2022年高中英语 Module 2 Developing and developed countries课时练习 外研版必修3.doc

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1、必修三Module 2 Developing and developed countries 课时练习 第一课时 .高频单词必记1 vt.测定;测量;评估2 n. (根据概率得出的)预期数额3 n. 位置4 n. 数字5 adj. 拥挤的 6 n. 交换7 n饥饿 adj.饥饿的8 n贫穷 adj.贫穷的9 n发展 v(使)发展,(使)成长 adj.发展中的 adj.发达的10 vt.教育;培养;训练 n教育11 n类似;相似 adj.相似的12 adj.不幸的;遗憾的 (反义词) adj.幸运的 n运气;命运13 adj.工业的 n工业14 adj. 受到污染的;被污染的 v. 污染 n.

2、污染 15 n. 娱乐 vt. 使娱乐;款待.重点短语必背(课文教学后3分钟小练习检测)1 up 达到;直到;到为止2 progress 取得进步3 the top of 在顶端4 the bottom of 在底部5make 努力6be connected 与有联系;与有关7make comparisons 对进行比较8be close 接近;靠近9increase . (以幅度)增加 第二课时.经典句型必会Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 mi

3、llion children are not being educated. 虽然在发展中国家80%以上的儿童都能上小学,但仍有约1.15亿儿童不能接受教育。解读:although引导让步状语从句仿写:虽然他很有钱,但并不幸福。He is unhappy, _ .2Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age .这是规模和历史相似的城市、城镇之间的一份协定解读:“of某些名词”可用来描述人或事物的特征仿写:这两个孩子年龄相同。The two children are_.3Norway is at the top

4、 of the list, while the US is at number 7. 挪威位于名单之首,而美国名列第七。解读:while在此用作并列连词,表示对比或相反的情况,意思是“然而,但是”仿写:你爱打网球,而我爱阅读。You like playing tennis, _.IV.阅读理解 A(2012郑州第二次质量预测)October 15th is Global Handwashing Day. Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing

5、 world to wash their hands with soap.Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at socalled critical moments.These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public Private Partnership for h

6、andwashing with soap. The goal, they say, is to create a culture of handwashing with soap. The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing diseasecausing germs (细菌). They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap.Rub it into

7、 all areas, including under the fingernails. Then,wash well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth.The Partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. Soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs. And it usuall

8、y leaves a pleasant smell, which increases the chances that people will wash again.It also says that washing hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine.It could help reduce cases of diarrhea (痢疾), which is the second leading cause of child deaths

9、, killing more than one and a half million children a year, by almost half.1What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?ATo keep healthy by washing hands. BTo wash hands with soap.CTo take action to wash hands. DTo wash hands often.2Which of the following is the right way to wash hands?aWa

10、shing hands well under running water.bCovering hands with soap.cDrying hands.dRubbing hands with soap.eWetting hands.Aacbed BedabcCacbde Debdac3Which fact cant explain why soap is important?AIt gives people a longer handwashing time.BIt helps to remove a lot of germs from hands.CIt attracts people t

11、o do more handwashing.DIt gets all people into the habit of washing hands.4According to the last paragraph, diarrhea is a disease that _.Akills half of the kids in the developing countries a yearBcauses the greatest number of child deathsCcan be prevented to some degree by washing hands with soapDca

12、nt be cured without washing handsB(2012江苏南通第一次调研)SYDNEY Australias economic boom is encouraging a steady stream of unexpected visitors looking for work: Americans.US citizens are heading to Australia in small but growing numbers as near 10% unemployment at home drives more to look for jobs Down Unde

13、r, where Chinas thirst for iron ore (矿石) and energy is transforming the Pacific nation into an economic powerhouse.A bricklaying student from Silver Trowel, a leading provider of quality education and training in the building and construction industry, was apprenticed(当学徒) on a building project in W

14、estern Australia, where workers are in short supply.Daniel Davila,a 23yearold floorer from Camarillo, California made the 14hour move across the Pacific two years ago. He had been forced to take a job stocking shelves at a local grocery store for $ 8.90 an hour when he couldnt get work fixing floors

15、.On a good day in Australia, he now makes as much as 50 Australian dollars ( US $ 50.21 ) an hour about twice the amount for a typical flooring job in the US. He plans to start his own flooring business.“I can make what I did in a week in the US in less than a day here,”said Mr. Davila, who lives ne

16、ar a mining boom town in Western Australia.Australian government figures show just under 7,000 Americans currently working on longterm visas, an 80% jump over the past five years.US citizens are now the thirdlargest group applying for socalled 457 work visas, after British and Indian nationals. Amer

17、icans with degrees in areas such as accounting or mine engineering, as well as other skilled workers,can obtain a nonrenewable (不可更新的) permit for as much as a three year stay.After that, they can apply for the renewable 457, which allows up to a fouryear stay.The need for workers is particularly pre

18、ssing in Western Australia.The mining states unemployment rate was 4.5% in November, below the national average of 5.2%. Drivers of heavy trucks can pull in sixfigure salaries while experienced crane (起重机) operators can earn hundreds of thousands a year. Attracting skilled workers is a shift for Aus

19、tralia, which historically sent many of its most highly educated to the US and Europe, according to migration data.5_, a growing number of Americans go to work in Australia.AAs a result of the encouragement of AustraliaBAs a result of high unemployment in the USCOut of their ambition of finding valu

20、able resourcesDOut of their determination to realize their dreams6It can be inferred from the passage that 457 work visas are _.Afor skilled workers in some fields Bfor students on the building projectCespecially for American workers Despecially for those out of work7It is implied in the passage tha

21、t _.Aforeigners have to give up their original professional jobs when working in AustraliaBit is possible for foreigners to earn more money in Australia than in their own countriesCthere are more US citizens hoping to work in Australia than from other countriesDAustralians think it fair to exchange

22、their talent with American skilled workers8Which part of Australia needs workers particularly?ANorthwestern Australia. BEastern Australia.CSoutheastern Australia. DWestern Australia. 第三课时V 单词冲关1measure vt. 测定;测量;评估;考虑n.尺寸;大小;度量单位;措施(1)measure .by .用来衡量be measured by/in 用来衡量/计算(2)take measures/steps/

23、action to do sth.采取措施做某事make sth. to sb.s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物 教材P12原句What does the Human Development Index measure?人类发展指数测定的是什么? You cant measure someoneby the clothes they wear.你不能以衣着衡量一个人。You should improve your working conditions.你们应采取有效措施来改善你们的工作条件。In the old days, my mother always new clothes wit

24、h the Spring Festival coming.过去,妈妈在春节来临时总是为我量身做新衣服。2. position n位置;地点;姿势;地位;立场,处境;职位 in a .position处于的地位/处境in/out of position 在/不在适当的位置be in a position to do sth.(因有能力、金钱或权力等而)能做某事take up (ones) position 就位lose ones position 失业教材P12原句The UK is in the thirteenth position, while China is in the middle

25、 of the list.英国排在第13位,而中国排在名单的中游。This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience.(2011全国高考阅读理解E)这个职位同样适合毕业生或拥有工作经验的人。Youve put me .你使我的处境变得非常困难。When I know all the facts, Ill be in a position to advise you.在我了解所有的事实后,我就能给你提出建议了。It is said that she has

26、.据说她已经失业了。3figure n. 数字;图形;人物;身材v. 计算;认为;以为(1)a key figure关键人物keep ones figure 保持优美的身材(2)figure that .认为figure out 想出,理解;弄明白,看透教材P13原句Complete the chart with figures from the passage.用课文中的数字完成表格。Because leaders are public figures, their apologies are likely to be personally uncomfortable and even pr

27、ofessionally risky. (摘自2011江苏高考任务型阅读)因为领导是公众人物,他们的道歉很可能会引起个人不舒服,甚至冒工作上的风险。She does exercise every morning to .她每天早上做运动以保持身材。Have you the expenses?你把花销都算出来了吗?4exchange n. & v. 交换;调换;兑换;交易(1)make an exchange交换 in exchange (for .) 作为交换()(2)exchange sth.for sth. 以交换 exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物 exchan

28、ge ideas/views/information 交流想法/看法/信息教材P19原句There are visits and exchanges between schools, theatre groups and sports teams.在学校、剧团和体育团队之间都有一些访问或交流活动。I gave her a sweater in exchange for a skirt.我用一件毛衣给她换了一条裙子。 the ideas your partner and then write it down.与你的同伴交换想法后记录下来。Id like to some pounds dollar

29、s.我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。VI短语冲关1up to达到;直到;到为止 教材P11原句Not many children have an education up to 11 years old.达到11岁就接受教育的孩子并不多。The threeyearold boy counted up to a hundred.那个三岁男孩一直数到100。be up to .位于/打算做/正在做(不好的事);胜任It is up to sb.to do sth. 做某事是某人的责任;应由某人做某事Its up to you. 由你做主。I see what youre up to.我知道你在动什么歪脑

30、筋。 to carry out the plan. 应由你执行这项计划。Shall we have red wine or white? 我们来点红酒还是白酒? ! 你看着办吧!2make effort努力教材P12原句The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts.报告表明我们正在取得进步,但是我们还需要尽更大的努力。(1)makean effort /every effort/efforts to do sth.spare no effort不遗余力(2)w

31、ith effort努力地 without effort 不费力地,容易地We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。He crawled and crawled with effort to save the boy in danger.他艰难地爬啊,爬啊,为的是救出险境中的那个男孩。He did it .他毫不费力地做完它。VII.单项填空1(2012大同市一模)Great _ have been made to make our environment more and more beaut

32、iful.AeffortsBpains Ctrouble Dattempt2(2012成都高三质检)A scientist is often _ according to his achievements that he has made.Aregarded Bconsidered Ctaken Dmeasured3Tourism is a major source of _ for the country.Asalary Bwages Cmoney Dincome4(2011烟台质检)The two pairs of shoes are _ the same size.But they ar

33、e different _ color.Aof; from Bof; in Cin; from Din; in5Could you help me to _ what expenses are when taking a trip in Europe?Amake for Blet in Cpick up Dfigure out6Though they are of _ age, they are quite _ opposite _ each other _ character.Aan; an; with; by Ban; the; to; inCthe; an; in; at Dthe; 不

34、填; for; with7Thanks to the economical development, workers wages have increased _ as far as 200% in the recent three years.Afor Bto Cup Dby8(2012哈尔滨模拟)Premier Wen said, “I once again emphasize that it is absolutely unacceptable to sacrifice peoples life and health _ the economic development in any c

35、ase.”Ain the hope of Bin return for Cin the face of Din exchange for9How much if I want to take one?You can take as many as you like because they are free of_.Acost Bcharge Cmoney Dpay10My train was 20 minutes late in the morning and there was a(n)_ delay in the evening.Afamiliar Bsimilar Csame Dequ

36、al11. (2012大连市高三检测)We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, _, in fact, there were 40. A. while B. whether C. what D. which 12_ we have a vast land and still a lot of mineral resources remain to be developed, few breakthroughs in the geological survey have been made recent years.AAlthou

37、gh BUnless CIf DSince13I dont want to bring up the topic, _ why on earth did you get home that late last night?Abut Band Cor Dso14Where and when the meeting is to be held _ our headmaster.Adepend on Bis up to Crelies on Ddecides by15Lily got up very early this morning._, she still came late for the

38、heavy traffic.ABut BTherefore CSo DHowever第四课时VIII.句型冲关1Norway is at the top of the list, while the US is at number 7. 挪威位于名单之首,而美国名列第七。(1)while在本句中用作并列连词,表示对比或相反的情况,意思是“然而,但是”,while引导的从句类似于一个并列分句。I like tea while she likes coffee.我喜欢茶而她喜欢咖啡。 (2)while还可以用作从属连词。可表示时间,意为“在期间”,“当的时候”;可表示让步,意为“虽然”,“尽管”;

39、可表示条件,意为“只要”。While I stayed in Shanghai, I saw Ding Junhui three times. 我在上海期间见了丁俊晖三次。While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings. 尽管我承认他的优点,我还是能看到他的缺点。 there is life, there is hope. 只要有生命就有希望。2Its an agreement between towns or cities of_similar_size_and_age .这是规模和历史相似的城市、城镇之间的一份协定“of抽

40、象名词”可用来描述人或事物的特征,该结构在句中可作表语或定语。(1)be of后加表示度量、种类、形状、颜色等的名词 be of size/weight/height/depth/length/age/colour/shape/kind/type . The two children are of the same age, but are of different heights.这两个孩子年龄相同,但身高不同。(2)be of抽象名词=be该名词相对应的形容词be of (great) value/importance/use/help/intrest=be(very)valuable/i

41、mportant/useful/helpful/interestingThe book he gave me is of great value. The book he gave me .他给我的那本书非常有价值。(3)beofmuch/some/a little/no etc.抽象名词The dictionary is to me. The dictionary is useless to me.这本词典对我毫无用处。VIIII.短文改错(2012太原五中第一学期月考)Some students think a difficult exam is just like a challenge

42、 and the more difficult it is, the more better it will be. They say a difficult exam can help students to find out what they are weak in their studies and improve their learning methods. Though, others were against a difficult exam. In their opinions, if it is very difficult, they may become discourage and feel terrible about their studies. I prefer an exam neither too difficult or too easy. A very easy


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