs, students don t fix leaky toilets and sinks.8.A hundred kilograms of recycled paper saves seventeen trees. Read and answer 1. Where are Jenny, Brian and Danny? 2. How s the weather? 3.What do English people call “ rubbish” ? 4.What is Jenny studying in class this week? 5.What does th

27、e teacher think of Jenny s idea? (二)阅读课文找出下列短语1.stop pollution _ 2.work together_ 3 make it clean _ 4.throw away _ 5.take out _ 6.leaking toilet _ 7.leak out_ 8.recycled paper_ 三 引导点拨1. In north America, many students help their school make less pollution. help sb (to) do sth: Eg; I always help my m

28、other (to) wash dishes. help sb with sth. Tom helps me with my geography everyday. 2. Make pollution: 产生 /造成污染make friends with. make money make the bed make dumplings throw 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 26 页throw away 扔掉Throw at . 扔向 throw at me Throw to. 仍 给 throw banana to

29、monkey 3. Take out 带出去;掏出Take away 带走;移去Take down 取下,拿下Take off 脱掉(衣物) ; (飞机等)起飞四展示反馈Ask your desk mate about how to protect our environment. We should. We should not 五板书六课堂检测用所给词的适当形式填空1.What can you do _(stop) pollution? 2.Would you please _(take) out the rubbish? 3.Nowadays air _(pollute) is seri

30、ous. 4.In North America, many students help their school make _(little) pollution. 5.Nobody _(come) to school late now in our class. 6.Let s _(work) together _ (make) the environment clean. 7.A thousand _(kilogram) of recycled paper saves seventeen trees! 8.Here _(be) some things students do. 9.If y

31、ou are tired, you can stop _(have) a rest. 10.Our parents often encourage us _(speak) in public. 七课后反思It is a subject that is close to the student life about how to stop pollution. We must give examples in students daily life. Discuss with the students: how to reduce waste paper; how to save water;

32、how to save money. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 26 页八年级第二学期英语学科导学案课题:Lesson 59: Let s look at Garbage! 学习目标:1. 掌握的词汇短语:Mastery words and expressions: sort, metal, weight, percent Oral words and expressions: plastic, packaging 能力目标: Call on the students to take actions to prot

33、ect our environment. Learn about the pollution problems in our life. 学习重点: Offering help. Learn new vocabulary for describing materials and for comparing qualities. 学习难点: Describe materials and comparing qualities. 一 自主学习1What kind of rubbish do you often throw everyday? 2. 识读单词并写出汉语Sort_ metal_ wei

34、ght_ percent_ plastic_ packaging_ 3. 用所学词汇造句(小组合作)二合作探究(一)Listen and think What makes the most garbage? What is Jenny doing? Read and answer 1.How does Jenny sort the garbage? 2.What does Danny want to do to help Jenny? 3.How much garbage does a North American throw away each year? (二)阅读课文找出下列短语1.on

35、to the floor_ 2.help sb sort it _ 3 good heavens _ 4.so much garbage _ 5.the same weight as a small car _ 6.packaging _ 三 引导点拨1. Take a walk around your neighborhood. 在你的周围走一走。walk around=walk about 绕 而走,各处走走,散布【拓展】take sb. for a walk 带某人去散步;(口 ) 作弄某人;欺骗某人walk away from 从 走开walk on 不停地走,向前走walk into

36、 走进walk off (突然)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 26 页离开walk out 退席,退场walk up to 走近;走向walk out on sb. (在某人处于困境或需要帮助时)离开某人;遗弃某人2. Sort the garbage into paper, plastic, metal, glass and others. 把它分成纸塑料、金属、玻璃、及其他种类。sort vt. &vi. (常与 out, over 连勇)整理;分类I sorted the books into big ones

37、and small ones. 我把这些书整理成大的和小的两类。【拓展】sort n.(人或物的)群,类,种,型A hammer is a sort of tool. 锤子是一种工具。He s a sort of people who re incapable of deceiving you. 他是那种不会欺骗你的人。This is the sort of thing that Geoffrey loves. 这正是杰弗里所喜欢的那种东西。3. What else could you do with it? 你能用他做起他的事情吗?do with 1)处理,处置,通常与what 构成特殊疑问

38、句。如:What have you done with the eggs? 你怎么处理那些鸡蛋?2)与 相处。如: He is easy to do with. 他很好相处。I can t do with such carelessness. 我不能容忍这种粗心。4. What a mess! 多么脏啊!mess n. 混乱;杂乱;肮脏Your room is a mess. Please tidy it. 你的房间杂乱不堪,请把它打扫干净。Your books and magazines are almost in a mess; go and put them in order. 你的书和

39、杂志简直是乱七八糟,去把他整理一下。【拓展】1) mess vt. & vi. (常与连用)弄脏,弄乱;弄糟to mess one s new dress弄脏某人的新衣服I ve just cleaned the floor, and you ve messed it up again by dropping bits of paper everywhere! 我刚扫干净地板,你又把纸屑弄得到处都是,把地板搞脏了。The boy s clothes are all messed. 这男孩的衣服脏了。2)(与 with 使用)惹麻烦Stop messing with the spoon and

40、finish your breakfast. 不要把匙子弄来弄去,快把早饭吃了。5. That s the same weight as a small car! 那相当于一辆小汽车的重量。weight n. 重;重量;体重。如:a weight of 100 pounds 100 英镑的重量【拓展】weight 有关的短语by weight 按重量计算put on weight 增加体重lose weight 减轻体重over weight 过重,超重under weight 重量不足,缺斤短两【拓展】weigh vt. 称 的重量。如: weigh apples 称苹果weigh+ 表语如

41、: weigh heavy 称起来重weigh out 称出;量出。如:weigh out ten grammes of tea 称出 10 克茶叶6. Packaging 包装packaging n. 包装精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 26 页The consumers always complain that too much packaging increases the cost of the food. 消费者总是抱怨过多的包装提高了食品的费用。【拓展】package vt. 把 打包;包装。如:She pa

42、ckaged up the old things and put them in the cupboard. 他把旧衣服打包后放进柜子里。n.包裹,包装。a package of towels 一包毛巾7. About ten percent of packaging is plastic. 大约 10%的包装是塑料。percent n. 每百中;百分之 。如:I am 100 percent in agreement with. 我百分之百同意。Ten percent of the students are absent today. 今天有 10%的同学没来。8. Most garbage

43、 turns into soil. 大部分垃圾变成土壤。turn into v. 进入, (使)变成At a low temperature, water turns into ice. 水在低温时就结成冰。辨析: turn 与 whirl turn 是常用词,指“ 绕着一个点转动” 。如: The wheel turns. 轮子转动。Whirl 指“ 快速、持续的旋转” 。如:The leaves whirled in the wind. 树叶在风中飞舞。【拓展】turn vt. & vi. 旋转,转动The wheels were turning. 轮子在转动。She turned lef

44、t at the end of the road. 他在路的尽头向左拐。Nobody can turn back the wheel of history. 任何人都无法使历史的车轮倒转。He was turning the pages of the book. 他在翻这本书。to turn love to hate 转爱为恨to turn sb. out of he house 把某人赶出门四展示反馈Bring the students to pick up the garbage in the school yard. Put the garbage into bags and bring

45、 it to school for our project. Take a walk around your neighbourhood, take a bag with you and pick up any garbage you see. Wear gloves, because garbage in dirty. Now sort the garbage into paper, plastic, metal, glass and others. Then compare the garbage in school yard with that in neighbourhood. Hav

46、e students work in the same groups or in new groups. Each group will make a poster about what things they can do to help reduce pollution in the world. 五板书六课堂检测根据汉语提示完成句子1. What makes _ _(最多的 )garbage? 2.We have _ _ (捡起,拿起 )garbage in our school yard. 3._(带来 )the rubbish to school. 4.About _ _ ( 百分之

47、十 )of packaging is plastic. 5.Every year ,each person _ _ _( 在北美洲 )makes about 1,000kilograms of garbage. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 26 页6.This would fill about _ _(一万 )trucks. 7.What else can you _ _ ( 处理 )it?单项选择8.John had a short walk after lunch,_? A. did he B. didn t

48、he C. had he D. hadn t he 9. Kate _ a piece of waste paper and put it into rubbish bag. A. threw away B. picked up C. looked for D. turned up 10.-I don t know where Wenchuan County is . - Let me _a map of china for you. A. take B. pick C. fetch D. carry 七课后反思We all think the garbage is dirty. In ord

49、er to increase the students interests, we have to face the garbage and sort it in groups. When we do this, we can find many people are wasting things around us. Learn to recycle things with the students. Let s see how many new things we can make out of it. 八年级第二学期英语学科导学案课题:Lesson 60: Fix and Mend 学习

50、目标:掌握的词汇短语:Mastery words and expressions: mend, must, touch, repair Oral words and expressions: tear, cassette, deck, buzz, exactly, reuse, power 能力目标: Learn about the knowledge of environment. Tell the students to save and protect the resources is our duty. 学习重点 . In order to save our environment,


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