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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 饮食一、 记忆力训练练习1 Many non-Italians identify Italian cooking with a few of its most popular dishes, like pizza and spaghetti. People often express the opinion that Italian cooking is all pretty much alike. However, those who travel through Italy notice differences in eating habi

2、ts between cities, even those only a few miles apart. Not only does each region have its own style, but each community and each valley has a different way of cooking as well.2 世界的饮食由于地理位置、风俗习惯、物产等的不同,形成了各异的风格。有人把世界菜系分为三大类,是指:中国菜系,包括中国、朝鲜、日本、东南亚若干国家及南亚一些国家,以中餐为代表,这是世界人口最多的一个菜系。法国菜系:包括欧洲、美洲、大洋洲等许多国家,占

3、地面积最大,以西餐为主体。土耳其菜系:又称清真菜系,包括中亚、西亚、南亚及非洲一些国家。二、 笔记训练1 Food is one of the things we need for survival, but it is also something that has become a part of many American traditions. We have those certain foods we eat on holidays and many geographical locations are known for certain foods. Not only that,

4、 but fast food was started in America. America is a melting pot of cultures and their foods.2 粤菜的形成和发展有着悠久的历史。由于广州地处珠江三角洲,水陆交通四通八达,所以很早便是岭南政治、经济、文化中心,饮食文化比较发达。并且由于广东是我国最早对外通商的口岸之一,在长期与西方国家经济往来和文化交流中,吸收了一些西菜的烹调方法,促进了粤菜的形成和发展。三、 口译练习1 中餐大多是先上冷盘、饮料及酒,后上热菜,然后上主食,最后上甜点和水果。A typical Chinese banquet starts

5、 with cold dishes, and beverages and drinks, followed by hot dishes and main courses. Desserts and fruits are served as the last course.2 四川菜的辣是世界有名的,辣椒、胡椒、姜是川菜烹调中不可缺少的原料。Sichuan cuisine is world-famous for its hot, spicy dishes. Hot chili, pepper and ginger are the ever-present ingredients.3 北京菜种类繁

6、多,它要求刀功好、香味浓、配料精。Beijing cuisine has a great deal of variety and emphasizes fine slicing techniques, rich aroma and sophisticated seasonings.4 中国的素菜起源于佛教寺庙,主要以豆类和豆制品为主Vegetarian food in China originated in Buddhist temples and consists mainly of beans, and bean products.5 在做菜时,一定要注意火候,这样,一道菜才能够色、香、味

7、、形惧全。Great attention is paid to the exact degree of heat while cooking so that color, taste, smell and appearance of the dish are all at their best.6 我国悠久的历史、广袤的国土、与世界各国和海外文化的广泛接触,孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。Chinas long history, vast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures have given birth

8、to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.7 白酒一般是由高粱和小麦酿成,酒精度数较高。在众多中国产的白酒里,茅台酒是首屈一指的。Liquor is usually brewed from sorghum and wheat, and has a high degree of alcohol. Among the great number of famous spirits produced in China, Maotain ranks first.8 宫保鸡丁、铁板牛柳和鱼香肉丝是最受外国人欢迎的三道中国菜。9 中国的烹调主要分四大菜系,它们是:黄河流

9、域的鲁菜,长江上游的川菜,长江中下游和华东沿海一带的江浙菜以及珠江流域、南方沿海一带的粤菜。 Chinese cuisine falls into four major categories, Shangdong cuisine along the Yellow River valley, Sichuan cuisine along the upper reaches of the Ynagtze River, Jiangsu-Zhejiang cuisine along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Chinas

10、south-east coast; and Guangdibg cuisine along the Pearl River valley and Chinas south coast.10 在中国,南方人的主食是米饭,北方人的主食是面或馒头。The staple food is rice for southerners and noodle or steamed bread for northerners in China. 11 Caviar, artichokes, snails and asparagus are considered high-class food in French

11、cooking. 鱼子酱、朝鲜蓟、蜗牛和芦笋在法国菜中被公认为是高档食物。12 At Thanksgiving and Christmas, many of us look forward to turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, collard greens, cornbread and casseroles galore. 在感恩节和圣诞节,我们许多人期待吃到火鸡、火腿、馅饼、土豆泥、红梅酱、羽衣甘蓝、玉米砂锅。13 Almost everything that is served at a cocktail p

12、arty or during a pre-meal cocktail hour is intended to be eaten with the fingers. This includes olives, pickles, nuts, deviled eggs, and chips. 在鸡尾酒会上或正餐前的鸡尾会上提供的食物几乎都可以用手取着吃。这些食物有橄榄、酱菜、坚果、魔蛋和薯片。14 Italian cooking is famous the world over. Everyone has heard of spaghetti, pizza, macaroni and then th

13、ere are Italian wines such as Chianti. Pasta is the most common Italian food. There are many different varieties served with many kinds of sauces. 意大利菜闻名世界。人人都听说过意大利面 、比萨、通心粉,还有意大利葡萄酒如基安蒂红葡萄酒。面食是意大利主食,有各种用料不同的种类。15 Italys climate is very suitable for growing tomatoes quickly and cheaply, so tomatoes

14、 are a common ingredient of everyday meals cooked by Italians. Tomato sauce is a common base for Italian recipes. 意大利的气候非常适合西红柿的种植,生长快且成本低,因此西红柿是意大利菜中常用的佐料。西红柿酱是意大利菜谱中的常用配料。16 Other staples of Italian cuisine-especially olive oil and wine-are very Mediterranean. Olive groves and vineyards have been

15、common in Italy and elsewhere in southern Europe for thousands of years. 意大利菜中的其他主食,特别是橄榄油和葡萄酒,非常具有地中海风味。在意大利以及欧洲南部的其他地方,橄榄林和葡萄园数千年来一直非常普遍。17 New York City has a lot of cheap places to eat. There are pizza places, delis, diners, taquerias, and bagel shops where one can get a good meal for under 5 US

16、 dollars. If you dont want to bother to go inside to find something to eat, you can look no further than the nearest street corner for food stands which provide a surprisingly variety of foods. 在纽约有很多很便宜的吃饭的地方,包括比萨店、熟食店、小餐馆、墨西哥快餐店和贝果面包店等,在这些地方花不到五美元就可以吃得很好。如果你不乐意到这些店里面去找吃的,你还可以在就近街区角落的食品摊吃到各种各样的食物。1

17、8 The meats most commonly used in main courses are chicken, veal (calf) and pork, which are often pan-fried or casseroled. Beef is used as steaks, while lamb is roasted on special occasions, such as Easter and Christmas. Fish and other seafood are often used as main courses. Common vegetables are be

18、ans (greens and pulses), potatoes (often sauted), carrots and salads. 主菜中常吃的肉食有鸡肉,牛肉和猪肉,通常是煎制或炖制的。牛肉常用作牛排,而在万圣节和圣诞节等特殊场合,羊肉则用来烤着吃。鱼类和其他海鲜也常用在主菜中。常吃的蔬菜有豆类(绿色的豆苗和干豆)、土豆(通常炖制)、胡萝卜和色拉。19 The great British breakfast is famous throughout the world. The typical English breakfast is a 19th century invention

19、, when the majority of English people adopted the large meal of porridge, fish, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade. Today many British people are more likely to have a bowl of cornflakes or a cup of coffee with a cigarette than to indulge in the wonders of this feast! 英式早餐全球闻名。最典型的英式早餐创制于19世纪,那时大多数

20、英国人把麦片粥、鱼类、培根荷包蛋和果酱面包作为早餐。而今天很多英国人早餐时更喜欢喝一碗玉米片或一杯咖啡外加一直香烟,而不是继续沉浸在过去的“丰盛”早餐中。20 Although some traditional dishes such as roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, steak and kidney pie, or fish and chips, remain popular, there has been a significant shift in eating habits in Britain. Rice and pasta have acco

21、unted for the decrease in potato consumption and the consumption of meat has also fallen. Vegetable and salad oils have largely replaced the use of butter. 尽管一些传统菜,如烤牛肉、约克郡布丁、牛排腰子派和烤鱼薯片仍很流行,但英国人的饮食习惯已发生了很大的转变。米饭和面食的普及引起了马铃薯消耗量的下降,同时肉食的消耗量也在下降。植物油和色拉油也已大大取代了黄油。四、 常用词汇1 烹调方式: 炒;煸 stir-fry; saut 爆 quic

22、k-fry炸 deep-fry 煎 pan-fry 蒸 steam 炖;煲;焖;煨 stew;braise;simmer白灼,烫 scald 烤;roast broil熏 smoke 铁扒 grill 氽 quick-boil 腌 pickle, salt 卤制 marinate2 切菜方式: 丝 shred 片 slice丁 dice, cube 柳 fillet3 菜名 冷盘:Hors dOeuvres, cold plates, appetizer, starter 热盘:hot dishes 点心:pastry, refreshment 海鲜:海蜇: jellyfish 墨鱼:cutt

23、lefish 鱿鱼:squid 龙虾:lobster 鲍鱼:ablone 海参:sea cucumber 鱼翅:sharks fin 生蚝: oyster 蔬菜:芹菜: celery 西兰花: broccoli 花菜: cauliflower 菠菜: spinach 芦笋: asparagus 刀豆:bean 豆苗: 空心菜:hollow-stem green vegetable 水果:火龙果 the dragonfruit 木瓜 papaya 石榴 pomegranate 柿子 persimmon 荔枝 lychee 点心:饺子:Chinese ravioli馄饨:wanton汤圆:swee

24、t dumpling in soup小笼包子:steamed dumplings with pork filling生煎:pan-fried dumplings with pork filling酒酿圆子:dumpling soup with fermented glutinous rice春卷:spring roll4 酒 白酒、烈酒 strong spirit / liquor 黄酒 yellow rice wine 生啤 draft beer 黑啤 dark beer (酒)加冰的 on the rocks (酒)不加冰的 straight up 干杯 Bottoms up5 饮料 矿泉

25、水 mineral water 鲜榨果汁 fresh juice 西柚汁 grapefruit juice 椰奶 coconut milk 酸奶 yogurt6 烹调 cooking, the culinary art, cuisine, gastronomy7 美食家 gourmet, gourmand, gastronome, epicurean8 美味的 delicious, tasty, yummy 鲜 fresh嫩 tender 脆 crisp, crunchy9 珍馐美味 choice delicacies烹调原料 ingredient佐料 seasonings, condiment 特色菜specialty厨师 chef, cook 菜谱 recipe10 宴会 工作午宴 business luncheon自助餐 buffet鸡尾酒会 cocktail party国宴 state banquet接风宴 welcome dinner饯行宴 farewell dinner11 豆制品 bean product12 素菜 vegetarian food13 转盘lazy Susan14 用餐举止、餐桌礼仪 table manners15 和一起吃、蘸着吃 to go with【精品文档】第 5 页


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